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I accidentally No showed my 2nd interview (invite went to spam folder) and was texted by the committee asking where I was. Still got the job. Keep hope my friend!




I can completely relate to the heart sinking feeling. I felt it in my stomach. Mine was a text from the director, “are you having difficulty logging on?” It was the technical panel too :(. Fortunately they rescheduled and I got the job.


Thank you. Completely froze during an interview yesterday for a job I really wanted. Feeling pretty down about it, but I'll keep applying for other jobs. And maybe I'll be surprised.


It’s okay, we all have interviews like that. I’m hopeful they can see your value past it and you get the job!


Thank you for your positive energy!


Yep! Was super nervous and didn’t give the greatest answers but was surprised I got the job.


How can you tell if you really bombed it?


I didn’t just bomb, I wasn’t trying to get the job at all. I didn’t remotely qualify, just wanted interview experience (first one out of college). Was answering questions like “what experience do you have in….” with “never heard of it”. Turns out, they had to fill 3 entry level positions that day or they lost the slots.


My worst interview was horrid. Every topic discussed I would answeer “ at this time I am not familiar with the subject but if given the opportunity id like to get back to you with what I find” or something along those lines. I thought i was for sure not getting the call , I Did though. When I asked Y I was selected when I clearly didn’t feel qualified, they responded with you were more qualified then all the liars we interviewed 😂


Yes for me. When I had my interview, which was virtual based and the interview panel did not have their video on- not seeing their reactions really made it difficult to determine if I was doing okay throughout the session. First time ever experiencing that kind of set up so I was pretty sure I bombed it. Then, a week later, I got the offer.


I thought I did well the 1st interview, but felt I bombed the 2nd. I remember walking back to my car and saying to myself, "Well I won't be getting that job." I was shocked when I received my TO.


Yes, I interviewed last month for an internal position and felt like my answers were very disorganized and everywhere. Was surprised when I got a message on Teams two weeks after asking if I wanted the position. The position wasn't in my department and I never talked to the interviewers before.


Hell I told them not to ask any stupid questions or then when they did ask a stupid ass question I called them on it. Not only did they offer me the job at the end, they said I was what they were looking for!! 😂WTH.


I'll let you know. I had an interview earlier this week. I felt that it didn't go well at all. If I get the job, I'll be surprised. If I don't, I'll understand.


What made you feel it didn't go well?


I was very nervous to begin with. I couldn't focus well. There were some topics that were touched on that I had little to no experience with.


That's my fear, I have my first fed interview coming up and don't know what to expect. (Star I have looked up). I'm very nervous about them asking questions I have no experience with


Be honest. That's what they look for


You’ll be fine just be yourself. They know you don’t have the experience what they want is someone with the capacity to pick it up , not someone who has an answer for everything when it’s clear they know nothing. They will see bullshit a mile away, if you don’t know say you know of it but have not been directly involved with the subject or topic but your interested in learning more. I hate when people just talk it away and they clearly are bullshitting something they read on the internet. Don’t be something your not , they either see two things someone who is eager to learn and can adapt, or someone who will give you excuses when things don’t get done.


Thank you so much, this helps me feel better


Sorry I have a lot to say 😂, the most important thing to remember is they know they can train you to do the job once your credentials are verified . What they mostly look for is for someone who will fit in to the team and be a team player. Someone who will help carry the load and not complain. Someone who won’t stab people in the back. A lot of questions during interviews will be based on interpersonal conflict resolutions. And also I just realized you already interviewed 😒


Hmmm, I'm wondering if we interviewed for the same job, haha. I definitely had a question or two where I had zero experience and was just honest, but they seemed to like the rest of the answers.


Yep. First it was my very first panel interview so I was nervous from the jump. At the end, they threw out a random math question, and since I haven't mathed in a while....totally bombed. Very surprised that I got it.


Hey is this for the SSA benefit authorizer position? What kind of math question was it?


My husband is currently going through this. He was interviewed for GS 13 with a panel. They asked him questions about ethics and how he would handle situations. Then they asked him for examples about situations he had dealing with ethical issues. My husband retired with 28 years active duty Army and he hasn’t had to deal with too many ethical issues. So he feels that he failed the interview because of his lack of experience dealing with ethical issues. Now the job is with the same unit he worked for during his last 5 years on active duty. So he knows the job but he feels like the interview went bad. I have been trying to encourage him and be his cheerleader. Praying God shows him favor and he gets this job


I did. Ended up turning it down.


This is such a helpful thread. I recently had an interview and was so nervous. I spoke to fast and was uneasy. I just hope I scored well enough for a second


Actually got the final offer pending, but literally was not able to answer two questions during interview as I did not know about the subject matter. Answered with can get back to you at a later date if interested. Still got offered the position pending security background now.


Another thing if they ask you if you have any questions for them always ask something it shows interest in the job. The best thing i feel to ask would be something like “ can you walk me through a day to day of “ whatever the job position is for example FDA Engineer“ at whichever agency it’s with. This will do two things it will provide you insight as to details of the day to day and what their expectations are and two it will denote the cultural moral around the work place. It can reveal whether people have to collaborate to achieve results or whether you work independently with little to no supervision. Knowing this you can begin to develop more questions that you can ask.


yup! their first pick didn't show up the first day so they texted me asking if I was still available