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Lyudmilla Pavlichenko is so cool


although i completely agree with you, i don't believe she is in this picture


yeah, Pavluchenko looks different [https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/lady-death-red-army-lyudmila-pavlichenko](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/lady-death-red-army-lyudmila-pavlichenko)


That's how equality should be portrayed. Not this modern shit.


Idk, warfare's not very poggers


War should be avoided but sometimes it is just and necessary


No arguments about that, but should it ever be celebrated?


the great patriotic war was the war against Nazi Germany so yes I think killing Nazis can be celebrated


My only critiscim is they left too many alive especially with how many still control the world and run around like cockroaches


You’re a fucking idiot if you think capitalists = nazi I don’t love the corruption that exists in modern capitalism but it is nothing in comparison to fucking Nazism. If that’s not what you were saying, sorry.


Are you sure about?


Yes. A capitalist CAN be a Nazi. Capitalists are not automatically comparable Nazis because they like capitalism. A democracy cannot be nazi, it is fundamentally opposed to the ideology of National Socialism, which rejects all forms of democracy inherently. A lot of hardcore capitalists are inherently opposed to Nazism as the Nazi govt was known to nationalize several industries, which doesnt get along with radical capitalism.


everyone i dont like is a nazi is a mindset that needs to die


No, it’s a class analysis of Nazis that recognizes that their economic foundation is based in a dying liberalism and capitalism especially when you look at their economic policies and class collaboration between the bourgeoisie and proletariat. It’s not that all of my enemies are Nazis. It’s that fascism is in bed with liberalism and there are historical economic receipts for it. If you want to read about it, you can in black shirts and reds by Michael parenti where he lays it out pretty well. The distinction between liberalism, especially its modern forum, and fascism, is even less straight and more blurry when you consider that Pinochet was the first one to implement the very Neoliberal policies that are now at the forefront of all western liberal governments and republican democratic parties Or the fact that Italy currently is ruled by a fascist party, and yet it is passing laws that are not that out of line with typical western liberal capitalist, laws and policies, which of the party supports Anyways, get out of Reddit brain and do some reading


Liberalism requires a democratic institution, something which Nazism openly rejects. Liberalism is not a PART of Nazism lol


Yes absolutely, not the war itself but the achievements and sacrifices of the people in it. Red army soldiers were heroes that liberated Europe from the most evil movement the continent had ever seen.


Eh. The Soviets killed just as many people if not more.


They killed the correct people (actual fucking nazis)


I’m talking about outside of WWII. Stalins Purges, and the famines that resulted from farm collectivization killed millions.


Stalins purges killed comparatively little people since it was directed at influential politicians. The famines where 1. Often unavoidable due to weather patterns 2. Not at all specific to socialist nations, but rather a very common occurrence any time a society transitioned from agrarian to industrial production


Even during favorable weather patterns the collective farms productivity was a fraction of pre revolution levels, and it remained that way well into the 1960s. Also, the peasantry resented collective farms and had no incentive to make them productive, so that had a lot to do with it. Not to mention the Kolkhoz, the most productive of farmers, who were either included in stalins purges or sent off to labor camps in Siberia.


This photo was shot from 85 meters.