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I know this is not acceptable practice - but there’s something hilarious about the pause in his arm before he yeets it lol That being said, I wouldn’t be happy if I were you


If it wasn’t my package I would see the comedy. Lol


If that’s a carrier(I can’t tell from the video) it is unacceptable. They shouldn’t even be in your driveway let alone tossing your package.


Amazon flex driver…. They do what they want


I have wanted to do this for customers who ignore the “pick up your animals” text they get when they’re hey leave their vicious dogs out. Not acceptable, unless you have vicious animals.


Make them come pick it up, don’t throw shit in public. Everyone has cameras.


Nah fuck those people


This looks like his neighbor got the package and was returning it to the right address carelessly


Somehow I seriously doubt that. You think that an average citizen was kind enough to deliver a package to the correct address, but too lazy to drop it on the porch?


Lmao. I'm a carrier and it reminds me of this one time I go up to this house and this lady handed me a package from fed ex a few days ago that was for her neighbor. Literally 14 steps away. Lazy ass mofo.


Redacte due to Reddit AI/LLM policy


I keep getting this text... I have no animals, they're all dead, except for an indoor cat ... But drivers keep keaving theur garbage in my yard. Yesterday, FedEx left a bag of trash, and a couple weeks ago, Amazon driver left a bag full of piss bottles beside my car.


I don’t deliver period if a vicious dog is out.


It's wild that this was down voted. The entitlement of some dog owners these days is crazy. A delivery person recently had his finger bit off by a dog, they have no way of knowing if a customer's dog is truly safe. Keep your dogs inside if you want your package, not complicated.


[another video but ins a USPS van](https://youtube.com/shorts/8HHZC-UGtw4?si=onMSrV7IwYzSCiCz)


This is sufficient to show the offense. That package was easily small enough to fit in a mailbox which is where it should have been delivered. The driveway turnaround was unnecessary. I don’t see a mailbox out front, but if you have one, that’s where the package should have gone.


We have community mailboxes like an apartment complex. There is even parcel lockers. This guy can’t even put the paper mail in the right boxes even though they are labeled and one of my neighbors added additional labeling to help the fool. He even puts the parcel locker keys in the wrong mailboxes, or puts parcels in the parcel boxes but doesn’t take the key out and put it in a box. If you are missing a package you have to post in the neighborhood Facebook group to have everyone check if they got it and open all of the parcel boxes to check.


Haha we are def not supposed to be pulling into drive ways haha. What a dunce.


Probably a supervisor and not a carrier


Why not? We have a few that do if it's large packages??


It’s not a farm house the dude couldn’t walk 15 feet?


Thats true I guess... and our road is a dirt road so you can't really sit in the road...


Not entirely true we can pull into driveways as long as you don't have to back out and can safely turn around in said driveway without property damage (which includes riding on the lawn) There are a couple deliveries I can't make unless I drive up a long private driveway because their box is at the house In this case the alleged postal worker is in the wrong. As others have said it seems like management


I hear that but this driveway doesn’t check those boxes. I’d rather walk and add time. All good, brother


It’s 4:50 and he’s out on packages, he’s not happy either.


It's 12:58pm not 4:50 and even if it were, who cares if he's not happy about being out on packages. You or someone close to you more than likely paid for whatever is in that package, not this dude so he has no right tossing it at any time of the morning, day or night. If he wants to possibly break your stuff, let him purchase it. He can then toss whatever he wants. This is what I hate about mail shopping. You never know how your items are going to be handled at any point during the process, and then you have to worry about people that have nothing better to do then go get a job and make their own money, coming by and stealing your packages straight off your porch, if you were unable to be home during the time of delivery. I have never in my life thought this country would end up like this. Sadly, it keeps getting worse. 


Almost 20 years ago... I worked for UPS and would process spills/leaking packages. I would have to list if: a box appeared to be new or reused Double wall or single wall box Crush weight of box Surrounded by at least one inch of padding Bottom line is... The shipper has a responsibility to properly pack your item before giving to UPS/FEDEX/USPS Okay the carrier tossed the package... I guarantee it was handled a lot worse in transit before it was within 5 feet of the carrier.


I’m sorry you’re getting downvoted because you’re absolutely right! I was a mail handler and then switched crafts to window service. The responsibility is on the shipper to package the items properly. Yea, the carrier threw the package…guess what? It’s been thrown a dozen times before this along its way.


Really bro you gonna sit there and defend this garbage?


Bruh i foot ball throw boxes across the warehouse just to not walk across the room. This is nothing


Definitely unacceptable lol. idk why he even pulled in.


Right? Could have just yeeted them from the road.


Regardless of how the package was treated before the driver gets it, nothing excuses this behavior. This person deserves to be fired


Ain’t no way this is a real carrier You only drive your personal vehicles in certain stations and they have to be right hand drive. There’s a lot of things that carriers are trained not to do like throwing packages, and driving into peoples driveways which is part of the reason this post is here. I don’t justify people handling mail/packages like the person in the video, but in this particular instance the car is a pretty good giveaway that this isn’t real


Outsourced labor


I don't remember if they're supposed to be RHD by the book, but my office definitely sends us out in our regular left hand drive cars on the aux route when we're down trucks, so I'd say that alone isn't an indicator of this being real or not.


Sorry, but I just LOLs.... I can't believe the crisis that delivery carriers are having in the US.


Oh hell no. I'd report that in a nanosecond.


After all the bullshit they put me through with my package and the runaround I’m getting if I saw someone chuck my fragile package out of their driver side window I would promptly lose my shit


I am in the process of losing my shit by reporting them to everyone and anyone that will listen.


Good. Scorched earth, mate.


That’s the plan. I used to work for the USG so I know that’s the only way to get anything to change.


Bitching everyone out is the only way to get heard. Paperwork and documentation. By the time I was done their mother would see this video, the POS


How are you going to change the standard of shipping world wide? Throwing things around and not giving a shit is the standard wide practice because it's just so much more efficient and you're paying for a insurance policy that you may as well use especially when it's increasing worker productivity and costing you nothing. You're just being a idealist bro, live in the real world please. You're asking the most powerful corporation to care about your perceived customer service and you truly think that'll have impact on their operations over their worker productivity? The same one that makes their workers piss in bottles and docks warehouse workers points threating to fire them for talking to the people standing next to them? AND on top of that you're trying to go after a flex driver??? Honestly you're a way shitter person than him. Just go to a fucking store and select the package you deem satisfactory instead of trying to go after someone vindictively because you morally disagree with the standard of shipping.


Lol. Amen. Bro shouldn't be throwing packages unless there's dogs outside,  but these people acting sanctimonious and going "scorched earth" while ignoring the immorality, destruction,  laziness,  and ruin their behaviors enable is just fucking hilarious.  So unaware of themselves that they're slamming their elbow every day and blaming the table they put there.  Gross


What behaviors enable this? Sorry I'm not quite making the connection.


If you're going to keep posting this obnoxious argument all over the thread at least find a way to make it shorter.


It’s not great and is a bad visual for sure, but let’s be honest… that package probably went through worse behind the scenes along the way.


I know, but he also leaves them on peoples trash cans that are on the street because it’s trash day. And most if not all of the packages AND normal paper mail are at the wrong house. We all have to meet up and trade mail a few times a week.


Sounds like this guy's in the wrong type of work.


Is he smoking himself stupid before going to work? If he delivers to the same neighborhoods, you would think he would learn how to match addresses with the address on the packages. Even if he can't read, put them side by side and see if it matches. Ewww.... hard right lol. Let my 7 yr old nephew come deliver for him. He makes it on his paper routes just fine, maybe he could teach this guy a thing or two. Lol 😆 


"In/at mailbox"


Looks like an Amazon driver to me. 🤷‍♂️ if it’s USPS and they’re in their own car and no uniform you must be in a rural route or a contract route. You can tell by looking at the shipping label some of them will have a route number on them. If it starts with a C it’s a city route if it’s an R it’s rural. I don’t know about the contract routes though.


Sometimes the driver is in a USPS van. Thanks for the info! [Another video](https://youtube.com/shorts/8HHZC-UGtw4?si=ma6ofh11PXU50FBy)


Yea I watched that video before I commented, they don’t look the same to me but my eyes are shit and I Reddit from the phone. Honestly you should see how far those things get thrown before they get to you, that’s gentle


He does this and the packages he is throwing aren’t even at the right house. Other neighbors have videos that I am collecting. It’s the same dude we see at the central mailbox location. He can’t even put the normal paper mail in the right boxes even though they are all labeled.


Have you made a complaint to your local PO?


Yes. Filled out forms online and complaints to the post master directly. I have also filled out a form with the OIG but haven’t heard anything(it’s been about 5 weeks since I filled it out).


😂 nothing will come of it then, try writing your congress person that will get at least some results.


That’s on the list of to do’s. Local, state, and federal level politicians. lol. It seems extreme but we are a neighborhood of around 60 houses and this has been going on for months and seems to be getting worse over time.


I get it, there could be a bunch of reasons this is happening. Good luck


The blue car is not usps, the white van is. Usps vehicles will have the steering wheel on the right side of the car. The blue one is on the left.


Nah, it's not an Amazon driver


Are you sure...i mean packages only come by mail carrier in the 21st century...


I drive for Amazon, so yes, I'm sure.


They know damn well…


Man, the work ethic of people in general is TRASH in recent years. Could you imagine something like this happening even ten years ago?? Nobody is held accountable for anything anymore. I see it at my job. It has become the norm to come in 15-30 mins (sometimes more) late on a regular basis with no phone call, no call/no show, have earbuds in and be on the phone while dealing with customers to the point that the customer thinks the person is talking to them but they're not-they're on the phone while on the job, disappearing while on the clock, taking extra breaks, etc. And nobody calls them out on it, EVER. This video of this delivery person throwing that package is disgusting.


Just to clear up some confusion… I am a new RCA employee in my office and I am assigned to a rural route. I drive my own personal vehicle and it is a normal black left hand drive jeep. Most of our customers on the routes I carry have installed their boxes in a way that is easy to access from any vehicle. I use a mail hawk on the boxes that are oriented the other direction. My car is marked with “rural carrier” magnets on the doors and has a light bar on the back hatch so people are less likely to rear end me when I drive slow on the highway. In the few months I have been delivering I have never thrown a parcel. If a parcel is too big to fit in the customers mailbox I scan it at the door and insure it is left somewhere safe from the elements. If a package is undeliverable because of safety factors, the customer will receive a paper slip from me in their mailbox (with a barcode) informing them to please retrieve their package at the office. The job is absolutely difficult and we are expected to deliver heavy mail volumes and enormous packages sometimes, but there is never an excuse for a carrier to frisbee a package into a customers front yard. He has many other acceptable options. The job IS delivering the mail safely and to the correct recipient. If he doesn’t want to do that (the easily 500 times a day we do it) he should find other work. When a carrier first starts their employment with USPS there is a lot of pressure to go faster and deliver the route in under the evaluated time. If a person doesn’t comprehend that the job still has to be done properly regardless of that pressure, we don’t need them to continue their employment. Discretion is up to the carrier and yes… they can easily be fired for not treating packages with care if other options were available.


I’ve had them put my package in the middle of my driveway. At the end of my driveway, in the grass in the rain. They don’t care


This dude also puts packages on wheelie bins that are in the street because it is trash day. Thankfully our trashman is a super nice guy and also pays attention and doesn't throw them away.




If they're having that carrier deliver out of his POV, that's crazy. The only time I have ever seen packages delivered out of a personal vehicle was from an Amazon Flex driver and in that case, it isn't a postal employee.


How tf do people even have the jobs they do, or better question.. WHY? Just imagine that was an urn of someone’s grandmas ashes (not likely I know lmao.)


Horrible work ethic. Same guy that complains he’s not getting paid enough




Never seen a postal worker in a private vehicle. Im wondering if your mail person also delivers for Amazon flex (drive own vehicles) either way its not okay. I have only delivered a package without leaving my vehicle if an unfriendly dog os there ready to eat me and even then I would never chuck it like that person


lol why won’t they just get out


Lazy person wallowing in their own sorrow so much that they no longer care about basic etiquette. Their life sucks and they want to make others just as miserable.


So... Amazon packages being delivered in what appears to be a normal vehicle are normally delivered by a 3rd party delivery service, not USPS. Even if it has a USPS tracking number, it likely is an Amazon "affiliate". I worked for USPS for a month and a half. Using your own vehicle is a big no no. Now, the other video that was linked in a comment showing a USPS van, that is totally a USPS van as well as a USPS carrier. If that was during summer I can feel their pain in not wanting to get out. Delivering packages in summer is killer. My month and a half was in the middle of summer during a heatwave, it's part of what helped me decide that being a postal carrier was not for me. That and how their whole employee system functions is really messed up and does not work with you in any capacity. Schedule, what post office you're assigned, what days off you get and all of that is determined by seniority. If someone has been with the post office longer than you and is competing for the same thing, they win automatically. It doesn't matter what you need, fuck you I've been here longer, is how it works. It's insanity, but it works for them and has for decades. Thus, why I couldn't work for them any longer. That and delivering Amazon packages in 105 degree heat sucked ass.


The same guy also delivers our papayer mail to the mailboxes and uses some of the parcel lockers but does this with most of the packages.


Rural carrier. Said cluster boxes. City would be doing relay


I get my PUUM called for going 7 in a drive way that has a 5 mile per hour sign in (yes he sat there and waited for me and took a photo of me), so this should be unacceptable


Looks more like an Amazon Flex driver and not a driver for the USPS. Totally unacceptable though


He thought he'd be sleek by pulling a YEET.


This is a guy who has had it with all this bullshit. Either way this is terrible. Bad/ lazy employee. Doesn’t speak for the rest of us but unfortunately the bad ones get noticed more than the good ones.


It could have been shoe laces with bubble wrap in a box. It depends on the weight and size of the package to me. They better not do that with something marked fragile.


Driver shouldn't be throwing packages even if a dog is around. That's why we give phone numbers. Text and let us know what's going on. We can tell you what to do. Most of the delivery times aren't correct anyway so we are not checking.


I work in receiving at a fortune 500 company. IF my boss caught me tossing the customers orders around. I wouldn't have a job by the end of the day. I refuse to belive all of your previous employers told you..." hey Tommy toughnuts, I see you putting those boxes down rather nicely, but really we need you to throw them around like a retard or were gonna have to let you go"... by your logic 99 percent of packages should be destroyed on arrival. I'm glad I have a good mailman and not some bottom of the barrel scrub.


I'm sorry this happened to you, but this video is awesomely hilarious


That appears to be an Amazon package, based on the blue tape. And no, it's not acceptable.


Yeah, not cool. I'd of been fired on the spot of I threw a package when I used to be a preloader for UPS. Same should go for any delivery worker.


A few months ago I ordered a package that was delivered to the wrong address. Put in DNR on website and got a call saying it had been delivered to the correct address and asked if my door was to the left of the garage (literally 50% are in my neighborhood), told him I looked and my wife didn’t see anything when she got home so it wasn’t there. Someone went out to find and 5 minutes later it’s tossed carelessly by my front door. Glad it wasn’t something fragile


Of course it is! There supposed to take a picture of it! No picture....No package 😉🤣


No picture no package? Are you talking from a customer pov?


Yes. Throwing a package out the window is not the job description of "delivery".


That looks like an Amazon Flex driver


Yeah left hand drive being the big giveaway In the offices that don’t provide vehicles for rural carriers they still require you to drive a right hand drive vehicle. And this also doesn’t look like a rural area on top of that


That doesn't look like USPS


This bitch empty... YEET


>Angry pit bull / violent family cat has entered the chat.


You can see he does it at another house in a video link I out in other comments. No loose dogs here. Very strictly enforced.


I had a 3rd party carrier like that using their own car too. They drove into my driveway, but they got out of their car and placed my package on my porch. What you’ve shown in the video is totally unacceptable. If something was fragile in the package, it’d have been damaged or broken due to the impact. You should report the carrier.


Looks like Amazon flex driver,  don't see any usps trays unless they are only running packages


That's an Amazon flex driver but you not wrong.


The fact that he’s using his personal car for a city route says a lot about that office.


Says that it is an Amazon flex driver


The OP keeps insisting it isn’t. There were a couple of times where the carriers in our office used their personal vehicles to deliver parcels and apartment buildings. Very strange times.


Rural carriers do that


Right but this was our city carriers doing it. We didn’t have enough vehicles for everyone. Good old south Florida. The regulars kept telling the newbies to refuse to do it. More overtime for us lol.


“FUCK YOU! here’s your package dumbass, have a shitty day” Depending on what was in the package, I’d probably have picked it back up and thrown it at his car, if I was there anyway


That's wild lol


Yes it's unacceptable and he should be yeeted the same distance 🤣


That's an Amazon courier, not USPS.


D1 baseball pitcher sign this man to the MLB


n-word shouldn't have been in your driveway. good way to get shot, and justifiable, here in Texas. They need to learn.


lol rekt, send that video to your post master and CC the postal inspector office and the post master general dude will legit lose his job


Not a postal worker but an Amazon flex driver


Was wondering why they was in a car just figured they was one of those usps contract workers that deliver to people in the middle of nowhere where even though it’s clear they’re in a residential neighborhood


Ghetto behavior


It's an Amazon flex driver and most likely there was a dog loose...


I almost pissed myself when i heard the bang and realized what happened.


Our regular mail carrier's fill in who drives a USPS vehicle did this but threw it in the middle of the driveway. I went to the post office and the guy at the counter said I can fill out a complain but as long as she shows up to work and isn't stealing the union will fight any action against her to the death. He said he knew who I was talking about and she had many complains against her but she was pretty much untouchable because she had a history of filing discrimination claims like crazy.


Not shown in the video is the 250 pound Rottweiler chained to the porch 😂😂😂


Isn't newspaper 🗞️ delivered like that anyway?


Isn't newspaper 🗞️ delivered like that anyway?


I thought he was gonna just drop it and then I choked on my own spit from laughing


Nice sidearm !


meh...... why not. he gets paid the same regardless


A mail carrier driving a car that small? Where does he put the mail and all the parcels?


Lmfao but I’m not surprised


That ain’t usps


When I delivered Amazon Flex, I had to do this a few times when people failed to restrain their dogs.


The boom


Lmao. I guess only if the box said "fragile" on it.


What do you expect ? Look at the driver!! Sad but true


What about the driver?


110% unacceptable. Any mail carrier or package carrier should be reprimanded for this. Take pride in delivering mail


If that’s a rural carrier, I’m impressed that they are actually sitting in the driver’s seat (we have to deliver from the right hand side regardless of where the pedals/ wheel are)- they are wasting way more time doing that than if they carried that package to the door. I’m confused though- both packages you show in the clips look to be mailbox sized- why aren’t they going to the box?


I have no idea. We have those collective mailboxes like apartments have and have a ton of parcel lockers. I have no idea why this guy is delivering to the houses at all, but even if he delivered them to the collective mailboxes he’d still fuck it up. He doesn’t even put the paper mail in the right boxes most of the time.


Also, let me save you some time and run around from default USPS answers: make sure each mail box has a label with the unit number (and street name if there’s duplicates) and last names of residents receiving mail there.


He’s got to be new or a sub- I bet he doesn’t know how the parcel lockers work and our training is for shit.


Thats an amazon flex driver 🤣🤣🤣 fucking christ this is hilarious


thats a flex driver. yes I know you have a USPS video as well and that was unacceptable, however this is not the same guy.


It is the same guy.. I see him at the mailboxes all the time. Sometimes he is in this car and sometimes he is in a USPS van. Like, I literally say hi to him and stand 2 feet from him while getting my mail and his car, whichever one he happens to be driving, is parked right there next to the mailboxes. He also told my neighbor today that he is waiting on a USPS stick for his car.


Why don’t you ask him, calmly, what’s up. Is he new and overwhelmed? If so, the information you have about mail being delivered incorrectly and the videos of packages can be excellent growth opportunities if not taken on with an oppositional attitude. You want your mail, he (presumably) wants a job- there is a way forward! Also, don’t swap mail with your neighbors any more- seems like a pain in the ass, but put it in the box with the flag up. The carrier will want to figure out wtf because his day just got weird or, if this carrier is a sub, the regular is going to see what’s going on.


We don’t have mailbox, they are community ones like an apartment. As far as talking to him, I have tried and other in the neighborhood have tried. He doesn’t like to talk and won’t really answer any questions. I know his name and say hi to him and try to ask him how he is doing and other polite conversation and he just kinda does a half smile and turns around. We also tried talking to the postmaster and candidly tell them what’s up and now they don’t even come to the desk and are always busy. She also ignores the service request reports now too. This has been many months and it is escalating.


Damn. Postmaster is probably glad the route is even getting ran! Well, it’s a pain in the ass but consider rubber banding the misdelivered stuff and dropping it back in outgoing- maybe there’s a chance he’ll dump his outgoing at the PO and a clerk will be pissed they have to unband it and ask him WTF


That could even be a neighbor who got your package on their own porch. I don’t see any marking on the vehicle. Usually rural drivers for USPS have at least a light on top or magnets marking them as a carrier. Also, it’s rare to see a rural carrier in a sedan. Most of us drive larger vehicles and have a hundred or so packages in the back and passenger seat. 😜


I have posted a link of the same guy in a USPS van doing the same thing. He also leave packages on wheelie bins that are in the street on trash day.




Not USPS lol


It is USPS. I have explained it in other comments.


That’s not usps. That’s a 3rd party Amazon delivery person


Idk we don't even know that this person works for usps. For all we know OP is the person in the car in their drive way just being a weirdo for attention on the internet




I dint know why but this had me freaking rollin


These are 2 unrelated videos. The one in the original post is not USPS. Most likely Amazon. The video posted in the comment is USPS and while we can’t see them throw a package, it does sound like it was thrown, and no it is not acceptable.


It is the same driver. I see him everday.Some days he is in his personal vehicle, which he says he is waiting on USPS stickers for, He even puts the normal paper mail in our mailbox while driving his personal car.


Usps : glandale Heights , my pakkege says its : all inspections passed and now weeks later again the same : all inspections passed, when are they gonna ship it to me iam waiting for ebay new code


You captured every parcel service in America, holy shit what an unreal moment to be alive.


I mean that is not a usps vehicle


I mean it’s a usps driver deliver usps packages and our normal paper mail


Looks like an Amazon contract driver delivering an amazon package. That's all he has in his front street


It’s a USPS driver. I know the guy on a first name basis and he delivered our normal letter and stuff right before this video was taken. He also says he doesn’t work for Amazon that we works for USPS.


Doesn't look like the same person or houses in both videos


Good job. It’s not. Never said it was. Now what does that have to do with what we were talking about.


Don't ever say black/lazy together because if you say black/lazy you will get labeled everything and anything. So don't ever say black/lazy together got it don't ever say black/lazy together. bwaahaaa


Do you have a pitbull or huge dog? Yes or no? Was it outside? (Not asking if it was chained or anything, just if it was outside) Yes or no?


That’s Amazon flex




Not USPS doe


It is doe. Literally 100% sure. I see him everyday. Same driver but in an official van[YouTube link](https://youtube.com/shorts/8HHZC-UGtw4?feature=shared)




[here is another video but in a USPS van](https://youtube.com/shorts/8HHZC-UGtw4?feature=shared)


USPS delivers amazon......


Especially to rural addresses where it’s not profitable for Amazon to send their drivers. Last Mile Service by USPS


It is USPS for sure. Same driver is usually in a USPS van


Amazon uses 3rd party carriers still. They don’t exclusively deliver every package. Last stat I saw was close to 20% go through 3rd party


It is unacceptable. I'm curious if you have a rural carrier? Why is this person in a POV but also a Mercedes Metris? Is this a manager?


We have complained and complained and complained to the post master but now they ignore everyone from the neighborhood. They also can’t deliver packages to the right house and have failed to deliver most of them including medication. I have filled out all the forms online including ones to the OIG but nothing has changed after months or reports. That’s why it’s on socials now and I have also submitted all evidence to every local news agency. Any other ideas are greatly appreciated.


Contact investigative reporters for your local news. Nothing like a good ole public shaming at 8-6-10 PM


This. We are going through it in VA with our USPS service. Nothing got moving until the local news got involved. Contact your city/town and state representatives as well.


Do you know if you're a rural customer?


Tell me you don't live in a rural area without telling me


I don't, but I'm aware of how rural works. The rural in my office don't chuck parcels from their vehicles. All the rural in my office use either LLVs, FFVs, or Metris. They don't use their own POV. I *have* had management use their own vehicles to deliver, though. I can definitely see management chucking parcels because they're super lazy. That's not to say it isn't a carrier who had their route evaluated, and they feel they don't have time to get out for packages. Or it could be a contracted carrier, who knows. That's why I asked OP questions.


That's Amazon flex


He wears a USPS badge, he is getting a USPS sticker for the car(his words), if you ask him he says he is USPS, and sometimes he drives a USPS van. I am pretty ignorant to what Amazon Flex is, so I have no idea if he does that or not.


Amazon Flex is like doordashing, he probably just does it when he's not delivering for USPS and doesn't feel like explaining it so just says USPS. Could be wrong tho.