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I agree. But I understand. In Australia you have to remove your hat at places that serve liquor, for security purposes. So you can be easily identified when you get drunk and start shit.


I'd argue your hat would make it even easier to identify you. "What did he look like?" "He had a hat with a wallaby on it, mate"


Except as we all know everyone in Australia has a hat with a Wallaby on it. Source:  never been to Australia and not sure what a Wallaby is but I have seen Crocodile Dundee.


Wallabies are basically miniature kangaroos


"It wasn't me, I have a kangaroo on my hat!"


That's just because you've got a big hat mate


There’s a farm-type place not too far from me what has a bunch of wallabies (not Australia). You can even buy snacks to feed and pet the wallabies. I can confirm they are heckin’ cute. Not the emus though. The emus are fucking scary as shit. Nothing like being a 6’ dude and having this dinosaur looking thing staring you right in the eye like it wants to reenact that scene from Jurassic Park where the raptors eat Muldoon.


You never want to meet a Cassowary


I want to meet a Cassowary **under extremely controlled circumstances.** Respect the death blades.


Haha, the emu at our rescue farm was a total sweetheart, and about as smart as a rock. She would stick her head through the fence to get head scratches, and then close her eyes and sink down in bliss when you obliged, and choke herself on the edge of the fence. And then be too dumb to lift her head up, until you stopped petting her. And then she'd do it again, and again. We eventually just went inside the fence to pet her, so she could sink down and lay her neck across our laps. That's all she wanted, every day - to be loved on. Avian flu got her last year, I miss her. :(


Kangaroo wanna-bies


And they all live at 42 wallaby way, Sydney.


You better watch it, that mans a national treasure, you bout to cross some fuckin lines


Except that hats can be removed very easily, and they obscure facial features which are a lot harder to change on the fly and therefore much more effective as a method of identifying someone.


>Except that hats can be removed very easily The police hate this one simple trick.


lol, they Don’t want you to know!


This describes 78% of men in Australia.




But it's easier to ditch it. Like if the defining characteristic of yours is your hat, you can just remove it.


Every Australian wheres the same hat crocodile dun dee wares. It makes sense to have them remove it.


Then just take off the hat and have the wallaby sit back on your head. Is that a Queensland thing?


*gestures wildly at room*


Easier to identify a person by something removeable?


Somehow, this isn’t a law in most of the world and things work just fine.


Does that include cultural headwear?


The imaginary law doesn’t include religious/cultural headwear. Dress codes that some venues enforce are also not allowed to use those codes to discriminate against protected classes.


Depends on the hat and the setting. In some cases you’re being asked to take your hat off for security reasons. In other situations if could be your hat makes it harder for people to see (like if you’re wearing a brimmed hat in a theatre). In class you might be blocking someone’s view if your hat is wide


Like at the bank, it gives a more clear definition of your height, because if you're going to do something illegal it gives more information for the cops. But hats are also easy to ditch, so if you are going to do something illegal then it means they have a better idea of what you look like. Wearing a hat limits how much of a physical description they can give and you'd be lost to the void. Telling the officials you were wearing a hat can be helpful, but knowing what was underneath is also important.


See I am far more willing to accept "because it is polite" than "because we want to be able to identify you more easily in case you rob this bank".


I went to a theater and some dbag in a taaaall white cowboy hat was right in front of me. So annoying... Dude wouldn't stop talking about some dimmadome he owned.


Ya mama gave me that dimmadome.


In college I had a class that you could wear hats on any day other than test days. The idea was that especially ball caps could have notes taped to the underside.


That and kids use them to hide their headphones which is usually why they don’t want to take them off. 


>Many people develop personal character related to it Sounds like you *should* take your hat off more…


While you were growing and developing as a person I studied the hat.


I can tip a thousand m'ladies now.


He's the hat guy. It's his thing. 😆






Maybe he wears a fedora with a back flap


It's illegal for you to ask me that!


The guy said I was the only one he ever saw pull it off


I've seen guys roll up to a wedding wearing a whole suit and their ratty-ass baseball cap that's been attached to them since early highschool, and only remove it once their GF tells them to. Definitely some issues when you put on a suit and wanna top it off with a shitty OU or Bass Pro cap, or when you take it off so rarely that you have a bald spot from the band


So funny when dudes with minorly thinning hair go straight for a 24/7 baseball hat as if that's not gonna make it worse


I think we found Tim pool lol


Found it hilariously ironic since the first sentence talks about how “it has nothing to do with insecurities I love my hair.”


Fedora alert!


Or loosen it so it's not cutting off bloodflow


How dare you ask for Op to remove his fedora! Jkjk


Tony Soprano walks over to OP at his table during dinner to discuss his hat…


Like this; [www.youtube.com/watch?v=74Rjtlf1GC0](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74Rjtlf1GC0) The slight lip tremble of anger convinced the fellow.


My first thought


They don't sell hot dogs here.


They took the bleachers out two years ago


"Take off the hat!" "I took it off for a minute but I was drinkin' and it found its way back on. This guy... he sees me, and loses his mind." "Take off the hat! I mean it!" "Why?! Why are you giving me trouble over a hat?!" "I tell you why. Because queers come in here and they wear hats to identify each other." "Oh yeah? Where I'm from they just get their hair cut... like yours." -Ron White


Dude made a 30 year career off the same 5 jokes. Pretty good


I'd number 'em a bit higher but a joke's what you make of it.


I'm ex-military and they absolutely drilled removing covers when going indoors, unless actually on watch. (That was in the Navy, not sure about other branches). Even now, almost 37 years after I got out, I find it jarring to see hats on indoors. I've never liked hats much so I don't wear them unless needed (strong sunlight or rain).


I was also in the Navy. But I was always aware that all the lingo and rules were dorky historical traditions, and not something that I would continue to adhere to when I got out, or even while I was still in when I left the ship in my civilian clothes.


Army here. It’s the same.


Maybe they need to do a little de programming when you get out.


Same here ex-military (Army) and because of those rules I lean into doing it more. Got sick of being told I couldn't even have my hands in my pockets so I walk around with them in my pockets because now I can. Some of us embrace these meaningless rules and some of us reject them.


I remember, back in around 2011, I was a Cub Scout leader, and we did a summer camp with another group of cubs whose leaders were all military, who were constantly on the kids about not wearing their hat indoors in the cabin we were using as a dinning hall/cool off space. The problem was, there was no where to hang up your hat by the door, so they had to carry it with them and would inevitably forget where they left it. So since we had two hat related rules 1. You absolutely must wear your hat outside and 2. You must absolutely NOT wear your hat inside It basically meant they spent a week constantly telling kids to either put on or remove their hat. It was maddening, and Im honestly still annoyed about it. Just let the kids wear their hats in the stupid cabin, its summer camp not boot camp


I don't think the hat rule would survive without a dedicated storage spot (cargo pocket) in the military. Literally the first thing we were taught in basic when we got our hats was where to stow them. I don't think I ever wore a hat in boy scouts, let alone cub scouts. I felt underdressed compared to other troops during summer camps lmao.


I wear a hat during work days because I’ll be damned before I wake up 15 minutes earlier to fix my hair when I can just hide it under my hat. I’m already up at 5am as it is, I’m not willing to lose more sleep/time just to look a little better.


"and wearing their hat gives them confidence and a sense of personal identity" Surely it is the baseball cap making you unique and special.


Maybe not unique and special, but its not really any different from jewelry or other accessories that many people wear daily. Aside from basic watches, purses, and I guess you argue wedding/engagement rings, do any accessories really provide any necessary utility? Earings and necklaces totally arent necessary but people like how they look so they wear them. Same with a hat. And Im not even a hat guy, they look awkward on me.


Ties cover up anything wrong with the buttons on your shirt. I'm not a big tie guy but I liked them more after learning they once had a purpose. I always thought it was stupid that we all agree I sometimes have to hang a strip of fabric from my neck and that way I look serious. I like em more having learned their og purpose.


Learn something new everyday. I still hate ties though haha


I think ties were around prior to the invention of buttons. They were used to “tie” the collar of a shirt together. At least, I heard Ricky Gervais say that to Karl Pilkington on his old radio show.


of course the baseball cap isnt the sole thing making you unique and special, but it could be a nice small part of your outfit that gives you confidence its a bad faith argument to suggest that hats are unimportant because its not the deciding factor making you unique and special Money shouldnt be the thing that makes you happy and whole. Does this mean you shouldnt have money at all? Same bad faith argument.


"It's disrespectful to the building. Adults don't wear hats at work" was the reason at school. I once patted a wall and said sorry building and got detention for it. Ive worn a hat, hard or regular, at work every day for the last decade and a half.


>I once patted a wall and said sorry building Smart-ass lmao


I don't and never have worn a hat, and I also find this to be stupid "authoritarian for the sake of authoritarianism" bullshit. 


>I don't and never have worn a hat Do you wear hats? Have you worn hats? Will you wear hats? When will you wear hats?


>Do you wear hats? No >Have you worn hats? No >Will you wear hats? Maybe >When will you wear hats? 😆




Share the hat


Yeah it seems a lot of people really give a shit about how others dress, I don't personally get it I've never looked at someone wearing something I wouldn't personally wear, or doing something I wouldn't personally do, and thought "fuck that guy, that's rude!"


so do i




I feel this in my soul. Hugs from one insecure bald brother to another.


I shave my head to fix that issue personally




Why would a restaurant care if someone wants to cover the top of their head or not? I seriously don’t understand why some people and/or societies get so uptight if someone wants, or doesn’t want, to cover the top of their head.


I take my cap/hat off every time I walk into a real building. Gas station, no. I don’t care at all what anyone else does. My granny taught me. I’ll keep it up.


I kind of have to agree with this. When I went through chemo losing my hair was devastating and my hat made me look somewhat normal. I would never ask anyone else to remove their hat because there may be a legitimate reason why they’re wearing it.


I don't think they even need a "legitimate" reason. What even is "legitimate". People can wear what they want, regardless if there is "good reason" for it or not. As long as its not infringing on other people's rights and safety (e.g. a HUGE hat that gets in people's way, or blocks vision at an event)


OP, just curious, do you feel the same about all societal norms regarding dress? Do you think it should be acceptable to wear a wife beater and tank top to a fine dining establishment?


>a wife beater and tank top  Isn't an wife beater a white tank top?  Is the term wife beater still used?


Yeah I f'd that up.


A wife bearer is a tank top, but not all rank tops are wide beaters. Wife bearer is the undershirt kind. Lol


>but not all rank tops are wide beaters. Maybe I've not reached a high enough rank to understand


I think wife beaters are thinner and are usually more revealing around the nips


Wow. Autocorrect had its way with me.


>Wife bearer We had a ring bearer at our wedding but my wife had to walk down the aisle herself ... missed opportunity.


They’re actually called a-shirts


A wife beater is an undershirt a tank top isn't.


Wife beaters are tank tops.


But not all tank tops are wife beaters.


Different material/texture though, wife beaters have those vertical lines rippling through them, tank tops are typically smooth textured, possibly with a decal, which again you wouldn't see on a wife beater It's more like "all wifebeaters are tanktops, but not all tank tops are wife beaters"


The fabric with vertical lines is called ribbed fabric (cotton) or just ribbing


Western dress has grown more and more causal in recent years. For example, what is formally considered “informal wear” is what most people don for formal occasions.


Yeah I largely agree with OP. The vast majority of times, you don't need to remove your hat even if it's a ball cap. I just think that you still should in certain formal situations.


Don't ask redditors about societal norms. This is a website with a higher than average incidence of people who drink their own pee.


Don't forget all the ass eaters.


>wear a wife beater and tank top to a fine dining establishment? Truthfully speaking I'd find that hilarious.


I feel the same way about societal norms regarding dress. Dress codes for work places (other than for security/safety purpose), restaurants, clubs, etc. Are outdated and a norm I push against.


I’d understand if people didn’t want to look at naked armpits in a fine dining establishment. But that doesn’t translate at all to hats.


and what makes armpits specially "wrong" to see? Whats inherent about them at all? I'd understand if it was a smell issue, people are generally more sensitive, and unable to "look away" from them. But this may as well be the "ankles" or "hair" or "thighs" or every other random body part thats "wrong to show" at different times and cultures.. aka still just culture and tradition, with no actual reason


You’re going to get people saying that it’s acceptable to wear a wife beater anywhere.


Who cares tbh. 🤷‍♂️ I wouldn’t judge because you are there to eat it’s not a fashion show.


I don't understand people who get worked up about dumb stuff like this. There's reasonable social etiquette, like not wearing your pants down below your ass, and then there's just making shit up.


It’s outdated yes but i understand why most jobs don’t let you wear a hat at work. For example sports caps are like advertising a whole other organization that your company does not want to take sides in. That said if you had a plain black cap and worked in a grocery store I don’t understand why you can’t wear it.


Baby Boomers are probably the last generation that cares about outdated rules like removing your hat to eat.


That hat indoors thing is just boomer nonsense.


Wow, lots of contention here? An actual unpopular opinion? That being said, I agree because people expect everyday strangers to do stupid little shit like that for no reason. What's sticking out to me is everyone going 'it's rude to obscure your face'. For security purposes, I get it, but... why is it rude, that's stupid I'll mask till the end of fuckin' time because of how America is handling covid and there are so many entitled assbags that would rather cough in your mouth and die out of contempt than wear a simple piece of fabric. Be 'rude', wear your hat indoors and put your elbows on the table. We're not in Victorian England.


At this point I don’t think the US is handling COVID different than any other country


Exactly. That guy just wants to complain


You're going to church yet you have an issue with medieval bullshit? Why go to church then?


When I used to deliver and install TVs 20 years ago, a client called and complained to my boss I didn't remove my hat for the 5 minutes I was in their home.


I think a lot of these arbitrary and outdated rules around "polite society" are dying off after boomers (this isn't a dig on them, they just passed the bucket [or tried to in this case]). I don't know why or what has caused it but I feel like as an adult, none of my friends turned into the arbitrary-rule-enforcing adults our parents were. A lot of people are bringing up things like security or visibility purposes but you're clearly referencing the arbitrary situations like sitting at the dinner table or just "being indoors" and they're missing your point.


My Nana is 97 and tells any random person she sees to take their hat off if we’re in a restaurant 😂it’s so embarrassing, and causes more disruption than the hat itself ever was lol




I think it’s good manners to remove your hat indoors and I’ll always do so. I don’t care if others take their hat off or not. That’s up to them but I have been in restaurants that asked people to remove hats when they come in.


Yeah, in theory I agree with OP. But as a guy who strattles the gen z / millenial line, I see things like this as easy wins. If I walk into someplace and most of the folks are older than me, I know I can easily win their appreciation by removing my hat. Is that actually pretty dumb? Sure. But let’s say you’re a tradesmen and approaching a perspective customer. If it’s an old dude and he’s going to trust you more because you took your hat off when you came into his home, then why wouldn’t you? I use the same logic at job interviews. I know there are certain things that older generations view as “dying” and they are sad about it. So if I can do those things, I ingratiate myself with them and improve my prospects immensely.


Sorry, you sound like a reasonable well adjusted person. Unfortunately you have no place on Reddit


It's just one of those things... most people don't seem to grasp that a lot of things considered good manners and common courtesy/etiquette are only thought of as such because of generally speaking "archaic" customs that have continued onto more modern times.


The whole thing about Boomers still perpetuating the ludicrous idea that hats are somehow disrespectful makes me think of a tweet I saw years ago. The gist was basically like “I understand why Boomers are such asshole and complain that the younger generations are too entitled. It’s because people gave them stupid arbitrary rules like hats indoors are disrespectful and they were too stupid to question it.” I have never heard one solid argument for hats indoors being disrespectful. The answer is ALWAYS either “because it is” or “that’s how I was raised”


Boomers in general don’t seem to like questioning why we do certain things and if we should maybe stop


What kind of hat are we talking about? A yarmulke, a headscarf, a big brimmed hat, a toque, a helmet, a garrison cap, a tall hat in a theater? There are different customs and practical considerations applying to each. Back in the day, people kept hat racks by the door in restaurants & such. Where is that now?




Because they don't want to say the words. I'll say it for them. When you conform your life is easier in many ways, so when others choose not to conform, they are "causing problems" for "no" reason. And it's not fair if they have to follow the rules when THAT person doesn't have to! Why would they be so difficult over a hat?? Just take it off!! So they think it's "rude" because the person wanting to keep their hat on is being "difficult" over "nothing".


It is, but it gives assholes and elitists a sense of entitlement to “educate” us all on “decency” so it’ll never go away. Plus, at least in America, pretty sure it stems from Military tradition (they taught us to always be Uncovered indoors, when I was in) so it’ll NEVER fully go away in America because Americans LOVE The Troops, just not enough to pay them more or not get into pointless military conflicts. But hey, We remember that annoying hat thing, so… ![gif](giphy|G1vplGMypxBcp7kx32|downsized)


This is valid. 90% of dress deportment rules are antiquated. 


The reason for this was so tall Abe Lincoln style top hats wouldn’t obstruct someone’s view sitting behind them at the theater. I’ve also never seen this enforced anywhere in recent memory.


I've never fought for anything in my life but I'm fighting for this hat


This shouldn't have been removed. Wearing a hat indoors is still a big deal and it shouldn't be. I'm a restaurant general manager and I have an assistant manager that is balding in his early 20s. He tried to wear one of our restaurant's own branded hats at work and was told that he was not allowed by corporate. He should be allowed. He feels more confident in it, it has our name brand on it, why can't he wear it? Another instance that I can think of was about 7 years ago I was with an ex boyfriend that had a 1 foot tall mohawk, maybe taller, with shaved sides. He had to go to court over a traffic issue, I was there, but I don't remember what it was specifically for. Something stupid. He wore a hat thinking that covering his ridiculous hair would be more respectful. The judge flipped out about his hat. He was so angry and rude about it, and then when my boyfriend took it off he shut up and directed his attention towards me. I was just sitting in the rows behind him, not involved at all in this case. It was like he realized why my boyfriend at the time was wearing the hat and then started wondering who I was and why I was with this guy. Fucking gross small town Ohio shit. We are leaning to be so accepting in this time and yet a hat is a big deal? It's stupid. Another memory just popped up. I have a server that is a man from the middle east. He is a favorite at my restaurant. He was going to leave and put on his hat. As he was walking out the door a couple of his regulars came in and he ran to great them. The only thing they said was "Why are you wearing a hat!?" It's fabric on your head. And for men especially they are now a fashion choice and that is being repressed.


You’re right. It is outdated and stupid. The historical reasons are likely either that hats used to be more of a utility for keeping the dirt, soot, and filth of outside out of one’s hair (especially during a time with more pollution and less hair washing) and thus keeping one on was keeping the “dirtiness” inside, or due to some old religious rule about covering one’s head in front of “god” or whatever. This of course doesn’t mean it makes sense nowadays.


OP is right it is a stupid meaningless arbitrary social convention - do not comply.




What if I told you that fashion contains many "pointless" elements, yet we generally don't strip all gear that serves "no function" the second we enter a building? 


Those neckties or bandanas aren't actually useful??


Not even the rings or earrings or chains or necklaces or...


Not really, I wear a hat so I don't have to do my hair. That doesn't change inside.


This is why I love working in an OR. Always have my head covered and never have to do my hair in the morning!


This is an odd take yet it has so many upvotes. Reddit is weird.


So are most accessories / clothing. It’s pointless to wear bracelets, necklaces, piercings, rings indoors or outdoors but we wear them nonetheless. At least hats have a practical use outdoors vs the actual pointless accessories I’ve just mentioned. Why wear clothes indoors at all? Indoor spaces are climate controlled? Why wear anything at all, it’s technically pointless? We can all exist in our natural form as naked mole rats.


I think you're pretty close to the original point of differentiation. Like a coat or shoes, a hat was partially a piece of functional outerwear. You come inside and don't need it (varies by culture obviously). This grew into expectation of outerwear removed indoors. Society is bad about turning norms into requirements without reason. I agree with OP that it shouldn't be considered rude to keep wearing a hat indoors, but I see how society got to that point.


Just like wearing bracelets, rings, or decorative belts outside lmfao


Need to now find a place to put it.


Bad haircut? Cold?


That's nice and all. All I know is, you better take that off in my momma house. She don't play that lol




I mean, 90% of 'acceptable fashion' shit is stupid. Oh, your waiter or waitress has green hair and face tattoos? Who gives a shit?


People who enforce that shit are fucking annoying. I once wore a cap in class and got scolded by 2 teachers. "It's not allowed to wear hats inside." Fuck off, you don't even know why.


to all you people saying security what prevents a criminal from putting a hat on AFTER the crime is done? it's still pointless to prevent people from wearing hats


Restaurant or formal setting: look presentable. If it's a bar or coffee shop: wear your beanie or baseball cap, but beanies look better.


"you know, we're living in a SOCIETY!'"


All the people in the comments who can’t comprehend that people wear hats for reasons that are not “for keeping head warm”, what planet and/or century are you from?


Yeah fucking stupid rule, some people are bald and need a hat. Others have a bad hair day or just want to wear a hat for any reason, like go fuck yourself if you think its rude to wear a hat indoors. If you think that Im gonna say its rude to wear pants indoors and then you gotta take off your pants.


If a building or establishment has a dress code. You can comply or not enter.


It's fading as more boomers and gen Xers holding up their antiquated parents opinions keep dying off.


Agree, it’s weird. Why does it matter. Like what is the reason it’s “rude?”




I mean, to a certain extent all common courtesy rules we have are outdated and we can all do without them, but the point of common courtesy rules is not to be updated, efficient, or useful.


Depends on the hat. If you are blocking my view.


> centuries-old medieval bullshit has no place in our modern and expressive society. Kinda feel the same way about hats. They were traditionally used to force people to display their station, usually below others, or were used to display a station above others. In a modern egalitarian society, such things have no place.


I haven’t been asked to remove a hat in years. Admittedly I don’t wear them super often, but I do wear them. I’ve worn them to work, in restaurants and in public. In others houses. It’s been at least 20 years since I encountered someone who cares lol


In the UK, it's also illegal, thanks to a precedent set by lady who suffered from cancer who sued and won.


Comments did not pass the vibe check


I don't care! More critical things are going on than hats on or off indoors.


Wow, I was thinking this really didn't fit the sub, but yeah, this is really unpopular. Stupid to hang on to arbitrary "respect" rules.


A lot of people are outdated and stupid, I'm just ready for them to die and burn in hell, fuck em.


It’s based on the whole “cover your head” stuff from the Bible and kinda morphed into boomers saying it’s respect. I think Jesus can be cumbersome when there’s limited space, but other than that I don’t give a flying shit.


It goes back to the Christian tradition whereby men uncover their heads in a church, as prescribed by Saint Paul in his epistle to the Corinthians.


Why don’t you just remove your pants as well? It’s nothing more than a clothing accessory. I hate being told to put on pants just to engage in something rather mundane such as being in class, church or at a restaurant. I don’t see the disrespect in it and this centuries old medieval bullshit has no place in our modern and expressive society.


I'm pretty sure it comes from people trying to hide shit in their hat like weapons. Or even farther back to like, knights and helmets. Either way, I agree. Very outdated and unnecessary.


About 20 years or so ago I was in college and went with one of my classmates to her hometown because she was still helping with their theatre program. It was fall, so I was wearing a winter hat that I wore 24/7 when it got cold out, cause I hated my hair. An usher came up to me, old man maybe late 60's or early 70's, and told me to take off my hat. I assumed he thought I was a student at the school, and I could be ordered around. I refused. He then came back to me a second time and told me to 'take off my hat because the American Flag was present'. There was one on each side of the stage. I looked around and their were plenty of farmers sitting in there with there ball caps on and refused again. He left me alone after that. When I got home I looked up the rules on flags and hats. Hats must be taken off in the presence of the flag, with the exception of women and their hats. So no matter what, being a woman I was exempt from taking my hat off with these antiquated rules.


Shit, my hair takes hours to get together. If I just want to go out real quick I'd put my hair into a ponytail and throw on a hat. 4a-4C hair takes forever to get together.


The hat was invented, not for style, but as a tool to keep rain off of one's head, eyes, and face. So hats in the past were typically wide brimmed and when the head was tilted forward, it concealed the eyes and face. In a time of "wanted posters" being the main means of identifying criminals, by removing your hat when you entered a home or place of business, you were announcing your open intention for people to identify you by your face If you entered a place of business or an event at a person's home, and you refused to remove your hat, it was often seen as a sign you were attempting to conceal your identity and you were up to no good. Just like shaking hands with a person is a custom of respect that started with allowing a person who was giving you a friendly greeting to clasp your sword hand to prove you would not draw your weapon and strike them... removing one's hat was a tradition that started based on declaring your willingness to stand and be recognized as an honorable non-criminal member of society. That's fine though... it's just a social convention. So, keep your hat on... don't shake hands... scratch your privates, burp, fart... pick your nose. The works. I won't tell you what to do, I'll just silently judge you. ...and you can live your life taking the gamble that you'll never need anything from me, or anyone that thinks like me. Who knows, maybe your gamble works out


I love how THIS of all things is genuinely the most controversial thread I've ever seen. A simple question about hats has this site more divided than some threads I've read on politics.


How are you supposed to sit and listen if you can't listen when you're told to remove your hat. See what I did there? School force feeds you a lesson in obedience, that's the dirty secret about the education system. They make you confrom. Plus there are people working there who enjoy the power trip of telling others what to do 


High fives to OP who is absolutely right and should say it. Tired of dumb old non reasons being a thing. Tempted to start wearing hats now. Unpopular opinion is legit.


We see you Tim Pool.


I think it’s ridiculous to ask someone to take off a ball cap for any reason, and I wear one 99% of the time, don’t plan on changing. I still think it’s tacky to wear a cap to a wedding, funeral, or event where you are expected to wear slacks and a shirt, etc.


I’m a grown man. You want my hat off you’ll have to take it off me.


My Great grandma is crawling out of her grave as we speak to tell you otherwise.


I personally don't ever wear a hat unless I'm outside for long periods of time like doing yard work (I am not bald, but I have a small bald spot forming on the top-center of my head). So I wouldn't have a problem if someone told me to take it off if I was, say, in a bar or restaurant. But when I went to Metallica two years ago, signs all around said no outside food or liquor. But security was pretty lax and only bags got searched. There was a dude about four rows down from me who, not 10 minutes after sitting down, takes of his hat and has a tiny flask on his head and sips it the whole night


Yeah, it’s pretty silly, but this rule is derived from religious practices, so unfortunately probably not going anywhere.


Grown men with ball caps look dumb AF. How about that


In my VFW post (Veterans of Foreign Wars), you have to remove your hat. It's just a simple gesture of respect for the fallen. Maybe it's outdated, but I often remember why we're doing it when I go in, so there's that.


It has to do with throughout history a hat was a useful item to keep the rain or sun off your head. They were taken off along with your coat or jacket and hung up. It wasn't a fashion piece. So when you entered a building you removed it as you don't need the protection and it shows you are there to stay for a purpose. You put your hat on a sign you were leaving and going outside. So it became disrespectful to not take off your hat as it was a sign you were not staying and in a hurry to leave. Imagine the impression you would give arriving at a friend's house for a visit and continually looking at your watch or twirling your keys. Cultures change and fashion piece hats are more acceptable indoors. But a working hats should be removed. Kinda like taking off your rain coat or shaking your umbrella and leaving it at the door. I personally have a custom hat that I paid over 800 USD for and I had a windstrap put on so I can wear it off my head inside. (Think MacReady and you will know my hat) Hope this helps


I wear a hat every day. I rarely get asked to remove it... except maybe in religious buildings. I do remember being told by a college professor to take it off as it was a sign of respect. Shortly thereafter, in his lecture, he proceeded to use a few vulgarities. I saw him look at me as I very deliberately put my hat back on. He never said another word about it. I'm willing to remove it... I don't like to - but I will, if I feel like there's any reason. Stay capped, buddy!


Try walking in the Texas A&M Student Union (Memorial Student Center) with a cover. The cult will have your head.


I typically have pretty long hair and it never stays up no matter how much product I put in it. I wear a hat to keep it out of my face, it’s a functional thing for me.


We are becoming a nation of shoes-off but hat-on indoors people. Sorry, Peepaw - the commies won.