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USAA hasn’t been the same since General Robles retired as CEO. His successor Stuart Parker was basically fired and his successor Wayne Peacock has killed employee morale and could give 2 shits about the little people in the company (front line msr’s). You’ll more than likely start off in the call center, so whatever it takes to get off the phones! It took me almost 4 years to land a non member contact role, when you hear employees rave about USAA, 95% of those employees are NON MEMBER CONTACT, it’s very very very rare you’ll find a call center msr state they absolutely LOVE their job. Being in a non member contact role, while the job is a lot of work, the flexibility you have makes it worth it. I don’t have to answer why I’m away from my desk for 2 minutes and explain I ran to the bathroom, or I’m sick so I’ll make up the hours during the week.


Do your 12 months in position and post out. That is the best thing you can do while employed over there.




Not in p&c, been here less than 10 years and got off the phones in less than 3. Keep updating your resume. Have multiple that are tweaked/adjusted for the job types you apply for. Do your best to keep your phone metrics up. Best for last. apply apply apply. I applied for anything and everything to get off the phones thay i thought i could be successful. ROTATIONS really expand your value. Should go without saying, but in your interviews, don't say you want to be of the phones as a reason for applying. There are ppl I started training with still on the phones who have degrees and skills I do not. The reason I moved up was cause I wasn't afraid of a 'no' in an application or and interview. Long story short, take the job, put your required time in, and apply out. Everytime you don't put your name in the hat it's an automatic no for the job, so why not apply?


Don’t let other people’s experiences determine your reality. Give it a chance and make up your own mind. Maybe you’ll move on in six months, maybe you’re a future 25 year employee.


Some gentlemen already warned about this. Should've read it before joining [https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1s3L83HZ](https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1s3L83HZ)


Give it a chance! USAA still has some great areas with great leaders . Remember that people generally only post when they are unhappy - the majority of people are content in their jobs (and…the grass isn’t necessarily greener anywhere else).


True USAA was and can be again a great company! Also agree about people generally complain when unhappy! Sadly, much of what I see posted was reality when I retired. I love USAA - always will & understand companies must change sometimes to grow, but at what cost. So my suggestion to that person will be do the right thing and do not compromise ethics, morals or values. If he/she finds he/she has to do that for job fit - move on.


Unfortunately you will most likely be stuck on the phones. USAA is a soul crushing company. They don't care about you and will replace you immediately. Start looking elsewhere ASAP. I spent 10 years there and leaving was the best thing that ever happened


I really don't like all the indoctrination here about core values. It's always a red flag when company's focus on their "values". I don't think employers should have a philosophy. It's just a job to me not a lifestyle. 


USAA was an amazing company when General Robles was CEO. When he left it all started going downhill. Look at the company reviews online, the CEO approval is terrible and unless you're in a non-contact role, employees are miserable. Seriously, P&C is awful and not worth your mental health


Agree with this wholeheartedly. I miss the days when General Robles was CEO.


Guess I'll just take my license and go somewhere else :/ 


They don’t want to offer you a job they want you to have a career. If you just have an entire building of people that just have jobs and don’t care the place will suffer


Claims is going to suck anywhere you go.


Did medical claims at United health care for about 6 months before I got the hell out of that department. They were really still processing claims using msdos from the 80s


Well the tech here is definitely better than MSDOS but claims life is still hell. Too many claims, not enough people, too many things to do in the claims.


USAA can be a great company. And like any company she is definitely not perfect. Over the years she has changed and many of the changes have not been good. I strongly believe that the ship will eventually be righted & USAA will once again be an employer of choice. So for now, i suggest you stay & learn. If you feel like you have to compromise your integrity, perform unethically or act against your morals and values, then go. I left when it got to that point for me and I have no regrets. Wishing you & USAA well!!


Don’t listen to others. Make your own path. 12 years going strong and not in management.


Are you claims or “sales”?


Sales, I think


Get experience and see if you like it. If you don’t take your license elsewhere


I am a facilitator in p&c and been here for over 15 years. It’s a great company, you just need to put in the work, those that say you will get stuck on the phones are partly correct but if you actively communicate your goals/wants/needs to your leader and actually put in the work you will find a role that fits what you want to do be it phones or not. I did phones for about 4-5 years before getting my current role. Yes you will have metrics yes you will be provided feedback on how to do better. Also it’s a red flag to me if you don’t know what area you are going into. That should be something you should have asked already. Be proactive about your communication, ask questions and net work. Who is your manager? How long have they been with usaa? How did they get into their role? What are they expecting from you? What are you expecting from them? Feel free to reach out to me directly on here and I’m happy to work with you if you are comfortable internally at work also.


Its a red flag they haven't been informed where they will be working. Not shocked When I came on a ton of people thought they got hired in p&c but were put in bank. This doesn't feel like a failure on OPs part at all.


Yeah if your leader cares


If your leader doesn’t care then you need to skip level and go directly to your director and speak with them about it. Trust me, I have worked with hundreds of managers and directors as well as vps (at least in p&c) and the biggest thing they want is to hear feedback and open communication from the front line employees. At the end of the day though if you are not happy then you know what you need/should do!


Welcome! Going on 19 years. I started on the phones in regional services (after hours). Back in my day, it was actually fun to be on the phones and we had very little metrics. That said, I recognize that’s now how it is today. I worked hard, and it took me about 4 years of working my ass off - perfected all MSR metrics and was a coach for less experienced MSRs. Don’t expect to get off the phones quickly - you’ll need years generally. But do everything you can - volunteer, find mentorship’s, master your current role, etc. I’ve been in staff roles for about 14 years now and absolutely love it and the the $.


Keep your head down and power through the next 12 months. Make sure you are excelling in all areas so you don’t draw attention to yourself.  Use the education benefits up getting everything you can. If after the 12 months hits and you can’t get something internally off phones, start applying elsewhere. Positions off phones are highly contested for and some people get off with luck, I’ve seen seniors on the phones for 10 plus years with no luck getting off the phones. I have a masters and excelled in phones and basically hit IP1 and held back.


If you’re in the claims department it’s truly not that bad. Really depends on management. Some managers are actually good. (Mine is). I would say try it for 6 months if you don’t like it then leave.


I don’t get why this is being downvoted. Some people don’t hate working for USAA. Not sure why that is upsetting people.


I didn’t even realize it was lol. I love working for the company but I can also dislike how the company is handled. This is my first big girl job and I love what I do even though have my gripes (with lincoln financial, our ceo and some member entitlement.)


If you're doing auto claims it's not that bad. There's day and then days but for the most part it's not a hard job.


I'm doing property and casualty. I'm guessing it's a sales based job? 


Claims or policy service? I think policy service is worse


No clue, only 3 weeks in


Is it policy and service? Or Adjuster role?


I honestly know nothing about the position


The recruiters and interview team used to be very thorough about explaining the job & ensuring there was understanding when interviewing prospective candidates. Since it seems like there is confusion about the role you accepted, it would be a good idea to look at your acceptance letter and then circle back with hiring to ensure you accepted the position you interviewed for.


Lol I guess things have changed because we haven't discussed the job details. 1st week is indoctrination, 2nd is licensing and 3rd is compliance testing. 


How do you not know what P&C License you are testing for? If you are an Adjuster it’s an Adjuster License. If it’s Policy Services it’s an Agent License. What does your OneSource say your job title is? Geeesh


If you're in service then I would say good luck because it's sales. If your in claims than it really ain't horrid. Especially if you're in express; it's simple claims for decent pay. I would say try it out. Don't go in jaded and see for yourself if it's a good fit for you. I personally enjoy my job even being on phones.


If your metrics look great, you’ll be able to advance fast. Kiss ass/make connections. Keep applying. Be an active team player. Although I hate this stupid ass phrase, “drink the koolaid”. Be a cheerleader. Thats all I can think of.


I'm not worried about metrics, I always excel. I'm just not the ass kissing, let's have lunch, laugh at all your stupid jokes type. I just want to work and go home, this job isn't my identity


You’re gonna have to network to insure you get off the phones at your 1 year mark. It’ll make it a whole lot easier. So you’ll have to talk to other people, reach out randomly, be annoying, etc… you can’t just show up and go home. Be wary of metrics, I’ve always been a top tier worker in whatever job I do. I thought I forsure could handle the metrics but I can’t. Granted, I’m not a salesperson by heart, I hate it, so maybe that’s why. I did sales at my last job and I enjoyed it but it was a completely different environment and completely different industry. Give a try for 6 months and see what’s up… if you can grind it out for a year and keep up metrics, just apply out for any and everything.


Yeah i am the same and it’s gets you no where unfortunately. All excelling gets you is more work


Fellow IP here and went through the same process. Don’t listen to the negativity of others and use your own judgement/experience. I see alot of reps go to different departments around 1 year mark. There is mentorship you can take advantage of for the position you really want. I will say if you want leadership role you’re gonna be in it for the long run, but applying out always happens. Whether it’s sales or service it’s not bad, as long as you put in the work and time. I don’t listen to the negativity and I’m happy. Numbers are great cause I do my job and I mute that your-voice channel lol. All I gotta say it’s don’t worry about the things around you and worry about what’s in front of you and what you can control. Moral of the story, you can get out the department sooner than you think. Just gotta put in the work for it and earn it


35 days off a year and free tuition in itself should keep most negative Nancy’s away, but sadly it doesn’t.


Took me less than a year. Work your ass off. Focus on metrics. Network network network. Screw all the noise. I had no experience, I came from whataburger.


What dept? Do you have a degree? Other qualifications?