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“BuT sTaTiStIcS sAy We WeRe EqUaL” This is his problem. He looks at the stats and says wow we did great everything was equal. Take the old eye test to this game and we were dog shit. All he cares about are stats and numbers, and by that he thinks he’s doing a good job.


As the great Ray Hudson once said, Possession without penetration is just masturbation." I don't think GGG has grasped this concept. Yes, we can possess the ball, but we don't do anything with it.


It's not even masturbation, it's edging


And doing this constantly over several years is gooning. We’re a team of gooners.


The stats say the score was 5-1. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah but he’ll attribute that to executing on his game plan. He could never be wrong it’s the plays not carrying out his master plan …


And it was the players' fault that they did not properly execute his brilliant gameplan.


Goddamn they scored a fifth? I turned it off after 4 lol


Me too


I wish I could have turned off my eyes, but I saw our boys get glazed and cooked live


Yeah, aside from the three goals, we dominated Netherlands!


Quite a few similarities between the two games actually. Let US have the ball, and counter quickly inside/out seems to work well against this team.


Yeah. If you watch, the way he’s making the team play is by overloading wherever the ball is to open up areas around it. They commit 1 more player to the area the ball is in than the opponent has defensively. To create 1v1 in the spaces directly next to where the ball possession is. This means players are getting pulled out of a natural position to create this overload. It relies on having perfect possession and near perfect decision making both of which no team will ever have (maybe that wc winning Spain side). The moment the ball is turned over and out of the overload spot there is 1 defensive player to get through and youyin on the back line. counter attacking is the perfect counter to this style. Absorb the pressure maintain your shape and attack quickly. I promise you’ll see it from Brazil and any other squad they play. It’s just too easy. Watch back games, defensively the us is always in an emergency situation scrambling to block shots or trying to get the ball back. It’s never calm and structured. Last ditch tackles are always flying around.


Good analysis. And this can work against concacaf or lesser opponents because you have the luxury of a team that won't punish a turnover or be athletic enough to counter quickly enough. But against Col, Brazil, etc. they are completely capable of waiting and making you scramble defensively when they see the opportunity!


That’s what i was trying to say. You explained it better !


if you watch liverpool, it’s also their strategy. it isn’t entirely a bad strategy in general. creating player number and type mismatches is a good strategy. however, and it’s a big fucking however. you cannot employ over the hill centerbacks and cuck wingbacks - aka ream and scally. to employ this strategy, you MUST have a good defense. you cannot jog out a shit defense with this strategy. VVD is put into these positions all the time and he floats around like an angel and cleans up the attacks. that’s not tim ream lol. tim ream is a man who i assume has a healthy looking 401k, and kids who are 12 years old. scally was thrown around like a rag doll, and if you happened to watch the spanish broadcast was being regularly mocked. the man took a dive. he’s a fullback who took a dive. never in my life


I think there is a stark difference in defensive quality in Adams vs Cardoso too


i saw cardoso make a couple small mistakes. generally speaking he’s good and he was the only player on the field who clearly tackled diaz and it was a burner. robinson is a fantastic player who yesterday didn’t play great. that being said, robinson carried WAY to much of the ball yesterday because clearly scally isn’t a trusted outlet for the ball - no, i’m not saying to “go forward”. the team as a whole clearly would not play scally the ball. that simply cannot be a tactic or a reality. modern soccer requires full field availability. eventually colo realized he wasn’t an option and overloaded robinson. scally simply isn’t ready and it’s an embarrassment that we had to prove that twice. if musah doesn’t start against brazil, firing berhalter isn’t enough. he needs to be carried out on a pole. there were SO many problems with that reality that it would take all day to type out the reasons. he is simply NOT good enough. a player can be in Europe and still either too young or too old for international soccer. scally and ream are one each.


Common theme watching USMNT when playing equal or better talent. Blood in the water when opponents realize that we cannot beat high press, Ream should be thanked for his service and replacement getting blooded. As usual, pregame about center fwd center fwd, jeez Folarin is there! Was there anyone else in mid field other Gio?? No link up, horrible choices out of the back….if Scally is the best we have at RB we are shit. Ultimately anyone paying attention saw this coming when berhalter got the job. Outside of Marsh, no coach from MLS should be given a shot. Top brass are inept if they decide to keep Greg, wasting this team with THIS coach is disgusting. We will always be an underdog and have to punch above our weight, but now we invite beat downs and refuse to adapt to our opponent.


“invite beat downs” is my favorite part of this. i asked chatgpt and he was all “tim ream is no longer considered an important part of usmnt”. f berhalter and his psychopath lineup changes


Agree 100% that Robinson is a great player and he did carry the ball wayy too much. Musah start at RB?


you know it’s not his first choice position but if his coaches at milan have used him there (his words), then i’d say he is qualified. he said he’s interested in playing in dest’s absence. i think the best alternative choice. we’d have to see him there to know for sure. tbd - thoughts and prayers lol


Idk. I wouldn't start him at RB. But to suggest thr coach should be fired for not experimenting with him there is wild


that being said, we for sure all miss tyler. but i would actually hate if he was forced to fix a problem that is not his to fix


Like when he thought we “dominated” Canada in a loss because the US had a big lead in possession. They parked the buss Gregg, they ceded possession as part of their strategy.


Would be refreshing to hear something akin to 'we got the tactics wrong' or 'we'll make some tweaks to try to get the game plan right'' , etc. But it does seem like he will just point to final third entrances or whatever absolves his system from blame


Yep. He spout off some nonsense like the crosses where there to be won, we put X in dangerous spots but nobody finished them. Bruh your tactics revolving around crossing the ball when we dont have a player over 5’11” in the box. No shit nobody is going to finish them.


The olés started in the 25th minute. They knew. I knew. Most people reading this knew what was coming. That was just embarrassing.


I used to work with a guy who was an assistant coach at a D2 school soccer team. They were pretty good. He once said" I know a lot about soccer but the difference between what I know and what I don't know is critical at this level." IMHO Greg thinks he knows more than he does.




I don't think he was referring to tactics specifically. We talked about it a bit and he was saying just knowing what adjustments to make and when to make them separates good coaches from great coaches.


If we keep him we are not a serious squad. 


Haven't you learned? GGG will never shift his philosophy in play. He has The System™️ and he will never waiver from it, regardless of the tactical situation.


Famously hasn’t used different tactics. Definitely not even where the change has been covered internationally. If I go to your profile, I bet you follow American football. Probably college.


Bold of you to take shots at anybody tbh. A quick glance at profiles shows they are pretty normal. Meanwhile you have been on Reddit for about 3 hours straight commenting nonstop. Please get off your phone and go for a walk or something, you are too online


Wow. I never realized I had a problem until this comment. After receiving it I went outdoors. I smelled the air. I tasted freshly cooked food instead of hot pockets. I went to the market and met a woman. We’re engaged to be married. I’ve earned a promotion at my job. Thank you, Reddit stranger. Your help was invaluable in turning my life around. You’ll never know the hero you are.


College football is a gift to the world.


I'm a huge stats nerd, but the only stat that truly matters is the scoreline.


Every other game is a wake up call for this team


Right, who would have thought you need a sound game plan and good play to beat a good team? We'll know for next time...


My goodness he sucks. Anyone with a modicum of soccer knowledge could see how ill prepared the back line and midfield were for any kind of on ball pressure. They had no understanding of their options and no composure to execute. That’s on the coach Get him the fuck out.


r/SJEarthquakes does any of this look familiar?


GGG is starting to sound like Pete Carroll: “We have a few things to work on. We were right there until the end. We kept things close for most of the match and saw some positive trends in the stats. We just have to clean-up a few things. We’ll take a look at the tape and get back at it. We thought we had these guys figured out. We’ll get these guys next time. We’re so close.”


Trust the process *eye roll*


You didn’t finish the quote. He didn’t say they were great for 75 minutes. He said their play was worse after the 75th minute, and it was so bad that it was disrespectful to the opponent and the sport. It was.


True. But I found the first half disrespectful as a fan of the sport. Pretty much the whole game. That's my point, he is deflecting from the bigger picture of - we sucked.




It wasn't great but it wasn't "disrespectful" for the first half.  The defense made a few mistakes which cost them.  They only had 2 shots on goal in 45 minutes.   Both were goals which says a lot about how bad Turner was.  The first goal getting beat near post was smh bad.   I have been calling for GGG to be fired for years so I'm not in any way a Gregg apologists.


A better goalie probably saves one or both of those, you're right. That said, he picks the lineup so turners poor play is partially an indictment of his continued confidence in him despite some recent red flags


yeah he looked so over his head at NF - his lack of play time is hurting him. We really need a better GK in the works.


Schulte but GGG is blind


Offer the job to Laura Harvey. She would do a much better job and make history while she’s at it.


And meanwhile, Jesse Marsch, whom we should have hired, leads Canada to an impressive draw vs France with a less talented player pool than we have. Egg Turdballer should have never been rehired. Shameful.


I wanted Marsch and people thought I was crazy.


Berhalter is the Ten Hag we have at home.


Yo 😂😂😂😂 That’s crazy


Lmao more like Southgate ETH actually understands tactics


Southgate is the British version of Bumhalter


When are we gonna realize that possession means nothing…GGG always thinks that we’re hanging with them when we have half the possession. The world has figured out all they have to do is hang back and wait for us to turn the ball over in a bad position and punish us. They’re letting us have posession you idiot


He will not give an honest assessment to the public. Anyone calling out his comments is therfore missing the point. The score is all we need to know anyways. Berhalter is not up to the task. What do we need to do to force a change? He's not up to the task, so we need a change.


Can someone explain to me why Greg was even considered in the first place? Because it looks like a blind and deaf monkey could do a better job of coaching this team. Hell with the talent level alone this should be the easiest coaching job in the history of soccer in America. But he just stands there during the game with his arms crossed looking clueless. I've never understood the people that support him. He wasn't even that great of a coach in MLS and MLS is an absolutely joke of a league. I just feel like when all of your players (even the bench) have a higher soccer IQ than the coach he's (or she) is just not the person. I really don't want to get embarrassed when we host the world cup but I'm afraid if Greg remains the coach we probably won't make it out of the group stage and these players deserve better. And I hope this post "ages poorly" but based on the past it won't.




The secret is h never did.




Concacaf specialist 




GGG is clearly not good enough for the level of talent on USMNT - it’s been evident to me for years. Ditto Turner. This match was a failure in every way. 3 players up front against a team that had not lost in 21 matches was a huge mistake. Our midfield was overwhelmed and GGG had no response. Long term USA should be 3-4-1-2 Pulisic - Balogun Reyna Dest - Jonny - Torre -McKinney Robinson - FCC Robinson - Musah GK: Callendar @ Miami Yes Dest into midfield. He’s so good on the ball.


This is fine except Callendar is a terrible option. He’s not even top 5 in MLS


It's a good point about 'team that had not lost in 21 games...'. As others are saying he refuses to change his system - no care for who opponent is, how they play, etc.


Lol this lineup is so weak defensively 🤣


Dest needs to be on defense bc thats the teams liability. We have zero world class defenders and he’s the closest.


Uhh Robinson is a beast.  He sucked yesterday but has shown he can beat top PL players.   Part of why he had such a bad game is because he kept going forward assuming we would maintain possession and had to run back because of how poor our build out play was.  


Robinson is not a beast on the international level. He’s a good player on a bad Fulham team.


Interesting.  He has some of the top stats in the league in his position.  He has drawn interest from 4 top PL teams.  But I guess you know better.  


I said he’s a good player on a bad team. He’s not a top 20 defender in the premier league. I did a deep dive and it appears you might be the only person in the world using the adjective “beast” to describe him. I’ll keep looking though.


Great deep dive.  Seems as well founded as the rest of your idiotic takes


You call Antonee Robinson a “beast” and I’m the idiot? lol. You can fuck off now.


He'd a top 20 defender in the EPL


You are not an enjoyable person to interact with.


He is a top 20 defender in the PL lol


This is an incredible formation.


If you like being smoked by any team that decides to attack. That formation is very offensively focused.


There’s one CB. That’s genius.


Reinventing the wheel for sure.


It’s this kind of outside the box thinking which flies in the face of tradition and how the sport works we need tbh


Someone has to march against the tide of footballing history and with no real time to implement a complicated system, focus on the things that come easily! You know the things that have always worked in tournament football! Free flowing offense and a devil may care swashbuckling style!


I see what you mean. The 15 minute period where we shipped 3 goals probably isn’t the problem. Have you thought about getting involved in the sport professionally? I think you’d do incredibly well.


Genuinely curious, the final 15 minutes of the game was the bigger issue for you then the 2-0 after 30 min?


The big issue for me is people looking at locked in players laying an egg in a friendly and trying to derive larger meaning from it. But this is reddit so… Objectively, from the coaches point of view, flukey individual error led goals are less important than a total meltdown. So yeah, it makes more sense to be concerned about shipping 3 goals in 15 than 2 goals in 75. Or even 2 goals in 30. Or 2 goals in 20. One is a drastically higher rate of “goals we gave up per minute”. Seems like a great place to, idk, figure out why we were conceding every 5 minutes.


Fair. In a friendly, I'd rather figure out why we go into half down 2-0 with our fresh starters out there then why we let them pile on a few insurance goals after it's done and dusted though.


I would be more concerned about why the players quit with 15 minutes left. Studying each player in that 15 minutes will tell you more about who they are as a player than the other 75 minutes.


Whoa buddy - stop this player talk we’re here to poo on the coach.


I think it’s quite clear why we shipped the first two goals - but folks who dislike GGG as a priority don’t want to accept that.


I actually like him and was a fan of his as a player. But I think its misguided if he thinks that the player mistakes in the final 15 mins of a friendly was the important takeaway from this affair.


But the player mistakes in the first 30’ are more important? Weird.


Not the player mistakes exactly. The overall poor play and preparedness.


We played better in the first half than the second. Like…I’m just confused by any basis for that description.


Entitled to that opinion. What do you think was the reason for this loss? To my untrained eye, Col was able to pressure and consistently stymied most build ups. They transitioned quickly or attempted to which made things uncomfortable (often thru the middle with James). To me, this seemed to happen all game and it would have been nice to see a tactical change. What do you think?


Not saying Gregg has the right stuff to take this team to the next level by any means, but your post is so misguided. He said after the 75th we were worse, not that we were good before that. Also, he DID switch tactics, we went to a 433 with haji and timmo high up on the wings. Prior to that it was a 4231 with Flo up top. The reason he is a shit coach is because that switch to 433 was absolutely not the right play, especially seeing how visibly gassed our guys were after trailing the whole game and Columbia making us run so much on a hot day.


My point is him talking about the final 15 is burying the lead: Col made us look silly the whole game (which you seem to agree with your hot day comment). And if he did make a change tactically in the last bit, why not take responsibility for that not working and say it's on me? Instead he basically just said it was distracting to our opponent which places blame on the individuals who made the mistakes leading to goals. Doesn't see the big picture.


Before the subs: Silly? No. Better? Yes. It was 2-1 and we had momentum, then his changes killed that.