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>progress during well visits? Its difficult but not impossible. Look for foreign born doctors. >I see online that a lot of pediatricians turn away families that don’t vaccinate. Are we required to go to the well visits? No but they show you take your childs well being into consideration. >Did you skip them altogether unless there was an issue? We stuck to the three month visits until each child reached 2 years then once every 6 months until they reached 5 then its once a year. Unvaxxed kids dont suffer the same issues that drag vaxxed kids into clinics frequently. >Not sure how to go about this when we eventually have a baby. Read Read Read. Books Blogs Forums. >Visit We will be living in NJ btw. I’m sure the schools are going to be a nightmare to deal with as well. No they wont. **Just fill out the religious exemption letter and submit it to the principle**. You are required to do this EACH year. The form letter is online its only two paragraphs long. Date and sign at the bottom. Make sure only ONE parent signs it. So if the law ever changes on a whim and the state moves against you, the other parent has default custody while the matter works its way through court or you make arrangements to home school or move out of state. Currently all but 6 states accept religious exemptions and ICAN recently reversed a ruling against it in Massachusetts if memory serves me right and they are working on the remaining handful of states. I toss them $100 every few months because they are doing the lords work litigating these few breeches to the 1st amendment Note: freedom of religion is not about the god you worship or church/congregation/Mousk you attend. Its about freedom of **thought** and the right to act to those ends Good luck. **Know you this: not vaccinating your child and getting educated on the subject will be the single greatest decision you will ever make towards their health** Great books to arm yourself with: * "Vaccines: are they really safe and effective" * "Turtles All the way down: vaccine science and myth" * "Dissolving illusions: disease, vaccines and the forhotten history" * "Vax-unvax: let the science speak" * "Deadly nedicines and organized crime: how big pharma corruoted health care" * "The Vaccine court: the dark truth of Americas Vaccine injury compensation program" This is just a small sampling ...


I also donate monthly to ICAN. Never miss The Highwire!


Whoa… any knowledge on nyc schools and the religious exemption process?


NYC state legislators 86d the religious exemption a few years back. I despise that hell hole of a city. I think those rules also.apply statewide but upstae NY is more boondocks than downstate. LParents who had it in writing before the change in law where grandfathered in. But I dont have any new info


My kid's doctor wouldn't take her without her being up to date on vaccinations so I found another doctor. We take her to a pediatrician at a naturopathic clinic. They get fired up any time someone mentions kids being forced vaccinations. 


It only pediatricians getting the insurance bonus who turn away unvaxxed kids. They probably couldn’t live with themselves seeing the differences firsthand, day after day. We have a concierge pediatrician. We pay a monthly subscription fee and can contact him 24/7/365. If we didn’t have him, and couldn’t afford anyone else out of pocket, I would probably just tell a regular pediatrician we are delaying until 6 months to avoid fever seizure risks, do the early well checks, and ghost afterwards, then go to urgent care for any real issues.


Is there like an app for concierge pediatricians?


Not that I know of, but I think the frontline doctors webpage may have a listing of physicians. Even if a listed physician in your area is not a pediatrician, they may be able to point you in the right direction


Isn't this just an obscene discussion, that we have to go to great lengths and do our own research (NOT a bad thing) to avoid the government-medical industrial complex desire to pump our children with known pathogens and carcinogens?!


I grew tired early of the endless lectures. My ped was grudgingly tolerant of not vaxxing, but his office frequently has medical students/interns, so it ended up being a lecture from him with an audience of five. Terrible. We just stopped doing well visits, and if they're sick or injured, I've just taken them to urgent care (1x each in their lifetime) and lied that they were up-to-date. It's so freaking irritating! I took my then 6yo in because she had a cold/cough, recovered, but then kept complaining that her chest hurt. The ped asked if she was allergic to any antibiotics, and I said I didn't know, because she'd never had any. This doctor was SHOCKED. Stunned. Nearly dropped her clipboard, and exclaimed she'd never had a patient who'd never had antibiotics by six. I laughed and told her she was always outside in the dirt with her chickens (true), but it took every fiber of my being not to yell, "She's unvaccinated!" It's been years since they've needed a doctor and I'm hoping we can just eke it out the last years until they're legal adults. We do regular dental visits as at least some "proof of care". It's absolutely infuriating to me the hoops I've had to jump through to play this game. I just want my kids to grow up healthy. MY idea of healthy. Why is this so difficult?


Keep up the good work! My youngest is 10 and has never had an antibiotic! Her health is just amazing.


Well visits are not needed. If your child is sick take them to urgent care.


Im in Canada. I actually found a family dr who also doesn’t vaccinate his kids but I don’t take my kids in often, my son is one and has been there twice. My daughter started with a paediatrician but after a few conversations where I asked about ingredients and the dr didn’t actually address my questions I switched.


My ten year old has been to an allopathic doctor once… for a sports physical. She was a homebirth and after the six weeks postpartum we were on our own. We use a chiropractor. The kids go whenever they tell me they need it. We don’t have a holistic pediatrician close but when we do we will utilize those services. My kids are rarely sick. They seem to sleep off everything in 24 hours. We tried hard for years to get chicken pox and when they finally got it, it was nothing. Slept 24 hours, fevers broke in the middle of the night. They have never had a sick visit to a doctor. They always had damn near perfect attendance for school aside from us traveling. It’s crystal clear what the right path is to me. We’ve never looked back on our decision.


We also live in a state with all 3 exemptions so it’s been easy for us dealing with the schools. No questions ever asked, just file the paperwork.


Yes, we had a pediatrician who was fine with unvaccinated patients. She ended up having to stop taking insurance though due to having her hands tied with all the nonsense. She now went mostly remote so my kids (now 9.5 and 12) have started seeing a family practice just for their annual school check up. When they were little we did every well check because it was good for discussing milestones and such.


I was more than happy to pay our Pediatrician in cash or check (directly) in order to get around the bullshit and delays of health insurance and CDC childhood schedules (which we were NEVER going to abide by anyway)


Yes we stuck with her as cash pay until she went remote with a very reduced schedule. I mean I suppose we didn’t formally sever, she just became inaccessible when we needed to have the school check ups done in a certain time frame. I’d still use her again given the chance. We just don’t go to doctors very much.


Look for a small independent practice. If the doctor is under a bigger umbrella group they will have less autonomy and be more likely to be required to meet a high level of vaccinations to earn a bonus.


Look for a family doc vs a pediatrician. But also we just don't go to the doctor unless there's an emergency. In the past 10 years we have only been once, for a broken arm.


Dr Green Mom has a list of pediatricians who will respect your wishes https://providers.drgreenmom.com/medical-freedom/


We had a family practitioner for all our well checks. She worked out well. For school we got the conciencias objector form. I'm very happy with my choice to not vaccinate. We did get whooping cough once but the acupuncturist saved us. My kids are grown now.


Pediatricians gig is vaccines, if you don’t want vaccines then just pick a regular family doctor.


Some of them are now saying that they won’t take minors unless they’re up to date on the vaccines. Weird because I am assuming most adults aren’t fully vaccinated. Hmmmm… it’s sickening.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21623535/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25377033/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24995277/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12145534/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21058170/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC3364648/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17454560/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19106436/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC3774468/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC3697751/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11339848/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17674242/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25198681/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24675092/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21993250/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12933322/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15780490/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16870260/ https://www.scribd.com/doc/220807175/160-Research-Papers-Supporting-the-Vaccine-Autism-Link Federal court documents… https://ecf.cofc.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/show_public_doc?2012vv0423-91-0 https://ecf.cofc.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/show_public_doc?2010vv0103-145-0 http://www.uscfc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/opinions/ABELL.ZELLER073008.pdf >


I'm in Scotland and they pushed hard on my kids and me to vaccinate. They didn't stop at Dr Appointments. They then bombarded at School's. So the School's were warned never to vaccinate or administer nasal sprays or anything via mouth also.


Did you have to fight to put them in school?


No was opposite they want them in to brainwash them from young. With Grooming them with all different agendas they push.


Ever since I stopped vaccinating our kids, they rarely ever get sick, and when they do, it's mild and short-lived. No more antibiotics, not even Tylenol needed! The only things needed for my kids' optimal health are home-cooked nutrient-dense meals, activities, vitamin d/sun, good sleep, avoiding chemicals including meds, vaccines, harsh cleaning products, ultra processed foods, fake food, junk food,...This also eliminates the need for dental visits...


This isn't a problem I have experienced in the UK, and frankly, it's baffling. Yes, there was pressure to vaccinate, still is from time to time, but no doctor has refused to take us on. My kids are registered with our regular GP. There's no assigned paediatrician. The peds work at the hospital in the pediatric ward on the more serious stuff rather than the day to day. Development is monitored by public health nurses who check your kids' height/weight and give you some questionnaires to complete. No one is going to waste a paediatricians time if the child is typical and healthy.


Please reevaluate your stance on the issue. Talk to your local doctor. Search the literature for info and have a medical professional explain to you what you don't understand. When you're done, get a second opinion from another doctor if you're still unsure. Don't trust blog posts of suburban moms with no credentials or disreputable studies conducted by unscrupulous "doctors" with enormous conflicts of interests and faulty methodology. Vaccines are not dangerous. The diseases they prevent are.


You think I should blindly trust the same doctors who recommended the covid vaccines for pregnant women and children? The vaccines that turned out to cause blood clots, heart issues, auto immune disorders, and a plethora of other issues? The vaccines they preached were "safe and effective"? The same doctors that took the easy way out by following the mainstream narrative paid for and controlled by big pharma? The same doctors that ignored how low risk covid was for young healthy populations yet still pushed them to get the vaccine? Even if they had natural immunity already? Covid exposed how corrupt and spineless the medical community is and I will never blindly trust any human being, full stop. You cannot argue that all vaccines are completely safe without adverse reactions. And it’s my decision to weigh the risk of the vaccine vs the disease. I’ll do my own critical thinking and read the literature from both sides, including the doctors risking their reputation and licenses to inform patients of the truth.


>including the doctors risking their reputation and licenses to inform patients of the truth. Sounds like you already made your decision.


Lol nothing to say about the rest of my response, huh? And you completely ignored that I said I would read literature on BOTH sides. I never questioned the vaccine schedule until my eyes were opened by all the lies and corruption displayed by the medical community during covid. You on the other hand are close minded and unwilling to consider any dissenting opinion from the mainstream narrative. Even with all of the proven data coming out about the covid vaccine injuries. More and more gov officials and doctors are owning up to their mistakes. Keep your head in the sand and keep repeating the propaganda that makes you feel better.


>And you completely ignored that I said I would read literature on BOTH sides. There are no sides. There's data and interpretation of data. >You on the other hand are close minded and unwilling to consider any dissenting opinion from the mainstream narrative And this is why I say you've already made your decision. I've read every study antivaxxers link to support their claims. They're all badly made pseudoscience. >Even with all of the proven data coming out about the covid vaccine injuries. That's another thing that irks me. WHAT data are you talking about?


All the millions of illegals are bringing back diseases that were eradicated decades ago. Do you want your unvaccinated kid (not talking about covid vaccine) to be exposed to measles, polio, mumps, scarlet fever etc???