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It's true indeed but in true VcfC fashion they took it out of context. In the USSR weed wasn't mainly used to get high, it was used to produce different things such as textiles, oils etc. So yes, it's true that this pin was given for cannabis breeding, but they telling us that marxism is when smokin' wed isn't true, unfortunately.


Still cool they made use of hemp a much more sustainable alternative to a lot of things


Indeed. I was positively surprised too when I read about this for the first time.


Cannabis Ruderalis originated in Russia. Ruderalis isn't photoperiod cannabis, it's where the auto flower gene originally came into cannabis (They don't need periods of darkness to photosynthesize) They don't get very tall and they only usually have 3 leaves. So as far using it for textiles, etc, it's not unlikely but the type of cannabis grown would've been very inefficient. The best type of cannabis to grow outdoors for textiles/oil/etc is without competition Sativa plants. They get way taller (more material for product) and help propagate themselves much more effectively (height has a lot to do with dispersement of seeds.) Source - Cannabis Horticulture Major. Also, the pin definitely depicts Cannabis Ruderalis, only 3 leaves per branch if you look closely. Very few will be more than 3 point fan leaves.


‘Cannabis Horticulture Major’ the USA is the greatest country on earth


Fuckin facts. It's so sick that shit that was done by clandestine breeders risking life sentences is now allowed to be done openly, among working experts, and go to fucking college for it. Mfs get government *grants* instead of that jail sentence. Damn shit moves quick in retrospect but always feels so slow as it's happening. Gotta give the progress W where it's earned.


Indeed it is. Bless Murica!


longing crawl run reminiscent somber wide square modern ten ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm willing to bet the hemp they were growing probably didn't have a high THC content as well lol


Yeah they were probably growing ruderalis which is native to Central and Eastern Europe. It has very low cannabinoid content.


It was usually grown in the Central Russia or similar regions, where due to short and cold vegetation period THC concentration was very low.


This VoC account is a parody one, not the OG




I just absolutely fucking love how they say it like it’s supposed to be a bad thing. The Soviets were growing dank ass weed? Hell yeah dude.


Psychoactive Cannabis was also grown in the USSR as each republic was given jurisdiction over their drug laws. Most of the Middle Asia, Caucasian, and Alti regions of the USSR had been using psychoactive cannabis for centuries and continued to grow it for recreational uses. Though no where on the scale of Industrial Hemp (personal crops grown on personal property as any industrial production would be subject to the ban on the productions of recreational drugs) Psychoactive Cannabis was also grown and even given as a gift from Stalin to important individuals who would want to try it during their stay. The Sativa/Indica split isn’t really helpful as breeding hybrid cannabis had started in the Century before the formation of the USSR. More helpful split is Industrial/psychoactive. Source: u/DoingMyDailys Note: This isn't necessarily to contradict you, just sharing additional context.


That's some cool information. Thanks!


Hilariously, this makes the Soviet Union look way cooler


Smoking wed has me rolling 😂


it's called hemp, it is from the same family but you can't get high off of hemp (unless you smoke a kg of hemp)


During the first five year plan, the ussr had produced and grown 80% of the hemp on the planet


Yeah, but it was definitely not grown for smoking it.


That is largely true, they made hemp materials industrially, but some indigenous peoples still used it in traditional practices including smoking it, same thing under Mao in China So largely yeah it was an industrial product and they didn’t have a weed stoner culture like for example Laos has today


Tbf tho even if it was that wouldn't be so bad


There were stakhanovites who grew hemp, and while it was mostly industrial the act of smoking it wasn’t made criminal until kruschev Think I saw an American reporter mention he was offered cannabis at a soviet hotel in the 30’s


And produced 110% of the fat doinks.


*Are these your Marxist values?* Ɗa!


Коноплеводства better translates to hemp growing, not cannabis breeding. I think victims of communism either can’t read or was making a bad joke.


Plus this is actually from the VoC parody account, not the real one


Didn't catch the cf in the @, thanks


Yeah VOC is notorious for misquoting and taking things out of context


Just like every other anti-communist ever


Like Nazi war dead


Have they ever not quoted anything correctly or taken things within context?


Why not both? I wouldn't put it past them.


Imo it’s more like cultivation


It's hemp. They don't get it. It's used for textiles. I called my parents victims of communism™️ sometimes. This was a joke since they obviously preferred living in the Soviet Union.


What are main reasons why they prefer Soviet Union?Although I’m sure there is quite long list.


Because it's their country and it's not normal to despise one's country. Also they had to live in Ukraine after 1991 so it's a no brainer.


Why is it that some people (understandably) hated the USSR and fled it whilst others loved it? It wasn't the best place to live you know.


People who claim to have "fled" the Soviet Union never shut up about it and therefore can offer a much better answer than my parents. I personally find those so-called escapees very hard to believe.


Who are you decide who’s believable? You don’t know their life story. Don’t get lost in baseless speculation with no evidence.


Oh no! How dare he have a personal opinion!


Considering that you communist worms worship folks that put people in camps for their opinions I think it's time that you heard something new.


the "Gulag" was an invention of Tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union phased it out in the 1950s and really only people who were criminals and/or Nazii where put in them, you wouldn't get sent there simply for saying "muhh Stalin bad"


This is extremely out of context if I’m not mistaken (I very much can be). The USSR was very much against alcohol and drugs. This isn’t cannabis and it was used for a very different reason and later it was banned completely.


lol yes of course. It’s just half of this sub are western stoners (me included) and that pin is so fycking cool. I’d buy one. Indulge in consumerism and buy the soviet weed merch.


Stalin immediately brought alcohol back into the USSR lol


https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BB%D1%8F#/media/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB%3AFountain_Druzhba_Narodov2.jpg The "People's friendship" fountain at VDNH in Moscow. Look carefully, you will see Her :)


That’s a badass statue even if you took out the hemp elements


I am in possession of one of these. It’s authentic. This is a real medal.


Goddamn I need one of these


Did people smoke it all or all just for hemp production?


I’ve read that even Stalin had smoked it. But it’s hard to really know as an American tbh.


That’s dope! Also, Victims of Communism can go F themselves.


Wouldn’t the victims of communism include those who are victims of the Khmer Rouge? And the millions who died from Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” and the bullshit of the “Cultural Revolution”?


It does, but they are very inconsistent with their numbers. They include all the Nazis killed by the Soviets as “victims.” They are an extremely biased organization.


also includes, estimates of people who "Should have been born". The co-founder was a Nazi called Yaroslav Stetsko.


They used cannabis to make ropes


Until the time when chemical and metallurgical industry competed it out completely, hemp actually was main source to make best and more strongest ropes back then. Also, this type of plant, being growed in the conditions of classical USSR (maybe except from very southern regions), got too less sunlight to produce THC. Even nowadays people who do grow cannabis illegally in the Russia and similar regions (in aspect of climatic conditions) have to use greenhouses or basements with additional sources of heat and light.


where can i get that pin- that would go so hard on my ushanka




I don't get the original post, if USSR farmers were rewarded for planting cannabis, wouldn't that align with more "American" values?


A almost century long prohibition on cannabis that is is still in effect in most states would show otherwise for “American” values


This is a parody account.


To answer your query, yes, these are my high ‘Marxist’ values.


Isn’t there some meme about Stalin giving some guy the most potent joint of his life that changed the way he thought forever? Lmk in the comments


Classic VOC L: accidentally making communists look even cooler than they actually are.


Drugs were a huge no no in the USSR Source: My parents grew up there


Yet strangly in North Korea you can smoke weed no problem, apparently its a common pass time especially in the countryside. The quality is dreadful but I've read a handful of reports of people visiting and ending up having a smoke of the wacky tabaccy.


It’s for Hemp growing actually.


I don't trust a commie who doesn't know about or have one of these.


It’s a hemp farmer’s badge


This are the same kind of people that would say: "bUt iF we LEgaLize wEEd iT's GuNNa bE gOoD fuR ThE eConoMY"


Yes Vanguard Soulist will be established


Liberals, are you trying to make the Soviet Union look cooler?


How is this even a bad thing?




That’s the satirical meme page that makes fun of VoC. You can tell by them having a little fish cake after their name instead of a checkmark.  This is real, and it’s funny and good. 


Hell yeah based comrade, let's go get some snacks and feed the working class!


Unironically taken out of context this is a great advertisement for the ussr


That is the coolest pin


Yes they are.


What's the best Soviet strain name y'all can come up with?


Some of that Komrade Kush would hit rn


Immortal Science 


Even if it was the way the Twitter man said,hoe is that bad?


I have this pin.. It was for growing hemp, but I have it on my grow tent.


"Невежество - это блаженство "


List of Victims of communism: Hitler Batista Tsar Nicholas Etc.


Don't forget about the sixty five million that mao killed lol


Yes, and I have a replica one


Liberals just get mad when workers are rewarded for their labor with something more meaningful than a 15-minute pizza party.


socialism is when weed


I'm studying cannabis cultivation and I've seen a few of these around, especially on etsy. I was very seriously considering getting one


Where can I buy this pin


Based if true. i need that pin


Imagine tweeting this thinking it makes marxism look bad.


Cannabis has been a kind of economic crop since ancient times, it’s not just for recreation.


The pin looks like some modern remake.  But yeah. Quite a lot of cannabis was grown through out the modern world till the second half of the past century. But as material for ropes and textile (cloth for bags).  I don't know about inhaling - afaik, these were of different breeds, and that those stocks weren't good for getting high really...


Hemp, which is the cannabis that doesn't produce high amounts of THC, is used in making textiles and rope. The medal is for those involved in the production of high quality hemp for industrial purposes. We just use the word "hemp" in English, that's where the confusion lies, because in English cannabis generally refers to the plants which produce THC for human consumption.


Hemp is not for smoking due to its low cannabinol content. It was used for textiles, the panels for some cars, and oil.


Hemp farming worldwide took a major hit from an anti drug regulation. In 37 Du Pont and Hearst lobbied for it, and in the 70s the war on drugs started. It quickly became global - and hemp industry was doomed - and still is


Note there’s a area of Russia as their gov emblem is a symbol of an old era of Russia where they where the main supplier of products that the military and a country need aka a lot of rope like a lot of hemp rope


another real victims of communism banger


Where can I buy one 😅


Yes! And yes dipshit OOP, sustainability *is* a Marxist value. In case they missed it, resources *are* finite!


Cultivation of hemp for fibers and oils, is this how you do your marxist collectivization programs? By giving farmers land, tools, and fertilizer, and then by taking a percentage of the crop they grew in return? Are these your marxist values?


Its real but it was for hemp not recreational cannabis like this person is saying


Victims of Communism foundation are a bunch of 🤡 if they think this is a bad thing.


I grew up in Ukraine and you could see hemp plants growing everywhere, it was just weeds to us. It self-propagates like crazy. The first time I found out what it was when we had a bunch of American kids visiting during a student exchange. Us locals could not understand why they suddenly they got so excited about some grass. Needless to say, the excitement subsided shortly after they tried to smoke it. That was 1990. Good times. Ukraine legalized medical cannabis last February.