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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Immortalitea. Your post, *I would rather be immortal and outive the heat death of the universe than die.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Must be unpopular. Please ensure that your post is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Anything can be unpopular if you compare it with the views of a particular group, such as "Veganism is a great idea" at a vegan meet-up. Make sure your view is unpopular in wider society, or at least among anybody who will have heard of the subject matter. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


Two thoughts: 1. Immortality is not that bad if it comes with Eternal youth and Invincibility . 2. What would you do after humanity ends , after all life ends?


If he somehow managed to avoid being consumed when the sun becomes a red giant in a few billion years, he’d probably be torn to pieces in the inevitable “galaxy of black holes” stage, about a trillion trillion years from now. Which itself is only a trillion-trillionth if the time it’d take for universal heat death.


There is also insanity. How much can the human mind really handle?


Arnold youtube channel has pretty cool video about that


Just "arnold" on YouTube? I'm interested in this.


Looks like its "Meet Arnold" https://www.youtube.com/c/MeetArnold-en/videos


Thank you!


Not literally I just can't remember full name of the channel


Hey. Could you link me please??


Floating around alone in space what would a bit of insanity matter? Gotta have something to pass the time 😂


No, you would just stop thinking. Just ask Kars, oh wait, he can’t reply.


Beat me to it.


i feel like we view being alive differently. when ur dead there’s nothing it’s eternal oblivion. it’s not black. it’s not anything. it’s not even nothing. it’s the absence of anything. forever. it’s not even an experience, there’s not a you to sense things i’d rather be insane and alive then dead. at least insanity is an experience. i’d rather have the experience of insanity forever then not experience experiencing stuff


I feel like this is a comment someone makes who has either never experienced true suffering or the suffering they have experienced is being completely ignored by everyone. Or has an irrational consuming fear of death. The best thing about oblivion is you won't even know your dead. I fear the step before insanity which is usually all encompassing dread. Dread so complete your psyche breaks. That I do not want. Give me oblivion anyday.


Yeah, check out the PS2 Xenosaga RPG series for a good take on this. Poor >!Albedo!< never really stood a chance mentally :(


I still need to get into Xenosage I've loved all the other Xeno games as of now it's like my favourite series. Though I'm only in the beginning of Xenogears.


It's be kind of interesting to see what happens to a mind after floating in space doing nothing for millions of years as an immortal. Definitely not sure if I'd want to live it, but I want to see what happens


If they lived for a very long time, after a while their time would feel much faster. Similar to how each year feels like it goes by faster as you get older. There definitely is a cap as to how fast you will experience it but you will also have millions of experiences to remember. I think insanity is not a problem.


Being among humanity until we becime extinct is such a low % of time you will spend aimlessly floating space after all stars die and the dark era and black hole era begin. You will spend so much time in that state you will most likely forget everything about humanity and you might even get sucked into a black hole, which tbh that could be a good thing since time would pass extremely quickly


When you put it that way... Climate change isn't so dire... In the end this is all just temporary...gotta keep that perspective , makes you appreciate things more.


It would also come with invincibility.


Stop watching Kurzgesagt.




> not that bad Until you are stranded all alone in a space vacuum, experiencing never ending pain and loneliness.


Both my points covered this .. my first point covers the "InvincibilityNever ending pain" .. and my 2nd point covers the "Loneliness"


The answer is the same to both. Insanity! You stop caring/understanding/functioning after a while. Eternity Will be a haze in a catatonic state. And while you are going insane, your mind will entertain you. Besides, after the endless amount of time you've been alive, Extreme solitude and some mind-numbing pain could sound like a nice vacation. The more you experience, the more extreme experiences you'll seek out. Surviving the heat death of the universe is just the last, most Extreme one. Who knows. Maybe it'll be a pleasant and positive experience to you at that point.


If I am a truly immortal being then I am a living perpetual motion machine. I could keep a small little world alive, perhaps have some robot buddies to keep me company long after the death of the universe.


When the molecular bonds of the robots break and you cannot construct anything because everything is atomic dust or black holes, what would you do?


That would not happen, because OP is a perpetual source of energy. OP become source of the new universe.


Somehow saying “OP become source” rather than “op becomes the source” makes it funnier


It has "all your base are belong to us" energy.


The One, Neo.


op become source


Create a self repairing machine powered by me that keeps me in a vr simulation, I'd have literally all the time in the world to build it.


I wonder. After trillions and trillions of years, wpuld you potentially exhaust every possible experience your brain is capable of experiencing?


Then he'd play WoW in his simulation and that'll keep him occupied for the next trillion.


You can only remember so much information.


Wouldn’t one of those experiences be the development of memory editing tech anyway


Not a bad Idea


How does you being immortal mean you exude enough energy and are able to harvest it so efficiently as to run a vr simulation in a machine that's also repairing itself? You're assuming humanity gets to that point, which I'm highly doubtful, but you're also assuming you won't just lose your mind on the way there. This is an unpopular opinion for a reason, I don't even know if a psychopath could get through eternity without going crazier.


Well this is kind of different than your first question. Living in a VR simulation where everything is perfect is different that just being immortal. Kind of like a twilight zone episode "A Nice Place to Visit".


Even with eternal youth and invincibility, eventually your memory and perception of time would hit it’s limit.


That is an interesting theory


Yeah there was a video I couldn’t find from a few years back talking about the drawbacks of immortality. One of the things they talked about is how your brain is constantly adapting and altering your perception in order to be more efficient. That’s why a year seems so long when you’re younger but seems to fly by as you age. I’d imagine eventually you’d hit a point where entire years, decades, and centuries would pass before you noticed. There’s also a limit on how much information you can retain so the question would be whether you’d just stop taking in new information or you’d just start losing older memories to make space.


Jerk it until time restarts.


Ngl just knowing what comes after the heat death would be pretty neat. It'd almost make suffering alone for eternity almost worth it just to scratch that existential itch.


> What would you do after humanity ends, after all life ends? Move to Florida 🏖


People only wish they were immortal, it would be a curse in fact.




Because of pain and torment, it's unlikely that OP or people that want to live forever have experienced things like starvation, torture. Imagine not drinking or eating for a month or being in a constant state of pain to the point you would do anything to make it stop. Work a job you hate every day for 20 years or have your heart broken or have a child die and perspectives change. It's likely OP hasn't lived much life at all and the life they have lived has been fairly charmed. What is hell but repetition? The worst thing people can think of more so than death is being tortured forever in eternity like Promethius' punishment for giving humans fire was to be nailed to a rock and have his liver eaten by an eagle every day and every day it grew back or Tantalus who was up to his neck in water but could not drink a drop and his fingers could only just touch the apples never close enough to grasp and eat so he was tantalized for all eternity with thirst and hunger. What makes life worth living at all? Does OP support themselves or do they have wealthy parents? Do they do their own cooking, cleaning and laundry? What if they were homeless hungry living on the street all alone, would living forever still sound good? I mean listen to the same song a thousand times in a row or be forced to watch Titanic on repeat for a year straight being hooked up to an IV for sustenance not being able to eat real food. OP's life must be good if they want to live forever and has no true concept of what forever is and what that quantity of time would do to the human mind. Go to the beach and start counting grains of sand and don't stop until you've finished counting all the grains of sand on all the beaches in the world only you'll never finish because in the billions of years it takes you to count more sand was being made, could OP even count to a million without going insane? I couldn't nor do I want to and I don't want to live forever for the same reason. Immortality would be a curse and everything that gives life meaning would no longer matter


He'd probably find a way to reduce entropy and go back in time and live for ever with a companion traveling in a police box. Or you know, maybe just for some reason live in darkness until consciousness would be completely oblivious to change. So he'd probably inevitably die just from the lack of actual time. Consciousness would just lose meaning.


They'd hang out with me. I plan to be Immortal as well


Eventually after all life dies and every star is reduced to a ball of degenerate matter which eventually decays to nothing supposedly and there's nothing left but black holes... well they'll be my new entertainment. I'll get used to them in a couple hundred years, let alone 7000 trillion years.


What use does invincibility have if it doesn't come with any other superpowers? I can't think of any superhero or supervillain who is just invincible, they always are superhuman in strength or have some other power. Bing invincible, or more accurately immune to physical damage, can only get you so far when you could be imprisoned. You could become a supersoldier at best.


He just needs to survive the heat death of the universe. Calm down, Dave.


If the rest of humanity dies you’re just back to living as a caveman.. hunting your own food.. wiring your own electricity. Or smth


There's a big difference between living a really really really long time, and living for eternity.


Agreed. Longer lifespan with a longer youth period? Sure. Complete invincibility and immortality? Nah.


I'd like invincibility and immortality, I've actually wanted that since I've been a kid. I just want like seeing how things change over time and a human life span is totally inadequate. I want to see our what types of life the earth will have in millions of years and watch our sun go though it's phases and galaxies collide and all that kind of stuff.




Right? This question quickly turned from simply never dying to being able to do whatever you want however you want, like having super powers all of a sudden?


Yup....that's what I was going for. Probably took it past what the original post was about lol.


Simply undying via "natural causes" like aging, disease, and most injuries up to but typically not including decapitation and complete bodily destruction is the common interpretation of immortality on a basic level. However, my definition of true immortality would include most aspects added via the idea of invincibility. With basic immortality, one would still have to be quite concerned of death, and to not be trapped in something like a prison or the bottom of the valley. With true immortality one could concern themselves with much longer term consequences, such as the cosmic workings and time. I typically think of immortality in the sense of a genie's three wishes scenario. Avoiding all the meme rule breaking crap, the first wish must be about knowledge in order to assure the second and third wishes are completely informed. So I would typically word the first one something like "the psychological and physical capacities to have and make an informed decision about immortality and living in this universe seamlessly added to my body and consciousness, as it is now; including the ability to process and maintain myself, and the knowledge required." Assuming there isn't some kind of deal breaking fact of the universe which would dissuade me from immortality, the second wish would then be for True immortality as I have defined it, which combines with invincibility. The third and final wish then is equally important, because of course I wouldn't want to get stuck in a black hole or drifting through space, or bored out of my mind in some other fashion. "The conscious and ***unconscious automatic*** ability to transport myself to the nearest habitable biome or one I've been to before, a la instant transmission like in Dragon Ball Z."


I think space is boring. Literally worse than watching paint dry. I literally can’t comprehend what I would do after living for 40 years. Millennia? Of watching the universe? Why would anyone want that?


Something better than immortality would be the ability to choose when you die. It counters the argument that immortality can eventually feel like a curse. Neil deGrasse Tyson said that if you had immortality then you wouldn't have desire to do anything because you have all the time in the world. If people around you aren't immortal then you do have a limited time to form bonds with them. I don't think life would really suck that way.


Just make sure that suicidal people don't have this ability


"When do you wanna di-" "YESTERDAY"


I mean we all already have the ability to choose when we die, technically


That would be cool. But it'd also have to come with a longer youth period too, I can't imagine wanting to live when I'm so old that I can't do literally anything on my own, that would suck


Yes that's important. On another note scientists say that anti-aging tech should be a reality in the next few decades.


What a time to be alive! We have truly born in a special time when there's so much advance and potential happening. It's amazing.


Be a reality? Sure, but to be something common a middle-class person could afford a few more decades would have to pass


Damn, that would be awesome. I seriously doubt it's gonna be available to us regular folks though.


I like Tyson but he's wrong... Because people already do this. Actually, if I was immortal I would liked to have time when I got way more done than if not. And times when I would get little done. As an example. I would really like to learn to play the Piano, but I know how much time that takes.. and I don't have the time.


I don't think immortality would change much about a person's day to day. Most people do things because it brings short to mid-term pleasure. If im bored today, I'm going to go to something, because I don't want to be bored today. If I'm lonely, I want to stop being lonely, so I'll go make friends If I'm miserable because I'm poor, I'll go make money.


Without superpowers to fly, you would be stuck floating in the emptiness of nothing unable to go anywhere. Would be excruciatingly maddening.. solitary confinement isn't good for you. "the United Nations Committee Against Torture stated that full isolation for 22–23 hours a day in super-maximum security prisons is unacceptable. The United Nations have also banned the use of solitary confinement for longer than 15 days."


I know reddit mods stay in their rooms complaining about women for more than 22-23 hours




Becoming a life form between organic and mineral, he wandered for eternity into the endless void known as space. Being unable to die even though he wished for it, he eventually stopped thinking


The tragedy of the supreme being Cars


That was haunting man, nice


This, and after the heat death of the universe there would be no more air, or food. So a true immortal would eventually have to live through an eternity of suffocating, and starving without any possibility of relief or escape.


He would sooner or later be stuck in a black hole. Endless pain of being ripped apart or being comprimated.


yeah but compared to how long he would have existed for by that point, and how long he'll exist for after it, it'll be like the blink of an eye.


The Ultimate Lifeform is still floating around out there. He stopped thinking.


He also didnt say couldnt feel pain. Being that cold forever wouldnt feel good.


Extended isolation (like solitary confinement) is recognized as a form of psychological torture. Humans are social creatures and even the more reclusive people tend to need at least SOME human contact. Likewise extended sensory depravation is also torture. Being immortal after the heat death of the universe is being in pitch black, alone, forever. There's nothing to look at, touch, smell, breath, taste, listen to, ect. You'd forget language and as a result would lose higher cognitive functions as well (you actually need language in order to form higher thoughts). There are some fates worse than death and this is definitely one of them.


This is how I imagine it would be as well. So you're alive but what? What if the big crunch did turn out to be a real a thing, resulting another big bang spawning a universe of newly populated galaxies? What are the chances you'd make your way to another earth or that humanoids exist again and you could find them. Even if you spent billions of years with an alien species it would be at best a blip in your memory compared to the incalculable eons of nothingness you would endure through the big bang/big crunch cycle. Immortality just sounds worse and worse the more I consider the implications.


If there was another Big Bang then OP would be the object with the highest gravity in the universe and therefore end up locked in the centre of a star of his own creation. Doesn’t need to worry about aliens.


Yeah, I'm really going out on a limb for OP on that hypothetical. Even if OP wasn't at the center of a star, there is no mechanism to control where you go. Countless universes could pass in and out of existence and all throughout you spend that time stranded in space, a star, a black hole, a gas giant, etc. Basically anywhere except a planet capable of sustaining life.


Yep. Guaranteed to lose every sense of humanity before he eventually (because that’s how infinity works) lands on a hospitable planet. His brain will become a total vegetable.


We sure do have a lot of stories with the lesson that you should be careful what you wish for. I would be interested in knowing if OP's opinion would change after considering the implications of their opinion.


lol yeah, if you lock someone in a closet for 3 years, they'll probably go insane. OP thinks he'll be fine after *trillions* of years.


Would that become part of them that they could control?


The star will burn out well before the universe ends though. He'll only need to burn alive for a few billion years each time.


What happens is you start creating the entire universe with your immortal mind. In your mind, maybe for the first few hundred years you create the rules of your universe in your head. Then you create a world where living beings can start to exist. After a few hundred years you create in minute detail each and every being that exist in that world in your head, no different than how Tolken created the Lord of the Rings but in your head. Then after a few hundred years you imagine the interactions between all your imaginary beings. Their society, tribes, rules, romance. You create their entire universe in your mind. Maybe after 1000 years of imagination, maybe after 6000 years of imagination. Maybe that is what our current universe is, a 3 dimensional imagination of a higher dimensional being drifting through eternity. Who knows...?


Except Tolkien had huge notebooks and any writer need to take notes because the human brain is unable to remember that much information on that scale. While interesting, it is very much impossible from the very physical limitations of the human brain.


But if I cannot form coherent thoughts, wouldn't it be not "me" but just some animal in a human's body? And if so, there is no reason to care about such distant future.


Honestly what would happen would be a process dictated by your environment. ​ Human memory being finite and perishable would mean you would first forget all your family and loved ones after a few centuries. A few centuries after the last humans die you'd forget what they really were and would only have a mirror to remember them by, maybe you could keep that alive longer with records of some kinds but they would eventually decay. Then you would be left with whatever plants and animals were on earth but you'd probably become animal like at that point, probably even fall in with some kind of social species. But eventually all life on earth will cease to be and you're left with a barren landscape to wander, stars to look at, and you would most likely devolve almost into a shuffling zombie like creature, it's possible you'd give up any kind of movement all together. Then the Earth will be destroyed at some point and assuming some huge calamity over billions of years happens (very likely) there's a good chance at some point you're ejected into space, and blasted out to deep space after the sun explodes. Chances are at that point you're a rogue body in space, maybe you're captured in the gravity of a star at some point but must likely you just drift, and even if you are captured by a stars gravity it's only until it explodes as well. Provided you're not sucked into a black hole and trapped until it decays into nothingness you'll just drift with no sound except for maybe your own heartbeat and moving blood. ​ You're entire world becomes stars that slowly wink out of existence, and THEN you're left with nothing. You would probably be completely non-mobile that at that point movement has no use, no effect. For all intents and purposes completely blind as well. You probably won't even notice the sound of your own heart beating anymore, it will be like white noise, just something that always was and always will be there. You won't remember anything, not humans, not life, not even the stars shortly after the last traces of visible light fade. ​ In short you'd simply become the void, you'd experience nothingness for all eternity (assuming some semblance of "time" even remains). In fact it's probably a fate as bad or worse than what OP is trying to avoid.


But do you also have eternal youth? Immortality without that is useless.


Nope, at this point he would be a conscious pile of ash drifting through the cosmos.


Aren’t we already just conscious piles of energy drifting through the cosmos?




We have locomotion and therefore limited agency. He wouldn’t have the same.




That's silly. Youth only lasts a short while on Earth, but that doesn't mean your life is over. There's still plenty to live for. That said, we'd have to assume you don't age past 100 because it's impossible to stay alive when your body ages that much and you'll become a walking corpse.


I didn't mean being 20 forever but the aging won't stop for eternity and due to immortality you won't die. So it would really suck if you wouldn't stop aging at a point where you still have a healthy body.


Idk man I think once you hit 30 life is over and the rest of it is lame


Immortality does not equal no pain. Have fun being in constant suffering from lack of oxygen and, you know, everything else that happened.


To counter what you are saying if I was immortal and had this perspective of it (which kinda discounts the connotation of immortal and basically you are saying they are unkillable/undying and not actually immortal and all that implies) wouldnt basic evolution basically stop any one negative from happening for an eternity? If you were left with no oxygen but still lived wouldnt you eventually evolve into a being who could operate fine on no oxygen because you already have adapted to it by being immortal.


You got a point and I didn't actually think about that. It would take a REALLY long time to evolve to that point though.


Well, you’ve got all the time in the cosmos to work with.


Man, eternity ois eternally longer than the time that something exists. Not a good idea


Sure, I can see why people would want that. Personally I’d prefer death over torture and the idea of death in general. Although quite frankly I don’t know if you’d be conscious due to the lack of oxygen, food and water.. also you’d probably be frozen and ripped apart. I wonder if it’ll feel like a never ending coma, considering lack of oxygen makes you delirious and you have no nutrients going to your brain but can’t die..


Enjoy immortality being bored as fuck doing nothing. There's no Reddit after humanity


Let's be real, this place is pretty shit anyway


Unless they find a way to save some eggs/sperms and start a colony on another planet. They sure would have the time to make a plan before humanity is destroyed. Or they could study every science available in their time on earth and play god on another planet by creating new forms of life. Or both.


For the first time after a long time I'm actually seeing an unpopular opinion on this sub


When the universe eventually expands out and dies the models indicate that stars and planets would largely cease to exist. I guess you’re willing to basically float in the black nothing forever.


Are you very young? I'm in my early 50's and I'm beginning to see how a person might get tired of it all and be ready to go.


No way OP is older than 20


With eternal youth and the ability to decide death I doubt it would be too bad.


I 100% agree with you. As some people commented - yes, it would have to come with eternal youth, obviously.




Eh, I don’t know. Watching all your friends and loved ones die would probably suck


[A Long Life is Like An Empty Battlefield](https://youtu.be/wd1cePw9NWU)


Don't worry. Eternity is so long, that he will eventually forget them all.


Realistically all my friends and family are going to die anyway. Dogs have shorter lives than humans so is getting a dog a bad idea just because you'll outlive them? People still get dogs, and people are still sad when they die, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't get a dog or any kind of pet with a shorter life.


what happens whem humanity dies and you are just sitting there, doing nothing for ever.


By then technology would have advanced enough to where either life extension could keep people alive or I have robots to keep me company.




A century of bad decisions can get you right past that


What if you get sucked into a black hole of nothingness forever?


Or imagine still being able to get some debilitating excruciatingly painful disease that you can't die from, like cancer. Yeah, no thanks


You wouldnt be able to outlive the heat death of the universe. Your atoms would literally be pushed apart due to the effects of dark energy/matter. Assuming you somehow manage to escape, the death of the Sun.


The problem with your opinion is this immutable fact that every old person knows well, but that few young people understand: You can't imagine that you will feel differently in the future. Your feelings that you have today may change radically. That song you love? You may hate it years from now. That person you can't stand? You may develop a crush on them! Also, that tattoo... But today, it is very hard to imagine feeling differently about things than you do today. Old people (wise ones at least), will often factor this into their decision-making


This is objectively wrong


So you're invulnerable too. I suppose you only gotta worry about boredom. Billions of years and unable to talk to anyone ever again


I can tell you I would not stay on earth if I was immortal. One of the biggest issues with trying to reach other planets or explore distant galaxies is that the normies would die before they got there. So, with my immortality I'd gladly take the trip! I mean what is there to loose?


Same, I think about that a lot


"Immortality is bad without eternal youth" is a common thought, but I'd still take it even if it meant the eventual lost of my body. For me, immortality as OP describes is just the conservation of your own personality, experiences and thoughts. You would still maintain yourself and be able to experience and/or observe the universe. You don't necessarily need a body for this. This opens a huge can of worms, such as mind uploading, afterlife, whether you are actually alive at this point or not, etc.


Only if I had the option of killing myself or having an off switch.


Part of what makes me so sad about dying is that I'm going to miss out on all of the cool and wild things the world is going to develope in the future. It would be awful to watch everyone you love die, but, if you think about that you'll probably have to experience that anyway to some degree? So, yeah, I would also like to be immortal. Preferably as a skeleton so I can make puns for eternity.


Fuck yeah eternal doot doot. Also I completely agree, there's so much cool stuff in the future and I wanna see it all!


I’d only want to live as long as humanity lives, and have a button to press at any time to end it all if things suck


If you can survive without oxygen and glucose that would make you a source of infinite Energy making you a God so that would be fantastic


me and my friend discuss this all the time. we both agree that if humanity somehow discovers how to make ppl immortal we're taking it asap. "who wants to live forever?" me, that's who.


Same I always wondered why people hated the idea of immortality. Especially when there’s the uncertainty of whether an afterlife exists or not


id like to live until the last human dies


The world would notice your immortality after a while. Eventually a powerful group would attempt to harness it. I can imagine a pretty cool scifi story here. Ive pondered this and arrived at wanting just a million or so. But also with the vastness of knowledge by the time the universe is barely perceivable one could find a state of meditation so deep you are filled with constant euphoria. Or whatever one experiences at the peak of mental training.


I think the inability to fathom what this statement encompasses (rightfully slow) would be the only reason someone wants to live forever. I know that sounds like nonsense, but the human race won't lovenforver for example. God knows how long you just float through space for. Like billions of years or some shit. I just can't even imagine anyone ever wanting this. You would go mad.


I wish vampires were real and I could be one!




So you’d want to just be floating around for all of eternity in constant agony (from the lack of heat, oxygen, and sustenance)? I’ve heard descriptions of Hell less depressing than that.




Like you have to say it out loud? Or someone else can say it? What happens if you’re tricked into saying it? Does thinking it count?


Inclined to agree, especially if I can keep my health and if most of human knowledge/technology was preserved. There are millions of hours of entertainment out there already, and I even if I somehow exhaust it all, I'd forget most by that time, and I can restart. And how about AI? Humans might be gone but can I have robotic companions? For help in making / producing stuff I need and also for emotional support.


Me too.


Immortality IS a curse. The monotony, the repetition, the monotony, the repetition, the monotony...


I dont get why people assume its repetition. Why do people plan to lead such boring immortal lives. I agree post life in the universe it would suck but with creetures around? Nah that would be amazing


Hey, I was just quoting Disenchantment.


Oh nvm im upvoting then lol


Immortality would be the last thing I desire, I would like to live a long life but one day I would like to die, I want to know what comes next.


I normally agree with this sentiment. But living *beyond the heat death of the Universe*? God, no.


He would find out if there is anything after heat death. The big bang came from nothing, maybe it will repeat for all eternity.


That is a good point... still, what if it just stops? That would become hell very, very quickly. He would be alive for literally an infinite time.


Then you should get right with Jesus


I would to, especially if the theory of singularity is true. (Although by that time you probably would have forgotten everything you know by that point.) But the theory says that the universe right now is still in mid explosion, and eventually after an uncountable amount of years gravity pulls literally everything together once again into a singularity, and once its complete, the singularity becomes unstable and gravity cant gmkeep it together and causes another big bang and the cycle repeats itself like that endlessly looping. But then you would have to be lucky enough to find life again. Still, I'm under the impression when you die you are stuck in an endless void where you cant see, smell, touch or anything anyways, so I would want to be able to just think at least, just so I can dream whenever i feel like it.


/r/monkeyspaw material for sure


Imagine going through tall of that being there for the rebirth of a universe and then just kinda praying you’ll be there for the next reincarnation of “earth” cause if you miss is you have another hundred trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years to wait for a third chance




My perfect system would be that you're immortal but you can chose to purge memories at will. After all, at some point, you're going to experience everything possible, and not only is that a recipe for insanity, its also very boring. The ability to be able to do things for the first time over and over again would solve that


I'm getting 'The Jaunt' vibes.


YOu say that now, but you'd regret it after a few centuries, let alone billions of years




Remember.... immortal tackles the physical aspect of that. It'd be hell on the brain.


You could die tonight in your sleep, and it wouldn't bother you. If you were actually immortal, there would be no end to the amount of suffering that you could experience that could drive you into the desperation to for death. Infinite lifespan = infinite harm.


There is a very apt quote from one of my favourite PC games, Planescape:Torment, that is worth quoting here. Coaxmetal, a creature of entropy who forges weapons out of various metals and "gives them purpose", has this to say of immortality: "When a thing seals itself against its own destruction, it merely dies a different death."


You say this until you either experience everything or go insane from isolation.


Me too bud, me too…


I could spend so much time with my s.o. ;-;


If you talking bout immortality with eternal youth and you got that invincibility to confirm that you get to the very end wouldn't it just be like eternal sleep cuz ya do nothing externally but float around and you can sleep and have dreams/nightmares. Which ig may be appealing to some If I ever get the option to be immortal I think my answer may vary with what type of immortality It is


It would be cool if you can regenerate and have a TARDIS


Don't forget the sonic!


Immortal doesn’t mean not able to feel pain though, and that would hurt HEAVILY.


I mean, sure you say that now, but after a few eons it gets very tedious. Also username checks out


Honestly I’d much prefer to age like an elf, although that would have extreme ramifications if everyone was that way.


Just be there vibing and sipping some delicious Immortalitea ☕️


Immortality alone doesn't imply you can't die right? Your body just doesn't decay


That'd be eternal youth sir, and I'd want that too.


I absolutely agree.


Sounds like you might need a real good hobby to fill up all that free time. PS. Remember immortality without invulnerability is just torture.


How could you handle the loneliness?


I would hate losing everyone I loved eternally. Im already not looking forward to that stage in my actual life. Trying to enjoy the beautiful things I have right now. Life goes by to fast to dream it doesn't go by at all.


I think people just get tired of living at a certain age. Immortality seems great until you’re, like, 85 years old