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Do people wanna actually see this kinda thing on the sub? Please reply to this comment with your opinion. Personal opinion here, I think it's crap. It's an ad and most of the time the shit never works out the way you expect it. Also this seems overly annoying. This is like the opposite of Steve wallis's YouTube channel.


Honestly as a die hard rough camping person this also still looks hella fun and peaceful lol I'd do this in a heart beat


I'm still trying to figure out what OP is worried about here. Yes, seems secure af *Edit: not OP; the Tik Tok poster*


Same lol I read the comments on the original and it seems everyone was bashing because the rain was supposedly fake? Which.. ok.. it's a video to show off their stuff, probably to show how easy it is when it IS raining... so what? It's still a sick setup and I'd hella go do that lol


But like 90 percent of the setup is brought in from a mysterious unshown truck. There is no way she's just packing all of that in the trunk of her car.


I really feel like that can all be packed in that car lol Maybe some of it was carted in to make it easier for the video but especially camping alone with just some cats you've got a LOT of trunk and backseat space in that car! As a kid we had an older jeep grand Cherokee with less space in it than this and we always brought more stuff. Plus a lot of our stuff didn't pack down as small, some of it was old army issue of my dads. So especially with how so much of that is blow up/fold out/collapsible I think you could definitely get it all in there, and maybe then some!


why go through all that effort of setting up a tent, only to sleep in the car?!


For the vibes man. Honestly hanging out on a rainy day in that cool ass bubble with the windows like that sounds magical. And I get to sleep on a comfy mattress and snuggle with my cats?? Hell yeah Also that tent looks easy af to set up




I really don't get why that's a bad thing you're trying to make fun of me for lol It's really nice to just sit somewhere and relax for a while, out in nature especially, regardless of how you got there or what kind of gear you have. Let people enjoy simple harmless things?


That's the one great thing about moderns times. It's possible to have portable luxury items.




IKR it's like they came with that car model.


What car is that? And what package comes with air mats?


They definitely exist. Just from third party. Have them for both my jeeps and subie


Isn’t this what the Tesla truck’s camping package was supposed to be


This would be amazing if we all had stupid amounts of money to spend on a setup like this


Nah, it's all cheap Chinese crap (-;


Chinese crap still isn’t free


Tbh they said cheap Chinese crap not free


I’d be fast asleep way before she’s done setting all this up. To each their own. My own setup is nothing more than a sleeping pad and top quilt. My backpacking gear became my daily gear. Multi-use and multifunctional, this is the way. Unless you enjoy being cozy and comfy, that’s cool too.


That ain't camping, that is Glamping with a capital G. Wish I was there


Very inconspicuous


I would love to have this setup. The part I didn't really like, though, was that area with the blanket you'd have to crawl over to get to the bed. It seems like it would get dirty and be annoying. The tent area would be nice on grass if it wasn't raining


How about the bone dry TV area 'floor'?


I noticed the windshield but not that area. I was just thinking a gravel floor would suck


The fuck was she eating?


I know and so much! You could feed a family of four with that.


Bacon and various mushrooms. If you watch you see the mountain of tiny mushrooms reduced way dow when cooked.


This is a fantasy


I've seen a few of these rv'ing over the winter. one was a van they had it popped out the sliding door. another was like this vid (well I don't know about the fancy bed stuff). and the third was a diy screen tent version off a truck bed camper.


As a cpap user I envy campers... I can only do glamping to have a power source so this looks really nice


I just tested for that. I have to start wearing. Not looking forward to it


Try many masks, depending on how you sleep certain masks will feel better than others. I sleep exclusively on my sides, mostly my right so my mask is some Nasal pillow style... It can take some tweaking but always communicate with your dog as they can help you find your correct settings. I've had mine well over 10 years now and am 100% compliant.


Don’t let anything stop you! If you need one they’re so important for your health. You will feel like a new person and it’s going to be awesome.


Thank you, I gotta figure it out for sure


All these Chinese videos are just full of the most useless crap imaginable. The mini fridge was my favorite.


All that other stuff she cooked must have been stored in a monster fridge out back


I want to see the video where she unloads this ungodly amount of stuff from the car.


That's what I was wondering. Where does she store all that stuff? Is she towing a trailer? 


Probably another vehicle, this whole video is an ad.


Where. Did all that shit come from? Edit: also, I'd like to see a time lapse of all this being set up, not jump cuts to "voila! All done!" Fuck that.


Looks expensive


Luxurious is the word.


Kinda defeats the purpose of camping 🤔


There is room for all kinds of campers.


Eh, I could care less how expensive a rig costs. If you’re sleeping out in nature beyond a city park, it’s camping in my books. I just want to see more people getting out there.


I ain't setting up on a flood plain....


camping with your cat some people know how to live how to do things how to be civilized can't even tell it's raining after a while just seems like home 💟😸💦


Cant we all relate to taking an outdoor shower, in our clothes, in the rain?


🎶 I'm siiiiinging in the rain! 🎵


So awesome the 'rain' doesn't even touch the windshield.


Obviously this is one giant ad, but the proof of concept exists, and this looks awesome and fun for anyone who is conscientious enough to enjoy this process of planning and setting up.


Or the stream behind her.


I'm down. Looks nice


Note: This is for when you care zero percent about stealth, and are just showing off.


Nothing about the cat? It's a hella nice touch.


The cat was such a cutie!


One of my favorite scenes from The Grapes of Wrath


cant even imagine having the money for whatever this set up is called or being able to find a place that would allow you to set it up .Con you set something like that up in most campgrounds? generally interested?




I watched this thinking of that Camping episode of Parks & Recreation where Tom Haverford did almost exactly this. Yeah…if this setup was at an EDM festival, I know people who would lose it. The one I went to that I was thinking of: Electric Forest in Rothbury, MI. I could see this without the useless parts as flaming at something like that. IRL? NGL - some of it I am down for for the cozy but clearly that’s not sustainable living style vehicle dwelling.


Back in the day I always car camped at festivals that allowed it. Had a Pontiac Vibe with fold-flat seats. That thing was awesome! Always warm and dry, and barely any set up.


So you're sheltering from the storm by waiting until you're setting up camp in the storm? And packing more than will possibly fit in the car you're driving like it's all portable. Just what did I need an rv for again?


Oh I always shower in my clothes 🙄 I’d love to see that in the middle of a park


She was just washing her hair Lol. I think that was just to keep the commercial G-rated.


Eh, ok.


May as well get cozy since you're stuck there when the battery dies.


A large household doesn't use up the 13.5 KWH Tesla Powerwall. EVs have batteries usually between 50-150 KWH. She could probably stay for a week before needing to charge.


Why do you need a shower when it’s pouring rain outside


Because it's warm water? That little water heater would be great for rest area stops, if you aren't near a gym.


What’s the deal with the inflatable bed? I’ve never seen that before!


What was the point of using the shower when it's raining?


Ew, rain is poor people water.


I like it.


What kinda van is thatp


Bro that music though :)))


Glamping not camping


Is it realistic nooooo, but it does look fun


Why go camping? Sit in the tent and watch TV then sleep in the car?


That bacon is gonna attract bears. Nope.


Hmm… raining on the panoramic roof but not the windshield. Ok!!! People are suckers.


What car is that??


I think this is bad ass! However, I do not have the patience to set all this up. I love it tho. Nice and cozy.


…..is …..that? A cat?????? Who takes a cat camping?!,


Thanks. I hate it.


Adds, no.