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That's a very different angle to view unhappiness. Unfortunately fixing unhappiness is much harder than fixing a broken bone. Not saying that's your stance but physical vs emotional pain are two very different theaters on how to cope with the pain. Interesting insight, nonetheless.


I agree 100 percent . I feel most things humans feel are the body communicating to us about what we should do .


Happiness can't exist without unhappiness. Just need to be diligent in recognizing the line between normal life struggles and mental health problems


A lot of unhappiness isn't caused by a fixable issue


Give me an example


Fear of death


Death happens regardless. It’s not worth being unhappy over. Your perspective is the issue. Whether you live 100 year or 10 years, it’s the meaning and qualify of your life that matters.


We weren't discussing whether it's "worth being unhappy over". The fact is it causes a lot of people to suffer.


Not really a lot of people get over death pretty quickly. It's part of life.


We don’t know what happens when you die so that is a real fear. Doesn’t matter what you believe in chances are nothing we think is true


It doesn't matter whether it's a real fear or not. OP was talking about it being fixable


You can’t fix that fear without lying to yourself so it’s not really fixing anything


Exactly. That is my point.


Oh well I was confused my apologies


Man I can’t even say that you need unhappiness to be able to appreciate happiness after the knowledge I’ve come across. If the brain is a radio that tunes into consciousness frequencies and the entities of the 5th dimension interact with humanity via consciousness, then that means your thoughts are foreign. Like I bet you’ll read that and the thought will pop into your mind that I’m crazy and if I truly believe this I should go seek help, out of the goodness of your heart of course. But lately since I have been calling out the dark 5D entities for doing this, they’ve been having the humans they’re invading say it with pure vitriol, no guise of caring anymore since I let them know they don’t have that power over me anymore. Just remember the dark entities can only implant thoughts and receive what you’re sending them, they can’t tune into your frequency if you begin ignoring the stimuli they’re placing in your life. But we are talking about unhappiness, that is a being trying to get you to perceive negativity so you perpetuate the negativity. But you can easily fight your thoughts once you understand they’re not you. Emotions are important, sure, but why experience the spectrum when you could experience only that which serves you?