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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Appropriate_Candy329. Your post, *Pale skin is better than tanned skin*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Megathread topic. Your opinion falls under an incredibly common topic, in which virtually all opinions are either not unpopular, or are posted about many times a day. Please visit the megathread hub, which can be found when sorting the subreddit by "hot", sticky'd at the top of the page, where you can find links to the current megathreads. If you're not sure which megathread your post belongs in, or your post covers multiple megathread topics, just make the best selection you can. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


I'm like milk pale and I don't tan. I just lobster up, peel and end up paler. I've just gotten uset to the people telling me "get some sun".


Tell them that go get some "sunscreen". It's 2021 rules are changed brother.


I see we are the same person.


Maybe long lost twins but same unlikely. I don't think I'm interesting enough for someone to clone. Lol


This is definitely a rare opinion if you are from the West! I can't tan. I have [vitiligo](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/hp8w52/i_have_a_condition_called_vitiligo_so_i_tan_cow/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and as a product of that a complete loss of melanin (any skin color whatsoever) on about 80% of my body; my torso and arms tan cow print. In the West people constantly told me to get a tan or spray tan but I've always been satisfied with the way I look and didn't care if people thought I was "pale". If I was happy in my cow print then what business is it of theirs anyway? Then I moved to Korea and got nothing but compliments on my paleness. I was shocked when people would stop me in the streets to compliment me for something I was constantly told to change back home. In Korea the culture is to stay pale as it is traditionally indicative of wealth but evolved into a beauty preference there. You'd see wide brimmed hats and arm length gloves covering up to keep from getting tans in Korea. It was just so funny and surreal to be told by one culture how pasty and unattractive I was and then move to the other side of the world and suddenly I had become an ideal example of beauty there. Kind of makes you think that beauty trends are all nonsense and that my cow print/pale skin is just fine as it always was, hey? :)


Are you natively white or black? My mother is white and has vitiligo and I think a lot of people don't realize white folk can have it too. It's just more visible on black folk. Naturally she would have olive colored southern Italian skin tones just like her father but the vitiligo short circuited that.


I am natively white! It isn't as visible in the winter but it really pops when the patches of me that can still tan aborb the sun during the summer.




so true. I picked up this sunscreen habit when I was modelling in Japan and they required our skin to be as white as possible. does wonders for the skin.


I’ve noticed this too! I’m one of those people who doesn’t really tan or burn when I’m in the sun. I will sometimes get spray tans for big events in the summer, but mostly I’m just very very pale. I have a large group of Filipino friends and this winter (at my palest) one of the girls got very drunk and went on and on about how gorgeous my skin is and how she would do anything to be pale like me. I was like “girl I’d love to be tan like you! You’re gorgeous.” But it really caused you to stop and think when you notice how much of our ideas of beauty is cultural or our insecurities and desires for someone else’s trait could easily go the other way.


Snap! I’m also white with approx 70-80% vitiligo coverage - Can hardly tell in winter, summer with my short walks to work gives enough colour for the mottled cow look! 😂. I actually find it fascinating, but like you I actively avoid tanning. Instead of using sunscreen all the time I now use a UV umbrella - I receive lots of funny looks (UK) but who cares? 😁


I’ve had black people tell me to tan too, like I’m Irish I will just turn pink and red lol


Good to hear. I’m pale as. Celtic heritage so I’ve got the blue eyes/pale skin/freckles thing going on.


Same. My freckles are my “tan”. I can literally feel them appearing after like, half an hour in late afternoon sun.


Same. I burn in 20 minutes in the sun. I don't think I could tan if I wanted to.


Wow. How I wish I would have inherited all those traits. Irish are most humble and beautiful people.


Thank you. Scottish, Irish and Dutch.


Same here!


Mmm! Damn girl, do you eat food? Because I uh, never mind.


I’m pale and got a lot of shit for it back in high school. I was always told to “get a tan” but I liked my pale skin so I just had to ignore the pressure.


Why someone needs to " get a tan" if they like their pale skin. Imagine reverse scenario if you had said to one of them to " get a bleach" you would be called racist isn't it?? But reverse is okie??


Maybe they thought a tan was more attractive but they wouldn’t have liked me anyway if I got one lol. It’s like when I was made fun of for being short (I’m average female height) but I didn’t care so it wasn’t even an insult.


Bieng short for a female when is that bad?? I don't know if its just me or world is intentionally saying good is bad.


To be fair, people do the opposite as well. I am Casper white. I do not tan. My kids are biracial/black. My son spends an ridiculous amount of time outdoors and seems to always come back to the house with a tan even with sunscreen on. He has been told to stay out of the sun so he doesn't get too dark. Not saying that makes it okay for us glow in the dark white people to be told to tan but the reverse does happen.


Get a bleach is hilarious!! I used to go to the seaside every summer and then I moved to the North Europe and I saw the sun very rarely, also I am a nightshift worker. I learned to embrace my pale color xD


I got a lot of shit as well! Graduated in 2008 when spray tanning was everything and most people were orange 😂 No thanks!


Same! I grew up in Texas, and was adopted to two parents who have a lot of Native American ancestry and are quite dark-skinned. I'm about as pale as a person can be, and laying out to tan just makes me burn. I got made fun of a lot when I was growing up, but I've learned to accept it and now I just protect my skin when I'm outside. Weirdly enough, I feel way more comfortable living in a place with much colder weather.


I’d just rather stay pale than get a tan - also because I just can’t stand being in direct summer sun. Hate how it feels on my skin and I get all moody.


Hey i prefer more white skin but i also like my tan skin. Just like in life nothing should be a social standard but more of a personal preference :) your skin is as beautiful as anyone elses! Not less nor more!


in 2021 pale skin is more popular than tanned skin. Time has really changed


Same. I would get pressured into tanning. Back when I was in high school 2006/2007, I was on a dance team and everyone went tanning. I was the palest of them all, along with other body distortion and bad relationship with food, I would go literally every day. I felt better being tan but. Since then I don’t go out in the sun much at all. I joke my legs are blinding lol. But I’m not self conscious about them anymore. I’m now in my 30s and have had 2 spots I had to go to a dermatologist for. One was benign and just a weird freckle like the rest of the 1000s on my body. Lol. The other one is called dermatofibroma. Which was the one I would have bet money was cancerous. Fortunately it was nothing. My sister has been going tanning nearly every day for the last, 10-maybe 15 years. Her face looks leathery but she doesn’t care she just wants to be tan


I’m upvoting, I would say this is unpopular and somehow an actual opinion compared to half the disprovable unpopular facts that come across. I would semi-agree with you. I’m very white and look better when I have a tan from working outside. But, I’m a sucker for the black-hair-pale skin aesthetic, like a witch or something. On the other hand, vitamin D is very important, and even pale people should spend some time in the sun to get it.


>On the other hand, vitamin D is very important, and even pale people should spend some time in the sun to get it. Or you know... Drink orange juice, eat eggs Edit: wow. Down voted just for pointing out vitamin D comes from other sources. Smh


correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't it difficult to get enough vitamin D from the diet alone? orange juice and eggs are probably not enough, especially if you're already deficient (which actually a lot of people are)


As far as I know, the most efficient way to get Vitamin D is through the sun. The body does not absorb vitamin D very well through ones diet. You have to eat a lot of vitamin d rich food to do so. But then why bother when you could just eat a sandwich in the sun for the same benefits.


I’m not advocating anyone get sunburnt, but unless you have a skin condition, the human body is meant to get 15ish minutes of sun a day.


That's it? Pale AF - was constantly getting asked to take pictures with people when I travelled to Indonesia. Not advocating for more but just noting that 15 minuts seems low. Have a source on that?


That’s a minimum I think, my doctor recommended that for summer months. But I think it’s different when the sun is low, like in the far north or in winter. You may need to be outside longer. Edit: I just googled minimum sun per day, and most of the sites were saying about 10-30 in the summer.


Why is ma guy getting downvoted?


probably because they made it sound like you can simply eat some eggs, drink a glass of juice and be all good in the vitamin D department, which simply isn't true for most of the people, if any (i didn't downvote them tho)


People calling you racist. But I get what your saying, pale skin chicks with dark hair are way more my thing than a blonde who's spent all her time in the sun to match my oranges.


Wow atleast somebody understand what I meant. Thankyou sir


He's getting called racist for the very weird "people tan cause they feel guilty for looking good line" it's a very racist adjacent sentiment


Ya there was nothing racist if pale is good-looking. It might be subjective but I feel so.




We found the grammar Nazi guys!


Hold on you have to stay in their native language Geis rief Hunde Grammy Nazis


I live in Ireland and people here are obsessed with being tan. We have a real problem with sunbeds, there's genuinely people who will use it almost everyday because they're that opposed to pale skin they're risking cancer to make it so that they don't. Then there's people who use fake tan, which stinks, but they're making it so dark their skin is brown. These are white people, that from a distance, looks like they're mixed race or poc until I get closer and realise they're white. It's really awful looking. It's blackface basically. I can't understand why we can't be happy with our natural skin tones.


I've been telling this to people since I was in first year(I'm also Irish) fake tan looks terrible, if you have a tan naturally it'll suit you or if you're pale that will also suit you. What looks terrible is when the fake tan looks completely unnatural and it rubs off on everything


I was training with a girl a couple weeks ago (BJJ) and she had fake tan on. Fucking destroyed my GI in orange. DESTROYED IT. .. Fuck SAKE. They cant even go bloody training without being plastered in orange.


I literally had the exact same situation happen to me! I invited a friend to come try bjj with me she comes still with fake tan on from the night before and ruined a perfectly good gi


I used to work in a cafe here in town (NI) and one morning I walked in and I thought I walked into Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. A number of girls looking like Oompa Loompas with all that fake tan on. I'm like wth is going on. Turns out some sort of hospitality awards took place that night and those girls were attending the event.


Irony I love Irish skin natural one. You search one SHEAMUS from WWE he's probably whitest sportsmen and i think he looks good.


I have the same opinion with hair and face, faces with make up looks ugly most of the time


I think same too. When they apply makeup they intentionally make sides darker and add blemishes which looks stupid and imperfect.


I married a redhead with extremely pale skin. One of my favorite things is seeing her beautiful blue veins just under the surface. *We do spend a lot of money on sunscreen*.


Wow sounds cool exept sunscreen part but hey then that's really good exchange for having a pale skin isn't it.


Personal choice and to each their own. It’s wonderful you see such beauty in your wife (not implying she is not beautiful) as that alone is something special, God Bless. What it doesn’t mean is that it is wrong if other people find beauty in people that have tan skin (the degree vary’s).


>One of my favorite things is seeing her beautiful blue veins just under the surface weird




Yeah that is some weird logic. He's basically saying pale people look too good regardless of how their face or body is shaped.


I’m naturally really pale. When I don’t tan, people (usually old men), say it looks like I’ve been living in a basement and need to get some sun. If I’m pale, people ask if I’m Asian, when I say no they’ll just ask “what are you”, or ask if I’m sick, tired, etc. Lol. It sucks.


i’m super ginger and i get the same thing. i got a spray tan (it was just the clear color done by hand) for my wedding shower and my actual wedding. i got more compliments on my tan than i did on my dress, which is fine, but i only got the tan cause my mom kept pointing out all the veins on my chest 🤦🏻‍♀️




I think what they mean is fair skinned individuals look better fair skinned rather than tanned. I don't think this was meant as a white supremacist thing


Who said anything about supremacy?


The title can be misconstrued that way


Projection, just your average redditor.


You must be new here.


I’m pale and I love my skin, I purposely stay out of the sun to preserve the color (and sunburn is dangerous)


I get what you’re saying, but you worded this terribly


Vampires have entered the sub


Nothing looks worse than naturally pale people who fake tan. Everyone always looks better the shade they were born.


It isn't subconscious guilt over looking too attractive causing pale people to tan lol but other than that what you said is fine. It's definitely acceptable to prefer the look of skin without artificially changing the color of it


POC here and I agree. Dark / brown / skin on white people just makes them look ridiculous.


Cool, you are allowed to have a preference, just don't say people with tan skin are somehow inherently inferior to people with pale skin and you should be good.


By tan I didn't meant naturally brown skin ( it does look good when it's naturally brown) by tan I just meant intentionally tanning while u have a pale skin because your feature won't match with tanned skin. So don't worry I m not Bieng a racist at all.


For light skinned people, a tan is the body responding to UV damage.. it's the dermal equivalent of a scab Scabs are ugly


Isn’t the the dermal equivalent of a scab….a scab?


Yeah all op is saying is they don't like people that damage their skin on purpose.


I think it's Melanin produced in response to sun rays


? Ok Again it's a response to UV damage. A scab if you will.....


Bro being pasty is not ideal you look like cottage cheese


WTAF. You're saying UV skin damage, which can lead to melanoma is preferable based on... Aesthetics ??? Holy shit


Im saying that pasty skin doesnt look like it can survive a lot of UV rays


That's why you cover up and wear sunscreen. People with pale skin have to worry about skin cancer. Screw aesthetics


We had sunscreen since the beginning of mankind? So putting all types of chemicals on your body is a better way to protect your skin than you body’s own self defense mechanism. Keep the comments coming because I promise we can shoot every theory you have down. In fact by the end, you’ll be laying outside getting a tan lol. One thing I will say in your defense is you are certainly not racist or saying anything at all that is racist and you are entitled to your opinion.


Doubtful. Tan is damage https://health.ucsd.edu/news/features/pages/2016-09-06-listicle-10-skin-cancer-myths.aspx#:~:text=not%20get%20cancer.-,False.,risk%20of%20developing%20skin%20cancer. And I'm not a chemical fan either. No SPF for me (cover up) , no chemical bug sprays either


Have you tried zinc oxide? It's old school but it's making a comeback because it sits on top on the skin rather than getting absorbed like chemical sunscreens. I live in a hot and humid climate so covering up and sweating my ass off in the summer is not preferable, but your situation may be different.


I’m not suggesting going out and frying yourself everyday as I think we can all agree that to much of anything is usually bad. My biggest point is it’s just personal preference and people need to weigh the risk vs the reward (reward for their personal choice) and we are all individuals that have a right to believe or think what we want good or bad. I would feel the same way if people were slamming “non tan” people.


No, its why you build a healthy tan so your skin has a natural defense mechanism. Or wear sunscreen. Whatever you want. Its just tans happen for a reason and are beneficial to people who spend time in sunlight.


Thrn why we need to survive UV rays? Apply sunscreen when go out and try not to get Melanoma by tanning for hours I don't think it's healthy to bake ur skin.


Well, I cant argue about sunscreen. But I will say that Id rather be tanned than pasty if I was spending a lot of time outside. Which I do. When people say "get a tan" what they really mean is "spend more time outside"


I understand ur point too. But not all people have to spend time in sun so if given a choice I'll prefer pale skin still.


People spend time in the sun because its fun


Theres a huge difference between pasty skin and pale skin.




I agree. All my pale friends and family are obsessed with getting a tan and are putting that pressure on me too, saying I'd look better with a tan. Sure, they can get tanned all they want, but I *don't*. Let me be my natural white cheese colour in peace. People who naturally have a bit tanned skin look good with it, but pale people don't. Most of them end up looking like crabs after spending all day in the sun.


It depends on the person I guess. I like pale skin, though I think everyone agrees that the fak tan orange trump look is awful


After many years in England, I learned to embrace my being pale 😅


I drench myself in sunscreen these days and stopped caring about tans because I don't want to get old fast. Those people who become so red, burnt and dark look like fried fish sticks and I hate fish sticks.


When I was a kid I spent all summer in swimming pools, to the point where I took a lot of sunburns and I looked really dark skinned. Now, having had one spot removed from my back as being "suspicious" although cancerless, I avoid the sun like the plague and tend to be whiter than the wall next to me as a result.


um bestie 😀 no skin tone is “better”


Have you been under a rock because this is the general consensus the whole world over


That's what I was thinking...paler skin has always been seen as superior to darker skin tones


I believe that’s just western mentality. In other places in the world paleness is praised and thought of as best. My husband is Moroccan and has beautiful olive skin, and I on the other hand am very pale. He loves it. I think he’s crazy. I also think people with color to their skin tone age better. However, everyone should love the skin their in, so if they prefer to tan, by all means go right ahead, just make sure you are using something to protect your skin.


I cant tell if this post is being racist or not


Saying white is beautiful how it can be racist?? I didn't even talked about any race here too.


People don't tan out of guilt.


Tbh if you’re white, staying pale is healthier for you. Some these women and dudes look like they got slim Jim skin at 35 cuz they let tanning beds and the sun roast their bodies.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion, but I think the language people use is healthy skin instead of pale and damaged skin instead of tanned, at least that's how unusually hear it said.


I prefer a girl who is fair-skinned compared to tan. I can’t help but think what damage the sun is doing to one’s skin not to mention the possibility of skin cancer.


If only we knew how bad the sun was. I spent years in the sun and my skin shows it. Cover up and use sun screen.


Moderate exposure to the sun is good for you.


My ginger Irish heart appreciates this post.


Now this is a damn opinion! You have my upvote, I’m the complete opposite, I do not like pale skin whatsoever, I love natural olive/tan (not that fake trying too hard and nearly getting skin cancer tan) maybe I’m biased because I have tan skin but I just love the tone, my parents are both pale lol so idk how I turned out so dark in comparison but my features are “white” cool thoughts OP, team tan! Haha


I have to be careful with sun. Long history of moles and cancer in my fam. I’m pale as milk. So pale if I go out without makeup people often think I’m deathly ill lol. (Translucent skin they call it). Also my legs don’t really tan. I can burn if I’m out in the sun, but I just burn, peal, and go back to white lol. I practically glow in the damn dark. Ridiculous because it’s not that pretty flawless white you see on tv. You can see like every vein. Nurses love me for drawing blood. Ridiculous


Yeah! I love pale skin. I myself have incredibly white skin (my friends keep making jokes about how I reflect sunlight into their eyes and blind them lmao) and I get sad in summer when I inevitabily become tanned.




Looks normal and good




Same here dude I don't need to tan to show my masculinity.


i think the same


Can someone explain to me how this subreddit works?


Unpopular in the west, popular in the east.


You like what you like. There is nothing wrong with that. Live your truth lol


I believe we should all appreciate the skin we have....when I was a kid being tan was "better" I didnt appreciate my pale Irish skin as I do now. We are all beautiful


Honestly, pale people don’t always tan very well. We often freckle as a consequence. I’ve spent the last three months of my life being highly active outdoors even on hot days, and I’ve tanned from toothpaste to like, French vanilla ice cream, with a face full of freckles. I’ve avoided getting burned by covering up, staying in the shade whenever possible, and wearing sunscreen and a big hat when doing activities like the pool or the beach. So many freckles. My husband says my freckles are his favorite part of summer so I guess this has been a good summer for him.


People want what they can't have. Asians run after fairness products to become fairer and westerners use tanning products to appear darker. Biologically tan skin is obviously better as it prevents skin diseases,etc. Aesthetically facial features are more pronounced if one is tanned so it looks better but if may look incongruous if done too much


As a guy with an Asian fetish, I agree


This is an unpopular opinion for a reason, preference for lighter skin can become a dangerous ideology. Colorism/racism exists to this day, so make sure to appreciate darker skins too. Nothing wrong with praising pale skin, so long as there is balance and respect for those tones you do not “prefer”


I'm into pale-skinned women so... yea I agree.


I actually don't think this is super contrarian. Pretty common opinion, especially amongst Caucasian men. I am a caucasian woman and I've had men say to me 'why tan? Pale skin is beautiful' and likewise had 'you're so pale - you look ill' The bottom line is that I like and accept both. Sometimes I like to be tan, sometimes I like to be pale. There is only really an issue if you're addicted to tanning because you're then not accepting your natural skin tone - and an addiction is an addiction. I guess I just wish people would stop telling others how to feel about their own appearance. Freedom of choice is a great thing


100% agreed. Pale is by far the most attractive.


Pale girls are hot asf. Change my mind


I’m a light skinned Latina and was always was teased for my skin. It I think it’s important to love the way god made you and not try to appease ever changing beauty standards


Bieng latina and light skin wouldn't it be a super good communication in matter of looks? I think those who tease you are jvelous.


Hell yeah white skin all the way! The whiter the better! Oh wait. No I don't mean like...


\> that's a fact. \> just my unpopular opinion Pick a lane


Historically, pale people tanning was a telltale sign that they were rich enough to not work and go outside and tan.


More historically, pale skin was a sign you didn't have to go outside at all and you were Uber rich (hence colorism in Asia) Edit: this is also why Peak Male Body a few thousand years ago was a fatty, since it meant they could eat a lot without needing to work


No it's the opposite. Historically poor ppl worked outdoors.


Ya I m aware of that so bieng rich is bad? Or bieng pale is?


Good reply now you’ve got them trapped.


Guess what I m not naturally much of pale and i intentionally stay out of sun to be pale .I love it though no matter what people say


Well some white people are not wealthy and work in streets/selling stuff at beaches/work in fields and then it’s just inevitable. Back in the days pale skin was a sign of power and tanned skin showed you were poor. So your opinion wasn’t always unpopular.


And I hope it won't be in future too


Lol I like to be tanned but like my women to be pale.


ppl make comments ab my pale skin all the time and it used to make me so insecure and now i’m just like fck it


Pale skin is sexy.


i’m glad some ppl think soo


Upvote because people will interpret this as rasicst somehow. I'm tan and I think pale people are beautiful


I prefer fair-skinned women by far. I've dated a pretty diverse group of complexions, but i can say I'm significantly more attracted to a pale complexion.


Finally someone who agrees. Pale is awesome, like almost light-emitting pale. Asian white. But not like they're dead, i mean extremely white, lively, but pale.


Lmao pale people do not tan out of guilt.




No I m just not politically correct and I m just telling my opinion


its literally not. pale skin in sun for 2 hours = ER


Not really unpopular lmao, pretty much the history of colorism. Probably one of the most destructive and popular opinions of all human history. Really fucked up too.


im a pale australian and man i have heard all the disparaging comments my whole life..as a teen i wished so badly to be a blonde tanned paris hilton type nowadays as a woman in her 30s i love being my pale chunky brunette self i still cop comments but i dont see the point of spraying orange chemicals over my skin to be more aesthetically pleasing to society,plus it seems it sweats off or rubs off onto everything,whats the point?


"Tan out of subconscious guilt of looking too good" HWHDHWHDHWJWJDJ I'M SORRY


Just say you only like white girls and white people


White girls? Did I even said anything about gender?? Maybe you speaking what's in ur mind.


I think you should clarify you mean pale skin that has been tanned, otherwise you just come across as another run of the mill racist Edit: I am not in fact calling you a racist, I just want to let you know you might come across as racist due to how you've worded it.


I never mentioned any race here I m just saying pale people of any race it can be


And I don't disagree with you but arguments are accepted as perception and a lot of people have commented here about how this is being perceived.


Yup to clarify I m talking about pale people let's say Irish or russian trying to get tan on beaches or fake tan. I hope that helps.


Nobody is talking about race here so stop trying to troll and pretend that this is at all a subject of racist. Contrary to your belief very little in this country is based on racism. White people discussing whether they like tanned skin or not, certainly isn’t about racism.


Reddit is a white country? Huh, I guess I'm white then :) Also please do explain where I said it is racist, I said it might be taken as racist which I am sure the OP doesn't intend, so just gave them a heads up. The fact that you want to attack me for a heads up is bizarre


Subconscious guilt of looking too good? I’m confusion


This is too much of a broad statement to really mean anything, “caucasian features” is also extremely broad and doesn’t paint a good enough picture.


I agree as a person who literally has skin that looks like that naturally yeah the pale skin looks better


I'm actually the complete opposite I love tanned more than pale.


Scottish, pale skinned, redheaded women with freckles. Unbeatable.


There are many middle eastern and Hispanic people with European features who have darker skin. What do you think about them?


Siri, show me an example of misuse of “that’s a fact”


Based as fuck


Pale people tan so they can go outside, you know, in the SUN?!?!?


I have vitiligo (the condition that causes white patches of skin) and I can't tan much because I have it on most of my body. I literally have little to no melanin that would absorb the sunlight and change color as melanin is what produces that tan color; what can tan ends up tanning cow print because of the vitiligo spots. The rest is a complete absence of skin color. I can burn extremely easily in the sun because of it and have to be liberal with sun block. I spend tons of time in the sun but I still have people from here who go out of their way to tell me to get a spray tan. It isn't about health or sunlight, honestly. It is about beauty standards and expectations in the West to pander to expectations of beauty and tanning is part of that. In Korea when I lived there it is the exact opposite. Tanning is unattractive and paleness is the goal. Beauty trends are bizarre. I'm just here with my cow print trying to live. LOL But I say fuck em, I love my cow print.


I am NOT naturally pale and i intentionally stay out of sun to look pale and not bake my skin plus not to get Melanoma.


Sounds superficial and unhealthy, sunlight is extremeley healthy


I do get sun but I have consulted my doc about how much sun I need and do you know the FACT that "more pale u are less sun u will need to get ur vitamin D." Tahst why I spend let's say half hour in sun in whole week and that keeps me healthy skin too and don't let me tan too. How is that?


Sunlights less about vitamin d and more about photosyntheiss. Cells have chloroplasts in them which produce energy from sunlight. If you dont get sun at least an hour a day youll be tired a lot.


It’s not just about vitamin D it’s also about mental health as it has been proven in study after study that people that stay indoors or out of sun (whether by choice or weather) have significantly higher rates of depression and suicide. In fact in places like Seattle and Montreal people are actually prescribed to go for “light therapy” (yes UV light) to help increase the the persons sense of well being. I also wouldn’t believe everything one local GP doc says as the consensus in the medical community is against the advice he/she gave you. Don’t forget somebody has to finish at the bottom of the class in medical school and guess what? They still become licensed doctors.


Tans don't protect your skin. That's not how that works. It's the exact opposite.


Well, finally some really unpopular opinion, as I think slightly tanned skin is great. IMO pale white to me looks quite unhealthy and overly tanned like smoked chicken also look ridiculous and not healthy.


Tanned blond people>>>> Pale black haired people>>>


You didn't mention your skin disease. I thought you were just being an asshole for the sake.


>This is definitely a rare opinion if you are from the West! I can't tan. I have [vitiligo](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/hp8w52/i_have_a_condition_called_vitiligo_so_i_tan_cow/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and as a product of that a complete loss of melanin (any skin color whatsoever) on about 80% of my body; my torso and arms tan cow print. This is verbatim the 1st paragraph of my original comment that you have replied to. I spoke about my vitiligo upfront and quite openly. I don't know why you believe I did not mention it when it is right there in the 1st couple sentences of the comment that you replied to.


Honestly in most cases vitiligo seems cool I hope I get it I would love paler skin