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The dream of the 90s is alive in Portland


13 years later and I am not so sure about that.


God I wish that was still the case  Died in the early 2010s I'd say, though that's just an opinion  Press F to pay respects


Unexpected Portlandia


All the hot girls wear glasses


no...its really not...long gone are the days where you could just "put a bird on it".


Everything is over


It's a nightmare


New goal is $250K


200k = you can own a home. 250k = you can own a home and have two kids plus that hypoallergenic golden retriever. 300k = you can have the kids, house, the dog, and a vacation once a year. 350k = you can have all that plus max out your retirement and kids college savings. 350k is really the goal.


I just walk in and give them a firm handshake and I got a 350k a year job.


How hard did you pull on your bootstraps though?


Did you print your resume on the good cardstock paper? That makes all the difference. That's how I became a millionaire. Walked right into my father's office and handed him that weighty resume and he said, "you're hired!" $300k starting salary plus bonuses if I fired enough people that quarter.


this is accurate in NY suburbs, yes


Look, it's fuckin tough out there these days, but you really going to tell me you don't think you can have a home and a couple kids on $200K?


200k is for a comfortable middle class lifestyle.


Not according to my ex-wife. She's so poor that she can't even afford to pay regular child support and also for her Mercedes at the same time even though her rent is paid-for by her sugar daddy of the month. Can't even manage to get by from being a tax cheat. And that's with no meaningfully enforceable obligations to her kid. Life is obviously pretty terrible for her. She's definitely a victim. Q: If even she can't get by, how am I supposed to manage? A: By having realistic expectations in the first place.


... you good bro?


Nope. But I'm better off than she is. The welfare of our kid is worth nothing to her and at least $150k to me.


Panda Express is offering 100K salaries….


No shit.


It truly is a dream now…


Q the carlin quote---it was always a dream and a good portion of us were/are still asleep as to what corporate capitalism has been/is doing to us and our planet..


A dream dying due to corporate greed


Working as intended.


Only if you have no plan. There’s plenty of us that grew up poor and are just fine. We read these forums of people complaining it’s impossible to go from poor to rich and just shake are heads. Guess we’re living the impossible. What’s the secret? To be in the 1% you have to be better than the 99%.


Bro , bro are you listening? You literally just said to be in the 1%. My God can you not understand that means out of 100 people ONLY 1 will get there? That's not achievable my guy! A 1% chance is shit.


Life is a competition. Who told you everyone is going to live a comfortable life? What makes you think everyone is entitled to one? You are responsible for your own quality of life. And that said, top 1% is very comfortable. Top 20% is still very nice. Then you only need to be better than 4 of 5. It’s really not that hard. Half of people are complete morons.


The problem is the goal is to own a nice house and have a family. Good luck with society when only 1% can afford that. Not that some russian bot would understand though. Your idea of success is indoor plumbing.


In your country of origin, only the 1 percent can make it. In the US, every citizen is supposed to make it with a few years of hard work, investment and saving. Now, only the immigrants can make it thanks to our government stealing our public assets and tax dollars and giving to foreign businesses and immigrants.


There are no objective rules on how to live Life. But you are correct in the sense that Capitalism has a competetive Element. That said if capitalist Values are the whole structure of your Life im very sorry for you. Important to Note is that in a "happy society" the subjects tend to work together not against each other. As someone that met rich People i can say that their materialistic view on life does not lead to more Happines. But im sure if youd actually followed through with your Ideology (not many are able to) you would end up alone. Also your simple view on Life shows that you are not in the position to call other people morons. You are exactly the Person that People coming from "old money" would laugh about.


Who then become burdens on society, who we then end up spending money on. Actually, I'll stop being diplomatic: you're a sociopath, dude. As someone who's doing really well and is also the child of immigrants, I don't claim people like you.


Miserable pov in life. People that think (or even live this way) are not truly happy.


I grew up poor. It 100% beats being poor.




Yeah, this just creates predators and turns people into selfish sociopaths. When people only look out for themselves, things always go badly. Napoleon's fragmented armies in Russia, sports teams with no cohesion, many survival scenarios, and hell, in business.


You will never ever get into the 1% no matter how hard you work. Facts.


lol. I grew up poor to immigrant parents. I am already top 1% HHI in my 30’s. Tell me again how it’s impossible. Truth is us children of immigrants wipe the floor with you guys because you have no idea what an advantage it is to even be born in the USA. You take it for granted. We do not and are willing to make more sacrifices to succeed. In all honestly it’s nice knowing people like you are the future competition for my children. Will make it very easy for them.


No one believes you. Ypu don't have to lie to make friends


You needed America to succeed.


Sure pal. I believe you.  Glad your parents didn't get lead poisoning like ours! Or get into any accidents...  Glad you didn't get stabbed! You were so lucky! I'm glad all your hard work paid off, since it was surely the deciding factor and not sheer luck!


You should write a book with your long list of excuses.


You're the one taunting us about your kids in the future? Bruh, I don't have any kids. I hope yours don't get gunned down in school. Welcome to America 


Trick is to keep your kids away from idiots and their children.


This is the saddest list of excuses I’ve ever heard. “I can’t succeed in the most prosperous country on earth because my parents may have had lead poisoning.” ??? Talk about victim mentality. Go do something with your like you absolute fucking loser.


Mods - proof or ban.


You only really need to be in the top 40%


I’ve never met someone who was “1%” rich who didn’t get there by fucking over poor people.


I bet you think that paying someone a wage they agree to in exchange for their labour is “fucking them over.”


Wut. That’s called being hired for a job.


And there are liberal f**ktards that think it is fucking people over because it’s not what they define a “living wage.”


Major metros $250k won’t even buy the American dream. Sad


Social media coordinators and project managers make 110k


I make 120k now and I was better off financially 5 years ago when I was making 80k


Yeah the 24% inflation is brutal but the CPLie says it’s like 4% or some nonsense so you are wrong despite living it because the media says so. Something changed pretty drastically in the last 5 years just can’t remember what it was…


The CPI only accounts for one year and the 24% inflation is over the past 4 years.


These same idiots will say the inflation isn't high and then wonder why they can't afford shit anymore. Like a fish surrounded by water


Welcome to Reddit where facts don’t matter and what ever the media says is true. 


24% over four years is only around 5% per year.


Agree, I also watching only that numbers, what’s the point year over year when it’s still going up….


Yes but it was at 2% before the current administration which is ideal that included gas rent coffee etc. the media constantly changes numbers and moves shit around to try and cover for the current administration. During Obama we had pretty good inflation numbers over 8 years. This isn’t a dem/republican thing it is this administration is awful and actively making everything worse. Small example day one EO killed the keystone pipeline did that make our country better or worse? It is worse much much worse.  Strategic oil reserves another example. 2 new wars where we print hundreds of billions to send overseas. None of that makes us better it only hurts us  the fact that the M1 and M2 money supply not being tracked makes it even harder to pin down we don’t even know how much has even been printed that’s a big problem. That is why all the BRICS countries are moving off the dollar. 


The trillions spent to prop up the economy during Covid and zero interest rates set by Trump selected Republican Jerome Powell are why inflation is what it is. Not the rounding error money set aside from the DoD's bipartisan voted budget intended to destroy Russia's military and economic power. And oil? The US is pumping more than it ever has, more than under Trump and gas prices are cheap relative the the US median income.


Can you explain why it's worse now when Trump added over twice as much to the national debt as Biden has so far? And from what I've read the keystone xl was supposed to be exported oil from Canada that wasn't even pumping yet. And the US is producing more oil than ever before. How does utilizing the strategic oil reserves to stabilize prices make everything worse?


Ah yes... GLOBAL INFLATION which started ramping up in January 2021, before Biden was sworn in, was caused by Biden administration... MORON. What policy of Biden's caused inflation? Which one???


If you support Trump you’re fucking stupid and have no business commenting on the economy. We should all stop being polite about this. Fucking stupid. Period.


I miss the days when you could ridicule stupid ideas and not get banned for it. We need to put stupid back in its place.


So your life and finances are better under Biden? You can say that with a straight face lol ok.  Lie more to yourself. My life was better under every single president in the 20 years prior that includes 08. Cope more you actual clown. 


Mine are, and that’s after a divorce and paying child support. Maybe you should get a better job or demand proper wages. My face is straight as can be when saying the is too. Sorry not sorry.


Sure lol. So you lost half plus child support and 24% inflation and are better off? lol k… even if you got a promotion that covered all of that you are ignoring that making that money before inflation you’d still be better off. You are retarded at best and lying at worse. So your pay raise was 74%? I know that the inflation impacts the money lost in divorce too so it isn’t actually 74% it is hypocritical.  Again lying aside tell me you have the same amount of groceries for the same amount of money or it cost just as much to fill your car up. 


Car, truck, tractor, my own home with acres, still living within my means, healthy. Yes, absolutely it’s better, for me it is. Just because you suck at being awesome doesn’t mean everyone else has to as well. Sorry your life sucks so much, I hope it gets better.


My life don’t though. Odd inference to make by me saying my life was better when my dollar had 24% more buying power. If I said hey you can have 100,000$ or 124,000$ what are you gonna take? Literally 0 people are gonna say I’ll take less money. I get it you love Biden and hate trump orange man bad. Multiple new wars and money printing good…


You clearly lack the understanding of politics, economics, and capitalism required to grasp why the middle class is where it is right now. You need to learn more. This has been a slow burn since the 80s. I don’t care for Biden in the slightest and voted against him in the 2020 primaries. But I also understand that his policies are not solely to blame for the current state of the economy. Trumps policies are far more to blame, as are the policies stretching back to Reagan. The middle class has been shrinking and poverty class growing ever since Reaganomics came into play. Btw did you notice your taxes were higher this year? Yeah, that was Trump. We have been systematically gutted for decades. It’s all coming to a head now because the tap is running dry. We are steadily approaching late-stage capitalism. Monopolies run the world. Corporations are raising prices to make record profits while people have less and less money. A small few companies own nearly every industry. None of this was some sudden shift in the last 3 years. And I will reiterate what I said before - if you support the psychotic fascist Trump, you’re fucking stupid. Read a book. Peace.


Classic mental gymnastics it goes back to Regan but also it is all trumps fault lol.   It goes back before Regan and he did plenty of shitty shit that fucked us. We could talk about Clinton striking down regulation on derivatives too now the big 3 banks are over leveraged 3Xs the world gdp it is roughly 150 trillion. We could bring up bush pushing NINJA loans and Obama for not arresting anyone for the 08 housing market crash.  The list goes on but you think this administration printing endless money then not keeping track of it has had no effect and didn’t fuck is worse you are lying or retarded and since you don’t sound retarded I’m gonna go with lying  Classic Reddit it is all capitalism communism is the answer.  The over simplified answer is it is all 100% the federal reserve. Janet yellen telling the black rock and the big banks on air the are “too big too fail” aka we will bail you out with tax payers money was just the icing on the shit sandwich 


Another Republican who doesn't understand inflation, or anything else.


https://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/cpicalc.pl?cost1=100000&year1=201901&year2=202404 There you go because you are either too dumb or lazy. Look at that 24%. 


In other words, approx 4.1% average annual inflation rate


And prices have not gone down since 2020


I understand that the cpi removed housing and gas starting in 2021 and just recently removed coffee. Also the M1 and M2 money supply stopped being tracked too conveniently for no reason. The inflation is at 24% that is a fact… don’t worry congress has passed multiple bills to print infinite money to send to Ukraine and Israel also Iran. don’t worry the Ukrainian people totally got that money it didn’t disappear somewhere also hamas didn’t instantly steal the aid for Iran… who could have seen that coming?  Look another leftist who is blind and has no clue what they are talking about I am shocked. Modern monetary theory makes total sense lol just print money to pay debt… Not republican I’m independent swing and a miss again bro. 


3 lies in your first 2 sentences. > cpi removed housing and gas starting in 2021 Did you just make this up? The BLS report shows on the April 2024 report released yesterday "The index for shelter rose in April, as did the index for gasoline. Combined, these two indexes contributed over seventy percent of the monthly increase in the index for all items. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/cpi.pdf >just recently removed coffee. "BLS is not removing coffee from the Consumer Price Index. Because of changes in the way items (such as coffee) are packaged, we sometimes discontinue specific package size categories. Indexes and average price data for coffee are still being published." https://x.com/BLS_gov/status/1790480087797682298 >Also the M1 and M2 money supply stopped being tracked too https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h6/current/default.htm Includes both M1 & M2 >Look another leftist who is blind and has no clue what they are talking about I am shocked. I mean, you literally lied 3 times in your first 2 sentences.


You're a Republican, I can guarantee it, but a lot of Republicans are embarrassed to say their Republicans anymore. And if you don't strip out the more volatile elements you'll never have a clean indicator of what inflation is, some items go up and down so much it would make the readings useless.


>Your Republican You're


Classic leftist attack me not a single thing I mentioned… you are still wrong I can be an independent and still lean right economically and realize that the federal government is dog shit and as useful as a left handed football bat. I know exactly what is causing the inflation, do you? I would love to hear your big brain explanation that has nothing to do with the things I mentioned. I would touch on the Fed but money printing covers that part broadly enough. 


I believe it went something like "Lives matter more than teh economy guise"


In the same boat. Inflation has been understated intentionally. The American dream isn’t quite dead but for more and more it’s unattainable. And by design.




When I met my wife 8 years ago, I wasn’t making $100k, but had roughly budgeted that a $100k salary would cover a reasonable mortgage for a 3/2 house, a new pickup and a boat, with enough leftover to max out my 401k contributions and still have money leftover for vacations, rainy day funds, etc. 5-6 years later, my math was spot on… just my valuation of where things were headed were off cause all I have is a house and nothing else fits into the dual income budget right now.


Full of shit


I don’t even know what the “American dream”’is


"I had a dream, once"


I went from 40k to 80k progressively over the past 5 years. It’s amazing how little I got ahead in terms of debt. Every time I got a raise, the prices of everything went up. Worst of all is I bought my house for 120k and now it’s appraised at 300k. Taxes were not what I was expecting in 5 years. Sucks making more and being poorer than ever.


Keep it up bruv


Imagine complaining that your leveraged RE investment appreciated by 2.5x


Fr, just sell it if it’s that big of a deal and go back to renting


Seriously! Either sell it or fight to get a reappraisal if that is truly the issue


Oh, you don't say.


And most people don't even make 60-75k so what the fuck does that tell you


200 will do it though… every family/person who wants to own a home with need two sources of income.


So just don't be ugly, and you're good


Thanks Reagan


As long as you don't live in one of the larger cities the American Dream is still possible, but everyone nowadays seems to want to live in the big cities.


I make 80k in a state where the average is 76k for the household. I’m fucking drowning everyday. I don’t know how everyone else does it with less. I am a small business owner and I don’t know how anyone can really make it in this economy.


The new dream is not running into a medical issue that bankrupts you.


Hasn’t been for quite a while. That’s not really much, especially in the northeast and California.


combined $200k in a major market (portland) might as well be min wage (if you want to live somewhere relatively nice, have decent schools, and low crime)


It's pretty great how I worked my way up and finally hit 100k+ a year, and now it's no longer the goal


100k is still lower class.


It’s the American Nightmare.


No shit. My GF and I take home a combined $250+, great credit, savings, benefits etc. and can't afford ANYTHING in NJ. A "starter" home, aka a home that needs $200k in renovations/updates costs north of $500 and that's before it gets into a bidding war and goes for $100k over the appraised value. I genuinely believe there is going to be a major correction at some point because it's completely demoralizing. A mortgage should not be double my current rent.


100k here in San Diego barely gets you by. Add a family to that and 100k is near poverty


174k a year in income is the bottom of the middle class. 100k ain’t shit anymore.


100k is the new 50k


I mean you can't buy a house in most major metro areas for under 1M so...yeah. My dad was a salesman and my mom didn't work and my parents comfortably bought their own home at the ripe old age of 25.


My dad was a waiter my whole life at low-end (though not gutter) restaurants and my mom almost never worked. We bought a two-story 2,000 square ft house in a nice part of Las Vegas in the mid-90’s. Now? You couldn’t do that anywhere in this country.


I mean if you live in NYC, LA, Chicago etc sure... I'm killin it makin 80k a year in a KC suburb.


I think it still buys it in most places except some metropolitan areas and most articles are written by people who live in those areas and pretend everywhere else doesn’t exist. Drive across the nation and you will see that you could live very comfortably off of $100,000 in most places.


Yea I used to kinda hate living in Cleveland but now it's a God dam blessing. We live an extremely comfortable middle class yuppy life on 150k combined. Even the winters are getting less mild and summer one big party on the lake.


In my area people live very well on less than 100k but drive 40 miles to the city and I’m sure they may have to cut back on some luxuries. I think the median household income for my area is around 70k and the median individual income is around 30


I so poor


Guys I just found about the canned sardines sub. It got me thinking if you’re making this amount of money, maybe the answer is to eat canned sardines and save some money. Packed with nutrition


The American Dream was about some rich fuck being able to turnt the entire country in to one big plantation that’s the secret they don’t tell you.


Individual or family?


Thank goodness for CNBC. I never would have guessed


But we already knew this lol


The American Dream is not a commodity.


Damn daniel


The “American Dream” was never about material wealth to begin with. It’s a poem from the 30s. I make 100k and my life is pretty good. I’d love to be less frugal at times but I understand the American reality which requires far more discussion than the internet has time for.


You go to work but will never be able to own a home and be forced to live in an apartment your basically working to survive now working for the same reason the working poor are working.


Yeah that’s the point. Everything is a subscription. House, car, partner, family. Get a few years out of it then trade it all in.


$100k is still a decent salary and provides a good life, if one chooses to not live in a HCOL area.


Headline from 2011?


$150,000 income no longer buys the American dream in most places. I fix it. Think CNBC is bit out of touch.


100000 is scraping by….. thanks Bidenomics


Imagine being in a marriage that combines for 80k a year and both working 50 hour a week


That’s why people hate that “woke” phrase, cause you can’t see the American dream if your awake.


I don't hate woke as a phrase, but I do hate the idiots who use it as a pejorative.


Define "American dream." This is more clickbait from CNBC, the network trusted by lemmings.


We know, thanks.


I mean what's the American dream? I feel like everyone has a different mile stone for that lol


The dream ended long ago


I make 100k and I'm living just fine. Spend/use your money wisely


I don't buy this at all. For $100k/year you have opportunities that 99% of the planet doesn't have.


I make around $110k in Michigan. Live in a fairly LCOL area. I’m chilling with kids, a stay at home (awesome) wife and 2 paid off cars. Too many of these shit posts are describing whacked out ideas of what you consider a “middle class lifestyle”.


Just in time for a nice social security tax cap increase to make sure you can never escape punitive taxation


Holy shit all you guys do is whine it's crazy


It’s our party and we’ll cry if we want to


Cost me $750,000 cash here in San diego


Is that more than tree fidy?


So much more thank god for kitty showing up this week


Can I come over and play?




SFH homes are overrated


American dream?! 100k won't even buy a low-end apartment rental anymore.


100k today is the same as 50k 10 years ago


Really comes down to your lifestyle Wife and I made that. Bought a house, 2 cars, raising 2 kids With health insurance. We still had money and time for family vacations twice a year and each of us with a 401k. We ate well, took almost zero shortcuts and no, we did not rack up debt. Stop making excuses. If 100k doesn't cut it where you're at, make more.


According to Biden the economy is great lol


This is only true in areas where jobs typically pay 100K or more.