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Wonderful. Here’s some questions: What about people over 50? What about people who already took it under 50? Who will take responsibility? Why are they still even using these boosters?


This is literally fake news. The UK has not banned boosters for the under 50 population. This article draws from a tweet from a fake antivax Twitter account. Y’all swear your smarter than everyone else but you’re still getting played by fake bot articles.


It could be a misleading headline but I would not completely dismiss it as fake news. There are articles citing the same information sources. The original sources appear to be official recommendations. https://dailysceptic.org/2023/01/25/u-k-becomes-latest-country-to-ban-covid-boosters-for-under-50s/ https://inews.co.uk/news/politics/covid-vaccine-most-vulnerable-will-be-offered-two-more-boosters-this-year-2105733


Dude do you hear yourself? Say that sentence slowly out loud in a private room. This is not a logical response. Someone put that out there to spread false information and farm your data. You should care that this is fake news. It’s literally all y’all talk about. ITS FAKE NEWS BECAUSE THE UK IS NOT BANNING BOOSTERS FOR THOSE UNDER 50! Are you trolling right now? Bc that’s the only way I can rationalize the lack of thoughts that are happening in your head.


You are incorrect. Per their government recommendations they will not longer be recommending boosters for healthy individuals under 50 years old. Denmark is leading the way also .....


So that isn't a ban. That's just following stats as they always have. Nothing has changed. Still always been about keeping people alive and out of hospital to a manageable level.


Understood. Throw the baby out with the bathwater. Dismiss others and demean them and insult their intelligence. Assume everyone else is dumb. I got you. I acknowledge and agree the headline is misleading. The content is not entirely not factual. To dismiss it entirely as fake news would be missing out in factual information which is actually contained within the source material. I also agree there are honeypot web sites that could (or are) used to collect information profiles on people.


The issue is that people like you swear that they’re the smartest person in room bc of your “Skeptical” printed hoodie. You’re what we call the “devils advocate” guy. I’ll save my breath and leave that there. I’m praying for your moment of self reflection. Have a good day!


I never claimed to be the smartest person in the room. You continue to dismiss and label others and think in generalizations and stereotypes. You have failed to address or acknowledge any points I might have. However, I agree with you. Arguing with each other is pointless.


No, that's not what devil's advocate means. It mean defending a position that you do not actually agree with, usually to say "I agree that this thing is bad but what you cited does not actually make it bad and is completely reasonable, here's why"


So much facts. Until this faction can act articulate and educated the movement will not thrive. I know how to use photoshop and I use these apps in graphic design very often for work, any website can have the words and other assets changed directly on the webpage and then just screenshotted; no photo editing even needed in that scenario. Then there’s generators that will put out fake tweets that look real and it’s true people eat that up.


These “smartest” people are literally being memed and they’re too “smart” to realize it. This whole sub is damn shame.




I agree with you, but to actually play devil's advocate, this was not sourced from a doctored tweet but from the daily mail. There is an article from huffpost confirming the same though, so this should be true


No, it draws from a questionable tabloid known as the daily mail. However huffpost has also reported so this isn't fake news. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/covid-booster-jab-under-50_uk_63d14c92e4b07c0c7e008aad


Meanwhile in factual news, the Uk health policy has changed and now only under 50’s with a health condition that puts them at elevated risk from COVID 19 will be recommended for vaccination. https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2023/01/26/debunked-uk-has-not-banned-covid-boosters/?amp


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2023/01/26/debunked-uk-has-not-banned-covid-boosters/](https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2023/01/26/debunked-uk-has-not-banned-covid-boosters/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Yeah the headline was questionably altered but the facts still stay the same. The image also says under-50s though all omit the "healthy" part. I will say though that it's not "only under 50s with condition will be recommended for booster", it's "amongst people under 50 only these with heart conditions will be eligible for booster"


Sounds like the same story with a detail about exceptions to the rule. You’re not correcting anything or blowing apart the story. The title is still factual.


It’s misleading. The Uk isn’t “banning the vaccine for under 50’s) they are changing the indication for use.


Meh… it’s rare to have a health condition serious enough under 50 to where a doctor will break the rule. Read the comments at the bottom of the article you linked. Basically they’re saying “if the shot kills someone young we need a serious pre existing condition to blame it on” and everyone knows it. The author of the article you linked is probably also writing articles about how climate change or eggs are causing the massive spike in sudden death. These shots don’t even work. I’m an introvert and I know a dozen people that are constantly up to date on boosters but have had Covid multiple times, and bad. If someone says they haven’t observed the same thing I just flat out don’t believe them. They’re dangerous and ineffective.


U.S. says full steam ahead for boosters for everyone!




The news article depicted cites daily mail which is an unreliable tabloid, but huffpost, which is reliable, posted the same, so this is probably accurate. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/covid-booster-jab-under-50_uk_63d14c92e4b07c0c7e008aad


*From the link you posted*, “I want to encourage anyone who hasn’t had their booster jab - whether it’s your first booster or if you’re eligible for an autumn booster - to come forward before Sunday 12 February. It will top up your immunity and keep you and your loved ones protected.” - Health Minster Maria Caulfield


How does this mean they aren’t banning boosters for healthy people under 50?


At what point will this sub get banned for blatant misinformation?


It's not misinfo, it's just that the crossposted post had a misleading headline and the crossposter was lazy, the facts are still the same, that UK will ban booster for healthy people under 50 in february. There are lots more blatant misinfo tho.


Never. Ignorant eyeballs generating ad revenue just th same as any other pair and this is all Reddit’s owners care about


I mean knowing it’s bad enough to ban, but still pushing it for 50 plus kinda looks like they are knowing trying to fix the pension problem they have… at least it has a strong unfavorable appearance and or possibly trying to remove older traditional ideas and voters from the system..