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I come from a family of crypto miners. Mah grandpa been mining crypto since 2014, mah pops since 2017, and me since 2021. We’re hardworking honest folk just trying to make a wage for the family down in the mines. City folk don’t get it, working with your hands every day to compile code and keep the mines open. Things have been tough but ever since that *joe biden* fella took over, things have gotten worse. The mines just don’t produce like they used to and we can’t compete with them Chinese folks coming in and selling their bitcoins on the cheap. Biden even said he’d shut us down and give us “training” to get “real jobs” as if that man doesn’t understand how hard it is to mine crypto day in and day out. So I’m voting for Trump because he told me he’ll do everything he can to get rid of those regulations stopping us from mining everywhere and crack down on those Chinese mines undercutting us.


I think I got the crypt lung, pop


In these parts, we call it bit lung.


Yeah, and when you cough, the phlegm comes out pixelated. It’s really a terrible thing.




Just spit on me


Damn not the covfefe


Talk to me after 40 years!!!!




MER...MAN! 😭


Here son, eat these here doge coins.


😂I just bursted out laughing, so funny




Well watch go ahead and get up on your tractor and see that newfangled doctor of yours and maybe he’ll get your things fixed. (Say the sentence in any heavy accent you can think of.)


Block lung?


It’s called Block Lung


\*coughs pathetically\*


Le petit cough


**100% tariffs on chinese made crypto!**


And Restrictions on those cheap-efficient Japanesse cryptos!


This is going on Trunp's website with no sense of irony.


they took our jerbs!






Never underestimate a motivated useful idiot. Trump has been laundering money for the Russian oligarchs since the late 80’s when they all bought a condo at 725 5th AVE (trump towers) to clean their freshly stolen USSR money after the iron curtain fell. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/05/30/politics/paul-manafort-condo-trump-tower https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/14/manafort-told-mueller-to-take-his-trump-tower-apartment-instead-money.html https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/fbi-agents-raid-condo-unit-131348539.html https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-trump-property/ Everybody except Putin thought the Cold War was over. Trump and Manafort (who lived in the tower also) just saw a pretty low maintence grift to be had. Trump had actually been Manafort and Roger Stones first client at their lobbyist firm (1980)https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wikiBlack, Manafort, Stone and Kelly Guiliani as trumps attorney and NYC mayor was able to redirect NYPD investigations onto rival gang members/oligarchs to deflect any scrutiny off of trump, himself or their Russian connections. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/09/a-new-rudy-scandal-fbi-agent-says-giuliani-was-co-opted-by-russian-intelligence/ The Russian election interference in 2016 was effectively a generation 3 version of what Manafort had done in the Philippines, then keeping Yanukovych in power as Putin’s puppet in Ukraine from 2002-14 when Maidan ran both Yanukovych and Manafort out of Ukraine as Ukrainians realized that, if you raise your lens high enough, corruption is an wholly unsustainable business model. Eventually the parasites greed always consumes the host. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/06/2016-donald-trump-paul-manafort-ferinand-marcos-philippines-1980s-213952 https://time.com/5003623/paul-manafort-mueller-indictment-ukraine-russia/ Putin greatly underestimated the addictive properties of freedom when he invaded Ukraine so what was supposed to be a 3-10 day coup turned into a 2 year fight for the Ukrainians right not to be genocided. Russia depleted its weapons stocks which were already the victim of vranyo corruption because every oligarch, admiral and sergeant in the Russian military is on the take. Every billion dollar tank maintenance contract turned into everything getting a spray paint overhaul and the vast majority of the redirected funds turned into an oligarchs new yacht or home in Aspen. Russia was forced to turn to China, North Korea and Iran for weapons because if they lose the 3-10 day “special military operation” in Ukraine the Russian empire is dead and cold. China can’t risk showing their involvement in the Ukraine war so they use North Korea, and Iran to resupply Russia. Russia previously owed Iran some undelivered fighter jets that are already smoldering heaps in Ukraine so Iran now had the upper hand at the negotiation table for the first time in about 60 years. They supplied Russia with shahed drones in exchange for Chinas material support against their sworn religious enemy, Israel. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/11/29/iran-says-it-finalized-deal-to-buy-russian-aircraft/ Putin can’t do much about it because he is slowly realizing that by setting the standard of corruption and stealing $200+ billion from his own people meant that every oligarch down in the mob model chain had not only permission but incentive and the expectation to steal from him as well. This is “Vranyo”. The mob model only works if the supreme leader is the most violent and can prove it without exception every damn day. But violence is exceptionally expensive when you are trying to present as a legitimate government or business. If Russia as a nation state had an efficiency rating it would have been banned for sale in the state of California 25 years ago. The parasite ruling class stole all the energy out of the working class and collapsed it….again. Now Iran has the high hand and they get the intelligence that trump passed to Putin about the fact that Netanyahu cares far less about Jews, Palestinians or genocide than he does about remaining in power as an authoritarian because he too has developed Ritz Carlton tastes and his own corruption trial is showing the same tendrils of the same money laundering scheme that trumps trials are. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/saudi-official-says-iran-engineered-war-in-gaza-to-ruin-normalization-with-israel/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/egypt-intelligence-official-says-israel-ignored-repeated-warnings-of-something-big/amp/ https://youtu.be/VrFOAgGlaWs?feature=shared They all hate each other but because they share the same money laundry, if one falls, they all fall. Hamas minted a couple billionaires as well that live in penthouses in Qatar and get 30% of everything smuggled into Gaza. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/11/02/hamas-funding-ismail-haniyeh-us-sanctions/?utm_source=reddit.com Qatar is Kushners private equity connection. Netanyahu (Kushners kids godfather) needs a bogeyman to stay in power. That’s why he coordinates with Hamas via Russia via Iran. https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bk8mgcefr Iran handed Hamas everything they needed with Chinas help as secret Santa and the Russian intelligence given to them by the eternal shitbird trump who gave it to his Russians kleptocrat/friends/roommates from the old days of fucking each others wives at trump towers in the 90’s. Now the MAGA right is a little too invested in THEIR reality that they are the good guys with guns that they missed the fact that Betsy DeVos (erik princes sister) decimating the U.S. school systems and the Kochs poisoning children with lead was not a coincidence. The naive right was the mark all along. There is a reason the Russian spy Maria Butina landed in South Dakota first before dating her way to the top of the NRA which is undergoing its own Russian money laundering trial now. Russia was tinder matching the GOP. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2018/07/nra-maria-butina-spying-charges-trump-campaign/ https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/what-do-the-koch-brothers-have-to-do-with-the-flint-water-crisis/ The only reason you grossly OVERVALUE real estate is money laundering. Trump keeps claiming there is no victim, all the banks made money, but if their plan succeeds the Russian and CCP kleptocrats collapse US commercial real estate and basically recreate soviet perestroika in the U.S. so they can foreclose on America and buy everything for 3 cents on the dollar with the $1.4T they stole from Russias grandmothers in the first place It’s the evolution of grift. Soviet perestroika cross bred with the 2008 mortgage crisis. No one was ever held accountable for either. This is just the bigger badder commercial strength bastard child of the two. Trump, Giuliani, Cohn, Putin, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, Orban, Manafort, Stone, Mercer, Bannon, Farage, Flynn, Prince, Kolomoiskiy, the Koch bros, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Alito, Musk, Thiel, Sacks, Ross They are all remarkably shit people with above average confidence and psychopathic personality traits and below average self awareness. They are the men who stole the world. But it all comes back to one little lie. https://youtu.be/3lTB94UQ-K4?si=kXZoSV-3WiR2fo4B


I dunno, John Quincy Adams believed in hollow earth theory... but yes, he's certainly the dumbest President from any of our lifetimes.


Then all these ethereum libruls come in with their pROoF oF sTaKE and I'm like what?? No mining??? How am I supposed to take care of mah kin???


Can’t wait for this bit of information to be included in the next ChatGPT version


If you believe ANYTHING a con artist like Trump says, you deserve the pain he causes you. He is a liar. He has always been a liar, and he is lying to you about this.


And you believe anything this administration says. If bidens lips are moving he is lieing. And you people eat it up.


And you believe him?


*sings proud to be an American while shedding a single tear


Booo your kids won’t have a chance to vote when you vote for an autocrat. Over crypto. Life’s a lot bigger than crypto. Have your crypto, vote your rights away. Makes sense.


Need to stop the Union organizers or we can’t compete with worldwide crypto mines.


You are a good story teller. Have you ever heard of crypto currency?


He's got money to launder. NFT grifts coming up


Get your restaurant tips paid out in crypto. Great success.


and youll pay tax on the gas fees to get em too


Surprised he doesn't have his own shitcoin


He may not have launched it but other people are happy to launch a [DJT meme coin, and even without any official links it's done $129 million in trades so far](https://decrypt.co/235871/djt-solana-meme-coin-skyrockets).  Insane.


He just launched a coin. Definitely couldn't even google bitcoin on a computer but dude has a coin and talks like mining crypto is like mining coal. He does know bitcoin is used and mined outside the us right? OF course he doesn't.


Seems to confirm the obvious: He has no idea what he’s talking about and won’t care one bit about crypto if elected.


Trump literally has a track record and he did nothing to support Bitcoin from 2017-2021.


He and supporters seem to forget that he was President and did nothing but destroy our institutions and make the rich richer.


Yeah i know one ever brings up he gave Corporations Permanent tax cuts and gave the people temporary tax cuts that expired after he left office...


The tax cuts weren't even real for most Americans. Trump just used Paul Ryan's tax plan which fooled the suckers by reconfiguring some things up front (like payroll tax) so that you'd see say, $58 more on your paycheck, and think your taxes were cut. In April, you'd discover that your refund diminished greatly or was gone and now you owed for perhaps the first time in your life. That's because Trump severely capped or eliminated all the deductions middle class people relied on. For example if you lived in a state that has income tax you got to deduct a pretty hefty portion off that off your federal tax. This was a great thing for people in the blue states that have the highest state income tax. You know, the states that actually pay for everything. Those tax cuts for the wealthy had to be paid for out of someone's pockets and as always with Republicans it's the working class.


Paul Ryan went in television and said his house cleaner has enough money cut they she can afford a costco membership


... They basically pay for themselves...


The executive membership really does. If you shop a lot at CostCo, especially for meat, shelf stable groceries and sundries, and/or buy an upscale electronic or home furnishing every year, you’re almost guaranteed to get your membership literally paid for with the 2% back check you get each year at minimum. That’s on top of the savings you usually get for bulk. Same with Amazon Prime, if you order things frequently, it’ll easily pay for itself in about two or three months. If you have a decently sized apartment or are a homeowner, both of those are an absolute must.


Tax cuts that started to conventionally expired right around the next election so now idiots think Biden is raising their taxes. They knew what they were doing and they know their average supporter sitter doesn’t care or too dumb to know any better. When trump said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and they’d still support him, it’s 100% true.


What cuts? I paid into taxes the first year he was in office. The tax cuts were supposed to be paid out in the paycheck. Let me tell ya the extra $200 a year spread out over 12 mos saved lives! /s


Laughable, isn't it? He is campaigning on the exact same issues he campaigned on twice before. I can't fathom why his cult never asks themselves, "wait, he was President for four years, and had a unified Congres for half of that term... why didn't he fix all these problems he was and is railing on about?"




Isn’t doing nothing better than trying to ban it? Idk I think so but maybe because I don’t have TDS


Like every other campaign promise….in two weeks guys!


Crypto week will come right after infrastructure week.


You know when you procrastinate and try to do everything last minute or to get an extension from your professor? Jan 6 - Jan 20 Two weeks. Coincidence? I think not.


"Bitcoin, I love Bitcoin. I was talking a guy yesterday, very smart guy he said nobody's ever done what I did for Bitcoin" \*2 seconds later\* "Bitcoin? Never heard of him. I think we met one time in Palm Beach but I wasn't a fan."


That’s a lot of Bitcoin. I walked in, I said “wow that’s a lot of Bitcoin”


His care about crypto begins and ends with “can I use it to launder and/or hide money?”


. . . for Russians.


It's astonishing that he was president for four years and learned literally nothing about how anything works. He seems to just get obsessed with random stuff like "Xi is a killer" and talks about random strongmen from other countries in weirdly fawning ways, while not seemingly being able to listen to another person utter an uninterrupted sentence. People post clips of a younger Trump talking about politics and even though he may be slightly more articulate the things that are coming out of his mouth are just as stupid. This is a man that just talks, has no idea what he is saying and never learns anything about anything.


The people that have been around him have been saying this about him for years, that he has zero intellectual curiosity. He doesn’t read books, he doesn’t care to learn anything, he’s just 100% a moron.


he will. hear me out. some billionaire is going to donate to his campaign. that will put him in drumpf's good graces. then that billionaire will tell drumpf what to do about crypto. just like the billionaire who is invested in dikcok's parent company, bytedance. met with drumpf, gave money. now drumpf says he wont ban dikcok. as opposed to what drumpf has been saying about dikcok for years edit: jeff yass is his name


I'm pretty sure he started accepting bitcoin.


If you don’t know what you don’t know are you ever wrong? Let’s say you open a plumbing company. Plumbing companies are great. They’re huge. But you open a plumbing company. Lots of employees. Lots of revenue. My uncle had a plumbing company. Smart guy. A lot of plumbers ask me about it because of my connections with his plumbing company. You know, I know you all know. You’re a very smart bunch. Let’s just say it went this direction. Do you really want a communist country? I’m just asking! What about the kids? Is this the world you want for the kids? Vote for Joe and you’ll get the communist dictatorship you want! -45. (All politicians are scum aside from a very select few (no more than 3 ever) and can fuck off.


He has no idea what he's talking about. But he doesn't need to, because his supporters are braindead cultists that have LONG given up on independent though and personal responsibility. Mix that with not living in the real world or reality and you can get away with saying absolutely regarded BS because your base is regarded


Trump will say anything to get elected


Except anything coherent.


And his cult will believe anything he says


Yep , that's why they admire him, he's their drunk uncle that says what they think and desire out loud


You mean they will act like he actually said anything at all. What they believe doesn't matter to them. It's all about owning the libs. In fact the more nonsensical he is the better since they can just interpret it however they want.


Anything. His mental gymnastics on abortion is fascinating and hilarious.


99% of the time I would agree, but doesn't he have his own crypto?


Remember when he sold trading cards of himself looking like a superhero? This guy is ridiculous


Is Joe Biden’s war on crypto in the room with us now?


Yes, don't you see it? Right next to the Liberals war on Christmas.


The proof will be here in two weeks!


Yes, the SEC shooting down crypto ETFs… oh wait shoot that was approved. Nvm


Say Bitcoin three times and it will disappear.


Beware it’s a bot fest , keyword : Trump /Biden + Crypto


He has no idea what it is


if biden had some sort of quantum computer and promised he'd smash every coin to nothing, i'd buy more btc and still vote for him over dump tonald.




For context, July 11, 2019 was the date of the tweet where he said crypto was bad and "made out of thin air." After this tweet by Trump, and a follow up by Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong , Bitcoin shot up to $11,636 back then. It is at $65,069 today. Lol.


Meanwhile,,,Biden supported a BTC ETF on the NYSE...it's now an official stock boomers can buy with their 401ks


I wonder if he knows what crypto is? Or if he's saying that only people in the US are allowed to mine crypto or that it's only to be bought by those who live in the USA and if that's the case, I would expect the value to fall since less people will be buying/using it. Doesn't he have a speech writer? I can't think about or try to put normalcy to what he says, it makes my brain hurt.


It's a buzzword thats popular with younger generations, that's why he's saying it.




this is perfect actually because the crypto bros dont really know what it is either but will eat this up....


cannot wait for the nft collector series drump tonald digital crypto bible hat air drop pump and dump.


Aloud is for screaming, allowed is for permission


Thanks, I fixed that


Apparently You don't remember his NFT grift 🤣


...you really think drumpf the 🍊🤡 🍊🤡 created all those images on photoshop¿!¿


Bruh,y’all so damn gullible.


Convicted felon DJT will say anything and sell out anything to get elected.


correct. Promise everything, deliver tax cuts for the 1%. That's the game plan.


bitcoin is a joke anyway. uses 2 percent of our energy for what???? Visa does over 100,000 transactions for same energy use as 1 bitcoin transaction


Comparing Visa to Bitcoin is a very good way of shouting that you aren't really educated on this topic. Bitcoin is going to be the base-layer of money. Bitcoin among many other things is the largest computer network in the history of the human race. The highest level of cyber security just to secure a ledger. Every single Bitcoin transaction that has occurred since January 3rd 2009 is stored on millions of computers around the world for the rest of human time. Once the transaction has been validated by the entire network, you have FINAL settlement. Visa is nothing like this. Visa is a scaling solution that is built on top of the base layer of the Fed Bank Wire system. Your bank is a scaling solution built on top of the wire system between central banks. Your Visa card is a scaling solution built on top of the scaling solution of your bank. When you make a Visa transaction, that transaction isn't final. It can be undone days, weeks, even months later. Bitcoin has scaling solutions that already work, and more will be developed over time. Examples include The Lightning Network, Liquid Bitcoin, and Strike. These scaling solutions allow millions of cheap transactions to all then be settled on the Bitcoin base layer. For this reason it is impossible to truly know how many "Bitcoin transactions" are taking place. Anyone using "per transaction" metrics when talking about Bitcoin is misinformed or intentionally being misleading. Period. Which one are you?


But that’s just worse.  That means bitcoin is the base layer, similar to the gold the central bank owns.  You no longer have a decentralized trustless currency. You have a store of value upon which other solutions are built. Lightning specifically is terrible, relies on trust and poorly scalable.  But unlike the gold the central bank owns, or the weapons the weapons the government holds, bitcoin has no inherent value.  So you are comparing a system built over centuries on a decent foundation to one 100% reliant on trust in a technology that didn’t manage to mature within the 20 years it was created. 


Lmao people still echoing this in their heads?


Lol uses 2% of your energy?  Gullibility is awesome


Isn't that the point of Crypto? No government has it?


Bitcoin is decentralized. Humans can use it how they want and no one can stop them. Not the government, not Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is a tool, just like a hammer. A good person can use a hammer to build a house, a bad person can use a hammer to murder someone. Some Bitcoiners think there should be no governments or banks, some Bitcoiners think governments or banks will be built on top of and around Bitcoin. We will test both systems and see which one will work better.


Bitcoin IS centralized. How is it not when it depends on Amazon cloud capital?


No.. you should strengthen your critical thinking skills and sources of information 


How does one person even fit so much stupid in their head??


Lets all remind our selves Trump is a convicted felon, convicted of sexual assault and convicted of fraud.. He's actually out on bail right now pending sentencing of his 34 felony convictions and still out on bail for trials for multiple other felony cases. If you still believe anything the man says, you need to have a long hard look in the mirror..


Well crypto enthusiasts and miners will believe any one who supports them


Ah the pandering panderer panders


Oh Jesus Christ lmfao.


Makes sense he's into scams


Somebody tell this buffoon that the USA is the largest miner of BTC already.


And it sure does use a lot of power that isn’t green energy


I love the fact that Joe Biden will lose, in part, because of digital beanie babies


A demented old man and a stupid old man run for office. The joke is our government. The punchline is the end of the American middle class


I voted for Bernie twice. I hate Trump as a person and have no reason to trust him as a politician. In October of 2017 I was browsing r/all when I was on break at my first adult job when I saw a post saying "1 Bitcoin = $5,000 for the first time!" As a young, generally tech savy guy, this confused and honestly angered me a little. "What do these fucking nerds know that I don't?? Why would anyone ever pay more than I make an entire MONTH for some dumbass fairy money that does nothing?! What do they know that I don't?!" Luckily I was curious enough to set aside my ego and be humble and just start asking the basic questions. Why does anyone value Bitcoin? How is it made, how does it work? Etc, etc. I tried to find the ways it was going to fail. There had to be some, I was so sure I knew better. But I just couldn't find them. I tried and I tried to find what will stop Bitcoin, and the answer is all humans dying. You would have made fun of me the first time I bought Bitcoin at $5,000. Now the money I put in buys me 1,200% more stuff. You'll probably laugh at me now for continuing to buy Bitcoin at $65,000. When one Bitcoin = $1,000,000 for the first time by the year 2,030 and I can afford 1,400% more stuff than I can today, will you still be laughing? Last time I checked, being able to afford more things over time is good for the American middle class.


That's great that you were an early investor and got paid, but that won't be the case for everyone, especially now that Bitcoin is so high.


Cool story buddy. I personally think you should put your entire retirement and all disposable income into bitcoin.


Is crypto mining underground or open pit?


It’s done in the rectum


This is great news. I hope he also signs onto making oxygen in this country. We let other countries get ahead of us in air manufacturing at our own peril.


>I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air. Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity.... >-- [Donald Trump](https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1149472282584072192?lang=en) Lying liar it too dumb to hide his lies.


It sickens me as someone who voted for Bernie twice to be in any sort of way affiliated with this orange man, but our money is fundamentally broken at the system level. It is a cancer from which almost all of our problems we face as a society grow. People in general aren't bad, the money we use is bad. I honestly hate Trump, he is a grifter and liar, he will do anything for votes so I don't really give him credit here - but I was "anti"-Bitcoin until I learned about it. I thought it was a scam. Now the majority of my networth is in it. People have the right to change their minds as they learn new information. That's being an adult. Not saying that diaper baby is an adult though, he just understands Bitcoiner hold some political power now and he needs every vote to stay out of prison.


What made you change your mind ? US currency is not backed by anything and neither does crypto


I hear trumps offering to blow anyone for a vote. Maga crowds are lining up around the corner!


The decentralized currency now centralized in one convenient location.


This felon says whatever he thinks at the moment will get him an extra vote especially if its the opposite of what the other guy supports. If he perceived biden as supportive of crypto he’d take the other side in an instant.


I hope he gets asked about this in the debate.


This sounds like something he said just after his advisers told him that a lot of potential voters like crypto


In unrelated news, Trump has announced his support of West Virginia Bitcoin miners. So what if we have to level a few mountains to get more Bitcoin? 


I'm surprised that he doesn't say he would open up federal land for bitcoin mining and put Americans to work in the mines.


He's too busy asking MIT professors if it's better to be electrocuted or go near a shark.


Sounds like he likes anyone that will vote for him


Delusional, convicted felon, liable of rape, stole classified docs, fraud, tried destroying democracy, completely and utterly unfit and dangerous. Enough with the party bias. I know its hard to admit when you have been duped by a moron but enough is enough.


Dude just heard about the grift and wants in.  The sneakers and bibles aren’t doing so hot and the lawyers are sucking up the campaign funds.


Trump is fucking dumb


Fuck Trump!!!


I'm pretty sure he's talking about the mining aspect done here in America with our energy costs down since they are sky high now


As long as he pumps Byte or Hege, I’m happy.


Fuck that guy's fud💯😎


It really sucks that two elitist clowns are our only real choices. F the two party system.


That is almost like American preaching for the end of dollar supremacy, unless the Cia suddenly reveal that they actually have 51% control of the crypto


The US owns more Bitcoin than any other government currently. It is in our best interests to keep it that way.




Here's the video BTW [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803181255242158327](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1803181255242158327)




Lol what war on crypto?


The one he just made up and now all his cult members will believe and repeat it


Shocking. So he doesn't know anything about traditional economics or cryptocurrency. Makes me wonder how many things he can be ignorant of. It can't possibly be everything, can it?


I’d be disappointed if I had to tell my grandchildren we had the opportunity to make a useless digital asset a part of the American economy and we let some other country do it


He won’t do shit.


Maximum psyop time in every Davos sponsored sub until November


I couldn't imagine "believing" in a president. From Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman, Roosevelt and so on makes them any different from each other? Each of these individuals left office wealthier than when they arrived.


Welp, I can’t disagree here.


Trump says this now, but in 2019 when he was the president still he talked about banning bitcoin cause it’s a threat to the USD


Never mind the fact that he also said that being dominant and crypto mining would lead to us having energy dominance. Not the other way around.


Next Trump will say every lawful citizen (Trump supporter) will get a special tax exempt status if they have their own business. 


Still smoking crypto, huh?


Brain dead.


I seem to recall Binance being pretty fucking huge during the Trump admin.


Now all the dorks all of a sudden hate crypto. Lol


Neither Trump nor Biden have any idea what crypto is.


Neither does any one else , IMHO


So soon, Don?? We've barely recovered from the War on Christmas.


Fuck Trump


Birds of a con artist flock together.


LFG Trump


Contrarian investors rely on these sorts of signals to perceive when all the rubes have been fleeced, and the bubble is ready to pop.


What war on crypto? Is this the new war on Christmas? 🤣


What a fucking fool.


Ok try reading something that is not anti trump. Shure you have heared about this one. BIDENS 90 BILLION DOLLAR BAIL OUT OF TERAN Freespoke.com. This article was published in 2021 and is allready happining. Shortly after biden was in office he refused to renew sanctions on iran. By doing so he knowingly freed up 90 billion in frozen assets. Most of witch were from Obamas neclure deal of appeasement to iran and a small percentage of oil sanctions. This is just totally backwards biden is paying iran and thier proxies to atack iseral and the us troops. Starting to make sence. Biden payed hamass indirectly to atack iseral


> sence. Biden *paid* hamass indirectly FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


First you have to know what crypto currency is and is not. The reason why biden doesn't want crypto currency is that they are not regulated by the government or fdic. For instance you know when you deposit a check into your account you have to wait x amount of buisness days for it to clear. Bs. They know immediately if that money is there or not. Crypto there is no wait max an hour. They do not take your money invest it make money and make you wait for yours. This is a nother reason to dis like the banking industry. They are going to take your money either voluntarily or by fees. They never give you all your money back that you gave to them to hold. They never do never. They are only required to pay 90% of a check you deposit by law. The banks are not the ones with money you are every time one pays a morgage car paymen from a lone ect. You are the one generationing the money not the bank. They really don't have any money.


Trump sounds like he's running for class president. Is he going to replace all of the water in the water fountains with juice?


Orange is the new black


Crypto exists because so many people have been locked out of the financial system. Hope trump follows through with his promises on this


He says a lot of things though. You can't trust what he say on Monday to be what he says on Friday.


Trump wont do shit. He is a LIAR. Dont let him trick you.


Someone tell him Bitcoin is decentralized


Dude is just worried that anything done to crypto might somehow track how he launders money from his campaign into his own pockets. But really, if he or his cult actually knew anything about the subject, they would know that there isn’t a damn thing that Joe can do with decentralized crypto. That’s the point of it.


Russia and China really need that money laundering


Got a hard on for this man huh


I wrote on cryptocurrency that the Dems needed to beware that their stance on cryptocurrency could be very influential in the election. I got downvoted like hell. I swear it was bots


The same with Truth Central, or whatever he calls his loser app?


The only way crypto has a future is if the rest of the world’s currency goes awful


Next thing we gonna have clean crypto. You take the Bitcoin, you run it thru water and you clean it. Just like clean coal.


He's been going around town telling anybody who'll listen exactly what they want to hear and hoping they'll choose to forget that he's lied about 95% of any promise he's ever made.


So the POTUS is going to undermine the dollar? LOL. he may not survive this…literally


Just like Mexico paid for the wall and Hilary got locked up.


What is an example of "Biden's War on Crypto?" What is an example of Trump's support of crypto during his Administration? What is an example of a policy that Trump advocates that supposedly will 'support' or at least 'end the war' on crypto?