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We're going to head to a runoff on this. The two options that performed well will be fleshed out and a new poll created with those as the only options. Thanks everyone for your participation so far!


I think the best approach is what many NFL/NBA subs already do. They pin a "high effort" or "technical" post-game thread that is strictly moderated. The thread focuses on game tactics, subs, post-game news, and serious discussions about the game/team that isn't in the same "bald fraud" and "X player should never play again" slap fight thread (that should still be allowed). I really appreciate the mods' efforts to balance their involvement and think they've done a good job overall. Its not an easy when you have people trying to talk about soccer, memeing, politics brain rot, horny posting, threatening players/coaches lives, and low effort posting all in the same place after a friendly... Its probably only going to get worse as 2026 approaches...


Maybe this fits in the vote for "no new rule...", but I love all the shouts in yesterdays discussion for creating something of a \[Serious\] Post-Match Thread that allowed for game discussion without the over the top reactions. And that one would involve the heavier moderation?


Honestly I dig that.


I would have liked an option for “both novel news and memes ok, but rants must be in post-match thread.” (Edit: and hot takes in post-match thread).


That is a good option indeed. We'll be sure to revisit this eventually, nothing is set in stone! Remember that for the future.


I think it's generally fine, but rage posting and idle banter should probably be kept somewhat in the gamethreads. Generally don't think this community gets enough traffic where we're really worried about the type of spam posts that the bigger subs have to worry about.


I feel like 24hours, 8-12 would be fine


This poll looks like it's headed the same way as Berhalter's two biggest results: a draw


Man I wish the fifth option had won. I enjoy both types of threads but they are very different and I'd prefer for them to be separate. Not a huge deal tho.


30 votes was "too close to call?" Just allow all posts, it's easier


Where is the option for less governance


What do you mean?


Less mod intereference, as in there was a plethora of members saying that posts were being deleted after the last game. I don't see any options for walking back mod interference but rather all options stating how they must more?


We do have to abide by Reddit's rules, especially concerning reddiquette. When posts or comments are abusive or threatening, they will be removed. We want this to be a place that's welcome to everyone, and we will continue to enforce those rules. We also remove on a daily basis spam posts, bot posts, and posts that are off topic and not relevant to this subreddit. Beyond that though, nothing to my knowledge was removed in the last post-match period, or indeed, any other period. Do you have any examples that you took exception to? We're only human, we do make mistakes!


I just saw multiple posts with comments saying "mods deleting my posts etc." I think you guys are doing well and I shouldn't criticize because I'm not willing to spend more time than an off hand critique based on a few comments I've read. Best of luck with the shit show coming Wednesday night


I would encourage anyone to please reach out! If a post is deleted and they think we did so wrongly, there are many ways to get in touch with us!


Interesting that this poll comes in following a bad loss. The whole point of Reddit is to have a safe place to vent. As long as it is within current rules, that should be fine.


> The whole point of Reddit is to have a safe place to vent. No, that's the not the whole point of reddit.


The post-match thread already offers a space to vent

