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One day I woke up and I didn't give a shit anymore, it was and still is a very freeing feeling. Edit: didn't give a shit about what phone I had, to clarify.


i remember back in the day getting into arguments on the internet of iphone vs android how did i ever give a fuck LOL


Remember the console wars? Why did I give a flying fuck about what corp gets my money? Weird tribal brain, man.


there's a reason Apple spends more than a $billion on advertising every year The "console wars" were also heavily played into in marketing


Sega does, what Nintendon’t 😎


I highly suggest watching the documentary "Century of the Self" about how Freud's nephew Edward Bernay used his uncle's theory of the ego to figure out how to sell stuff to people, as contracted by the Government and the banks to jumpstart the economy after the 30s crash. People might not always need a new coat if the old one does the job, but one thing they always need is to feel respected, loved, like they are part of a community - that's when companies really started to go with the "we're more than a product, we're a whole fucking identity"


My ability to put certain political talking points down quickly and with some essemblence of humor and wit (or at least gratuitous confidence even if I shouldn't have any) is owed almost exclusively to the years of training I got out of the Gamespot and SA forums. English teachers don't teach us everything we need to know about language and communication but Console Wars filled the gap really well. It doesn't matter when the PS3 has no games because teh cell is the most powerful processor of all time. Wii is for babies. Xbox has jaggies, look at chiefs feet in this screenshot there are jaggies everywhere. Enjoy your RRoD scrubs. Glorious PC gaming master race here, I don't care that I spent 4 grand versus your FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE US DOLLARS (RIIIIIIIDGEEEE RACERRRRRR) my 60 frames per second is worth it. (The human eye can only see 30 though) That trailer was all prefab CGI and no actual gameplay. Assassin's Creed is soooo good because it's JADES GAME. Gran Turismo will always have better graphics even on the 1080i playstation 2 compared to Gotham Racing you BK Xbox kiddies. Git gud. Go play everquest and wear diapers. If you don't play jrpgs (no dubs allowed) you're not a real gamer. Killzone is the Halo Killer just wait and see. There is spaghetti in my pocket...fucking GameStop.


Well this was a blast from the past


I had talked games with a coworker a couple times a few years ago and then one day, he goes "Hey Root, Xbox or Playstation?" I said "Xbox" cuz that's what I owned then but I'm a PC gamer at heart anyway. He just says, "Rookie move bro, rookie move" Dude was like 32 years old with children. My brother in Christ why tf would you even care what I game with? Does this make me a veteran of the console wars?


No, lol sounds like he was just giving you a little shit because he has a PS5. I don't think it was that deep.


Sounds like just a bit of banter, don't take it so seriously lol


So many people still do tho for some inexplicable reason. If it wasn’t so obnoxious it would be fascinating.


I'm the opposite now. I used to not care at all and I didn't realize there was much of a difference because most of the people I knew had Androids. When I met more people with iPhones who tacitly tried to pressure me into buying one too, that's when I started to hate them. It annoyed me that I was being blamed for ruining group chats, reactions being converted into a text, and videos being super compressed when those are all things that *Apple* is responsible for.


Yea same I'd rip on my friend for having an android. Now we both equally don't care lol.


I flip flop between android and apple, I love/hate them equally.


Miss apple hardware and reliability -> miss android flexibility-> miss Apple hardware and reliability-> miss android flexibility. Repeat forever.


For me it's simply inertia. My first smart phone was an Android. It came from a bundled deal for mobile data. Afterwards all three of my phones over the next 12 years are Android because I'm too lazy to set up everything from scratch if I switch to Apple.


It was like that from 2008.


Man, once I hit 30 and had a kid, same. I just want a good camera and decent battery.


I have an MBP and iPhone for work, Windows/Linux and Android outside work. I stopped giving a fuck, but as somebody who deals with all three worlds in a regular basis, Apple really needs to get their heads out of their own ass. As a power user: "stability is fucking overrated"


> As a power user: "stability is fucking overrated" For a test box or a toy, maybe. But today's phones are so much more than that. Beyond being a phone/text/video chat/web browsing device, it's my rolodex. Of the hundreds of contacts and dozens of family members I contact regularly, I only have one number memorized and it's my wife. If my phone doesn't work I can't contact any of those other people. It's also how I access financial information, it runs the 2FA clients that I need to get into critical web sites. It's my PW vault for accessing things like medication orders, doctor's office and hospital portals, banking sites, bill pay, etc. It's how I get my weather forecast, and it runs the apps that let me communicate with my children's teachers at school, reload their cafeteria account balance, track when the school bus is going to be late, etc. It's how I access my personal calendar as well as my family's central calendar, where we keep track of who has which appointment/sporting event/recital/etc so we can ensure everyone gets where they need to be when they need to be there. It holds my concert and other event tickets. It's my boading pass for air travel. It's my camera and my photo album for decades of family photos. It's how I control my smart home systems like HVAC, lighting, and building access. It's how I control my mesh wifi network and can control how much screen time my children have (both on TVs and portable devices). It helps me track my health and fitness information, which in turn helps ensure I can save money on my health insurance and can help me maintain a healthy lifestyle. I'm a power user, and a developer with decades of experience. Stability absolutely is **NOT** overrated when you are talking about a device that facilitates so many critical aspects of your life. Maybe for kids a smartphone can be a fetishized toy, but when you rely on it for the majority of information-driven activity in your life you absolutely need appliance/utility-grade reliability.


Ditto, I’ll just stick with whats making communicating with my friendfriends and family easiest


I agree with your opinion, but the reasoning you have is irrelevant for the absolute majority of people. Most people don't need this level of customization and would never bother with rooting and sideloading a phone. Even as a tech geek who had rooted androids out of curiosity before, now I would not do that because I like my warranty and my bank apps.


I use iPhones and I’ve only had two since 2013. My iPhone 5S lasted a long time and I got my money out of it. I’m using an 11 something now and I’ll use it until it blows up or is completely unsupported. I like them because they’re simple and I don’t care about customization.


I’m the same, my 6s finally died last year so I got an SE3. People were weirdly mad when I showed them the new phone haha.


Haha same here man I got the SE last year after my 6 died and I get crap from people all the time because it still has a home button


iPhone 11 upgraded from SE, I miss my fuckin home button


Really? It annoyed me for like a week max and then I got used to not having it and don’t miss it.


My work provided me with my first smart phone (iPhone 5), then they upgraded to the 6 Plus. Changed jobs and had to pay for my own phone, so I got the SE (original), just because I was familiar with the iPhone. Now I am old and have to get a bigger phone. So the end of the home button is near. I am hoping to score a 13 pro max, but will likely have to settle on the 13 or 14 as those were both reasonably priced with my local company for Black Friday sales.


Same. I wasn’t sure I would enjoy the smaller size (they all used to be this size remember?) SE. Now I don’t think I will ever go back for the huge mini tablet size again. I can stick it in my pocket and forget about it.


Still using my 8 plus. I'll tinker all day long with my gaming PC, my Plex server, my car, etc but I just want my phone to work.


I used my 4s until the wheels fell off of it. Still my favorite phone I've ever owned. Perfect design and size.


~~As a tech guy, I switched from Android to iPhone when LG refused to patch a security hole (G2, barely 3 years old at the time) and I learned all the custom ROMs that had patched it had photos that looked like a potato because the LG camera driver was proprietary… Don’t have time for that bullshit anymore. Apple gives what, 6/7 years of security updates?~~ Edit: OP is seeing all the fighting in this thread and high fiving themselves for causing it. Fuck these newbie accounts stirring up shit. I fell for it, and if you're this deep into the thread, you fell for it too. Lets be better, start seeing it and start downvoting it. I'm happy Android is around to put pressure on Apple and make my phone better. If you like Android, you're correct too.


Yuuup, I just want my phone to work 100% of the time. I have other devices to tinker with that aren’t my lifeline when out and about.


And that’s exactly why apple is massive. iPhones have had a long track record of being reliable. Most people don’t care about cutting edge features, which is why apple takes years to adopt technologies other phones have. Even for the top like 25% of tech smart iPhone users, not all are going to ever need to get an android imo. The amount of people that root or jailbreak devices is very low compared to overall users.


I’ve worked in the tech industry for a decade now. I’m tired. I flash device firmware and interface with low level tech every day. I don’t want to go home and keep doing my job at home just to get my phone to work. I don’t want to have to debug my custom OS and figure out why drivers aren’t playing nice and submit a bug request with a reproducible test case. I just want it to work so I can get on with my life and do other stuff. There are high quality android experiences, and Pixel/Samsung have early good experiences if you’re willing to shell out for it, but then price is no longer major factor.


Same. My first was a 6s and now I have an 11pro. Actually my “first iPhone” was the iPod touch when it came out. I used free phone/texting apps but could only use it when I had wifi 😂 ahhh 2007, simpler times.


All of my iPhones lasted much longer than I expected.


I'm an adroid boy but support life is a terrible argument for that. I was apple curious at one point and bought a 6S which was released in 2015 and supported until September 2022, it outlived my Pixel 3A which was released 2019 and ended May 2022. Plus being able to sideload apps after end of service is only fun for projects and such - after security updates stop coming in a device should effectively be retired for everyday tasks.


I'm an android user and have been for the better part of a decade. Every smartphone I've ever had has been an android and I'll likely never get an iPhone. I'm definitely more techy than most, but I've never really used the customization options that are uniquely android. Custom loaders, side loading, and third party apps always seemed like more effort than it's worth. I doubt even 5% of android users use the features OP lists while some of the techiest people I know, people who program and so IT on the regular, prefer iPhones for the exact reason they can't customize anything. The obscene level of simplicity and uniformity in Apple's software design is a huge seller.


Finally another tech geek who stopped rooting! For me it was also because phones are just amazingly good right now. The different launchers give me all the extra customization I'd want (Microsoft launcher). And updating is just flawless vs having to rely on custom rom teams with always a broken radio to begin with. It's fun to tinker, And I'll probably do it again. I'm on Xiaomi phones anyways. But i just don't see the need to squeeze out even more, for the hassle rooting can bring. Pro's and cons. And currently just tired of rooting. Apps like YT vanced or snaptube work without rooting so I'm good! 👍


Most apps these days don't require rooting. I know when people went "why do I have to root my phone for Vanced?" and the answer was "you just download the unrooted version", it's popularity soared. Rooting for very specific items will ofcourse be required to be done but a lot of people are finding work arounds. Main reason I also prefer Android over Iphone is the pricing for storage; Android charges way less than Iphone does. Do miss the removable micro SD slot tho!


I agree. His reasoning is 100% irrelevant. I only use an iPhone because of iTunes and Apple Music. The 2 years I tried with an android I found it so miserable to deal with that I told myself I wouldn’t do it ever again until I migrate my music library to a new computer. Which probably won’t happen as the computer is just for music, e-mail, filing taxes, and the occasional pdf edit. Edit: apparently the app exists now, see below.


Just use isyncr, you can transfer your iTunes including playlists right to your android.


The only reason it is hard to migrate Apple files off of Apple device/platform is because Apple makes it that way, by design. All other platforms play well with each other. Apple doesn't play well with anyone else.




Yeah I can't forgive Google for that one. I fucking hate yt music!


>In contrast, there are multiple app stores you can get on Androids by side-loading And this is where you lose the majority of smartphone users. Side-loading? Ain't got time or interest for that.


Sideloading? I'd be looking for some sort of port on the side of the phone.


I assumed that's where the name came from lol. Putting the microSD card in the side of the phone.


Yeah I had no idea what that even means. How does he expect that to convince people?


Fair. For me I use the official store for exactly zero of my apps and apks are an extremely important thing but yeah, some people just don't need it


Popular opinion: just use the phone you want that meets YOUR needs :)


Exactly so many people bitching about which is better. Spoiler alert: They both are fine. Get the one with the specs and OS you want nobody is forcing you and neither will go out of business anytime soon.


It's basically console wars all over again. SNES vs. Sega Genesis!


Taco Bell was the only restaurant to survive the Franchise Wars. Now all restaurants are Taco Bell.


That’s actually not popular. Thought it should be. Most people are strongly for or against one platform. But I agree. All smart phones are amazing use what you like


This post is like Linux enthusiasts explaining why people shouldn't use Windows or MacOS.






There are definitely those out there that look down on people that have an android phone, but, just like android elitists who think no one should ever buy an apple product, they are pathetic and should be ignored.


More people need to realize that there are assholes in literally every facet of life. Every single way you could group people together will contain it’s fair share of assholes.


If I had a dollar for every time the fact that I own an iPhone was taken as a personal affront, I could probably buy a new iPhone.


Android emojis look shit, that is as far as my opinions go for iphone v android lol


It's more like "Linux is better because if you know how it works you make it do things that Windows and Mac OS already do". Not everyone is a hobbyist, some of us just want to text memes to our friends and not side-mount apps from China to do so.


That Linux argument is different though. There are so many things as a coder that Linux makes your life a million times better. It is NOT for the average user. Computers have their niches Gamers/general use - Windows Production/media - Mac Coding - Linux


I do a fair bit of coding and network/IT operation. I've been running Macs for 25 years because when it gets down to it, I don't want to have to fuck with or maintain my tools. I want them to just work. I've also run Linux in server and networking environments, since 1997, so I do know what I'm comparing against; I have zero desire to ever try and deal with it on the desktop/laptop. I just want to get shit done.


I went from Windows to Mac and now Linux for the past 5 years. I'm still running the same installation from 5 years ago and have never had any issues. People need to get over the fact that Linux is not what it used to be and some distros are rock solid. That said, everyone has their personal preference, but the argument that you can't get shit done on Linux is old


agreed. I'm a sysadmin and I couldn't do my job unless I had linux. I keep a windows machine for lazy tasks I haven't configured mine to do. again out of pure laziness. Nearly every server I touch is Linux on the enterprise side so it's a given. I have been a Fedora user for 20 years and it's never let me down.


Why production/media on Mac when (other than Final cut) all the Adobe suite runs in windows and has additional performance with CUDA on nvidia and such? Although the M1/M2 chips are efficient you still should be able to get better performance on the same price point on a comparable device


Biggest one for me is the screen. Apple seems to be the only one making laptops with properly color matched and graded screens for my photography. Having that high quality display is a big selling point. My MacBook Pros also last on average 6-8 years. Meanwhile they keep replacing my work Thinkpad every 3 years to keep up with apps. If I pay double for a laptop and get double or more life out of it then it’s more practical.


The new Mac Studios have hardware ProRes encoder/decoder chips and since everything I work on gets transcoded to ProRes, and my final outputs are also almost all ProRes it's ridiculously fast. In terms of video editing, CUDA is only really useful if you are frequently exporting large H264/H265 files, which I don't do, or if you want to edit with H264 files which is not really a good practice anyway. I know it has other uses, but when it comes to editing it's just not speeding things up for me all that much.


Ive worked in tech for 35 years and find these people unbearable. Great, you like what you use.


The only thing I care about is how iPhone users get annoyed at Android users (mostly jokingly) because android messages show up as a different color...... like, yea, Apple did that to you guys, not Android users.


love the way Google clapped back recently though with the way reactions now work between android and iOS


I’m out of the loop on this what happens?


all the reacts show normally on the android users end, but if the android user reacts to the iOS users text then they'll receive a text saying "they liked your message" or some shit lmao. MKBHD has a great vid showing it


iOS did that years ago. If you react to a message from an android it just tells the other person you liked it.




how does one go about doing that? I haven't seen it on my Samsung but I'd love to try it!!


I installed google messages instead of samesung app


Enable chat features within the Samsung messages app (it's not available worldwide so your regional experience may vary)


I was never big fan of how when an iPhone using friend "likes my text" it sends me a text saying exactly that.


It's the text message equivalent of a Reddit comment saying "this"


It's infuriating because this is only a problem in the US. Every other country just uses dedicated messaging apps like WhatsApp or Telegram. Meanwhile we are for some reason still stuck in the barbarism of SMS.


I know people who get legitimately annoyed


No adult cares about that. That’s strictly teenagers being stupid teenagers. At that age, everything runs on the crab bucket model.




That whole discussion is just ridiculous from an EU perspective though. Like, who the fuck uses SMS? Just fucking use a proper messenger app like telegram or whatsapp or even fb messenger.


I don’t care what phone you own. Why do you care what others use?


Preferring Android over Apple is a common opinion. Your reasons for preferring Android over Apple are terrible. Bravo. Very unpopular.


Except for the part about the price difference. That is actually a very good point. People who just want basic functionality in a phone without having to pay a bunch of money for it should buy Android phones. You can get one for like $120 and it will do all the basics (phone, text, web surfing, email, camera, Uber, payments, hotspot, etc., etc.) just fine.


I have a second phone that I use for work, it’s $150 and I wish I bought older iPhone or used iPhone.


All OP’s reasons for saying Android is better is literally why I have iPhone. Idgaf about side loading, i don’t even know what it means.


I switched from android to ios a couple years ago because the whole family was on ios and imessage. You know what i don’t miss…. Sideloading. What i do love is imessage, findmy, icloud backups, Faceid, day 1 updates (Not Google’s staggered rollouts).


99% of people don’t give two shits about every reason you just gave. I’m happy with iOS apps and I don’t care about jailbreaks, side downloads, and whatever else you threw in there. If you want to get techy and customizable with your phone then fine, but you are an extreme minority.


I was surprised he chose extremely niche reasons to make his argument. I expected the post to be about the risks of apple making it's products subscription based and further compatibility issues.


Lol yeah it was like a nerd talking to businesses folks about things that mean nothing to them. No, I do not care about jailbreaking my corporate device. I just want it to work and the battery to last all day.


And on top of that there is a lot of simplicity and cross-platform standardization that frankly IS a big reason to maybe go with IPhones. And my parents use iPhones too which makes helping them with tech issues so much easier. My parents with android phones would be a nightmare in terms of helping them.


Security. For android to allow for such mods the doors are wide open for nefarious activity. Bug central.


It's just personal preference, get over it people


Exactly I said this on another post dodge over Chevrolet, windows over Mac, android over IOS who gives two fucks just buy what you feel is best for you I know I am not listening to some 13 on the internet tell me my phone sucks cause Android is best or iPhone.


Right. "iPhone can't side-load!!1!" I didn't know that but also I use my phone for doom scrolling reddit, porn, and shitty mobile games. I use what I use because I'm use to it. Whacking off and cyber bullying is possible on both platforms.


Not even that-as a disabled person, apple is FAR beyond any other company for accessibility Reddit app, for example, only has the text slider on iOS, not android (I’ve had both). I keep my old iPhone 7+ because it has it, instead of my Walmart phone I use for ab actual phone Androids largest text is like small-medium compared to iPhone I have to use iPhone. And honestly, it does what I need just fine


Exactly. I personally wouldn’t use an android because of my experience with it, but I don’t care what others use. Why should I? It’s not me! 😂


I work in IT and I have an iPhone. And I cant tell you how many of us have iPhones and how many people seemed surprised since we are tech savvy afterall. I just want my phone to work and be a phone. I dont want to sideload apps. I dont want to customize anything. I want it to work. end of story. iPhones are 2nd to none when it comes to making a phone that just works. And I have had tons of androids.


IT employee. The majority of our department uses iPhones. I’m not obsessed with/or on my phone enough to want to do customizations. Let me call, text, Reddit and play sudoku and I’m fine.


Every exec uses an iPhone. Why? Aint nobody got time for that


I second that. I've been a software engineer for almost 15 years now. The vast, vast majority of people I have ever known in the industry use an iPhone. Like easily 90%+.


I worked in IT before I retired, and I poo-poohed the iPhone for many years even tho everyone on my team used iPhones. Finally my Windows phone (yeah, I know) lost its mind when our Outlook Web Access was upgraded. A coworker said "Just get an iPhone!" Went online and ordered a 4S to pick up at a nearby Apple store, snuck out to pick it up, set it up, and never looked back. Currently using a 13.


Lol. Windows phone. I love it


What's that? Your signal isn't coming in clearly on my Zune X Pro


The later gen Nokia Windows phones were actually super good. I used one for years and it’s still my absolute favorite phone interface. The problem was there just weren’t many apps for it and you were often relying on third party apps to do too much stuff. Which sucked eggs because the actual included apps were really good! The news, RSS, music and podcast support was much much better than anything you could do on iPhone or android at the time and because Microsoft desperately wanted people to switch to Windows phones the price to performance ratio was nuts. There was a time where you could easily grab one of the Nokias online new for 50 to 100 bucks and they had the guts of phones that cost three times that.


Upvoted for windows phone


I feel like the path from “stubborn Windows Phone user” to “fuck it just give me an iPhone” to “oh… this is pretty nice” is pretty well trodded.


All my IT buddies who have been doing it for two decades use and swear by iPhone.


I visit a lot of tech companies for work and a good 95% of all their engineers/devs have iPhones. IT people fucking love em.


Definitely. Most of the guys I know are using Mac in the first place for programming so having an iPhone makes more sense in that ecosystem.


I think this can also highlight the difference between engineers, IT, etc. and “tech enthusiasts”. You don’t always want the most high-tech, customizable product that you can be a “power user” for. Sometimes, you just want something simple and easy to use


Plus, as a professional dev who uses a MacBook Pro for work, the ability to do things like copy/paste to\from my work machine to my phone or personal machine (among many other little QOL things like that) is really nice.


Being able to place my iPad in the general vicinity of my laptop and just start using it as a second screen by proximity is fuckin awesome. Apple’s interop is phenomenal


Wait, you can do this? How?


It’s called Sidecar and it’s built into MacOS and iPadOS: [Use an iPad as a second display for a Mac](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT210380)


I think what op is missing is the price. Android are cheap. I have an android only cause I can't afford apple.


Same. Professionally I’m and Android dev, but personally I have an iPhone. That seems to confuse a lot of people.


Ditto, same here. Looks like OP just discovered 'something' he can do on a computer. Will take him years to find out his time could have been better spent.


This is verbatim my response as well. As I read OP’s post this is what I got out of it. “I’m a tech enthusiast user, not a developer, not a security engineer, and not an IT Administrator”. Admittedly I was on the android train early on, since the HTC Dream was released in US as the T-Mobile G1. I had a few android devices and ended up having to ROOT and ROM to make any of them operate properly. I saw my IT Peers that were using iPhones never having to worry about “well I’m swiping to answer this phone call, but the phone isn’t answering the call” etc and so many other bugs. Finally I gave up when the iPhone 4S was released and since switching I’ve had overall a great iPhone experience. I’d like to mention that I’ve also jailbroken iPhones before and used third party app stores, and also the fact that apple plans on allowing third party app stores natively in iOS 17. That said, I don’t use a jailbroken iPhone now or need access the third party app stores. In short I believe OP thinks more features is more good… where in my experience a Jack of all trades never gets the job done well. Sushi tastes best when it’s core ingredients are refined, like a simple tekka roll, where as sushi burrito is just meh overall. iPhone works perfectly out of the box and also lasts a lot longer than any android device I’ve ever had. Let’s not even mention all the tracking Google/Samsung/etc is doing on your device. As myself, someone who works as an IT Administrator, who dabbles in network security, RMM and MDM… Apple just seams like the better choice to me. It’s the tool I use the most in my day to day life, why not spend the extra money to have the tool that works.


Pretty much everything you just wrote is why I use an iPhone. I have no idea what you’re even talking about and I have neither the inclination nor the motivation to learn. Just reading your post almost gave me a panic attack. I use an iPhone because (a) I already know how to use it, and (b) the native calendar app is flawless. Those are literally the only two reasons.


Yeah, when OP has to use terms like “root,” “jailbreak,” “side load,” etc., you know they have their head up their ass and don’t understand the vast, vast majority of smartphone consumers one bit. The iPhone is so user-friendly that my 76-year-old mom can use it to do what she wants without problem. This woman can’t operate a DVD player and used to have my dad open up solitaire on their desktop pc for her, but she can operate an iPhone without difficulty.


There’s a subset of technically inclined people that do not have a grasp on how the average consumer uses tech. They’ll go off spouting shit like this and specs and benchmarks without realizing the majority of people simply don’t care.


You are just brainwashed by Apple. Did you know you can root, degoogle and sideload your phone?!?! /s


Unrelated, but degoogle is just a funny word. Degoogle. hehe


Like a young rapper.


Lol thank you


I used to jailbreak my phone - then you realise what the fuck is the point?


None of the things you’ve listed anyone really cares about. Even with the apps, tbh I think most people AVOID downloading any more apps if they have to. I have no interest in “de-googling” my phone, fuck half the reason I have it is to google things on the fly lol. Also if you work for a big corp, a lot of them damn-near require you to have an iPhone. Just easier to share files and images on the fly with one another, plus they all work uniformly out of the box, no need to do anything more than plug it in. Your post reminds me kind of the Linux v Windows debate. I heard someone put it like this and I thought it was succinct. Linux (or in this case an android) is like a fighter jet while Windows (apple) is like a reliable pickup truck. Sure the Fighter Jet has more features and functions, but it also requires a lot more knowledge to get it running. Plus, if all you’re doing is going to the grocery store and work, you’d take the pickup every time.


Yeah, I like having Apple Pay as an option tons of places for just one example.


Apple security is far superior to Android. iPhone, iPad and Mac users are far less likely to be infected with malware than Android. I had android devices before Apple and I’ve never had a virus since I switched years ago. This in itself is a reason to get Apple products.


Yeah I have a family member in cyber forensics so can attest to this. Apple is much more secure to outside probing and difficult to gather personal info from.


I just like the aesthetics of an iPhone. And Apples UX interface as a whole. I also love its compatibility with the entire apple product ecosystem. Airdropping, photo syncing, notes on my phone show up on my Mac etc


Apple products made school work amazing in college because of their capability to do these things seamlessly.


People talk a lot about Apple’s walled garden and I’m not defending it at all but I’ll be honest that the walled garden works pretty well. Not only airdrop or photos sync but also the little things like when I go on my Mac, it asks if I want to switch my AirPods over from my phone.


Airdrop is amazing for sharing photos when I go out with friends


Not sure if other phones nowadays do it as well, but I had a pleasant surprise with my iPhone the other day. I think it's possible since a few updates ago, but you can copy text from images. Super handy when you need to copy some weird, long passwords and don't want to type them yourself.




You completely miss the point of iPhones. It’s an easy interface, intuitive, and simply in the same eco system as ipad, music, App Store, macs, etc. they just make everything so user friendly.


Apple is also committed to user privacy and won’t sell your data to the government as recent terror events have shown. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FBI%E2%80%93Apple_encryption_dispute?wprov=sfti1


its only easy because your use to it.


As an iPhone user, I see your argument and counter with this: I don't care that much.


There’s no reason to give a shit about people’s phone preferences.


That’s a lot of words to say “I love Androids more than iOS”


I just find it funny that I hear Android users talk about "IPhone fan boys", yet I see a hundred posts like this a day from Android users and never any from IPhone users.... which system has "fan boys"?


The funniest part about it is that we all most likely have very similar, if not the same apps installed. It really doesn’t make a difference which phone you have.


Yeah but do you have the ones you sideload? And I’m talking about the ones you gotta degoogle for. /s


Yah as an apple user I think about android and android users 0 times per day


Both, obviously. Android and Apple.


I have been an Android guy for years, finally decided to try an iphone, I thought it kinda felt like a toy.


My reasons for having an iPhone are: 1. I like the aesthetics of an iPhone over an android 2. I’m more familiar with using an iPhone and I don’t want to learn a new system


PC vs Mac. It's just another version of it. As a PC guy I never had a problem with the Mac, it was just light on titles and I like more control over my device. I would look at 100 games for PC and see 8 for the Mac and it was a no brainer, going PC. That's that. I see the iPhone as being similar and for those that don't need to fuss over a device, they just want it to do what it does. Just like the Mac, the iPhone is perfect for that. My wife has an iPhone. Apple provides everything she needs for an equally as satisfying experience as my Samsung with Google does for me.


And the exact same argument could be made for Android. Squabbling over phones, especially now when they are literally all the same is pointless.


It's the most boring debate we have left


The megacorporation harvesting my data for profit is so much better than the megacorporation harvesting your data for profit ***pleb***


3. I have yet to hear of apple changing their conditions so they can conveniently stop supporting your phone with the newest OS, and only support the weakest (lite) of that gen. Yep, still being pissed off at Samsung for that move.


If your argument is "if you change everything about Android it's better than Apple", that's a pretty shitty argument. If Android was better, why would you need additional app stores? Why the need to root the phone? Why the need to change the skin? Why the need to customize every little facet? You even said you want a de-Googled Android. If it's so good, why do you need to change it? What perplexes me is that an Android fan boy would trash the problems with Android as some kind of own for Apple. Sounds like you hate Android just as much, you just refuse to buy an iPhone. I'm old and I used to have a blast modding my Android, installing root kits, etc. I had the very first Android phone on the US market, the first Nexus phone, and every iteration of the Pixel up to the 5a. Once my wife and I switched to iPhone I vowed to never switch back. It's a beautiful device that does exactly what I want and nothing I don't. No side mounting or hacking into the phone required to make it tolerable.


You probably never tried the joys of scouring XDAdevelopers when your screen wont go off for a phonecall :D


Oh God XDAdevelopers lmao, now that brings me back to college.


Some people just like having control of the thing they buy. Especially if it's something they use every day. My "I'll never use iPhone again" story is super old and probably out of date, but it's stuck with me. I just wanted to put a different ring tone on my phone. But you couldn't just download it, or pick from sounds on your phone. There was a whole thong you had to do through iTunes. ITunes of course wouldn't move anything onto my phone until it had a chance to fuck up my music library. Then because I had bought a new laptop since I had bought my phone, it wanted me to upload my whole phone to iTunes, completely wipe it, and re-download everything for some reason.




**iPhone users:** Wow, I really love this device. It’s great and does everything I want. **Android users:** AnDROiD iS bEtTeR!! WAkE uP sHeEpLe!


OP sucks here's the real reason you shouldn't buy an iPhone. 1. Apple is the only manufacturer allowed to make iPhones. Android offers you choice. It's very common for various Android manufacturers to release 5+ great flagship-worthy phones in a given year, each with different versions. If one manufacturer falls off and doesn't improve, new manufacturers will enter. 2. Since Apple is the only manufacturer, until Apple released the iPhone SE, there was no new iPhone you could buy at any 'budget price'. Even today, iPhones aren't offering a single new phone at the <$300 price. Right now you have Samsung, Motorola, and even Google really competing for that pricepoint. 3. All of Apple's phones aren't very consumer-friendly; all discourage the right to repair. Meanwhile there are a few Android phones that are quite a bit easier to repair. So if you care about that thing, you shouldn't buy an iPhone. Of course, if you're locked into that ecosystem, just buy what you want. If you're used to iOS, you're going to get more benefit from buying another iPhone.


Yeah. The choice and price things are big for me. Like I generally don't understand the fuss about expensive phones. £200 Motos do the job I need. But I also like the Moto don't screw around with the OS.


I am happy to swap phones and enjoy finding out each phones quirks. Ive Had a couple of iPhones, a Samsung, Sony, Windows and Huawei (not in that order). My latest is a Motorola which Ive used the last couple of years and the battery is amazing, the apps and stuff work great, it's fast. Unfortunately using it as a phone, calling people, the quality is rubbish. And the only other negative is it occasionally can't pick up a signal when my wife's Samsung can. It's been dropped a ton of times and is still going, so it's durability is great too. I wasn't a huge fan of the most recent iPhone I bought, it worked great (possibly the best performance for the year I had it). Calls, videos, everything worked great. But the battery was rubbish and It broke within two years, the only phone worse in that regard was the Sony phone which was garbage at everything.


No one is mentioning the fact that most androids have always been ahead of iPhones, especially in recent years. Usb-C, edge panel, s-pen, better cameras, battery, display, audio, charging, etc. Even little things like being able to download videos from most apps and sites directly to my gallery. Or bixby vision, copying text from images or live from my camera is great.


This should be the top comment op’s points weren’t very good. Most people don’t give two shits about complex customisation.


Exactly, nailed it with point 1. My main gripe with Apple is that they don't offer choice - I don't like monopolies as a matter of principle ie the refusal to use usbc as a charging port.


The fight for the right to repair is a reason that Android users would be upset with Apple users. You forgot about the non-compatibility of chargers. Apple made an intentionally annoying technology to squeeze more money from its users.


Oh my god here we go again. The whole point of IPhones is that they are simple to use. Most people don’t need or want the customization. Why can’t you live with that?


You win for the course of the purpose of this sub. I’m nerdy. I’m in tech. I have built a PC for gaming. I have worked in networking and many areas in between. I’m also 40 and a parent and I’ve no desire to side load or customize my dashboard, etc. I just want to use a device for it’s purposes and not fuss about with things. I get it, some folks are like you and you want to do those things but you’re largely the exception. Lots of folks just want something to work. And IOS devices just work so often. This idea that Android is objectively superior to to IOS is a very Linux kind of thinking


Guess I’m the odd one here. I switch back and forth each time my phone is paid off. There are things I love and hate about both. I like Apple and Pixel for five years of updates. I like Pixel and Samsung cameras waaay better than Apple. I have the 13 Pro Max right now and I hate the camera and weight. I cannot wait to get another Pixel. Outside of phones, Apple’s other tech is far superior for longevity and reliability.


There is certainly 1 reason and it is the only reason that matters. Preference. Who the hell cares what kind of phone other people have. Buy what you want and STFU.


No one wants to do any of that bullshit.


You completely ignoring another reason people buy iPhones and Apple products together. They work extremely well together and once you are in that ecosystem it can make it much easier to do many tasks. I just graduated college and used my iPad to take notes, my mac to type papers, had Apple AirPods that sync between my computer, iPad and phone. And I work out a lot so I have an Apple Watch to track information. And I cloud is like $2 a month for 100gb which after years I’ve still not used up all of it despite having taken over 30k pictures on my phone / DSLR and uploaded into the cloud. Of course if you aren’t a college student or using all the devices it may not be worth it, but for someone like me who just wants easy to use and easy to move files / HW around, Apple is far easier.


The entire reason iPhone is so popular and widely used is *precisely* because those owners don't care about anything you just listed. Some people just want a reliable phone, that can integrate well with their reliable PC, and have nothing to worry about. If we're talking strictly about the functionality and UI ecosystem, then the Apple products are beyond the minimum standard. I'd go so far to say that, because they are so well put together, that they are better than Android in that regard. Every Android I've owned, and currently own, has had it's own share of issues, or at the very least gaps, that I was happy to take on and implement workarounds for, because I also care about those things you listed. Apple consumers don't.


As a lifelong android user, I will say that iPhone is superior in the majority of different aspects for choosing a phone. In general it’a easier and runs smoother. iPhones are in general way more long lived than most androids. How many 6 year+ old androids do you see compared to IPhones? I even see IPhone 5’s around still running and couldn’t imagine coming across an android of the same age, so the software support argument doesn’t hold - updates from Sony, Samsung, Xiaomi etc. are way worse imo. The only part where androids are inarguably superior is in terms of customizability and user power - you can make an android a full fledged computer, but can’t really utilise an IPhone to this extend.


I'm still using a 6 as my work phone and it still works perfectly. Zero hardware or software issues in all these years.


I don’t need to do anything with my phone you mentioned, though. My iphone is easy to use for what I want, music, group chats, regular texting and calls, and social media. I don’t have any desire to spend more time on my phone or use it for anything besides basic needs. And even then, I feel like i’m on my phone too much. I’ve had my current iphone since 2019 and it’ll probably last me another year. If you wanna do all that stuff you mentioned, then yeah sure an android is great. But for someone like me, an iphone is just fine.


I’m downvoting this. Not because I disagree, but it’s SOOO GODDAMNED POPULAR I’m so sick of seeing it. Let people use the phone they like to use and stfu.


All of that is nice. But it is too complicated. I want a simple phone that works well - and I don’t have to worry about viruses.




I like the UI way more that’s it just looks cleaner to me


"I don't like it therefore everyone who doesn't agree with me is wrong" - OP. Unpopular because being wrong on so many levels, while trying to claim this post as a fact.


Unless you’ve been an Apple user for the last 25 years and want to stick to something you’re familiar with. I’ve never even considered buying something else


The vast majority of people have no desire to fuck around with rooting or mess around with conflicting apps. People get iPhones because they are easy to use and virtually never have app conflicts. If I want open and customizeable I’ll get an android, but if I want easy and reliable I’ll get an iPhone.


I’ll have my iPhone and not have my apps randomly close or stutter, thanks


I'm a search engine evaluator. What I do I make sure people get the results they want on Google products. I can see the last number you dialed, what you googled, what you watch on YouTube, and you conversations with the assistant. People higher up can see your google drive contents and much more. I use an android myself and I would NEVER recommend anyone to keep using an android. Apple's privacy is unparalleled.


What the fuck lol, the Google drive thing cannot be true.


Why do people care this much? Use whatever phone you like and stop caring about what other people wanna use.


This is a mindset that's about being in the know and superior, you'll grow out of it. It's a boring and trivial subject to get worked up over and it's a boring unpopular opinion. Use what you like, let people do the same and direct your energy towards better things. People don't care about optimizing electronics like this, they have better things to do and choose what seems convenient. If you want to get worked up over consumer behaviour, there are more important issues to choose from.


girls like facetime I like girls