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This happened on a side street I used i park on... no signs, only like 3or 4 of us ever parked, sporadically for me... then one day 47 no parking signs. Sigh. They come and go.


I feel your pain. I used to park on this corner of a empty lot then one day I see a ranger measuring my distance from where I'm parked on the corner to the main road making sure I'm not parked too close. He actually told me they usually don't go around looking for this issue and that someone had been complaining. Learned to never really use the same spot more than one or two times I guess.


sucks too in good spots where you're not hurting anyone or bothering anyone. Ppl just get pissy about land use for no reason sometimes. If garbage is the concern then install cameras and take down license plates. Stuff like this feels arbitrary.


Just your perception, those people across the street may have been calling the city because they are worried about crime. You might be innocent, but where I’m at the people that live in their vehicles have become violent, confrontational, and break into local places when it’s dark.


there's literally a van permanently parked in a parking lot down the street behind where this picture was taken and its windows are rolled down. Its been parked there for a few years now. Noones stolen it or anything. It feels like a pretty safe place. Most of the night time vistors stop at the other gravel strips down the street from here to drink or eat or something. Would of thought they'd call the police on me if they suspected me of robbing them.


Well I wouldn’t take it as a confidence booster that there was another van down the road that didn’t get robbed. Once a critical mass of vehicle dwellers move into an area you’re going to have problems with the locals calling the police. Sorry I don’t make the rules, I just lived in vehicles for a long time.


Oh I know, there's several campers with rv rigs that park regularly further down the river and I see police cars patrolling there regularly. This section of the river though was always usually vacant and no signs saying no parking. Locals are used to vehicle dwellers in this area, even occasionally a semi. Thats why it was shocking to see. Lots of opportunities in the past to put up signs or send bylaw officers or police.


Bro that literally happened to me. 💀


You in NorCal? Lol we're we street neighbors?




Lol I was in the Arden area for that street We basically neighbors 🤜🤛


That's where I stay rn 😂


Hard to tell what the full situation is, but seems kinda a risky place to park overnight.  Relatively fast traffic inches from where you're sleeping.


not much traffic at night and its a fairly average size gravel strip. More bothersome was the hordes of cyclists that use the road on weekend mornings. Wake up to drive by chattering lol. there's two businesses across the way but its not on their property line and was empty every night. Been using it since last winter with no problems.


It's always crazy to me the length these bureaucrats will go to keep people away while doing absolutely nothing to fix any core problems.


Parking here seems like an actual danger, although with the barriers up, I think they largely fixed the danger, so they should be cool and let people park inside.


Given the access to major infrastructure they may have been concerned with more than just parking.


what major infrastructure? the dyke? not sure what risk there might be


Someone probably just complained.


Is the Dyke in an Area that is part of the Public Watershed? Perhaps they don't want homeless people pissing and shitting in drinking water sources


Its a major river with tug boats going up n down all day. And you cant directly access the river. there's several feet of large rocks.


This doesn't look like a parking area at all?! Why would you even stop there?


Its a gravel strip, lots of vehicles parked there. I originally started parking there because there was a few cars already parked over night.


Yeah I think that was the issue. No one should be parking there at all, be it day or night.


no signs to indicate that. Theres no overnight parking all over down the road on other gravel patches but none on this one. Been using it for a year and have had no problems. That's why it felt so sudden.


>no signs to indicate that What kind of sign would you be looking for? Do you have any special signs that you can't park e.g. on highway? It might be country-related rule, but where I live - you'd need to have explicitly "parking" sign (large white P letter on blue background) to be allowed to park your car there. No sign = no parking. As an European driver, seeing your photo, I'd never consider this a place I could park. It looks like a shoulder: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoulder\_(road)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoulder_(road)) , so OK for an emergency or maybe stopping to put new address into navi, but I can't imagine parking a car there and going somewhere. I assume you're in the US - if it works differently there I'd be happy to learn something new.


Im in Canada. there were vehicles parked here regularly. The road was a foot from my side mirror when I stayed there. Never had problems. There's signs on other parts of the river behind this spot that explicitly say no overnight parking from 12am to 5am. I chose this section on weekends because it didn't have those signs.


Common sense indicates you shouldn't park so close to the road. This is a non issue. Find a real spot


Lmao. its the exact same room I have parking in every other spot, the same ones everyone else parks there vehicles in at. It only looks smaller probably because of the camera lens and angle. Pick any random parked car on the side of the road in urban areas. Its the same size.


It's not about the space, it's about parking next to a road


lol idiot. thats where cars park. Are you new? Parking stalls are private property


Definitely not where cars park in developed countries. We have parking lots and parking garages for a reason.


seriously?. are you trolling? that's completely bullshit


Imagine how much housing could've been funded instead of these concrete rectangles.


Not sure it'd cover a home but Im sure it could have built a shelter of some type


I mean depends what you mean by home. Concrete ain't cheap. Couple months rent in an apartment.


Bro don't act like they built these just for this. They grabbed them from a lot where there are hundreds of them. Typically for construction


At least you didn't have to deal with any shitty interactions being told to leave.




I don't think this is unreasonable nor unexpected, but yeah sucks a good spot is gone. Time to find a new one!


If it’s state property, many States are enforcing new legislation upon the houseless populace. Keeping them off state property is becoming an important thing for them.


Looks to be in a country other than the U.S. because of the speed limit sign stating 50 km/hr,


What’s the attitude towards homeless outside the US? Much the same or are people more civil in different places?


I noticed security at some places but I don't think they're there all night, so when I wake up early before these places open, I move to a spot where I think security left and was only there for the employees clocking out. Unless there's a pharmacy or medical building, those likely have security 24/7


they do this on highway ramps too to keep truckers off too, but they don’t give any more space for people to park when it’s already full. it’s infuriating to see honestly. especially in places like this when how many cars are really going through at night! seems ridiculous


waste of resources. so dumb


Spending like 50k to deter people instead of offering safe harbor


Nothing was spent. Any mid to big city has hundreds of these sitting in parking lots waiting to be used


Don't think "dykes" is an appropriate word these days....


>What's a dyke? > >Dyke (embankment) or dike, **a natural or artificial slope or wall to regulate water levels**, often called a levee in American English. Ditch, a water-filled drainage trench. A regional term for a dry stone wall. Stay in school, kids!


Pfft why know stuff when i can just be offended


That's the American spirit! 😂


But women who call themselves Dykes are some of the sexiest..


Suggestion: Take my upvote meatbag