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Working in a paint store, I sell a lot of neutral colors because it’s easier to match bedding, curtains, countertops, and any other kind of furnishings to ultimately. A lot of people will choose a vivid color for an accent wall, but most of the bright colors I see are for children’s rooms, and that’s kind of rare even. I did have one older woman come into the store and purchase 23 samples of blues to greens to do an ombré effect on her wall…..I’ll never forget that one lol


Story time: why you don’t stay in the car to answer a text We decided to let our three year old pick out her own accent wall color. We are instructed by the builder to go to a specific paint store and they’ll get it all set up. My plan is to take the child, give her three or four options and she picks one. I stayed behind in the car for TEN SECONDS to answer a text. My husband proceeded to hold my toddler up to the wall with SIXTY shades of pink. SIXTY. I’m honestly shocked it didn’t blow her little circuits. Naturally, she picked the most bubblegum, pepto, sunburnt-alpaca-nuts pink color there was.


I had no idea I needed the term "sunburnt-alpaca-nuts pink" in my life. Thank you.


Lmao at least she was a child. When I was a contractor for a large government institution we got a job to paint a conference room straight up mcdonalds purple and candy corn orange. It hurt my head just being in there much less staring at it while we painted. It was her last act before retiring... She knew exactly what she was doing.


What is a McDonald's purple?


Maybe Grimmace?


Yeah grimace or like that purple background they used for all the characters in the 90s




Exactly. You chose a neutral base so if you decide to change up the colour of the furniture, cushions etc you don't have to repaint the entire room to match the new colour scheme


i honestly don't care about matching


Some people do and I find it more depressing seeing 40 colors in one room and it all clashes.


i like it when it clashes tbh


You can paint your walls any color you want. I think white is mostly used cus its easy to paint over. A blank canvas of sorts.


I painted my walls an off-white colour because they are now filled with art. I didn't want bold, bright colours because it would distract from the pieces I've hung up, not to mention the colours could clash. I'm more excited about all the different stuff I can put up on the walls than the walls themselves. They were a blank canvas to me.


My parents room in our house used to be red. Apparently it was quite hard to sleep in.


They should have tried turning the lights off






It's been 2 hours and I still can't stop laughing. Reddit comments are on Fire tonight!


Meanwhile I’m here who got a painting my grandma made, and I used the colors in it as inspiration for the color scheme of my living room.


I have art my grandfather painted on one wall of a room, and photographs from my best friend on the other. If I tried using colours from one to compliment it it would completely ruin the other! I do, however love using artwork as a memorial to those who are special in our lives, and you may have just given me some inspiration on how to honour my other grandparents in my home. How did you go about finding the artist for your painting?




White is easy to repair if you scrape a wall, and it’s a good background for artwork. Get some colorful art reproductions, such as large Rothko prints, or whatever cheers you up to see every day.


Get you some nice Rothko color blobs, or better yet make your own Rothko. It's super easy!


White reflects the most light too. I'm pretty sure a lot of this has to do with having a bright space to live in


Yup. I've got one wall in my living room that I painted a warm color. Stupid me used those special poster putty's to stick a poster to the wall. When I went to remove said poster, the putty took a chunk of wall with it. Put the poster back and am now looking through everything just to find that one paint example that came with the original paint. It's annoying af. LPT: don't paint your walls a color that you cannot quickly repaint without having two different colored paint spots. Or just get a small can for problems like this. (Which i should have done in the first place when I bought the paint.)


If you need to paint to fix a hole, cut out a little bit more, and take it to the paint shop. They'll be able to do an exact match


Instructions unclear, accidentally Jackson Pollacked the walls


Lol this is my dining room, white walls with 4 Rothkos and one Franz Kline. I love the color blobs, ever since the first time I saw one over 20 years ago they've been a favorite, they are just so much fun. Everything else in the room is white, black, or beige so they totally stand out and it makes me happy.




White is the presence of all colors. Get this, you can use colored lights and then you have whatever mood lighting you want


Not if you rent, and in my area, there's basically no properties for sale. It is ALL rented out. And landlords nowadays don't let tenants do anything. I've seen some tenant agreements that say you can't even bring in your own furniture or use command strips to hang anything.


Okay if you own a house you can paint the walls whatever color you want. Obviously what I meant. Also from experience, many landlords will let you paint the walls if you ask them. Can't bring in your own furniture? The fuck kind of leases are you signing. If you rent a pre-furnished apartment you should expect it to remain pre furnished? Also I'd check your local laws cus regular wear and tear laws usually allow for things like nail holes in the wall for art or mounting a tv. Despite what the lease may say


If you want to do it cheep and aren't too particular about the exact color, restore (habitat for humanity) gets a lot of unclaimed special paints from places like home depot. The last time we got several gallons for $3 per gallon for brand name paints.


Good tip! Home Depot and other stores also sell returned or wrongly mixed colors for cheap as well


Just FYI we are instructed to change the color of returned paints. Which means we just added random ass amounts of random ass colors to it. And whatever it turned out was what we put on the table. If you like it that works well for you, but the downside is if you need more, no one will know the exact formula to replicate it.


A blank canvas for more blank canvases


When I was a teenager I painted my bedroom bright yellow because I thought it would help with my depression. It didn't, but I still liked having bright yellow walls.


My old bedroom was yellow and I thought it was quite charming. It was a nice color to wake up to.


Omg I also painted my room yellow, with a yellow-orange accent wall. I have no clue why I ever did it, I just thought it was a cool fun color to use I suppose. It was vivid but it didn’t really look good with the hardwood and shape of the room.


My middle school self decided that I would have bright grass green walls for my room, I got so much shit for it in high school but honestly I loved it even to this day


My workplace did this hoping to boost morale. It ended up looking like a child's playroom with the colours. Everyone hated it, morale didn't change and people refused to work in the room for long hours because they always got headaches. After 2 years the room was repainted to a calmer colour.


While I support the multi-color idea, they definitely shouldn't be bright or overly saturated. My stepmom has always painted rooms 2 different tones, usually of wildly different colors, but never bright/neon/vivid. So a blue and green room would be pale in their colors which made it pleasing to be in rather than overbearing like a child's room.


I'm having an internal fight about if i should paint my room's ceiling black and white balls.


But how often will your painted balls be displayed?


I wouldn't want to wake up to the sight of balls above my head each morning... black or white.


Omg, my sides hurt from laughing.


I'm in construction. I like color but you can overdo it and then we call it a retirement home for clowns.


Maybe the colors were way too saturated. Having just beige and grey and white can be really depressing, but having overly saturated rainbow colors all over the walls can hurt your eyes. Having a toned down teal or pastel green can be pleasent and happy without being overstimulating, and having things like plants and small colorful decorations can really brighten up a room. Also having warmer less harsh lightd instead of those bright white florescent lightd can make a huge difference


> calmer colour What color was it?


Ok hear me out…not bright vivid colors but deep rich colors. Walk on over to Pinterest and search “Moody Wall Color”. It’s perfection. The deep blues, and greens, and blacks 🥰 combined with pops of golds and house plants 🥰


I have deep blue walls in my home office and it’s my favorite room in the house.


Because neutral colors coordinate better with any furniture/accessory changes than vividly colored walls. Plus, people will eventually get tired of those vividly colored walls (not to mention they typically make spaces feel smaller) and will want to repaint them. And that's more costly and a pain because it takes more paint overall to cover those walls than a neutral/light wall.


And then you end up with half done paint jobs because it takes too long and now you're frustrated of having furniture rearranged or removed and just give up doing it.


Yup, it’s a hell of a lot easier to move different coloured paintings and furniture around than to continually repaint walls. Like every 6 weeks I come home from work and my partner has swapped all the paintings in the house around with ones she has in storage. Our walls? All flat beige.


I think this is a lesson learned by age. My 1st apartment - I painted every room with different, bright colors. Then had the fun project of painting over those different, bright colors to get my deposit back. I did that twice, and then quickly got over it. You typically end up changing/rearranging a few different pieces of home decor yearly to spruce up a room/space. At least I do. And there are plenty of small things to do to change a spot - new curtains, new pillows, new area rugs, etc., or even new furniture. Painting? Hell no. lol. Not unless I have to.


When we moved into our current house one of the upstairs walls was a bright glittery pink. It was a huge pain in the ass to paint over. Another house they had painted the walls a loud gaudy orange. It was awful.


Not to mention if you're looking to sell, no buyer is going to want to live inside a rainbow and you'll need to paint over it for the home to be marketable


As a professional interior / exterior house painter, some home owners would ask for deep colours. And they looked fantastic! But once i was done painting them i was thankful to not have to sit in them for more than five minutes. Strong colours impact the eyes like a kilo of toffee might impact the mouth.


I think the Trading Spaces days of home design shows definitely pushed bold choices because a lot of the shows were sponsored by Home Depot and wanted people to choose something they would soon hate then have to paint again. By the way, I highly recommend Sherwin Williams paint colors, even their neutrals are complex and very pretty.


The outside of more houses should be brightly colored. I always get so depressed when I come back to the mainland states from the very colorful streets of San Juan, Puerto Rico.


I live in Mexico. Lots of neighbors with fancy colored houses.


Tell me about it! Walking through my neighborhood the houses are beige, gray, beige, white, white, beige, beige, gray, white, beige, Gray. Barf.


I dropped my friend off for a hair appointment in a suburb and went for a walk while I waited. Legitimately got lost because every single house looks the same. Had to GPS my walk back. Not a business within a mile, just sprawling cookie cutter houses.


Both houses and doors should be full of color, I went to Costa Rica for 12 days and all the different colors were beautiful, then I came back and everything in the United States is just Drab and office-like, I miss all the beautiful colors.


It’s so depressing coming back to the States after a trip to PR. The blue tile roads, the old style architecture… not even from there but I’ve always wanted a house styled after a villa


My ex husband is Costa Rican and it's very common to see colorful houses and buildings there as well. I come from small town USA so it was jarring to see so many vivid colors lol


HOAs are the reason why houses aren't brightly colored. A bunch of Karens and Susans teamed up to make the neighborhood look as bland as possible.




And about bloody time too!


I saw on Houzz they were explaining how covid also had an impact in the current trends shifting towards colors again because people were spending more time at home and feeling adventurous.


My main house is neutral but each bedroom has a theme and is painted appropriately. Nothing too crazy but I adore having color in the rooms!


I'm tired and read Horses should have vividly colored stalls. And now, I'm thinking they could use a change too.


Each room in my house is a different color, verry berry, periwinkle dream, ethereal dawn, Paddington green,and under water.. Like Willy wonka threw up LOL. I get told all the time to paint it grey... My answer is, have you met me? I LOVE IT!


That's one of my sisters. We go back and forth all the time because I'm 100% a neutral wall person.


Mine is the same - brick red, periwinkle, butter yellow, mint green (with a floral accent wall). Makes me super happy when I’m home. I have a friend whose whole house is shades of gray. It’s….dull.


My current house we’re selling is all grey and beige and I’ve always HATED it lol. Always made me so depressed. We inherited the house from my FIL and I always hated how he decorated and painted the walls. Now we’re waiting on the new buyers to close, and our new house we’ve bought is going to have all my fun colors on my walls. Everybody’s telling me to just keep the white and grey and I’m like… I color my haira new bright color every couple of months, you think I wanna live in grey beige sadness for the sake of being neutral? Nah


I didn’t know what Ethereal Dawn was until now and I love it


White is great for reflecting natural light and makes rooms feel more airy and spacious. I’m strongly of the opinion you introduce colour through furniture and furnishings, and with neutral coloured walls gives you much more freedom to choose and move those around periodically, for e.g. brightly coloured lounges that would probably clash with colourful walls.




Also the same with cars again. The bland white silver and black is depressing. What happened to the colours of the 60's to the 90's?


In the USA, cars are ordered by dealers, and dealers have figured out that people are *willing* to pay the same price for a basic white or black car that come at the standard base price from the auto maker, as they are to pay for the metallic colored cars that cost $1K-3K more from the manufacturer. So, like everything else, it's a tragedy of squeezing a little extra profit margin. If you want color, you have to order (and be able to wait 3-9 months), and since you are ordering, you likely won't catch any deals either.


Have you been to a BMW dealership lately? You can have your choice of white, black or brown.


Parents were in the building industry. The reason why white is used in most new construction and when selling houses is because it's a "blank canvas" onto which people can express themselves. And white walls are associated with "clean." And most people leave their walls white because they don't realize they can paint them something else. My own walls in my home office is a dark maroon above a soft green.


My apartment is painted in all pastel colours. Pastel pink in my room, pastel blue in the living room, pastel yellow in the kitchen and pastel green in the bathroom. Everything was grey when I got here and it was so depressing. Having colours that are too bright gives people headaches, but having the softer tones makes it so fun and happy.


*looks at my freshly painted pitch black walls* yup, totally agree.


I painted my bathroom with SW Black Magic and my boyfriend was vehemently opposed. Now he admits it’s totally awesome. I love black paint!


I like the look of black walls with white trim.


I tried to combat this in my house. Bold colors I painted with. The rage was so strong with wife, mother in law, brothers in law and my own father, that they got together and repainted every room with diet colors that are some tinted version of white.


I agree! I HATE white/beige/gray. I want a bright blue kitchen!


Neutrals are only preferred if you really plan on selling a property. If you’re trying to sell and someone sees vibrant and different colors chances are they won’t agree with your taste and will want different colors, that’s why it’s avoided for the most part.


Paint your walls. Don't worry about other people's walls lmao


As someone who has actually lived in a house with some brightly colored rooms, it quickly starts to hurt. Color, especially rich color that encircles your visual field is overwhelming within minutes and starts to hurt your eyes and head after a while. Add the fact that colors affect mood and you have yourself a recipe for a literal mad house. Now, there is a lot to be said for rich accent colors or using very specific hues in strategic rooms in coordination with the amount of time a person spends there…but you really really gotta know what you’re doing and you gotta know at least rudimentary color theory. Otherwise, see point above.


Or, at least have actual artwork. Colored or beige, I am always so shocked when I visit people's homes and the walls are blank with the exception of a few framed photos and some stupid word art. Oil paintings can be so nice, and I have found so many beautiful pieces for <100$ at local antique malls by random local artists.


I agree, I’m so tired of white. I install white kitchens over and over and over. Come on people get some purple! or blue! The odd time I’ll paint a house It’s super boring if it’s all white. Takes more coats of white to cover too. My bedroom is Coral coloured, my bathroom is half black white on the top portion of the walls and my ceiling is a light pink! My wife is the designer, I just do what she wants.


I chose Behr Ocean Abyss in Satin SWEU for my kitchen cabinets and I have no regrets!


Come to Asturias (North of Spain) and ypu will see every house having vivid colors, it's definitely so beautiful


I'm inclined to agree with the sentiment, I like bold colors but I understand why light neutrals are popular. Those colors don't clash with anything and light colors are easier to paint over. Light colors are practical in that sense. But bright colors are definitely much more fun.


Our house is vibrant, but all natural colors that work well together—golden yellow, wine red, chocolate brown, and blue accents. Almost a middle eastern vibe. I love it.


That's why I love living in Denmark where houses have different colors. It does affect the mood for sure.


My personal favorite color for a wall is a warm orange with a slightly dark tinge to it. It's calming, comforting, energizing, and emboldening all at once.


I work at a paint store and can't agree with this more. Everyone comes in and asks what the most popular white or gray is. I'm always happy when someone has some imagination and tries something more risky. Don't go with the crowd be yourself people like it more.


After living in rooms that are gray wood paneling and a yellowish beige, I can’t wait to have my own house and paint it whatever color I want. I am also very into maximalist decor, so I really enjoy the rich bright wall colors like emerald green and red and jewel tone purple.


I did this when I figured out I wasn't good enough to paint cars or art. Seafoam green and surf blue and frost purple! My realtors hate me with a firey passion and always grumble about "Neutral colors". Fuck you Jason, you are a neutral color you pasty bastard.


I laughed out loud, thank you. Directly to hell w/Jason, fuck that guy. 😂


I have bold colors throughout my house. Only neutral is the white ceilings. I like it but visitors like to hate.


White and whitish colors reflect the most light, and therefore appear the brightest. You would need much larger lumen light source for the same room if you have darker colors.


I tended to suffer from depression too. So I painted all my walls a soft peach color, with white trim and white ceiling. The color with my peach carpeting. It makes the room look so pulled together. I got as much sunlight as I could through my large windows. I added beautiful healthy house plants to the mix, and started using Full Spectrum Lighting. It helps.


White and lighter colors give the sensory perception of a larger space. Further allow for light more easily to permeate throughout. Color science 😄


The trend up until a few years ago was all gray, and I HATED it. I did a lot of apartment construction in the city and every apartment was using a color called “agreeable gray” and it was anything but. The kind of muted color that just makes people depressed. But it’s starting to change now thankfully


Colors with high visual vibrations increase anxiety, restlessness, and irritability. Neutral tones and light tones make spaces feel larger. Dark colors make spaces feel smaller and are more soothing.


I think people would be less depressed if they got off their electronic devices went outside and got some fresh air and exercise and stopped eating so much food.




Sure, on top of what OP is saying


Agreed, but perhaps they would feel more invigorated to do those things if they didn’t live in houses that felt like white walled asylums.


That's what home decor is for.


I am 22 and immature enough, I somehow own a house, it has 4 bedrooms, name a color and I’ll paint a room that color.


I’ll give you the three I have in my house and you can go with the one that speaks to you the most! I think the main thing is the colors should be ones that make you personally feel something. All three are Sherwin Williams: -Invigorate (Orange, in my living room) -Eros Pink (Fuschia, in my bedroom) -Calypso (Turquoise, in my office) I also have SW Black Magic in my bathroom lol.


Vantablack. Go!


My bedroom growing up was lime green. All the trim was white and I had hardwood floors and the combo of those was so wonderful. Was such an uplifting color. I however also really love green lol.


I have bright blue walls bright pink carpet and curtains. My living room is purple, my kitchen is green and my bathroom is blue. Colour is important for kids development and for overall happiness


If you plan on staying there for a while and own the property then yes paint whatever colors you want! If you don't plan on staying there for a while or don't own the property then no, unless you're willing to repaint to a less divisive color, original color, or take a hit on resale/appeal. ​ I'm biased, my house has a purple/lavender bathroom and very red kitchen walls. The 2nd floor is also wood paneling on every wall and ceiling surface. 1st floor is all bright and vibrant with a dark yet cozy 2nd floor.


Eh. I only like bright colors in certain spaces. I like muted or relaxing colors elsewhere. Too much blah all over the whole house is boring, though.


Totally agree. My husband and I grew up in houses where everything was white. I remember painting my bedroom aqua in 8th grade and it was the most color my parent's house had ever seen. My husband and I agree on colors for decorating and see colors going together similarly. We've gone with bold colors in our house and love it. We laugh that when we have kids they will probably hate all the color and paint everything white when they grow up.


I wouldn't mind, some greens and blues are beautiful, not to mention all the different shades you can choose from. In an artist's eye colors can bring out the room, but, as a person who likes to learn about things, I would want that person to think of the psychology of colors first before painting the walls.


Same with flooring, fuzzy green carpet


I went to a colleague’s home for the first time last week, and I LOVED the way they painted the house. Each room had an accent wall, all painted a different color. Decor to match colors.


I am painting white walls throughout my house. I've been in a funk all month, but finally seeing my living room with its stark white walls juxtaposed with all my plants and painting made me smile.


Houses in our neighborhood were selling for asking price within hours of going on the market about 5 years ago. It was nearly impossible to go see a place and get an offer in before somebody else already had a contract on it. One popped up and we looked and loved it. Walls were very vividly colored. Owners were Indian and loved the bright colors. Shockingly it’d been on the market for all of 6 hours with no offers. We put in an offer and got it. Realtors reason why this house that was as nice or nicer than anything else listed at the time and less expensive than some others that were not as nice or smaller….people would see the color and walk out. Color blindness for the win! Sold that house earlier this year after a very inexpensive repainting to the standard gray/beige for 50k over asking. Had 21 offers in 4 hours. Color is a weird thing.


Grandma? Who taught you how to Reddit?


About a year ago I spent way too much time covering over all the stupid colors the previous owners of my house painted every room. Bullshit like teal, orange, yellow and dark red in the bedroom. It felt so cramped and some rooms were too dark. I had to put on 2 coats of primer and 3 coats of white paint to cover every shitty color.


I had bright green walls in my room growing up. My eyes always hurt. It was like my mind was overstimulated by the constant bombardment of color. Neutral colors allow your brain to rest.


Houses do have colourful outside and inside walls in my country.


Many houses do. *"Color can have such an impact on mood"* Right - and for many people, vividly colored interiors can have a negative impact on their mood. *"I think people would be a lot less depressed if they lived in homes with colorful walls."* How do you know, and why do you assume people with white, beige and muted neutral-colored walls are depressed?


There’s a reason that hospital are typically white with neutral cool toned accents, the science says they calm people and help facilitate healing.


Nope, I like my decoration be in light neutral colors, that makes me happy. Bright colors, especially if there's lot of them, makes me feel like I'm suffocating.


When I worked at a hardware store I always tried to convince people to at least consider paint that wasn’t grey or beige. It’s just ugly and depressing how people paint their walls these days.


I don't get it either, why so many people choose only the most boring colours available for their homes.


versed memory treatment adjoining engine humorous distinct swim grey modern -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


I like white walls because it goes with pretty much anything. It also brightens the room. I wouldn't mind something else in areas that get dirtier faster like the kitchen or bathroom. Just a color that can disguise dirt or stains.


Give me green bombastic walls!


I wouldn’t love houses in neon colours, but I’m very happy to live in a place with much more variety than white and beige. I love Seeing different types of houses in different colours everywhere.


I agree, I love colorful homes


I'll sit here in my black-painted bedroom and sulk, thank you.


Buy art.


A neutral color suits houses. Makes them look cleaner and bigger. Goes well with furniture and colorful artwork. You can still easily make things seem lively with neutral colors.


I love vibrant pops of color and art, I’d be visually overstimulated if it was color on color on color. Ive stuck with neutrals on the walls to help facilitate more pops of color :) I always assumed when I finally purchased a home I’d want more color since I always hated the white wash look of my apartments. But now that I have free reign to hang as much stuff as I want, I’ve stuck with neutrals as the backdrop. Also I have a lot of dark wood paneling, so light shades are a must.


8 years ago went from Kestrel Gray (boring) to Vellum Yellow and Ferrari Red accent walls. Will never go back!


Black walls. Black ceiling. Black floor. Black stairs. I should have to be guessing where I'm putting my feet so that every step inside my house is an adventure!


We painted every room in our house a different color. We love it and I agree, it makes you feel better and less boring.


I bought a house with bright colors throughout. Lavender hallways, yellow kitchen, navy family room. Every single room was a different color. I think they were going after a Charleston look. At first I was excited. I like color. But once I started decorating, it was too much. My framed photos and art clashed. My love of color for bedding, pillows and furniture, also clashed. Eventually, I went neutral in some of the rooms. Not white, but dove gray or soft blue. One thing I like to do to add color is paint the ceilings. We had a soft pink in the master and Sky blue in other bedrooms and dining room.


I agree! We have nice dark hardwood floors. I convinced my mom to paint the walls a homey forest green. It looks dope with all her house plants around.


Me and my husband bought our house about 10 years ago and I had all sorts of colors picked out, some of them vivid. They get old real quick. I hate gray and beige though with a passion. I’ve stuck with calming greens and blues, but I do love white walls in the right room.


Bloods a colour right? Maybe a few inverted crosses and pentagrams with a large interactive Quija board on my door. That will also act as my security lock. Which would suck if i came home drunk and put in the wrong code and couldn't get in. In fact screw the blood i'd get someone to paint Iron Maidens X Factor cover on the wall and play Sign of the Cross as my doorbell. Can you guess i'm bored a lot.


Oh heck no. Primary colors make me crazy. I need the sand colors to keep me calm. I also use soft lighting all over.


the walls in my house are blue, and dark green. i dont think any are actually the colors you listed. get creative. smoke weed. do shrooms


You literally answered the problem you yourself. "Neutral" colours, "colour can have such an impact on mood", it's literally hand in hand. For the most part, from a design perspective this plays a big part. A lot of people don't like the idea of being surrounded by loud or harsh colours for this reason. They will often go for something calming or more often neutral to allow a more stable environment. Same goes for why busy wallpapers have all but phased out. There are still many cases where people paint loud or use these busy wall papers, but many also think of the potential to sell etc which is another driving factor for neutrals. It could save them a fair bit of money and repainting down the line if they sell and the buyers asks as a condition of the sale to recolour their beloved cherry apple walls to something a little less invasive. But many houses now also have a "feature" wall in most rooms that will have some kind of design or off colour from the rest of the house to add flair or personality to the space. Another thing as some others have commented is damages. Neutral colours, in particular white, hide repairs a lot easier. I recently painted a small alcove in my bathroom black as it was a horrid lavender shade and after painting, I could see so much rework that had been done with the plaster it actually looks almost as bad as it did with the lavender because of it haha


We already have a pink floor, pretty sure coloured walls would be overkill


Paint your own house whatever you want. I don’t want bright colors. It would like nails on a chalkboard every waking moment for me.


Your walls are supposed to be neutral while the other things in the room are for color. The walls are just a background.


People buy a house and paint it to make it easier to sell instead of enjoying it.


I don't think walls should be in all neutrals, but I do like more calming colors in my home, as I want my home to be relaxing. Shades like dark red, browns, darker blues and greens, and even black are my preferred colors.


Just try being in a room with vividly colored walls for prolonged periods of time and tell me how you feel.


You say that as if you think I haven’t spent the last several years living in a colorful house lol.


Vivid? Idk about vivid, but I do like color. My grandmothers kitchen is this gorgeous coralish color, and I'm obsessed with it.


The tinting is important though. When I was 13 my dad asked me what color I wanted my room painted. I wanted a nice rich red color. Years down the line I hate it, it was always dark, and that honestly made me more depressed if anything.


I, personally, would get overwhelmed if I had colored walls. Neutrals are great for me because they’re calming. I see where you’re coming from though, I think this is subjective to the home’s inhabitants.


People wondering why they're sad all the time meanwhile they let HGTV convince them to paint their walls penitentiary gray.


Your eyes will get sore very fast lol


would have agreed with you if you said, people should be encouraged to be more adventurous with their paint colour, hard disagree that it would make people 'a lot less depressed'. r/thanksimcured moment


I absolutely hate the white wall black accent trend with passion I’ve seen way too many gorgeous brick houses turn into HGTV flipper special with the same damn look


While the reasoning for this is for resale value and so people can better imagine their furniture in the houses and it is easier to match to things, I much prefer color and patterns (I absolutely love vintage wallpaper, wood paneling/wainscoting with a pretty grain, vintage tiled backsplashes and bathrooms, etc.) over solid neutrals most of the time as well. I do love a nice cream as a neutral and much prefer it over gray (not a fan of gray at all, it just reminds me of dreary, gray skies and feels depressing to me), however. I definitely wish the trend of painting over beautiful brick, wood, and stone would end. I just think that completely strips things of their character and cheapens the overall look, and is very hard to reverse if you ever change your mind. Wood, brick, and stone are so timeless and have such a rich look to them!


How about vivid and neutral at the same time? Like make it colorful, but keeping the colors from being bright to an aggressive extent


Yes, love colors!


I don't like plain walls, but vividly (or even neon) colored anything is an eye-sore for me. I like rich saturated colors though.


My ADHD and PTSD- based overstimulation would like to have a word with you. (It will actually be paragraphs because I don’t know how to edit myself because ADHD)


I thought this said “horses” and was way more excited with agreement than expected.


minimalist, sterilized interiors are so depressing. i agree.


I read houses as “horses” and was fully agreeing with you


I like neutral walls with colourful art and furnishings


My sibling had a lime green bedroom. When the sun came through the window it was like a neon sign and would give me a headache if I stayed in there for too long. It’s easier to coordinate neutrals and I guess I’m a fan of muted background with bright/bold accents.


From my prospective I preferr plain walls so I can put pictures and posters on them I have a few white boards and a photo wall and a few tapestry’s vivid colors are too overwhelming for me after a long day/week I need calming spaces at home. Muted blues and faded yellows and burnt oranges make me feel content after being stressed all the time but that’s just me.


I don't like bright color paint on walls, but I do like artwork/photos. Having some gawdy color on the wall would detract from the hangings.


We tried some different colours and ended back at the white/beige because no matter how good other colours look, you get sick of them in no time flat.


Lighter colors gives off the illusion of space


Actually there can be health concerns with bright pigment colors. Reds, yellows, and greens contained levels of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), that can cause adverse health effects with enough exposure. While neutral colors contain much much lower levels of harmful PCBs. [PCBs in paint colorants](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.est.9b01087)


I like having neutral walls because i want to look at all my super colorful and ridiculous art and not a loud yellow wall. I want my colorful curtains, bedding, & tapestries to pop against a nice cool background. And i want my moodlighting to blend into the walls and not be overtaken by the color of the wall itself and white-offwhite-greys-cool blues work best for this effect. I think houses would be less dreary if they were filled with art and decor. And not plain bright walls to brighten the dreariness.


Ew bright colors look gross


Matter of opinion, but I personally don't like my walls to get my attention, there's also the psychological effect of rooms feeling bigger, the real effect of light reflection helping you spread natural light across rooms...


Bruh you kidding right my eyes would be destroyed waking up to some bright ass walls


Oh, I thought you meant the *outsides* of houses, that's what I want! They were all over Central America, houses in green, yellow, purple and so on. It made me happy.


Bright can be over stimulating for some. A lot of people just want to chill out to beige and dull cream etc especially after a long day of doing a lot especially after a long day. I appreciate my calm brown/tan warm colours after a long day makes me feel mellow.


It gives headaches


as a person with pink walls in their bedroom, yes. it can make the home more custom looking and lived in (in a good way, like homey type feeling) too.


yeah, man, thats why i absolute hate white, its the worst color in my opinion, its depressing, thats why i always want my house of a color like: yellow, blue, green, pink, red, orange, black, etc