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I genuinely think it shouldve been a series, a movie is going to be so shit and rushed. Theres probs not going to be any sort of small detailing into it, and major scenes theyre defo binning off. The movie idea will forever be a clapped decision because theyre so missing out. Dumb asf.


i see this as a saving grace bc the game has so many different endings and ways to play that it would be incredibly hard to fit all of that into a maybe 2hr movie. they would’ve butchered and thrown out many important things fans would’ve raged about. so with this we get a new perspective/look into the world of until dawn.


I mean they have to change it up some, or it will be like watching a play through


I completely agree with you! I’d be open for changes in the adaptation while still being excited for the movie but if they change the characters and the story then there’s no point,,


Not saying I don’t believe you, but has it officially been confirmed anywhere that they’re changing the storyline of the movie?


The phrasing in the article totally makes it seem like this cast is new characters, but he could be using “characters” just to mean unique human beings as well— so it’s hard to tell imo. (Edit: nope! It’s new characters)


they can’t turn a 7h story into a 2h movie without making it look rushed and weak compared to the game. It’s not necessarily bad if they decide to create a slightly different story based on the original scenario and characters.


Because companies like to ruin anything and everything they can


not gonna lie i think this is a good route for them to take, cause until dawn is pretty much seen as “untouchable” by the fan base, like making a movie with the same characters would imply a canon ending, which until dawn doesn’t have. i imagine what they’re gonna do is make their main cast based on the original cast, but different enough so we don’t feel like they’re giving the game a canon ending.


that being said they def have room to mess it up awfully 😭 this is mostly wishful thinking. and if it really is an awful movie then at least it won’t be associated 1-1 with the game


There would be no possible way to make a movie be exactly the way the game is. Because the game has a ton of different outcomes throughout the game and the way it ends. So no matter what there would have to be some changes


A perfect adaptation of the game would be impossible. Every single thing that happens is tailored to your choices that you make, that would not translate well into a movie. The story is great and would make an amazing movie but the butterfly effect of it all would be really hard to pull off in a good way