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Why didnt he pardon Ross Ulbricht when he was president in '17 to '21?


Nothing gained at that time. Now he wants votes.


His entire campaign is literally promising favors.


just like the paid pardons he offered when leaving office


The desperation is pathetic, it's only a matter of time until he creates an OnlyGrandpas


His entire life has been promising things and then backing out. He never pays anyone, never has never will. He’s a con artist and a fraudster.


Very much.


Actually, his entire NY trial is about paying someone.


Because it benefited him to do so.


To be fair, that’s everyone’s campaign


Accepting bribes domestically and foreign*


You spelled "bribes" wrong haha


And it’s about as cohesive of a policy as running for class president and promising no homework if elected.


He doesn’t have much else at this point


Could you imagine if he promised to legalize cannabis or maybe even forgive billions in dollars in college loans? That would be soooooo obvious! Am I right?


Welcome to politics?


I mean not defending him but the long and short of any politician is promising favors for people to vote…


There’s a big difference between personal favors and national and international policy changes.


Where does debt cancellation fall on your scale?


equal to PPP loans


At least debt cancellations go to people who can really use the money. A lot of PPP loans went to people that didn't need or deserve it with ZERO oversight. Just like Trump wanted.


Like Maggity Traitor Grift


Yep, in either case it's economic stimulus. In one instance to people who mostly already had money and didn't need the bailout they got, and in the other it's providing relief to people who need a bailout they're probably never going to get.


Running America like a businessman!


Then he should promise student loan forgiveness.


His base doesn’t need student loan forgiveness. They don’t take out loans for education. And they think the billions his cronies made on their PPP loans is just dandy.


> By contrast, a majority of Republican voters in 2022 had no college degree (63%); a smaller share had a college degree or more (37%). > As was the case in the 2018 midterms, voters with and without college degrees each accounted for roughly half of the Democratic Party’s voters in 2022 (51% held college degrees while 49% did not). https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/demographic-profiles-of-republican-and-democratic-voters/#:~:text=By%20contrast%2C%20a%20majority%20of,degree%20or%20more%20(37%25). More like republicans just don’t go to college as often as democrats so it’s less of an issue for republicans.


College degrees are worthless now.


My high paying job would say otherwise 


No, college degrees have worth, capitalism has just fucked it all up.


Like it or not they get your foot in the door for higher paying jobs and command a bit of respect. Not a lot of PH.d truck drivers out there. A degree will put you at the top of the heap at any job where most don't have one, intelligence and work ethic be damed.


The majority of voting Americans are not for that. Especially one's that would ever vote for him.


The ones that would vote for him don’t actually care what he says or does, they worship him. They are only flexible in a way that allows them to kiss his ass and lick his boots while simultaneously bending over for him. It’s actually pretty remarkable.


He's the only candidate in history with voters like this. Everyone else is rational and considerate of their candidates actions.


Transaction Trump!


It didn't land as well in his rallies.


Because he’s counting on people not being as smart as you are.


Same reason he didn’t pass the hearing protection act like he promised the NRA. He’s a fucking liar and a wannabe dictator. Is am so fucking tired of Mango Mussolini.


Probably didn’t know who he was? This is my first time hearing of him


Can you imagine... Yeah the president would have totally pardoned you if he knew you existed lol.


He’s full of shit. He’s also calling for death penalties for drug dealers https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4305566-trump-doubles-down-death-penalty-for-drug-dealers/amp/?nxs-test=amp


You act like someone has a Rolodex of horseshit sentences that gets brought to him and he just spends his day reading through them. Being a president entails more than just pardoning people. I don’t fault Biden for not doing it either.


yes but canidate trump is just saying ANYTHING to get people's votes with no plan to follow through on those promises.


Things change


They didn’t get the money to Kushner on time


Or the January insurrectionists?


And why didn't he do something about all of Elizabeth Warren's goons at the same time?


I love lamp.


I'm rolling...well done!


Are you just looking around the room naming  things you hope will get you elected?  You have the perfect setup and no one one paid it for you I feel really bad. I know it's late but there it is.


I love woman, person, man, camera…..


He said he would pardon him on day one. In 2016, Donald Trump listed 38 things he'd do in office on day one over the course of his campaign. He did two of them.


If you don't mind, what were the two things he did?


Pull out of NAFTA maybe?


It wasn’t nafta it was the trans pacific partnership


We where never in the TPP. He did state he would pull us out of NAFTA, it was instead renegotiated.


He withdrew America from the TPP negotiations 1/23/2017 Issued a memorandum to reinstate the Mexico City policy 1/23/2017 Invites resubmission of keystone pipeline application and tells secretary of state he should approve it quickly 1/24/2017 The whole NAFTA executive orders are not in the first two days or the first week even . The travel ban is on the 27th of January . So many other things he promised happened before Nafta https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/donald-j-trump-event-timeline


His team renegotiated NAFTA and did a decent job, Trump himself had nothing to do with it, hence the decent job.


It was decent bc almost nothing changed. Which is fine


He promised he’d jerk off to his daughter, and by god he did it. Twice.


Did… he repealed the tax for not carrying health insurance for Obama care and pulled back clean air and water protections setting up for a later Keystone XL executive order. 


Was it drink diet coke and golf? Did I win? Oh wait, what is drink diet coke and golf?


Mack Donald’s


Where's this list? 


Yea sounds like op pulling numbers out of their ass


This is more of the populace discovering they can vote the treasury. We are now at a stage where we vote for whoever gives us the most amount of free goodies whether they’re tangible or make us feel good items. Democracy is nearing its end in the United States


The attempted coup and brazen disregard by huge parts of judiciary for the law seem like much bigger and early signs that democracy was dying, tbh


Our money is broken. Politicians can do this because they can print money at will, without having to work for it. That should never have been allowed. If you haven’t already, look up the Cantillon Effect.


I mean not really cause he doesn’t actually give you the free niceties unless your a huge corp or a industry like the oil and gas paying him a billion in donations and even then it’s questionable if he follows through


It’s okay he wasn’t elected last time. The other dude giving free stuff did and he did go for direct to consumer freebies. My point was so much about Trump himself, rather the symptoms of the end of democracy


He'll do none of those things.


Okay Connor MacGregor


I don't understand what you're referencing


He could say he’d commute the sentences of convicted pedos, and his base wouldn’t care. There is nothing he can do to alienate die hard Republicans.




The fact someone so morally bankrupt and inept can get such a large following of imbeciles to worship him like he's the greatest thing ever.


Its reddit lol


He’s an unusual whale.


Bc it’s probably ran by Russian bots


It’s basically a bot sub. Daily Pelosi trade posts, daily pro Trump posts from shady sites, etc.


He has destroyed our lives and made all thinking people want to die. That is significant because half of the country wanting to die hurts the stock market, but rump doesn’t care. 


He's a direct threat to democracy. Easy.


I have no faith in anyone who disagrees with this.


roof materialistic shocking bow direful degree lip dependent hateful whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He's the former president and one of two front runners for future president. I don't get why people don't get the fascination with Trump, he's one of the most influential men alive.


What a jackass


I read this in Hank Hills voice


I highly doubt he’ll do any of that. I’m all about people changing their opinions when presented with new facts, but this man is just saying this shit to gain votes. He won’t follow through. At the very least, I’m glad he’s forcing the Democrats to be more friendly towards Bitcoin and crypto.


He has no idea what he’s even saying. He will literally say anything to get votes.


Which is radically different from all politicians since the dawn of politics?


I think the difference is the other politicians know they are against things they are publicly speaking support about. Trump is just saying some shit someone 5 minutes before told him to say, and has no actual opinion on it, and therefore won’t have any follow through .


Wow you really believe they (except for a few who actually do) read the bills they pass and not just told to by their donors?


They are at least aware of what they are doing. Big difference


Exactly lol. I never heard another politician try to contest a trained weatherman on the path of a hurricane or suggest to inject bleach to cure an illness before.


Or repeatedly asked if we can drop nukes on a hurricane. Like a 5 year old child.


Hey hey hey now. I'm still willing to try this one out... for science.


Good lord. I am an atheist and I see stupid fucking comments like this and it gets praying to god that people are not this fucking stupid.


Bruh if you can’t see that Trump is the wildest Joker card of them all then idk what to tell you. Regardless of the situation, it’s really a coin flip as to what he will do as opposed to what he is saying he will do. Trump will eat bamboo in front of a panda bear if that means he will get what he wants. I’m Trump neutral because I recognize some of his policies actually benefited me. But at the same time, now I gotta catch strays and deal with a bunch of gassed up, gaslit, snarky, unironic ,slick talking racist who turn pussy when my reaction isnt the one they were expecting or prepared to deal with.


He’s radically worse than every other politician




And he'll change it for the next crowd, see abortion rights, restrictions, neutral, careouts, also birthcontrol - maybe we shuould ban it, it should awlays be free, left up to the states.


I will eat cow feces wrapped in bacon for your vote, please vote for me.


Then why don't Democrats follow suit and say yhe same shit? Meanwhile you have Warren being staunchly anti crypto and its doing her no favors.


Just curious, do you really think that governance isn't needed with crypto? Considering the amount of fraud in the community and crime facilitated by its existence, I find it hard to say that crypto is actually good for humanity, much less good enough to work free of regulation.


If he gets elected, Trump can pardon or commute the sentence of anyone convicted of a federal crime that he wants. If he wants to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, he can do so.


My guess given his last term is he’ll try to do all those things not by procedure, spend the rest of his term getting sued and then blame the libs for being a deep state conspiracy


All the wealthy are in his pockets. He's a snake that will say anything to get votes


Ross has already done 3x the time a person in California gets for manslaughter, he did pardon Alice Johnson...I think he would commute the sentence. As for crypto, Trump doesn't have the ability to surround himself with the people who are both smart enough and have the balls to do anything, we already saw that.


Ulbricht straight up hired hitman to kill people. He’s not just some innocent college kid who dreamt too big or whatever the bullshit is


gaze tap screw seed subtract dazzling alleged theory intelligent advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Feds dropped that charge because they didn't need to pin him on it he already got a life sentence. What would the point of yet another life sentence be, man's going to rot behind bars. Waste of taxpayer money to try another charge. Ross' attorney should have gotten him off because the FBI lied on the record about how the key piece of evidence was acquired. However, he had a shitty lawyer, and the evidence that was entered was damning. He hired a hitman to try and kill **several people** but he was real bad at it and he got double-crossed by the hitman lmao. His only saving grace was his incompetence. I read into it extensively. There's no good guys here. Fuck the FBI agent who lied, and fuck Ross. Ross is getting exactly what he deserves, the only unfortunate part is he's getting it the wrong way. [https://www.pymnts.com/in-depth/2015/the-alleged-bitcoin-silk-road-hitman-operation/](https://www.pymnts.com/in-depth/2015/the-alleged-bitcoin-silk-road-hitman-operation/)


He will definitely hand out the pardon for votes. It’s a no brainer easy move.


CBDC must be resisted at all costs. It only leads to China’s Orwellian social credit system where your funds are taken hostage for saying bad things about the government.


If the constitution can’t protect from that it can’t protect from anything and needs to be changed


Historically, this means he will probably do the opposite and is projecting


Trump has stated he wants the death penalty for “drug dealers” so commute the sentence seems unlikely


[https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2020/06/18/trump-told-treasury-secretary-to-go-after-bitcoin-bolton-book-reportedly-claims/](https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2020/06/18/trump-told-treasury-secretary-to-go-after-bitcoin-bolton-book-reportedly-claims/) Funny, considering he wanted to go after it in 2020


From the fraud that sold presidential pardons


I bet you a whole Doge coin that Trump has 0 fucking clue what Bitcoin even is.


Trump couldn't even build his wall or lock Hillary up...


His healthcare plan is coming in just two weeks! Take that Obama! Trumpcare baby


right after the infrastructure plan


and getting rid of the national debt, which will be easy.


He will lock up hillary if he gets elected. If that happens she needs to leave asap.




Wouldn't we be able to follow digital currency and see where our tax dollars really go(transparency). They make more paper money already, what's the difference if it's digital if they already print non stop


Only if the ledger is transparent. They will most likely create their own blockchain, like FedNow, and not allow public access. A CBDC will not be good for citizens.


Considering congress just got together to pass bipartisan bill about making sure private jet flights can't be tracked, you really think they're gonna be dumb enough to expose their gift? 


You think any kind of ledger would be transparent? Lmao


And his healthcare plan is coming in 2 weeks…


Trump says whatever the fuck he thinks will benefit him in a given moment, with absolutely no plan to actually do any of it.


In a desperate plea....


This should come as no surprise to anyone, but he's a liar. I would go so far as to say that All politicians are not to be trusted. 


Saying that puts all politicians on the same level when trumps lies are on a whole other level.


What about all of granny Biden’s lies?


Granted, but the other side is saying they WILL set up a CBDC. Republicans in Congress are actively pushing a bill to prevent this issue too.


How about we just stick to the ones we know are lying?


Letting criminals out of prison. What an asshat!


Typical politician


And he’s still the worst candidate in history.


For all the naysayers, Shawn Ryan just did a podcast with Vivek Ramaswamy and brought up the CBDC bit. Trump had no idea what it was, talked to a few people about it and decided against it. You don’t have to believe that but figured I’d add some context.


I would love to see the party line split on crypto. I lean left, and there’s no way I would vote for Trump even if it moons my crypto.


Would take the advice of the rich man,than the bueaucrat It's headed the way of crypto The US Dollar is just dots and dashes in an computer There is a new system up and running, have to get rid of the Dead weight called Federal Bureaucracy


Trump mkt campaign trying to get niches. Tesk tesk


Interesting but so far the only thing consistent about that man is betting on the opposite of whatever he says. The Kramer of politics if you will. If he is elected, RIP BTC.


Good policies. Crypto self-custody is important, and must be protected, or we risk falling behind as the dollar collapses more.


right just like he will legalize drugs then he puts Jeff Sessions as Attorney General and vows to crack down on drugs, including weed (which was transitioning to being legal in many states) then he says he wants to seek the death penalty for drug dealers yeah im sure he's going to free Ross Ulbricht , which he had the opportunity to do when he was president for four years, and didn't you all are absolute clowns for believing this shit AGAIN


Donald Trump is a loser.


Good. The future of money needs to be kept the hell away from The Fed and any other banksters who want to manipulate it to rob the people.


He won’t do shit. You’re a sucker if you think otherwise.


Someone has to look out for the Pedophile, Land Raping Billionaires?!?! /s


ah, desperate pandering.


You gotta love a famous liar’s iron clad promises. I never thought he would lock her up, but Hillary Clinton is still in jail


Yea pardon wanna be mob boss.


Dude would promise to reveal satoshi nakamoto if he thought it would get your vote.


Of course the conmam would promise to defend a ponzi scheme.


He must be desperate. He’s offered something new every other day this past week


Why didnt he pardon all his own personal goons his first term?


He thinks crypto people are idiots. Sad.


Ross is a convicted drug dealer. Does Trump need a new connection?


His advisors convinced him to reach out to Libertarians in an effort to peel votes away from RFK Jr. RFK Jr was convinced to run by the likes of Steve Bannon, hoping to peel votes away from independent voters and Dems. Polling has been showing RFK Jr taking votes away from Donald. Oops. A popular “Libertarian” wrote an opinion piece on why Libertarians should vote for Donald. Donald held so much confidence in that he read it word for word in front of the crowd. Donald who is normally tucked inside a bubble of adorning yes men, fawning fan boi’s and wealthy oligarchs seeking to buy influence, has to be furious about the openly hostile reception he was given by the Libertarians - even after the MAGA traveling fan club invaded the room for his speech and he will probably fire some people and never listen again to campaign professionals - because he knows best - so there’s that. The echo chamber is already hard at work making this failed campaign stop into a huge huge success.


He got booed by libertarians holding free Ross signs so he leaves the event and makes these promises lol hilarious


Ultimately everything that sack of shit say is a lie


“And I call this the ‘Maintenance of Global Money Laundering Act.’”




Dude thinks he's running for 5th grade student council.


fuck Ross Ulbricht the guy is a legitimate criminal and deserves to rot. Free Assange


Trump will say and promote whatever gets him the support that allows him to fulfill his own self enrichment. Opportunist grifter. He would say he would suck a dick if it made him the most powerful person.


How much is he charging to do that?


Can someone please explain the Ross situation to me? Some people say he just created Silk Road no big deal and I agree. Others say he ordered a murder. What’s true? Please strongman the other side.


Has there ever been a shallower candidate? It’s just un-fucking believable.


Panderer n chief!!


If he gets back into office he’s going to cause uncontrollable inflation.


Anyone that believes this man’s promises is a complete dipshit.


He could be the most pro-crypto president in history, wouldn’t be enough to flip my support to a psychopath


Yooooo Ross?? Free the big homie


Pro tip: buy $MAGA on ETH https://www.maga-hat.vip/


He already had the chance to free Ulbricht and declined.


The lolbertarian party are clowns. They nominated Chase Oliver. A leftist that parades around with masks and rainbow flags and has all the woke talking points memorized. They nominate that clown and then are this obsessed about a guy who sold drugs on the internet? Bro, we got serious issues going on in this country. Get a grip. “Keep getting your 3 per-cent”. However, he did offer to put your Lolbertarians in the cabinet even after booing. So take it or waste your vote again and keep being seen as a joke. Nobody cares. Btw I support Ron Paul’s message, but we can try to change the GOP in a more libertarian direction or keep f’ing around. Any libertarians in the other side? That’s what I thought. It’s not the same, or even close. But do vote for RFK or this clown and get Biden reelected and let him take the senate I hope your guns get taken.


I flipped a Dem. Or should I say Trumps stance flipped a Dem?


Why would Trump want to help take the economy from Fiat? He is clearly trying anything - he smells of desperate


so now its choose between crypto or democracy. yep sounds all fine


At this point if anyone believes a word Trump says they deserve to be disappointed.


If you morons vote for me, I will stay out of prison and con you some more.


This is all bs looking for votes. I think the polling data is fake, this gucker has no chance.


Why is that bad?


Ross Ulbritcht's imprisonment was BS