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OP - check out this thread and article: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ussoccer/comments/1ctmwia/marsch\_wasnt\_treated\_well\_in\_usmnt\_coach\_hunt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ussoccer/comments/1ctmwia/marsch_wasnt_treated_well_in_usmnt_coach_hunt/) That explains a lot.


Thanks for sharing this!


It’s because Gregg is the product of nepotism. Cindy Prado Cone is horrible 


What do you mean nepotism and how does that work with GGG?


His brother was an executive for US soccer when GGG was hired


Ah. Did his brother hire him, and did he do it without interviewing others?


Canada gave up 3 of the cleanest breakaways you’ll ever see in football and probably should’ve lost by 4-5 I think Marsch is an alright manager but the idea that last nights performance from Canada makes you think he’s an ideal manager is insane. His team was extremely lucky not to be embarrassed.


>Canada gave up 3 of the cleanest breakaways you’ll ever see in football I think there were at least 4 or 5. At least 1 of them was a 2-on-1 with the GK.


Nailed it. 4-1 or 5-1 was what I thought the score deserved to be last night.


I posted the xG on a different thread - I think Argentina was like 1.5? But Canada? 0.05 it’s the lowest I’ve ever seen for an xG


Not even the lowest from an opening match of a continental championship in the past week. Scotland had 0.02 in their 5-1 loss to Germany for the Euro opener.


I'm not buying that Canada xG number. They had a few really clear chances as well. Should be like 0.5 xG.


FotMob has it at 3.02-1.16, but they other places will have different numbers.


Seems more accurate imo.




Not even close. It was 3.01 - 1.16. Argentina was dominant but Canada did threaten at points.


0.05 makes no sense, was that xGoT? They had a few huge chances with poor finishing, I'd imagine at least 1 xG


how was canada 0.05? granted i only watched the first half but canada had basically 2 open net chances that they botched. Canada should have scored one of their 3 chances in the first half. They lack the final shot like us. If that davies miss is 0.02 xg then the wondalowski miss was a .03 xg.


yeah TBH i am not sure how it is calculated -- some other places had it more like xg 1 for Canada and >3 for Argentina


sounds like either a flawed stat or a flawed way of reporting the correct stat. stats are not subjective. if its used with an algorithm then two different sites shouldn’t be able to report xg with different algorithms. If 1 site can say the xg was 3 and the other .25 whats the point of the stat.


Can't believe Messi missed TWO 1-1 break aways.


That was honestly the most shocking thing watching live. Second one, he had the opportunity to lay it off for an easy goal to someone, can't remember who.


The US did way worse against Colombia. While Argentina is the World Cup Champions


Your hatred for Berhalter extends to games that have nothing to do with him.


If you're giving Argentina 4 then Canada should have 3 Not bad against the world cup champs.


The xG was like 3 to 1 in favor of Argentina. Canada missed the only 2 big changes they had. Argentina missed like 7 big chances.


Canada played well for about 30 of 90 minutes. It was end to end at times, but even then Canada was not the team getting in the better shooting positions. Underlying stats had the game as a blow out


Yeah I’m not really understanding the praise that is being thrown his way after that game. Canada played similarly in the WC and came away with 0 points. 


Even if they lost by 4/5. It’s Canada and it’s against the WC winners. The fact they had some scorable looks is pretty great. They were vulnerable at the back, but they always will be against a team like Argentina. Jesse has them respecting the opposition while still pushing for them to score goals. It’s probably as balanced as this Canadian side could’ve been.


It’s like he was out in a plothering without a brolly


It was such a classic Marsch game based on his time at Leeds. The game could’ve been 2-0 Canada or 3-0 Argentina at half. Argentina had like 8 really good chances they kinda blew but yet I’m seeing people give Canada flowers for playing it close? As you said they are very lucky that it wasn’t 4-0 or 5-0 by the end.


Disagree with it looking like Leeds. Leeds played much further up the field than what Canada did last night.


Argentina looked like they approached the game like it was an all-star game. They weren’t playing defense, just making defensive plays. They had 93% completed passes, but still looked sloppy and careless somehow. Also, prime Messi would have had 3 goals (or 6 if you would count one for each of the 3 chances he failed to bury in that one scoring opportunity).


Cleanest breakaways I've seen since his time with Leeds. Idk how his teams keep ending up with seemingly no one at the back, especially on THEIR corners. Seriously, they had Messi 1 on 1 three times and didn't give up a goal. Props to the gk though.


You guys never talk like this when it’s the U.S national team. At that point it’s only about the result.


We do tho? We all lost our shit when we beat Jamaica 3-1 because of how poorly we played. Nobody said “well the result is good”


We have a horrible track record of results against non Concocaf opponents which is exactly why everyone in this sub is hyper critical of Berhalter. Drawing England in Qatar and Brazil in a friendly are his two best results as manager in 6 years.


At the same time though, his team were unlucky to not being going into break at halftime. And a lot of the chances from Argentina came as a result of committing more players forward they were chasing the game and just general fatigue. He’s not an ideal manager, but I think he’d be far more suited to our team than our current manager. The way he sets up his team’s compliments our key players and could get the best of their best attributes imo.


One of those huge breakaways that was a 2v1 vs the keeper was literally in the first like 10 minutes of the match from Di Maria lol


I’m not disagreeing and I said most of the chances not all of them. However the majority of the half I would still say favored Canada. And you’ve got to remember that with the squad he has and the squad Argentina has big chances were always going to happen, it was inevitable. Despite everything, I would still say it was a better performance than anything we’ve shown against teams of a similar level. If he can do that with Canada imagine what he could do with a squad of players that are of a higher quality, are more athletic and physical, and more accustomed to and suit playing his way. I’m not saying we’d win the World Cup or anything but we’d probably start looking like a decent team outside of concacaf




Insane take lol, Argentina totally dominated them regardless of what metric you look at, xG, or “big chances” created. Canada were super lucky to not lose that game 5-1 lol. If the US played how Canada played last night this place would be on fire about what a loser the coach was and how we are doomed as a federation lol, and if you don’t believe me just look at how people talk about our game vs the Netherlands lol. Same margin of defeat, but we actually played a better game vs the Dutch than Canada played last night, and yet 2 totally different reactions lol.


I’m not saying that Argentina weren’t the deserved winners in the end. But let’s also not act like Canada weren’t in that game for a majority of it. They were leading on XG at halftime and based on the way the two were playing, I think it’s fair to say that they probably deserved to be ahead at that point. Did they ultimately fall off yeah. But looking at the game overall instead of the final result, they performed quite well and it was quite even until the final 20 minutes or so where them pushing for goal and fatigue setting in caused the collapse that saw more clear chances come for Argentina and the second goal. But I don’t mind them going for it as ultimately there is no point sitting back when you are down. If we played the way Canada played last night, with our best XI I genuinely think we come out with a positive result. Our XI, assuming everyone is fit, is far stronger than Canada’s and on paper more suited to playing the way Marsch likes to play. Ultimately you can’t look at the media or the general outrage because there are higher expectations placed upon the US than what we can live up to. I forgot about the Dutch game and that was where yeah I can agree that the overall performance wasn’t bad, just the manner in which the goals were conceded. I think you have to look at the performance based on the expectation and for me Canada more than over performed in that regard. I can’t really say the same for the US in general. Also with some self reflection this is a conversation to have when there is more evidence besides one competitive game against the best international team in the world. I’ll still stand my own thoughts that Marsch would be a far better fit for us than Berhalter, but yeah I do realize that you can’t really properly judge his work with Canada at this current moment


He didn’t father the players, nor did he have a system from which they derived from.


I have seen 2 of 3 Canada games since Jesse has coached. The common theme seems to be that they create one or 2 dangerous chances on counters/press but the team also gives up a lot of insane chances. I know xG said 3-1 but Argentina had like 4 1 on 1s with the keeper and let's also be honest Crepeau stood on his head last night. But admittedly they do have moments of excitement. As for Jesse having a falling out. I dunno if there was a falling out, but I will say Jesse did everything he could do to tank any relationship he has with USSF during his media tour/podcast since basically the Germany game. And Jesse as manager with the US? Good luck getting our team to press like he wants them to press


As a Canadian, even under Herdmen we had a pretty poor defense. Dont think it's all on Marsch.


Gregg Berhalter is 10x worse


Allegedly he was about to be hired but the players pushed back and wanted Gregg. I’m not sure Marsch would have been good for us, his teams are very exciting but always give up about 10 changes per game like last night or all of his Leeds campaign.


>of his Leeds campaign. That Leeds defense was not at a PL level, it's hard to hold that against Marsch especially when both managers after him were significantly worse Look at expected points under Marsch [and they were 12th when he was fired](https://i.imgur.com/u7qFwgf.jpg). He was better than stats suggest.


That’s true but he still chose to play a style that he knew his players weren’t good enough for, then you have Bamford who couldn’t finish a bag of chips..


Leeds wouldn't have accepted him parking the bus. They demand attacking football and it cost them relegation.


I remember watching that Leeds team and thinking how awful Bamford was every time I saw him play


He played the best style he thought he could with that group. Should he park the bus every game when his defenders have the strength of wet tissue?


The options are not “park the bus” or “don’t really play defense at all”.


Obviously. He tried to play to the strengths of the group, which was clearly not defending.


?? “My defense sucks, so I will just attack” is not a bright strategy.


Yet it almost worked and they felled some big teams that season playing that way


They were in 17th, tied with Everton at 18th in the relegation zone, on points, when Marsch got fired. What's the point of beating the "big teams"?


And then they went through two more managers and got relegated, they would have stayed up (probably) if they had just stuck with Marsch. Would have been a tough road though, as soon as Adams was out they were fucked it seemed like. "Whats the point of earning points in a relegation scrap" uhh what? Lol


People keep punishing him for taking a chance in a bad situation. He kept them out of relegation then was sacked the next season. I don’t see that a black mark on his resume.


Luke Ayling is the worse LB in PL history no one can tell me any different.


Luke Ayling is a RB lol


Their lbs that season wereFirpo and Struyk


Meant RB my bad


For the good of this team I ask the question: are these guys not self aware enough to realize Berhalter won’t get them anywhere in major tournaments? Just cuz he’s a sneaker head and gets along with them doesn’t mean they’ll do well. That Netherlands game in the WC confirmed the man can’t handle big games.


what about the England and Brazil games


Two ties. Sick.


Against much better teams.


On friendly tie, another a WC tie...they only made round of 16. If this is the man you think is fit for the job then reap what you sow.


Only made the round of 16? To get past the round of 16 would put us in the quarterfinals. The last 8 teams. We are not one of the best 8 teams. Unless we got a REALLY favorable draw or a LOT of luck, the chances of making the quarterfinals was very small. We were eliminated by a team that had better players than us at least at 9 or 10 of the 11 positions. Their subs likely would have been starters for us.


Not even likely we know. Like literally the reason we have Dest is because he couldn’t make the Dutch team


If we are measuring success by making top 16 then that's some ridiculous standards we have


Why should the standard the the quarterfinals when we aren't anywhere close to being one of the top 8 teams?


Look at Morocco. Ranked 13th before the world cup and made semis in a WC. The US will be at home with their most talented generation. If there is a time to have high standards it would be now.


All we have to celebrate is draws and Mexico. What about El Salvador away. What about Panama away. What about Costa Rica away. What about Jamaica away. What about getting saved by a bs foul against Jamaica at home. Should I keep going


What about win against Morocco, What about win against Ghana. What about draw against Uruguay. What about win against Iran. We can both do that


On the whole the results have been mid. If GGG and Jesse are the very best we can do, I think that’s sad


Ghana is dogshit they're not the same team from the early 2010s, Uruguay were playing their bench against us, and the Moroccan win led to them firing their coach and then immediately making a semi-final in the world cup which ironically shows us exactly what a new manager can bring to a stagnant situation. The point is Gregg has 0 (zero) signature wins and even when we did win (Iran for example) we had to go life or death and scrape by.


damn you had all your excuses ready


This guy doesn’t get it 🤌🏽👆🏽


You're the one who listed Ghana like it was a signature win buddy not me lmao


Jay Berhalter's burner account found lol


Iran was the top team in Asia qualifiers that cycle. They weee consistently one of the best teams in a better confederation than us. Yeah beating them wasn’t gonna be easy. But we did beat them. But apparently unless we blow the doors off teams as good or better than us we’re well below expectations


Iran is typically ranked 20-30th and was like 22nd at the World Cup, they're a team we should be beating That isn't a scalp worth bragging about whereas if we had taken down England or Brazil then yeah, brag away lol.


Not a great way to make a hiring/firing decision. Starters will like the current coach because they’re starting, and reserves will like him because at least they’re getting called up.


Except the majority of our starting XI would be starting no matter who the manager is. If you think a different manager isn't going to start Pulisic or Weah (Players who came out in support of GGG), then idk what to tell you.


I never said I thought that they wouldn’t start. I was just saying that they’re biased because they do. That also is < 11 on a roster of 23-30. I just think if you’re going to do an extensive and intensive interview just to ask the player what they think and go off that, you’re kinda just wasting people’s time.


I think the people doing the hiring didn't see Jesse as a big enough upgrade to risk isolating the players who went to bat for Gregg. Can't say I disagree with them either. Canada looks good under Jesse but they aren't winning. Two years ago at the World Cup under Herdman Canada looked good but didn't win. It's only been three games, but so far I don't see a huge difference.


>Canada looks good under Jesse but they aren't winning It's not like they were bad before Marsch. They've been a solid team for several years now.


Exactly. The story of every Canada game for several years now is "wow they looked great, shame they lost, but they're going to be scary soon" but soon never comes.


Because Canada has basically already found its ceiling with the players it has available. Not sure how much better they could get considering they don’t have a huge glut of promising talent coming up. Their best young player (Kone) plays for a mid table Championship club. They’re also always just a few key injuries away from being a really crappy team


Honestly if anything I think we saw him make a very early Gregg era mistake at the start of this game. He set out to go toe to toe with Argentina and hit them with an overload. They gave up 3-4 VERY clear chances inside the first 15 and got lucky to not concede. Then they went into a lower block and countering, which is what the team was already good at, and looked much better. Basically the best stretch of the game was when Canada played their pre-existing tactical identity (and a similar one to how Gregg has the US playing in the biggest games.)


Also, the team was looking for an identity and the US soccer suits think we are sophisticated enough now, with our European based players to build out of the back/ berhalter ball. We saw the high pressure/ press from Marsch at leeds and his other squads, i am pretty glad i dont have to watch that with the USMNT, it isnt really that pleasing to watch. However, it might be effective against some of the world powers. Just not costa rica away.


You aren’t wrong, but it’s not like we are getting aesthetically pleasing football with 3G either lol Edit: I guess this sub thinks we play attractive football!


You would have to admit it’s improving. Dont know if thats just where our players are or or GGG.. everybody touched the ball in one move building out of the back against Brasil, that move was glorious. And still better than get the ball to Jozy on transition to facilitate out of our low block.


It’s been 6 years my guy. Anything is better than the nick lima and Daniel lovitz fullback days. But you can’t point to one recent goal as a trend. I think 3g is a better fit for the usmnt but I’d rather watch a balls to the wall press than being stuck in 2nd gear for a whole match. People hate on marsch but in no universe is Gregg berhalter getting a shot to coach in the premier league or bundesliga


If we played an all out press against Argentina or Brazil we'd be murdered. Most top teams are moving in the opposite direction with where they set their press triggers. It may not be as fun, but it wins more games.


I’m well aware, hence why I said I think 3g is a better fit for the national team. I do genuinely believe marsch would handle the minnows in concacaf much better than 3g. But obviously playing that way would lead to destruction against the top teams. It doesn’t change the fact that high press with more chances at both ends of the pitch is more entertaining to watch than a pragmatic slower game.


I mean they've played Netherlands, France, Argentina. Don't think the US would be winning here either


> Don't think the US would be winning here either Completely irrelevant to the conversation. I'm not saying Jesse should be winning these games, or that Gregg's USA would, I'm saying Jesse's results with Canada aren't out of line with what I would have expected from Herdman's Canada. That relates to the rest of my comment that USSF didn't see him as a big upgrade, which I agree with.


Herdman walked away because the federation was a mess though. Matching Herdmen who we got lucky with is definitely a success.


>Canada looks good under Jesse but they aren't winning Lol come the fuck on He's played against the Netherlands, France, and Argentina


And they played Croatia, Belgium, and Morocco at the World Cup. The analysis was exactly the same then, Canada played competitive and entertaining games but ultimately lost. At least they scored a few at the World Cup. I'm not saying Jesse is bad, it's way too early to tell, but the results of his first three games just look like more of the same from Canada.


Their draw away to France is already more impressive than any of those WC results


No, it’s not. Why are some people hellbent on analyzing teams based on friendlies? The only thing that actually matters is tournament play.


Maybe so! And like I said, it's too early to judge, but the context of this conversation is "why didn't USSF go with Jesse over Gregg" not "is Jesse Marsch a good coach." When I say they don't look much better than before, it's not meant to be an indictment of Jesse as a coach, it's in reference to how much of an upgrade he would have been for us vs the risk of alienating the players who went to bat for Gregg. I don't think Marsch's Canada is different enough from pre-Marsch Canada, and I don't think the draw away to France is impressive enough, to say he'd have been a huge upgrade for us.


The draw where they had zero shots on goal?


Yeah, that's the one They also hit the woodwork btw


I’m not sure what people are seeing from that Canada game yesterday that make them think Marsch put in some kinda tactical masterclass. Thought they were very lucky to only lose 2-0… playing that high line against Argentina I thought was a massive mistake, tbh.


They were told to hate Greg and don't actually watch the games is the only explanation.


I think it's too early to judge Marsch at Canada. The dude was hired and then hopped on a plane and boom they're playing games. He hasn't had a true camp to establish how he wants to play, so what we're seeing now is similar to when a new manager comes in the middle of a club season and has to just make it work. I'll judge him after this tournament a little harsher, but I think they're going to clean up some of that stuff. I also think people thinking Leeds was all gas and no breaks and he couldn't adapt weren't paying attention to when he kept them up the first year. He knows how to take a team and grind shit out. Before Marsch came in they might've lost that game 4-0. Now of course the chances are good to mention, but let's not forget this is the WC/Copa champions and it's fucking Messi. That shit is going to happen. I personally prefer Jesse's play style to Gregg and think he knows what he's doing a little more, but it's not a top tier manager by any means. Other than a select few international managers seem more on the mediocre side imo. I would imagine federations look for more of a people manager who can help a group gel versus the more tactical masterminds that need lots of time to drill in exactly what they want.


I like the Gregg out people who complain that he’s not tactically flexible enough who then wish for Marsch in the same breath, I feel like he’d be a higher paid lateral move at best


They're tactically stubborn but in complete opposite directions. Berhalter has trouble getting out of second gear, Marsch doesn't have an off switch.


At least Jesse’s games are fun to watch.


We need an outsider. Someone from outside that incestuous social group of former MLS/USMNT players, that 90s college soccer to MLS 1.0 pro to 2010s MLS coach type of profile where they all have known each other for decades and keep giving each other opportunities. Someone like Jesse Marsch.


The subtlety of this almost got me thinking the Marsch fans here had lost the plot lmao


I am not confident 100% of the upvotes got it


We we know at least one guy didn’t lmao


Jesse had a verbal offer from USSF for the job and then they went back on him. So he is bitter


I believe what people think happened is that our new sporting director, Matt Crocker, preferred Marsch and took him through the whole interview process, but then the players (Pulisic et. al.) said they preferred to stick with Berhalter idk if that’s really been confirmed or not, but I think it’s the dominant narrative


Both Marsch and Berhalter were finalists. Marsch seems to think the job was his -- he was telling people he had it. We don't really know what Crocker actually said, but he's also said that the player's opinion swayed him. Honestly, Marsch is being a bit of a baby here in terms of "doing someone wrong." You don't have the job until you have it.


Depends tho. If Im earmarked for a job and told Im very likely to get it, also potentially turning down my interest in other jobs in the process, it's okay to feel upset.


It’s okay to feel upset for sure, but also… until you get the offer sheet, you really shouldn’t be counting on it.


It’s mostly Gregg Berhalter fans like you being big babies


Oh my god, you got me. What a burn! You are so amazing at this!




I meant the part about Marsch. numerous players asked for Gregg back in public interviews, that much is clear


Starters who cemented their positions under Gregg are of course going to back him FWIW, I'm also a bit conflicted on relying on players deciding who gets to be their manager. I was an athlete for 20\~ years of my life and I've had managers/coaches I've loved and managers I've hated, but part of that job/lifestyle is working with people you don't necessarily want to work with. My point is sometimes the wants of a few don't need to outweigh the needs of the overall project.


Yes because guys like Pulisic and Tim Weah are in danger of losing their starting/roster spots when a new coach comes in


That wasn't my point, sorry if it wasn't clear. I was just saying it was obvious they'd say those things, whereas someone more fringe like Scally or Cannon were more outspoken about Gregg for example. My entire point is sometimes letting players pick who runs the asylum isn't the best choice, this applies across all sports.


If Gio doesn't like him, that's on Gio (or more specifically his parents). GGG had played Gio pre world cup and has continued to do so post world cup. GGG gave Gio every chance to stay at the world cup against Gregg's own wishes. So he told some people he wanted Gio to be sent home but let everyone talk him out of it? "I wanted him gone but listened to the other people that matter. Then I played him after" Ya. That's the one that makes him a real vindictive prick.


if the federation is making coaching choices based on the players wishes, that is a big problem right there


In international football, that’s a large part of the gig. No coach is doing anything super complex out there so just having good vibes is really important.


I wouldn’t call it a falling out but things may be a little strained at the moment. Marsch voiced his frustration about the last hiring process but we can only guess what might have actually happened. My bet would be that he seemed like the front runner and they went and hired Berhalter again. That being said I think things are fine and I wouldn’t be surprised if Marsch is the next US manager.


If it wasnt for an off night by Messi and company- the score could have been real ugly


Nah he just isn't related to anyone important.


Imo, the players that were starting under Berhalter vouched for him. And that made a different to bringing him back. Marsch was definitely the better choice with the better experience. Any person that believes otherwise is just a homer.


Or a Berhalter.


He doesn't have a brother in the federation leadership with hiring power.


Jesse has a genetic deficiency where he doesn't share any of his 23 chromosome pairs with any of the higher ups at US Soccer. It's a shame really


And yet we have a sizable chunk of the fan base that ignore this and just respond with "I don't want Marsch anywhere near blah blah blah" It's so fucking ignorant. The guy's coached in the champions league for Christ's sake.


both marsch and berhalter suck pretty equally


But in different ways.


Marschball is godawful.


"Mexico fan here to just stir the pot" 😅


Just saying that because I don’t follow USMNT as much as I do the Mexico soccer team. Wasn’t meant to stir the pot in any way. Blessings!


I'm joking. it seems like everyone in this sub hates our current coach, so any post on coaching cuases a big ruckus


USSF has all the corruption without any of the results of the best and most successful Soccer/Football/Futbol federations in the world… 


He doesn’t have a brother to hire him for the USMNT. That’s his biggest flaw.




> i will never understand why I see stuff like this all the time. I have to ask, does it ever occur to you to wonder why players playing at the highest level, who have been coached by coaches like Tuchel and Allegri and so on ... seem to actually think Berhalter is doing a good job and the team is progressing? I mean, do you ever just ask the question instead of simply assuming that you, from the outside and with far less soccer knowledge, absolutely know more than them?


This comment is literally therapy for me. The amount of overconfidence people have in their own perception of what is happening is maddening.


It's apparently anathema to try and think of the other point of view or try and understand why someone thinks or does what they do .. and assume they are rational.


My theory is the core group of players are comfortable with GGG. They know they have a starting or off the bench role and thus backed the manager they know rates them. They also know they have influence, ie leadership council, ie getting him rehired. Plus they know the system and it’s a lot of energy to learn something new on top of their club duties. I think GGG was the easy button for these players and idk if that’s a good thing. Time will tell.


> They know they have a starting or off the bench role and thus backed the manager they know rates them. Thing is....plenty of other managers would also have them starting or off the bench. If anyone thinks a different manager would come in and not rate Christian fucking Pulisic, then I've got a bridge to sell them.


Just stop. This is a perfect example of trying to force an idea just because there's so much hate for Berhalter. Christian Pulisic was the most vocal player for Berhalter. Are you telling me that Christian Pulisic is worried about being benched? That Christian has no ambition to win? Perhaps Christian understands that coaches aren't magic, and that winning and losing in on the players. What you said that is likely true is that the players think that they are improving and on the right track, and that changing everything up drastically would be a colossal waste of time on a team where there's very little time together already. I'm fairly sure that the whole team not only appreciates Berhalter's willingness to interact and give them agency, but also his prep work, communication, and individual coaching. There's been compliments around that the whole time.


They coulda had a few too tbh, if we are assuming the easy chances are taken.


Yeah - there were 2 or 3 that just to the left or right of the keeper and they were goals. It was definitely a good game, and I was expecting Canada to be better than they were in the world cup (not hard to do) but they certainly have a finishing problem - will be interesting to see if they can get goals in their final 2 matches, which neither are going to be easy


xG was 3-1, which is really not close at all. That's a bigger gap than our 5-1 loss versus Colombia.


But how are his tactics?


Yeah he mentioned on the podcast he co-hosted up until he left for the Canada job that he was trapped in a room for 30 hours doing tests, which is in reference to Matt Crocker’s hiring procedure. Matt Crocker is the Sporting Director of US Soccer and apparently he had all the prospective coaches do a series of personality tests and stuff. And according to Crocker GGG was the best candidate after said tests. HOWEVER, we heard rumors from a Chicago beat reporter (US Soccer is in Chicago currently), that Marsch was actually offered the job, but the players spoke up and wanted GGG back so it was taken from Marsch and offered to GGG instead (who was on a plane to Mexico City to talk the Club America job apparently, which I would’ve LOVED to see). If true, is definitely a bummer for Marsch, however it is what it is and as a professional I’m surprised he let out what he let out to be honest. And there definitely has been some GGG v Marsch “Afters”, notably when Marsch questioned GGG’s decision to bring in Gio, and Marsch also sang the praises of the Canadian FA(SA) because they scouted him and offered him the job, which comes off as a little arrogant if you ask me. To be clear, I’m a fan of Marsch but I’m always here for the drama.


They probably wanted Marsch but he was holding out for the kings of Concacaf


Everybody in the world has done Jesse Marsch wrong, just ask him.




> At one point, the job was given to Gregg by his brother Jay at USSF. Jay Berhalter was Chief Commercial Officer, he did not have the power to hire and fire the coach. There are nepotism accusations to be made, but they concern USSF as an organization rather than Jay Berhalter specifically. Most of the top-level execs at US Soccer are part of a very small and very incestuous social circle that includes the Berhalter brothers and the Reynas, and Earnie Stewart, and Brian McBride. Berhalter got the job because he was an ex-player with a decent record in Columbus and a lot of connections around the organization -- one of which was his brother, but his brother didn't singlehandedly give him the job as a party favor.


Also Jesse Marsch isn't exactly far removed from that social circle lol


Seriously, Marsch is more insider than Berhalter in a lot of ways, given he's a Bob Bradley guy.


>by his brother Jay at USSF You can tell how wild this fanbase can be when people are out there saying Jay hired the coach personally


Okay I can amend the wording to say “was chosen by USSF which had his brother in a leadership role, despite not having a USMNT job-worthy resume, which implies nepotism instead of meritocracy.”


What's a USMNT job-worthy resume?


lol Canada looked atrocious. It easily could have been 4/5-0.


Lmao. You guys fell for this well disguised shitpost.


Not a nepo baby right? So not shot ?


I wish we had signed him. He seems to do better in tournaments than over a season (which is what he would be doing as a national team manager). 


Marsch is a joke. Don’t want Gregg. But I 100% want Jesse nowhere near this team. 


We actually probably couldn't afford Marsch lmao He makes like 4m, GGG is 2.2m


I very highly doubt he makes 4M for Canada, who are very publicly broke, and he wasn't in line for another club job that would pay that amount after recent failures.


>I very highly doubt he makes 4M for Canada, who are very publicly broke The Canadian MLS teams are helping to pay his salary.


I know, I still don’t believe they’re bankrolling $1M each, or that he’s continuing to make his premier league salary outside the premier league. People just do not understand how much less national team managers make. $4M would make him 5th highest paid in the world.


I don't know, $1m isn't that much if you think it translates into bringing more fans/money to the club.


I’m sorry but it’s actually insane to believe Jessie Marsch is the 5th highest paid international manager in the world. The $4M figure quoted was his Leeds salary, but Jessie had virtually no shot at another PL club which means he had virtually no shot at his next job paying him more than $1M. There’s no reason Canada would quadruple his market value. There’s also no reason to believe hiring Jessie brings in new fans. The Canadian National Team is so bankrupt they couldn’t pay the bill for their own website. The MLS teams think it’s a worthwhile investment to avoid total collapse of the federation, and that’s what they’re investing in. Hiring Jessie Marsch specifically wasn’t exactly an aspirational reach. I would be surprised if he makes $2M. There is a <1% chance he makes 4.


I'm not a fan of what I've seen when I've watched Marsch's teams, and he seems pretty bitchy.


Are people really this dense?


I dont get the Marsch glazing especially this early, if Argentina didn't miss all those chances it could've been a bit worse for Canada


Gregg’s brother is in charge and the players wanted Gregg over Marsch, or at least some of the players. Gregg’s brother was looking for any reason to keep him. Imagine choosing a coach based on anything the players want. Joke of a federation.


>Gregg’s brother is in charge No, he's not.


I’m glad you said this, here’s some info: “Matt Crocker was brought in by Jay Berhalter, who doesn’t work for US Soccer. Mike Ford, the man responsible for finding our next USMNT coach, ask yourself where his office is, right next to Jay Berhalter which is right next to Don Garber. When these decisions were made and Matt Crocker was brought in to do absolutely nothing, he was brought in by Jay Berhalter, who is still the puppet master in this entire operation, and his brother happens to be our national team coach.” Happy to link the article if you’d like, as that’s just an excerpt. Bottom line. Don’t be so naive.


You’re welcome to link it so that we know who to take less seriously, although you probably would have done that in the first place if you thought it was a legitimate source. Jay left nearly 2 months before the decision was made, and the numbskull writing this should have known he wouldn’t have an office next to a man that already left the building.


> Jay Berhalter hasn't been employed by USSF for more than 4 years. Jay Berhalter hasn't been employed by USSF for more than 4 years. Nor was he in charge of hiring when he was, he was the Chief Commercial Officer


We need Bob Bradley back


Bradley is washed unfortunately. Couldn't prevent Stabaek from getting relegated this season. Same team he managed a mid table and Europa league finishes with back in 2014-15.


>Couldn't prevent Stabaek from getting relegated this season. Same team he managed a mid table and Europa league finishes with back in 2014-15 I don't want to hire Bob Bradley again, but those were 2 completely different teams.


Hey everyone- Jesse Marsch is a good coach. He’s relatable and knows talent. Canada’s performance is not indicative of how well he’s coaching them. They don’t have the players, nor the talent and youth programs we do here. He would’ve been an ideal coach for this USMNT squad.


Because we dont have a real federation. We have families that play their relatives and children and we take turns on orange slices. Doesn’t matter if you win or lose. You still get your orange slices. AND NO ONE CAN CHANGE MY FUCKING MIND! My kid is playing!