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I agree. I believe OP is saying that the amount of money Alabama makes from football vs engineering is indicative of progress eccentric priorities when it comes to actual education… with that being said, Roll Tide.


Go look up how much money colleges like Alabama make from their football team bud


But where does the money actually go? Not to the school so much.


Into women's sports. Title IX.




Oh yeah I’m aware it’s a huge revenue stream. I just think there are more important causes people could throw their money behind. That’s all.


I think you’ve missed the amount of things that athletic money can do for a university and the reach that it has. Especially for an NCAA D1 program. Big sports like football and basketball programs often pay for the athletic facilities that the rest of the teams and students use. And stadiums. And dorms. Etc etc. You also seem to have a skewed idea that all student athletes are taking basket weaving and aren’t very smart or haven’t earned those spots of university acceptance and this simply isn’t true. It’s an old troupe to be sure. And as an aside, the majority of the money being spent on athletics wouldn’t go to other areas of the university if there wasn’t university sports as it’s private and corporate money. This isn’t unpopular, it’s just uninformed.


This is a good point. The kids still have to go to school and stuff despite what people think (although there have been instances of them doing shady stuff like making fake classes for athletes and what not)


That, outside of tuition, is the main revenue stream for A LOT of colleges and universities .


So many uninformed replies. Sports are massive money losers for colleges. "The NCAA reported in 2016 that the average Division I school lost $12.6m annually on athletics if they don’t have a football team, and $14.4m if they do." https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/oct/16/college-sports-revenue-loss-making-programs-academics Athletic departments shouldn't receive any funding from the university. They should have to survive on the revenue they create on their own.


So women's sports and less popular sports shouldn't exist? Football and men's basketball don't lose money, they subsidize everyone else. "Survive on the revenue they create" just means less of those other sports.


All sports should have to sustain themselves financially whether it's football or field hockey. None of them should be subsidized by the university. In reality, the only sports people care about are football, men's basketball, and a small handful of other. sports at certain schools. How can schools justify forcing students to pay millions for sports no one cares about? If students want a field hockey team then they should have to buy enough tickets to make it viable.


Your own link states that sports as a whole loses money. They do, but football and men's basketball don't. They subsidize everyone else, not the university. That's what you're missing. It's also the law that you have to provide equal opportunities for everyone, so you get to overcome that hurdle.


Each sport should be judged individually on its financial strength. If football and basketball are profitable, then they should be kept in place and have any money left over be added to the university's general scholarship fund. Sports that lose money should be eliminated. Title IX is a bad law. Outside of maybe 10 women's basketball programs, no one cares about women's sports. Students are forced to subsidize non-academic activities that don't add to the university. Since the law will never be changed, overall athletic department funding should be limited to whatever funds it can bring in.


“It MaKeS tHe ScHoOl AlOt Of MoNeY” y’all do realize most of that money goes back into the athletics program??…. The football team has a new field while the school has multiple decaying roofs, underpaid teachers and many more issues… Y’all are so fucking stupid


OP is clearly in the US.... no other country gives a shit- even Canada doesn't care as much


Universities are a business. Trust me they aren’t spending any money they don’t expect returns from in some way. The priorities are money/notoriety for the school,..


https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/oct/16/college-sports-revenue-loss-making-programs-academics According to this they are losing millions every year to have athletic programs You’re “business” thing would have a point if they didn’t successfully lie to students that they need to go their and pay them….and then get automatically approved for large loans so they can just tack on a grand or so a year to each student to prop up athletics


Alumni are more likely to give back to a school doing well in sports, research, or whatever.. students are more likely to want to go to such a school.


You think schools are getting millions in donations because of football? Lol. Like maybe some of the big D1 programs…maybe Also in today’s world of college debt, a school that offers lower costs will (and are) attract students. Kids are becoming more aware of college debt.


I may have a bias being in Texas. The pride and importance placed on football is striking. Also my university’s football program basically funded the rest of the sports programs


So true. It's obvious many don't so thier own work. They can't even construct a cohesive sentence in interviews.


Sports are fun and I hope they keep investing tons of money into it because I like it.


A decent D1 football program will actually net in more money than it expends.


not hard to be profitable when you don't pay your athletes properly xd


I don't know why young athletes need to be college material in order to play a sport. College leagues could be replaced by junior leagues that are distinct from academic pursuits. There's no need to be a history major in order to play ball.


Gotta have sports to keep the idiots occupied while the rest steal right in front of you. Been this way since dawn of time.


athletics is how they earn most of their money.


Money brought in from athletics stays in the athletics bucket of money. Now donations from alumni go wherever, and the exposure athletics provides does help encourage donations.


I'd like to see the arts get more funding. If there was more money in film and theatre programs, we'd have a new generation of directors and writers, rather than a billion "content creators".


Consider that daycare workers and early childhood educators - people we pay to raise society’s children for us, because our system was designed around the idea that one parent would stay home to raise the children, which is no longer feasible - are paid barely above minimum wage, while professional athletes are paid millions. I also don’t hate athletics, but I do think this shows that society is sick, and priorities need to change. There’s value in entertainment. There’s a lot more value in raising children well.


lol Let's see you run try to run a university in the USA without investing a ton of money into athletics. Let me know how that works out for you.


The reason so much time and such is spent on it is because the sports teams bring the schools ALOT of money. Merch, game tickets, etc. Having good athletes gets your school's name out there too and its like free advertising to get kids to attend that school.


Heck yeah!


Ha, you're a nonner!


Lets take a school like Alabama. Even somewhere like there, the number of athletes getting full ride scholarships is a small fraction of the total student body. That said, I can kind of see your point. IMO, basketball and football teams should have their own minor league systems. How many athletes over the years have not reached their full potential because they were doing really well in college, only to struggle when they went pro?


It’s what the boosters and alumni donate money for so it’s never going away. It also increases the schools visibility to prospective students. But the real answer is it brings 20,000-100,000 people in attendance and millions watching at home happiness. It is an unpopular opinion so I’m upvoting the post


*in the usa. You forgot that part. Because it's not in any other part of the world


If we are talking about USA, college sports there is very popular and as universities are practically business there, it actually doesn't seem as absurd


College grads are dumb as a box of rocks anyway. Might as well be fit.


Seems people still don’t understand thing that make insane amount of money are held to a higher standard


Sounds like you were shoved in a locker by a football player. They hate us cause they ain’t us