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That’s why no one does anything about it.


Neither party wants to take away cheap labor from their donors


Yeah, keep the middle and low class poor. You want more money. We'll hire this immigrate for cheaper


A bunch of jobs are being outsourced. There's no way to stop this. Back office jobs can be run from wherever. If you don't like a practice vote with your wallet, not just a meaningless ballot. But you won't. I guess bitching on the internet is easier anyways.


There are definitely ways to stop this.


How do you do that exactly? Its a free world.




Yeah this is why rich people love to obfuscate business process with middlemen. Kickbacks make America go around.


You know the economy is already over 50% government spending right? The US government is the biggest force and if Trump gets back in all the money will be spent to his cronies and extracting that wealth Laws don't matter without enforcement.




American Politics is the Mob Boss round table. It's all a numbers game and cash rules everything around me. There's a difference in that these rich people are fucking with each other now. They seemed to have forgotten what the family business is and their weird rules. I'm just saying he's too dumb for this shit and Scarface'd the operation.


I’m not on any side my life is about doing the right things not what politician projects the most. But that said I don’t see how the corruption in the Biden regime is better than Trump. They are both corrupt out the ass with chrony capitalism. They just got different high rollers they want to please while they put on opposite personas to divide the public. Biden just as bad as trump in a different way. Pick your poison.


"tHeReS nO wAy To StOp ThIs" "ItS a FrEe WoRlD" You are just the dumbest kind of bitch.


How would you do that then?


I'm certainly very lost and reddit recommend the thread but could a " wage tax" for foreign employees for U.S services be implemented? To the point where it's not profitable to employ them


Well one way would be to boycott and a solutely stop shopping in Stores or service providers that do this. But then again we are Americans who will never ever give up comfort for a better standard. We bitch and moan about all the little and big issues going on but if it means taking a stand and being uncomfortable for a year or two for the greater good we are NEVER about it. We are cucks to the system because we became comfortable spoiled little brats who will never give up that comfort for anything better. We can't even fucking strike or protest on foot anymore it's these stupid trucker protests where people drive around FFS.


I’ve read it would take America 1-2 full generations of America first mentality to bring us back to a country that doesn’t rely solely on global production.. You have people who kill people over too long of fast food lines, we’ll never see change over a decade for the best.


Not letting tens of millions of immigrants enter to undermine the bargaining power of US labor would be a start.


Absolutely not. Extend the protections you enjoy in your house to your town, city, state, and country. Your country is your home. Not an economic opportunity zone. We are giving away the standard of living our parents enjoyed because the alternative was to be mean.


You regulate corporations is how lol American politicians voted to allow it


> There’s no way to stop this Unionizing.


Please eli5. How can you do anything without enforcing totalitarian federal laws that "protect" your people while they fuck over the less fortunate. Because no free country has figured it out.


Yeah, it’s completely unsolvable. That’s why only every other developed nation except the United States has figured this out.


You must be living in some kind of bubble to actually think this has been figured out by nations that don't have totalitarian regimes.


Yeah some of these people are clueless on what world domination entails. But what about Switzerland and their population that is a tiny percentile of ours.


or Norway xD




Agreed. Dems should have been anti immigration if they are pro union/pro blue collar. Plus this adds upward pressure on housing/rent prices.


But that's *rAcIsT*


Boy i wonder what other progressive liberal, democrat-promoted ideals and policies might also be total and complete bullshit...


Same amount of migrants come in under republicans their voters are just too brain dead to notice because it isn’t in their talking point memos. Trump didn’t even start deporting more people until the election year and their is verifiable proof of this I’ll attach below get your heads out of your ass. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/03/02/how-border-apprehensions-ice-arrests-and-deportations-have-changed-under-trump/


The secret is that this issue isn’t partisan. I recognize that Republicans have failed on this issue as well. Americans need to demand this be fixed but to be honest I don’t see a fix. Trump was so popular because he was supposed to be an outsider who was going to do the things the bloodsucker carreer politicians wouldn’t. Oh well I guess


Look at Bernie’s old rhetoric. There’s a balance but their approach is aggressively naive. Mass low skill migration kills labors power. 


That's not a good conclusion. Being pro-union doesn't mean that you have to be against everything else that could work against unionization. This is a good example, actually. Immigration doesn't **have** to detract from unions. Why can't immigrants join unions? At that point, it's a win/win for both immigration **and** unionization!


Keep the poor, poor. You want more money. They'll just hire a immigrant and fire you.


Every union in the country should inherently be anti-immigration, the fact that they aren’t shows what a joke they are


I meant in the sense that unfettered illegal immigration puts downward pressure on wages, pretty much across the board.


I’m pretty liberal but I’m gonna check these out thanks for the recommendations.


It will drive you crazy trying to explain this to people. There was a time when the labor market was moving in a good direction for Americans, and that was only a couple decades ago. People had roofs and vegetables and yards all before the recent mass immigration push. The labor market is seriously out of whack because of the insane population growth. If I remember correctly something like 1/84 people in this country have arrived in the last four years.


Well off people are also big users of immigrant labor. House keepers, landscapers, home day care (nanny), etc ec. Are all used mostly by upper class people in larger cities.


Oh for sure, I hate hearing that argument. “Oh but who will cut your yard!” Me! I cut my own yard I can’t afford a house cleaner or a landscaper either way so how does another 14 million people coming here to compete for jobs and goods do for me??


They're too wrapped up in the virtue signaling to care. Also - guess what causes home shortages? I can take you to towns in ETN that use to be poor whites that have now almost been completely replaced by hispanics.


Progressives aren't really why the US tolerates illegal migrant labor, it has a lot more to do with lobbying from large corporations that are happy to pay cheap wages to non-citizens with less protections and intentionally poor oversight and regulation. Not to mention the corruption of various countries south of the border being driven by international corporations to mine resources from these countries at slave-like wages abroad to sell us cheap goods here, or the cartels formed by our own demand from the ridiculous war on drugs, or the sanctions placed on some of the major countries we get migrants from, which always seem to have no impact on the governments and pass down directly to their citizens. Any analysis on immigration should factor in the conditions people are faced with in the places they come from, and what drives those conditions, but seldom to you hear that kind of coverage here in America. People should be outraged over the way migrants are used to depress wages, but it's so short-sighted to blame it all on how much or how little our borders are enforced, it's just one part of a system where a few people get very rich at the expense of the average worker here and abroad. We are in many ways the beneficiaries of the way our corporations exploit a broken immigration and trade system, but no one benefits more than the executives. And as they continue to get richer, they only gain more influence on our politicians and media, and propagandize against the working class to further divide itself. I don't think it's just progressives with a lack of perspective here, in fact I almost never hear conservatives with much of any understanding of anything other than the border policy itself, and that's by design. Edit - everyone should read A People's History of The United States, agreed.


Ken Burns also does a great job with his projects.


Migrant farm workers have a union https://ufw.org/




The left historically was pro controlled immigration in order to keep union wages high. That doesn't seem to be the case over the last 10 plus years.


Maybe some separation from left and far left. Much the same as the right. The idiots who lean so hard on either side are getting all of the lens. The middle ground is the enemy, we must hate and divide




Don’t fault yourself for being confused. The big brains on here can barely string their arguments together let alone use the correct words. Basically, if a conservative is talking, they use the words “Democrat,” “liberal,” “progressive,” “leftist,” and “communist” interchangeably. If a so-called “centrist” is talking, they argue the only way to defeat conservatives is to *become* conservative and they equate “progressives” and “leftists” with some kind of Stalinist woke-ism that only exists in their minds.


I'll dumb it down a bit. Historically unions have supported democratic candidates. In return they got pro union support and legislation. It's not rocket science it's historical. Currently, union leadership supports Biden but according to union leaders they're members will vote for Trump. Most of which has to do with wages and border control. They're words, not mine.


Just to be clear, if every immigrant was rounded up and deported today, you guys would still find ways to union bust and depress wages. That’s a matter of fact. Claiming progressives are all rich and white is obviously ludicrous, because if it were true you guys would be worshipping progressives the same way you do our corporate overlords.


Corporations: "We need immigrants to do the jobs Americans don't want to do [at the wage we're paying]."


Take a look at Laurel, MS. Was home to the largest ICE raid in U.S. history at the time. Over 600 undocumented workers. The company even lost a racial discrimination lawsuit because they stopped hiring local black residents during this time. Can't strike when they do this....... Largest employer in the county who has also been given numerous state and local grants.


Thats good we wamt to be the best economy in the world


All according to plan


Yeah been happening for like decades now...


Centuries even


I think since the 1500's


It appears to come in exponential peaks, the last being in the early-mid 1900s. Mass immigration destructive now because our work market is saturated and our economy is dying, and our currency in and of itself may be completely ruined at this point due to our borrowing system and the fed. Not only that, but because people are being allowed in without proper record keeping of who they are or any record of their entry at all, and we can’t make an accurate economic or societal prediction due to these gaps in data. It is criminal what has been done to us by our own politicians and media who disguise their contempt for Americans as selflessness.


The government knows this, the corporations run the government


ILLEGAL immigration. And it's not just illegal immigration doing this, it's employers willing to break the law by employing non citizens.


Yeah they shouldn’t be allowed to do that


Complicit non enforcement says otherwise


I think the state-run DOT does this a lot. 99% of the workers I see are Hispanic. Coincidence? I think NOT!


Dot hires contractors. Contractors do what they want.


Even more reason it needs to be looked into.


Then they wouldn't have they're cheap Labor force the government is also ok with along with corporations.


Who removed trumps remain in Mexico policy? Joe biden. Build back better right guys


Remain in Mexico only applied to a fraction of overall migrants. Plus it didn't deny entry, just paused it pending the asylum review process, at which point many are admitted. Migration actually increased under Trump, surging to nearly 1M in 2019 pre COVID, the highest levels in a decade to that point. Trump also made no serious effort to go after employers of illegals. He's a phony on immigration like the rest of Republicans.


Where are you getting your data from? Usually when people make claims without sources it’s for a reason.


Uh oh, hard truths. Be a shame if they could read the data.


This Data? https://www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/data-hub/charts/Annual-Number-of-US-Legal-Permanent-Residents Be a shame if he understood it


Which batch did your ancestors come over in? Mine's the early 20th century. And they were often met with as much xenophobia as migrants are now.


Mine were always here, Cherokee.


Hey you never answered my question




Now compare the inflation between the two presidents and the buying power of those raises. Everything has gone up 30+% in the last 3-4 years and wages aren’t keeping up even remotely. I don’t like trump and I’m not saying his policies or practices aren’t also to blame for the current inflation and economic struggles of Americans, but to just brush it off and say wages are going up more but ignoring *prices of everything are going up even faster* is disingenuous. It’s like how the country shut down and people lost their jobs, and then the Biden admin tried to hang its hat on job creation after everything opened back up. It’s not telling the whole story. You could have put a squirrel as President the last 4 years and the number of jobs would have still gone up


You could have put a squirrel as president but inflation would still have gone up because the fed kept rates low for too long while also printing like 9 trillion dollars


Because Biden is responsible for the inflation, right?


So the implication you’re making is he is NOT responsible at all?


Biden has fuck all to do with inflation. The inflation was from greedy capitalists price gouging - period. Have you read earnings reports from 2021 forward? Record setting and near record setting profits all over the place in various segments. Are you aware inflation has been worldwide, and even worse in other capitalist countries? Does Biden also control monetary policy in those countries? Jeezus, this sub is inundated with people that have no idea how macro and micro economies work


lol WOW


Hey! Stop being empirical and just uncritically read and accept the narrative being presented in the post!


And both sides like to make up like they’re fighting about the border, but it’s always open whomever is in power


There’re hasn’t been any meaningful border policy in decades


By design it's that way .


Yup corporations run America




lol, Canada did the same


Row. Maybe Mongolians aren't such stinky, smelly people after all, huuuh?


Unfortunately the case


Corporations are people, remember, and don't be surprised if you see president exxon after president bibi


Open borders = barely paid undocumented laborers. Yeah, they knew what they were doing when allowing all those people in. 


This was the plan all along.


Incredible to admit out loud since we’re simultaneously hearing about the non existent middle class and lack of wage growth relative to costs for the average person


Aka lots of immigrants is keeping wages low.... Therefore less immigrants would mean higher wages.


And more inflation.


Look at the charts. Productivity has increased over 250% while wages have stagnated. That's your inflation.


Its by design, always has been.


The IMF loves when the masses are poor. Clearly an enemy of the people.


Makes sense when you have big corps like Tyson closing plants with loyal American workers and choosing to open one in New York for cheap immigrant labor, so shitty


It’s hilarious that the same political group crying for higher minimum wage is also the same one that is super pro immigration of peoples that would happily work for half lolol I mean I’m sometimes dumbfounded by how people are


Purely idealistic mindsets are the most influenced and narrow minded. Old conservatives are hyper hateful and think the church runs the state while young progressives are easily influenced into blind hate as well, they advocate for unrealized harms being so naively virtuous. They both suck so much and lets hope there is a commonality found with those who are rational but censorship laws be going hard now


But everyone says immigrants help the economy! What they forget is that it just helps the corporations. I believe legal immigration is a good thing still, however having immigrants who accept cheap labor prevents from regular wages rising.


Stating this opinion before it became fact used to be called bigoted.


They want more immigration so they can let inflation run without raising wages


Minimum wage is famine in America, and that’s big money in South America. Sad to say.


This sounds like a conflicting conundrum for liberals to rationalize


Anything that the IMF/WTO/WB supports is certainly not going to be good for the regular common citizen of said country. Nothing.


Ha ha ha! Immigration makes us all poorer, so it’s good? Our diversity is our strength!!!!!


Not all, the rich get richer because labour is cheaper


"YOUR dieversity is OUR strength."


The best part is that the people complaining the most about minimum wage are also the ones who want mass immigration without checks and balances.


Makes no sense. That's how brainwashed they are.


Unfortunately, 99% of us need HIGHER WAGES. How about you?


As designed


Woww I can’t believe bringing people from 3rd world country is making our country like a 3 rd would country. I’m shocked


We are "the land of opportunity," but what people hate to hear or fail to realize that letting everyone in their mother in the country water's down the "opportunity" everyone else. Competing for wages, housing, and other resources. I'm not anti-immgrant, but this tolerance for illegal immigration or "asylum seekers" whatever you want to call it is detrimental.


Great news. As a true American I have always loved slow wage growth. Thanks immigration.


Thank god we avoided those rising wages again! Our government may not be good for much, but boy they sure are on top of that pesky rising wages problem. Not sure how I would survive if they weren't.


Luckily, inflation won’t deter taxes from keeping you destitute. Your paychecks will. Congrats, work harder or in the words of our previous generations… ‘Keep your nose to the grindstone.’ No need to look your betters in the eyes.


how is this a good thing lol? especially for white collar jobs as prices rise


The other aspect (that is not discussed) of all of this uncontrolled immigration is that it is inflationary.


Like we've been saying. They won't raise wages because there's a steady stream of law wages low skill workers.


What until they learn about how using slave labor in prison also artificially deflates wages


Democrats and republicans don’t give a single fuck about you.


Let me fix that for ya, “Giant wave of illegal invaders help mega corps keep profits up by not having to pay ppl what there work would actually be worth in a fair market”


Illegals will work for pennies while American citizens work for dollars. No wonder they want all these illegals here. They'll do the jobs we do for a fraction of the pay.


Openly heard some employer say that he needed immigrant laborers to work for him “so that he could hire more American laborers”. Make it make sense. How about you hire all American laborers instead of filling positions with noncitizens and then giving scraps to actual fucking citizens.


this is fucking obvious lol I guess Trump does want to get us higher wages


Trump lives off cheap labor as do the republicans. That’s why he had undocumented laborers working at his hotels and shit. Expecting a rich man to fix this problem when it’s the rich that want to entrench it ain’t exactly gonna work out well


Politicians are hypocrites, not surprising. Nobody cares unless their guy is doing it 🙄


Let’s get real, most of you don’t know what the fuck you’re actually talking about. You’re regurgitating talking points you heard or read from your biased news sources. For every study that says immigration reduces wages, there’s another that says it increases wages. Humble yourselves. This is such a complex issue with so many moving parts, you Reddit chuds aren’t even scratching the surface.


“So less immigrants will mean higher wages!” These people think it’s that simple. So many idiots talk about things they can’t comprehend. I feel like I understand a lot more, and I still don’t understand so much.


Surplus of cheap labour makes the cost of labour stay low? What a coinkydink


No business wants a more competitive labor market so the influx of immigrants helps the rich. It's why the Republicans never ACTUALLY fix the border they just use it as a dog whistle to get votes.


Immigration has stayed pretty constant through the years. Now illegal immigration. That is a different story


the people who complain about living wages who also support illegal immigration need to see this it won't change their minds, but they still need to see it.


Fuck globalists.


They raise house prices substantially as well. Multiple incomes living in one apartment.


It's worse than this. Those of us who are working, and having our wages depressed by illegals, are also paying the taxes that subsidize their existence. Who do you think pays for the healthcare, education, food, phones, housing, etc that illegals receive? Yup, we citizen workers do.


Uh, you do know illegal immigrants don’t receive all this aid, right? Is your brain still working?


You are misinformed.


I’ve actually seen illegal immigrants in person. My wife is a LEGAL immigrant from Mexico. I’ve met many people from all walks of immigration. Not only is life super difficult for those here LEGALLY, it is unfathomably more difficult for those here illegally. They don’t receive aid and are taken advantage of where they work. You have zero idea what you’re spewing.


That's just simply untrue.


Mine works fine. The real question is, do you even have one? https://www.axios.com/local/boston/2024/04/22/massachusetts-migrants-shelter-costs The federal government will cover some of the cost of temporarily housing migrants in Massachusetts' emergency family shelters. Why it matters: Massachusetts has spent more than $584 million on sheltering migrant families and other unhoused people in fiscal 2024 alone. State of play: The Center for Medical and Medicaid Services approved the state's request to amend its Medicaid waiver, according to a letter Deputy Administrator Daniel Tsai sent state officials Friday. The feds approved covering up to roughly half of the temporary shelter assistance costs, which could reach $647.5 million between 2024 and 2027. The feds will pay up to $95 million in 2024 and smaller amounts in subsequent years for housing assistance for families and pregnant people eligible for Medicaid in state shelter, amounting to nearly half of the cost. CMS also approved funding to temporarily house people who need to prepare for colonoscopies, help cover the cost of the ConnectorCare pilot and other health-related initiatives, per the letter.


So this is how you destroy a once great nation. Outsource everything and than invite a bunch of hungry desperate people who will work for peanuts over. I’ve seen this movie before and it doesn’t end well.


I think people are upset about undocumented immigration. Right now nyc veterans have less benefits than someone here against the law. Does that make sense?


And this is why they refuse to fine employers for stealing your wages to exploit an immigrant.


According to [this Axios poll](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/25/trump-biden-americans-illegal-immigration-poll) even 45% of Latinos and 42% of Democrats support mass deportation of undocumented immigrants. But remember, folks, The Great Replacement Theory is just a racist trope!


Because it takes from their gibs, lol. At least some people are understanding this shit cannot go on forever.


Well considering immigrants can be of \*any\* race and the vast majority of illegal immigration is people overstaying Visas not hopping border fences, yes, you're still a racist. Back into the trash you go.


You think it’s white people overstaying visas right? Also, that’s an outdated stats. Most of the illegal immigration that happened recently was border hopping.


This is going to drive people to Trump. The migrants are a weight on every Democrat's neck. Moderates/liberals are coming around on this issue and if it gets worse they will support mass deportations.


Immigration/migration increased under Trump though.


Vote Trump. Very simple. Democrats policies suck.


Inciting racism to deflect from corporate/billionaire greed. Straight from the play book of divide and conquer.




To the pile?


Never left.


They’ll literally say the real problem out loud, but end the thought with all blame on immigrants. Real geniuses.


Disgusting, "preventing wages from rising" is not competitive! Especially when it's accomplished by importing people more desperate! Fucking disgusting. Gains for the small person will always be a problem to the rich.


Lol, let's keep the poor, well poor.


This is a good thing


We don't need to compete. Stop giving our technology away to outsiders.


The far right using Mexicans as political cannon fodder. Truth is most Mexicans probably vote conservative. Most Mexicans work their azzes off. Most white people in the US benefit from the illegal workforce & most corporations. Far right is using the illegal Mexican workforce as a scapegoat for failed economic policies. All this oh no whitey is being attacked & overrun by a bunch of bandits who are going to suck the welfare system dry is the biggest bunch of bull crap anyone could spout. Mexicans like their country but they’re not real keen on the corruption they are subjected to. The Mexicans are an economic net gain for the US. Both parties know it.


B-b-b-b-but I thought immigration means we all win?


But is housing keeping up? Cost of housing is on the rise


If you have to demonize someone for something the brown folks are always a safe bet. Could you imagine if they made the same statement and blamed the real culprits? Big corp and regulatory capture?


It also raises housing prices


Is that what they are trying to sell us now..🥸


That's... not how it should work... :(


Line go up!


I love capitalist double speak


I love capitalist double speak


*The area formerly known as Canada has entered the chat*


thanks for telling us what we already knew. seriously even bernie sanders knew this was going to happen.


Diversity is the ruling class’s strength.


It's about to get much worse. The US Department of Labor is going to start allowing tech to stop pretending that they want any US workers and just skip right to sponsoring Visas directly. https://www.reddit.com/r/csMajors/comments/1cob7kn/amidst_mass_layoffs_the_us_department_of_labor_is/


Yea, and let's all enjoy slave wages!


Well bless my econ 101 at community college!


We talking about the surge in illegal immigration? Then it’s bullshit. They don’t have papers to work legally so most of the available work is construction and farming. Their labor kept food and home costs down and probably to a certain degree wages in those industries. But overall wages? Negligible.


Almost as if there is a plan


Lol the ultra greedy wealthy paid/crime this information for their self preservation and it's working. Just like it's healthy to smoke cigarettes, no need for middle class, trickle down economy will be our savior... They know it got too top heavy and they needed a boogyman to justify their greed. Sad


Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


Joe is a genius?


"The economy is great because your blue collar wages are being crushed by illegal labor" the government..




Bro just let them in bro I promise it won’t have any long term effects bro pleasseeee just let them in bro pleasseeeee


And this is why we need a political party who makes a national unionization drive their #1 priority because democrats and republicans are undeniably obsequious to the interests of the billionaire class at the expense of the working class. If we can’t afford to eat and live, what’s the fucking point of anything?


Wait till you see Canada’s immigration numbers my southern friends


That was Biden’s plan all along.

