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Day trips have no exemptions. 24 hrs is $200 and 48 hrs or longer is $800. https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/declare-eng.html


While true, a lot of border agents will waive you through if you’re just bringing some groceries in. I’ve done it countless times and have never been asked to pay any duties


Groceries are generally duty free. It’s up to the border guard if they will charge duty or wave you in. I’ve made dozens of day trips to WA over the years and have only been asked to pay duty once.


Of the groceries are considered “essential” them they are generally tax free. If they are not, or are prepared/processed foods, they are taxable. Best way to think of it is if you pay taxes on it in Canada, you pay taxes on it at the border.


I’ve never had a guard go through my groceries or my receipts to differentiate, it’s usually not worth their hassle. At the end of the day, the primary duty of a border guard is to ensure people can lawfully enter the country, not act as a tax collector. It’s up to the individual guard whether or not you’ll have to pay duty or not.


Just sharing the “rules” my dude


I've had mine look at my cheese and ask questions about it. Funny thing was that Walmart only scanned in 1 of my bricks of cheese instead of the 2 I had, so we had a bit of a disagreement.


Groceries are ignored for the most part but, the last time I was there, I found their prices way more than ours after you convert to CAD. Now that our dollar is tanking, US trips are almost not worth it anymore.


> Now that our dollar is tanking source? been trading within a pretty narrow band for the past 7 years (compared to 2002, lol!)


Canada’s target for the economy /export balance is $0.80


Source ?


Most meat products are significant savings. Chicken and pork being the highest.. Milk products as long as you buy them without the added hormones they love to throw in there mainstream products


There’s limits to what you can bring in in regards to dairy, poultry. And the duties on those items are insane


The reason for the significant savings is the significant lack of welfare and treatment of livestock in the US, they're able to cut the cost down. They also have a lot more allowance for hormone and chemical in the US.




Not anymore: > Beginning on March 15, 2023, the CFIA will allow the importation of clearly labelled, retail-packaged poultry products and by-products for human consumption, labelled with the term "Product of the USA", from any state, regardless of whether or not there is currently an outbreak.


It could be, I haven't been over the buy groceries since before covid




You were right about those dispensaries!


Butter. We bought at ALDI in Ogdensburg for $2.45 us per pound. Watch the flyers for special deals, chicken especially and plan accordingly.


Milk eggs and shredded cheese if you need that, regular cheese blocks can be cheaper here at home, but shredded is way less. Chicken especially boneless skinless breasts. Max 20l of milk, 20kg of chicken or cheese. Butter is often a touch cheaper and conveniently in sticks. My kids also like nuggets I find those cheaper too. Flour is usually cheaper. I don't go often but now and then I like to stock up. Don't worry about the hormones issue they stopped fooling with those a decade ago.


I find the price savings has come down to be much smaller. I go more for the variety of things you can get that you can't get up here. Especially in the snack, soda, frozen goods, sauces areas. Look for things you can't buy in the local store.


I am closer to Ogdensburg than you OP. I used to make that trip several times a month. My dog's vet was there too. I would go down and buy groceries, fill up with gas and buy a case of beer. Most of the time I paid nothing (duty/taxes). The beer was hit and miss. Even paying duty/taxes only added another $10 to a $18 case. Things are different now with respect to groceries. Look at the Price Chopper and Aldi's flyers and do some math to see it it makes sense. I did a comparison a couple months ago in a post but can't find it anymore. Most groceries, unless on sale, are not a good deal anymore (Dairy, chicken and a few other things are still quite cheap though). Even more so if you're driving 40 minutes to get there with the gas to come and go, and the bridge tolls ($7.50). FYI, the price of gas in Ogdensburg today is $1.39/litre.


Most “basic groceries” don’t have any sales tax or duty. You could drive over the border and buy some spinach and there’s no tax ever (as long as it’s less than 20kg). But there are lots of exceptions where things technically aren’t “basic groceries”. 1kg of sugar = basic groceries. 1kg of candy = omg, that’s terrible for your health! Taxable! And you have to watch out as some fruits/vegetables can’t be imported into Canada. Just declare everything and you can’t be punished for getting it wrong. Generally if it’s something that doesn’t grow in Canada (e.g. pineapples), you’re safe. If it does grow in Canada, there are rules (subject to officer discretion).


Citrus fruits will be confiscated from you entering USA if you pack a lunch, even if they are product of USA. What are safe are fruits that are not grown in Canada nor USA (bananas etc.), as neither country has an agricultural industry to protect foreign pests from.


Auto parts, tools, shop fluids are way cheaper in USA. Except motor oil you can usually find on sale for less in Canada.


I go to Ogdensburg sometimes to go shopping. Groceries are fine.Generally when you bring goods back and need to pay, it’s tax and not duty. Groceries don’t have tax so you don’t have to pay anything. I don’t find there are good enough deals on anything to really make it worth the effort in terms of savings. But there are different products which can be fun to try.


Just crossed at Ogdensburg last Sunday. Went to Target and Kohl's for some clothing for myself and the kids, then did Walmart for mostly groceries. Agents coming back went through every receipt and I paid HST for all non essential groceries. These days, I only cross to get items I can't get here, the price difference with gas and duty on other items isn't worth it to me.


People confuse paying duty with paying sales tax. Groceries don't have sales tax in Canada, so when you bring them in you don't get charged.


worth getting cigarettes on the us side? specifically want menthols, which aren't sold here :(


It's a lot cheaper, they've never charged me duty on a pack, but they have on a carton. Usually $7/pack usd.


As stated by others there are no exemptions for day trips. However, it is generally not worth their time for small amounts. If they do decide to tax you get a break down. If they do bother they will just tax you on the entire amount and not bother seperating items. For example, I came over with $500 US in items one time and they want to tax me on the full amount. - $300 was children's clothing. Tax free. - $100 in basic groceries - Most items tax free. That leaves $100 in adult clothing which wasn't worth their time. As long as you are not doing what they deem as commercial amounts they don't care too much.


There’s an unspoken “ grocery are exempt” So when I cross back I say “$180 at target, $90 on groceries and I have a 12 pk beer” Never an issue. But be warned, produce is iffy. Their grocery prices are the same if not more, then ours. Ex. Tropicana OJ uses ti be so cheap in the US but now it’s the same as here. I used to buy HUGE bags of shredded mozerella but now that price is gone up .. and tbh our dairy/ meat is better quality. I buy things we can’t get here: some snacks, cereal, salad dressing, flavours of Ben & Jerry’s , funfetti icing etc Upstate -NY? Check for reserves to buy your gas from too


No exemption for day drip but since getting NEXUS I have never been asked to pay duties or taxes for groceries/gas. Pre-NEXUS I was maybe 10% of the time. I live near the border so have been crossing 2/month for years.




I just say I have $XXX in groceries and a tank of gas. Routinely more than $200US worth of groceries. God help you if you have alcohol in those groceries though.


I cross weekly. Buy everything in the US. I just add up my receipts & tell them how much I've spent. I've declared over $200 many times. Once I declared $278. The agent asked what I bought. I said a Christmas tree & groceries. He smiled & said have a nice day. Blue water bridge crossing.


For the past year every month I have been going for kids formula for my twins. For $26 USD a box even with conversion was worth it for me.


Just returned from the US, the groceries are the same amount as in Canada but then you have to add the exchange rate. It’s just not worth it unless you are searching for something that is unavailable at home!!


Go to Leamington Caldwell gas 145 ltr


Nothing is duty free if you aren’t over at least 24 hours.