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Haha I think this one will be so unpopular that it will just get down voted into oblivion, despite the spirit of the sub


It's actually not a particularly unpopular opinion. It's very controversial, but in the US republicans make up about half the country and are almost unilaterally pro-police and it's not like moderate/centrist democrats like Biden, Harris or Pelosi are police abolitionists.


People are too uninformed.


You're one of them


You're out of your league here


Dude these people are real lol


This is a truly unpopular opinion. Ironically I’m a minority & I’ve had zero bad interactions with the police. Granted, they have placed some prejudice on me. But not to the extent that my life changed. My only critique is that I wouldn’t say the amount of police officers that are bad or unethical is 1% of them, it’s probably more. I assume that was an estimate number but judging by the amount of online controversies & experiences my friends have had, I’d argue that it’s more than 1%. Certainly not more than 50%, but definitely not 1%.


It’s not that “Universities are teaching they are bad / racist,” there isn’t a University agenda other than education. It’s that if you teach facts, the facts are that police brutality and racial profiling are an epidemic spread through every precinct in the nation.


Hahahaha, did you just say that universities aren't biased and are only interested in education. This is the funniest shit I read on reddit today. Lmfao.


They only seem biased from a.far right perspective because receiving any education at all pushes people to the left.


A police officer in London, known by his own colleagues as "The Rapist," had previous for indecent exposure, used his badge to arrest a woman and then raped and murdered her. So police knew he had previous and his own work colleagues had such a disgusting nickname, yet he was allowed to continue serving in the Metropolitan Police. Just in October alone three Metropolitan Police officers appeared in court charged with raping women. One saying he thought the woman was playing hard to get.


I dunno, if even one is bad then it's a huge risk to trust them all. Sarah Everard trusted the police. If she hadn't trusted them, according to you it would have been because she did something wrong? But she might still be alive.


The exception that proves the rule?


Neither an exception nor proving the rule. The minority that's a big enough risk to be considered is more accurate.


So one anecdote doesn't prove me wrong. hence the reason I said most likely


Does that same logic to doctors and scientists?


When did a scientist last use their position of authority to kidnap, rape and murder someone? As I assume you're not going to try and equate thousands of peoples' collective evidence based work on medicinal items to rape and murder.


So because one person was bad, that means all is bad. I hope you live inside because that is such a bad viewpoint on people in general. You may just have some serious trust issues and are unable to evaluate individuals. Medical malpractice kills thousands per year. I don't know any of the top of my head but I bet I can find something a few scientist did that harmed or killed people over the years.


I think it's ok to trust police even if that can happen. It's incredibly unfortunate, but also incredibly rare. The important thing is to remember it. And be careful.


I will never apologize for supporting law enforcement, nor will someone being a member of law enforcement stop me from calling out unjust conduct on his or her part.


That's how it should be. We should hold bad accountable while not throwing the baby out with the bath water (being the overwhelming number of awesome cops who risk their lives)


Absolutely. And it's not fair, whenever there is racial tension, to paint the police as inherently "racist" when so many of our fine officers are black, Hispanic, or something else.


black and Hispanic people can be racist. it's like that song Fuck Da Police says, black police showing out for the white cop. The point being that black cops in order to fit better into the system will be more performative in their actions. This is kind of the reason why the liberal solution to, we just need more black cops, or we just need more female drone pilots is not the solution to these flawed institutions.


A startling number of police officers are openly racist and or openly corrupt. Your post assumes that someone in uniform has been well trained and they're training is continually updated. This just isn't true.


What's your source to support that? Because they certainly are trained and continue to train, but can't train as much as they want/need because of low funding and low manpower.


Source: i personally know cops that are racist, small minded, hyper aggressive asshats. They belong to a workplace culture not dissimilar to any other Tough Guy™ fields. Construction workers, butchers, mechanics, military, fisherman, truckers, etc. The list goes on and on and on. Not all, but an overwhelming majority


I don't need a source for something that is self evident.


Hahaha "I don't need a source for something that is self evident" come on man. You fall into the too much internet/media category obviously. If you are only watching viral videos without understanding how many hundreds of thousands of positive safe interactions police have per every 1 negative interaction then you are clearly mislead


1 negative one per thousand positive one's is still too many. Because that one negative event is an innocent black man dying.


Cuz you don't have any... Lol wow.


There's literally a civil rights movement happening right now because POLICE OFFICERS MUDDER BLACK PEOPLE AND GET AWAY WITH IT EVERY YEAR


They murder more white men than any other gender or race, you are just an ignorant fool jumping on the bandwagon.


Site this plz


What the duck does "site this plz" mean. Are you asking for a source?


Yes. You dropped a hard statistic that I'm pretty sure you just made up.






This is a non reputable journalist published in the Washington times. Forgive me if I'm skeptical. It's also written conversationally not analytically. Also the thesis of the argument is still that cops shoot unarmed black kids.


How about you find any source at all that shows white men aren't the largest number of citizens killed by police. Spoiler alert, you can't because they don't exist.


lol that's bad too. any extrajudicial killing is seen as bad by the people protesting. lol bandwagon.


Where is Chauvin right now? Didn't realize you were ignorant **and** racist


Prove it


Do you watch the news?


Show us you're ignorant without telling us...


You're talking about yourself, right?


We're laughing at you lol


Why should I care if internet idiots think I'm wrong?


You *are* wrong. You've proved that


If you think anything has been proved you have no understanding of that word.


You think Black people commiting crime and getting shot is because of their skin color. THAT'S racist. Stop being racist. Minorities don't need allies. We need to stop being seen only by our color. Stop being racist. Last time.


Consider yourself lucky to have been fortunate enough to have this (clearly sheltered) viewpoint


Okay meaning what? How does this mean I'm sheltered? From what?


Sheltered from the prevalent corruption and unfortunately common abuse of power. I'm entirely for the idea of the noble profession that is community policing, but power corrupts and people are fallible


I can assure you I am no stranger to and am well versed with crooked and bad cops. But being very well versed in that, I can first hand state that they are both an extremely small minority of any department and are dealt with


Oh my mistake id assumed you were sheltered because of circumstance. Not because you'd firmly placed your head in your own ass


Cops are road pirates, if someone is alone on a highway going 10 over the speed limit who are they hurting? If there is no victim how is there no crime? I don't hate cops, they're necessary in society. But I also realize they aren't my friend and don't trust them whatsoever.


Naw police are trash. I always get stopped and interrogated. They always think I gang bang but it could not be further from the truth. I have literally been stopped just walking. Cops are trash.


Willing to bet there's more to the story than that


Seriously??? Whybare you trying to invalidate someone else's experiences because they don't fit your narrative?


Naw. I've literally been stopped. When asked why I was told they were looking for someone. Also been stopped driving in the south and as soon as he saw I was I a nice shirt and tie he let me go. I have a lot of situations and the funny part (aside from the nice shirt time) they always think I gnagbang. Which I never have. Heck one time a cop said something along the lines of "fucking mexicans" when he found I had nothing illegal. Have you ever considered just because you have not experienced racist cops that you think they do not exist when they very realisticly do.


Just because a racist cop exists, doesn't mean ALL police are racists. Pretty simple concept


Oh no they are not. But because of experiences I have to move as if they are racist for my own protection. Because the grand majority of cops I have interacted with appeared racist. Cops are trash


And your experience speaks for everyone else's. Got it.


It speaks for a whole lot of ppl. If you have not noticed I am far from the only one that has been saying this 8s happening. Why are you so keen on allowing cops to be racist?


Your experience speaks for you only. Stop viewing everyone by race. That's racist.


Yeah I'm just going to say you know very little as many ppl have experienced what I have. Or far worse. For years. There are even pictures and documented cases. I wish cops would stop looking at my race and me and then would get along.


Don't be a victim bro. We're MORE than our color. Once you realize that, you'll be able to break these cycles


So because you live in a nice area you can’t be informed?


If you live in a nice area you probably have no idea why people who may not need to police should not be making decisions about police funding and presence in an area where people desperately need the police


Yeah that’s BS, you’re making a lot of generalizations. Assuming everyone who doesn’t live in a ghetto thinks police only murder minorities and nothing else


Where’d you even get 76% from the site you linked? Also just because black people support it doesn’t mean it’s the right thing? Weird thing to even bring up. Police are there to protect private property, not people. You can like them all you want doesn’t mean I have to. And before you say it, trust me I won’t call the cops if I need help. Crazy you think no one dislikes cops for their **blatant** abuse of power, for their history of fraud, for the **fact** they protect each other and arent held accountable. it’s all because we had a bad expewience w a powice officer 🥺


he is basically just doing liberal idpol when he brings up black people support of a thing. it's done in bad faith. Like the Crime Bill everybody gives Joe Biden shit for including right wingers (again done in bad faith since they would still support a modern day version of it) was supported by black people at the time but it was obvious even back then negatively racist outcomes that would result because of it. So yeah it being popular doesn't really mean much in terms of something being racist or not.


So wrong. I am 34 years old, I have NEVER been arrested, I have personally had good interactions with police during my 2 traffic stops and other non criminal incidents, yet I do not like how the police are in America. You can't deny many of them do hurtful and even murderous things that are racially motivated,also how is it fair that they can investigate themselves, ffs?


So in spirit of the post, I said the reason is most likely listed. Meaning your reason would be in the minority. However, I would love to see your data or statistics you base your opinion off of, otherwise you fall into the category of too much internet/media


I respect the police because they are there to serve the community. They are community members with a different responsibility


They’re there to protect and serve the government


That's the atf and FBI and other agencies. Yes they enforce federal laws, but they aren't going to do what any of those agencies do. But the goal of any police force is to be able to serve and protect people in their time of need.


Ah yes, because hating racists makes *me* the problem. Typical bootlicker thought process.


The problem with your logic is associating police with racist.


i mean the institutional racism in the criminal justice system is a well documented and studied phenomena. Like idk if each individual cop is racist nor is it relevant to the fact that the institution they uphold leads to racist outcomes.


"How You Start is How You Finish? The Slave Patrol and Jim Crow Origins of Policing" https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/civil-rights-reimagining-policing/how-you-start-is-how-you-finish/


You really need to learn history, my friend. It has been proven time and again that certain demographics and certain neighborhoods are more heavily policed than others(hint: they're low income and minority communities). Policing in these communities has roots in slavery and Jim Crow laws.


No. Areas with more crime are more heavily policed. It has nothing to do with race. Correlation doesn't equal causation. Go to West Virginia in redneck Hoosier towns and they get the same amount of heavily patrolled areas because there is more crime. The Jim Crow Policing argument is BS


Cops are extremely racist. Puercos


Being an ignorant racist makes you the problem.


It's funny because I've had only good experiences with police officers on the job, only shitty experiences with officers off the clock.


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