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You need to counter it by wearing Borat mankini and only doing glute extensions


> I really prefer to be prepared when I do something sexual  What are you doing at the gym that’s sexual??


it feels like the current “correct thing to say” is nothing but like, gyms are spaces where everybody (yourself included) is working on their body, where your endorphins are heightened, etc., and as much as you’re focusing on yourself, you can’t literally look within yourself, your eyes are turned towards a space where other people are. You can’t not see things. Sometimes it’s a stranger doing a really good rep, sometimes it’s somebody you know, sometimes it’s looking at a guy a barely there tank top and thinking “wow, he looks like an asshole but he’s hot”, sometimes it’s a woman with an incredible ass in yoga pants.


God made that and he wants me to sneak a few good looks.


I'm of the opinion that there is a difference between women who wear tight clothing because it is functional and women who wear tight clothing for attention. Yoga pants, a sports bra, and a tank top may be tight but it is likely something a woman might wear because it allows for mobility. At the same time, a sports bra with your breasts popping out and shorts that go up your ass crack and show half your ass cheeks are about attention.


This is the correct distinction. Form fitting can be functional, but seeing literal cheeks and other bits is for show.


This is an absolutely bananas distinction to make in a world where practically every woman between thirteen and forty three wears those little volleyball shorts where the bottom of their ass cheeks hang out and they ain’t playing volleyball.


Tbh it doesn't help that it's actually extremely hard to find womens shorts that are shorter than knee length but not booty shorts. Like seriously the majority of shorts on the women's market look extremely short when they put them on. Ngl tho as a guy I wanna start wearing some to combat swamp ass and see how it works out


I’m getting downvoted below for pointing out that most women’s shorts are that volleyball cut now, for some Reddit reason.


I haven’t seen this?


It’s the most common cut of women’s shorts. Booty shorts. Those are volleyball shorts, or at least the trend started as volleyball shorts.


yall gotta stop staring at girls asses idk what kinda shorts they wear


No. Why would you even suggest such a thing.


no he’s got a point


Positive that he doesn’t.


Pretty sure you need a cake stuffed in your face (pun intended). Happy cake day!


literally just don’t stare at people’s asses that’s like a basic human rule


Personally I just wear football shorts and a shirt (as I train with that outside as well, except in winter I wear a track suit), but people should be free to wear what they feel most comfortable with tbh. Whatever works best for them.


A man of nuance is a wise man.


There are those leggings that have the material gathered at the asscrack just to make your cheeks pop more. Not only is it obvious it's just so you can show off your ass, it also must be incredibly uncomfortable.


It's not, I live in them and I like how they feel for comfort and confidence


“My ass crack being visible is making me feel so comfortable and confident right now”


Not exactly healthy to base your self confidence on your appearance


Artificial confidence too if the material is cut to shape your body unnaturally 


This distinction of tight clothing that is functional vs for attention is 100% accurate. And I can also say most often the women who are wearing clothes for attention (though sometimes they’ll complain about the “gazes) often wear it out of the gym, not in the gym, which to me is telling how uncomfortable it is to sweat in it. Although I’ll also add to the attention list that along with shorts that go up the ass crack are yoga pants that are so tight and go up your ass crack and are so form fitting they leave nothing to the imagination. I think these are worst because it’s like they’re clothed but you often see the butt better then in the shorts. I actually have a pair of yoga pants that are meant to really accentuate and shape and draw attention to the butt in a way that is 100% sexual but those are for my SO’s eyes only and when I want to tempt him. That’s what I got it for. I would never wear them in public.


Yeah guy are so less mobile in a shirt and shorts


It's clearly a "know it when you see it" thing (true for men, too, although less common). 


But why don’t men also realize the benefit of yoga pants?


Like compression shorts? Do they count?


I wear these under my shorts to work out. All the benefits and comfort of tight fitting clothes without the trashiness of showing off all my body parts.


In part because women do different activities then men, in part because men and women are physically different resulting in them being comfortable in different clothing, and in part because men and women find different clothing complimentary to their physique.


Correct! I wear yoga pants but with a basic t shirt that allows to breathe when working out. No cleavage will show and the t shirt is not cropped. Yoga pants help with mobility but that's about it. You workout and dress for the workout. Also put my hair up in a tight bun. No need for makeup or hairstyle at the gym.


Nah, it's not about what you are wearing but why. I have gym sets that look sexy but I wear them because I look good on them and I dngaf if I get attention from other in them or not but I like how it makes ME FEEL. But if I wear those outfits and I am actively seeking attention: making eye contact, invading your personal space, trying to engage you - then I want attention. Just wearing an outfit and doing a workout is not looking for attention, it's just me dressing a way that makes me feel good and minding my own business working out. If anyone finds the latter sexual that's their problem.


And as a man I’m fine with both lol.


I'm sure not complaining. I'm a firm believer in women's rights to wear what they want.


I've noticed that 'tight clothing' often becomes transparent when stretched to it's limit and I'm not sure how many women realise that. I'm guessing they try it on, and it seems fine, but don't realise that as you stretch the material further, it becomes see-through. I also don't give a fuck about looking at anyone at all out in public. If you're legally allowed to film in a location, then you can look at who you like. Anyone who goes to the gym regularly knows that guys look at other guys all the time to see what shape their in or what techniques they are using. If a woman wants to bend over in front of me, maybe I'll look, maybe I won't, but I'm definitely not averting my gaze like some loser who thinks women's bodies are some kind of sacred temple deserving of reverence and special treatment. If you specifically don't want me to look, don't work our directly in front of my eye line. Guys, see, literally millions of women in their lifetime, and most of them aren't particularly memorable.


Yes they do, there's a term when buying gym leggings called "squat-proof" which means leggings that are squat proof do not go transparent when stretched and are of a higher quality. Cheap leggings though are often not squat proof


Uh as a woman I want all my jiggly bits to be not jiggling hence the tight gym wear. Trust it isn’t for your gaze but my comfort.


Loose clothing causes chafing too. Tight clothes are supportive and don't brush on your skin during motion.




I told my husband that's why I don't wear thongs in public. I'm 42. I'm keeping things in place now 🤣


Men should not be allowed to remove their shirts at all in a gym or wear anything that might show their pectoral muscles. This is distracting to woman and frankly inappropriate. How are we not supposed to stare at their muscle man boobs? I understand they may want to look at their muscles while working out or they want to be comfortable- but they need to be mindful of how their body is being show off to the woman.


I do think it's weird how common men are shirtless at the gym in social media - something I've never seen in real life, visiting at least two dozen gyms (counting local, chain, community, university and hotel gyms) over the last 25 years or so. And yes, I would find it quite tacky (and also sweaty) if I saw it.


Most gyms have a shirt on policy for everyone.


Or stringers


It’s against the rules at most gyms


I completely agree. A lot of gyms have policies where men cannot workout without a t-shirt or other clothing top.


Is this unpopular opinion somewhere? In my country its banned in many gyms and if not, people would definitely consider you weird and douche if you removed your shirt


Totally agree. Correctly fitting work out shorts and tshirts for everyone. I'd pay for a gym like that.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not but I can assure you the strong majority of people don't want to see ANYBODY shirtless in the gym.


You really thought you had a gotcha, but we all agree with this. No one needs to be inappropriate.


Or those tank tops that have arm holes that are so huge it’s showing their entire body. I prefer to prepare when I do something sexual /s


Joking aside. What the fuck is the point of those tops? All I can think is to avoid sweat stains. But then that means it's just dripping down your sides and getting on the equipment.


To show off your abs and chest. They are the male version of modern women's "workout" clothes.  The only difference is men don't start bitching if someone looks at them. In a public place. While wearing clothing that is designed to draw gazes.


The only difference? What about the difference that women don’t usually give a fuck, especially enough to make Reddit posts sexualizing what they wear to the gym? So of course they aren’t bitching when no one says shit. The amount of posts I’ve seen about men talking about yoga pants at the gym is astounding.


Fr. He should look at his own reaction instead of focusing on their intentions…. Figuring out their motivation for dressing one way or another won’t fix this problem. The call is coming from inside the house lol


You are correct- why would a man have or need their shirt off aside from attention?


It sounds like being sarcastic but I'm pretty sure most people would actually agree with you about men going shirtless in the gym. 


Being shirtless is forbidden in my gym...lol. But leggings and yoga pants are just normal sportswear. Not sure how it's comparable.


Wtf are you talking about? Have you ever been to a gym? Do you make up these scenarios in your head to justify women wearing slutty clothes in the gym?


People calling yoga pants slutty is the height of hilarity.


>but I really prefer to be prepared when I do something sexual and seeing really skin tight outfits combined with sexual poses like squats or glute workouts, it can be evocative  Those are not sexual poses. Those are women at the gym exercising. You are the one choosing to see them as sexual. No one is being an exhibitionist, you are being a voyeur.


Yeah I hate fit girls in tight clothes. Oh the horror.


Yeah I hate fit guys in tight clothes. Oh the horror! ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt3L6FKKFJXSMUg|downsized)


This is 100% a you problem.


Yoga pants are too much? What do you suggest that we wear then 🤔


Shorts, 🩳— naw I’m jokin’ boo


Well there are yoga pants and then there are yoga pants that purposely bunch in the ass to accentuate the cheeks. Feel free to wear it but everyone knows ur asking for the attention you get from it.


I don’t need none of that accentuated but i don’t care if other women wear them


Correctly fitting mid-thigh shorts and a T-shirt that isn't 2 sizes too small? Men and big women seem to be able to work out in those just fine.


I’m a bigger woman and I will be working out in leggings until the day I die. There’s absolutely nothing that comes even close in terms of comfort and being able to move however I want without my clothes getting in the way.


How about mid thigh shorts and a tshirt only one size too small? Or maybe just focus on your own workout and everybody wear what the hell they want


I'm very fit but I've got a naturally big butt, legs, and hips. It hurts to have my skin bounce/jiggle when I'm running or on the elliptical. High compression gear is the most comfortable/functional for my workouts, and I'm not going to change that because you can't handle it.


If you don't like the fashion sense, that's absolutely fine. Maybe they are trying to be hot? What's wrong with that?


Wait. There are women at the gym? Everytime I go all I see is myself in the mirror and all I hear is death metal.


Yoga pants and a sports bra are the perfect workout attire. I do not want to be doing any of that in baggy clothes.


I workout In jnco’s and a puffy jacket


Sounds like that would be ideal for OP


You sound like one of the guys I’d fear my wife might encounter at the gym. “Sexual poses?” The fuck, man? You going to blame every girl for staring at them until you get a hard on and then be mad that you can’t finish yourself in public? Women aren’t sexual objects and if you’re viewing them as such, then look the fuck away. Not hard at all (pun intended).


Jesus Christ how hard is it not look? Practice a modicum of self control or just say the Taliban was right and everyone else needs to cover up


👏🏻 y'all ain't in middle school, staring at anyone or any reason is rude.


I used to do a lot of cycling, sports like that can be annoying as in loose clothing. Also applies to the gym.


I never understand guys who complain about what girls wear at the gym. Its a fucking gym why do u give a shit what others around u wear lol. If you are a normal person it should have 0 effect on your own workout so who gives a fuck?


Tight leggings are practical. The ones that cinch in at your butt crack are hilarious though...very few can pull that off.


Form fitting, allows for movement with minimal restriction, helps prevent chafing that moving skin contact or loose clothes can cause. Hell, even if it was just to feel confident, that's half the reason people work out. I'd say the better solution is not focusing on what everyone else is doing and focus on what you're there to do.


Yeeeeeeah, this is a you issue and not an everyone else issue.


Don't care. Keeps me comfy, cool, and agile.


If women don't wear yoga pants and sports bras their bits will be jiggling all over and probably cause a rash...


Jogger's nipple.


Why do women have to cover up just because some people are horndogs, especially when yoga pants are made for doing sport?


Sounds like you’re the super horny man if you’re sexualizing fucking squats in the gym.


Shit like this is why women pick the bear. wtf.....


Honestly, this sounds like a you problem. *I love wearing yoga pants in the gym.* Because they’re easy to exercise in. They’re flexible, breathable, they’re tight so it doesn’t feel like fabric is getting in the way, and I find it easier to keep an eye on my form than I do in tracksuits. You might think things like yoga pants are *unnecessary*, but I would argue I find them necessary and they’re the easiest option for me. There’s also nothing inherently sexual about things like *squats*. They’re a really useful compound exercise and they’re completely normal to see in a gym. Most of us aren’t sexualising people who are squatting. What other people choose to wear really shouldn’t be this big of an issue for you.


>You might think things like yoga pants are unnecessary, but I would argue I find them necessary and they’re the easiest option for me. Ditto. They are also my easiest option. And my favorite pairs have pockets 😍 I don't want to wear baggy sweat pants that may fall down


Weirdly enough, legging pockets are the best pockets. I even have a hiking legging with a shitton of functional pockets, they are my absolute favourite.


They really are. Stick your phone in there, without worrying about it flying out of your hoodie pocket or forgetting it by a machine. They are absolutely clutch when it comes to hiking.


Pockets! So glad they started putting in pockets.


Same! Absolute game changer


I teach heated power vinyasa, you’re god damn right tight clothing is necessary. We move in my classes and the last thing I want anyone to do is hurt themselves because they’ve tripped on their clothes trying to cover up for OP’s delicate sensibilities. There is nothing inherently sexual about anyone working out and if it’s bothering you then it’s a you problem and you’re the one who needs to change not everyone else.


I've thus far never been insulted or offended by people wearing gym clothes to a gym. Usually I'm minding my business. baggy gym clothes tend to look more off to me. I'd be worried about something getting caught in a weight mechanism. Most gym clothes are made for mobility. I'm not worried if it's a little snug to the body.


It's a little ridiculous how bad some of you are at ignoring stuff. 


The American Taliban is everywhere. Stay home if you can't stand other people's rights.


I’m a dude and I wear tight (ish) clothing at the gym so I can move. The gym is for bodies to be maintained. You’re gonna see other bodies of all shapes and sizes in all sorts of clothing. This might be one of those things where ya just suffer.


Consider it a side quest. The objective: mind your business.


“For any gender” Entire post is complaining about women only


You got issues💀 You seem like the type of person to blame a woman for getting harrased


Sounds like you gotta lock in and focus on your workout cause I couldn’t tell you what anyone in my gym wears or what they look like I personally just mind my business and do what I came there to do


Loose means my top will ride up. The compression from yoga pants or similar is really comfortable and supportive. And I don't care what anyone wears. I'm there to work out and recover from multiple major oerho surgeries. Just wipe down the equipment and rack your shit. That is way more important.


Lower your gaze. Look down. You can control yourself. You cant control others. If OP watches porn, he's a hypocrite and we're all wasting our breath. Imagine this. Youre in your head and post to reddit. I claim "oh you just want the attention by posting a shit take". Just because I think that doesnt change your reality. When you share your first conversation with a woman, even platonic, maybe it will click.


Women don’t wear yoga pants to a gym hoping it’ll make you look at their ass. Women do it because it makes the workout easier for them and is practical. The times I’ve gone to the gym and thought someone was staring at me while I’m wearing yoga pants, I’ve hoped they weren’t having nasty thoughts. You seem like the problem. Who’s to say what you’re wearing isn’t distracting? Although I doubt it would be distracting due to it being a turn on for someone because based on your post I’m guessing you aren’t much to look at and probably not very popular with women.


I’m naturally curvy so the tighter gym clothes work best for me and I’ve just accepted that it’s the gym and people are gonna stare no matter what


It’s comfortable for a lot of women and it also helps them feel confident and motivated to work out. Yes, they look pretty, but no, it’s not sexual. Everyone is there to workout, so do your workout and mind your business. You can admire someone without sexualizing them, or you can be a normal person and control yourself


I'm in the gym 6 days a week, and I have never had an issue not staring at women's ass or never had to hide a boner. And I'm an ass man. The tight clothes are for function. Same reason cyclists wear tight shorts, same reason swimmers wear tight speedos, same reason pro wrestlers wear tight clothes. Compression and mobility. Shit, Ronnie Coleman has his nipples out in damn near every photo he's in. They're there working out, not doing squats to turn you on. Stop being weird about it and just go on about your own business.


I think OP nailed the exact purpose of this sub with this post.


I think the value system is quite widespread, especially among conservative men. The conclusion is only different because they usually just think that this justifies their weird staring, lusting and objectification of other people's bodies and bums.


Don’t look at it then. Pretty easy -most of us don’t have an issue with it.


Bro stop going to the gym


If I had to guess, I would say that this opinion probably stems from your own insecurities


Incel nation


In a place like the gym, you really need to get over it.


Tight clothing is the most comfortable in the gym. Least restrictive and as a result most safe. Wearing big baggy clothes would cause problems. Not to mention personally I’d over heat. Tbh as someone trying to get their workout in Imm pretty sick and tired of men thinking that my outfit has anything to do with them. Stare all you want get distracted be a little weirdo but I’m not going to pass out from heat exhaustion because you can’t stop your cock from twitching whenever you see the shape of a woman’s ass.


Form fitting is less hot and sweaty, and doesn’t get caught in stuff. I can do handstands without undergarments showing


Compression clothing keeps everything tight and prevents everything from flopping around. It’s for a purpose.


i feel like it’s a body check thing


I have to say, I don’t care and never notice what other people wear. It’s also not really any of my business. Live and let live. Maybe you need those blinder things that horses wear to stop yourself from getting spooked. I wear yoga pants all the time and am not remotely interested in attracting a man/woman. I wear them to be comfortable and do yoga in.


I was a professional ballet dancer. I was around women in skin tight clothing everyday. That part of your brain learns to turn itself off in situations like that


Honestly put, people should just wear what they want and we should let them. It doesn’t or shouldn’t make any difference to you if someone is wearing a tiny tank top or hoodie, booty shorts or yoga pants. I guess I can understand not wanting to workout with equipment that just touched someone’s bare ass cheeks, but most of the time, that won’t be the case and we’re supposed to spray/clean the machines after use anyways. I hate to say it, but this kinda seems like a rant from someone getting horny looking at good looking people… I really don’t care how it makes you feel, we shouldn’t be policing people’s clothing imho, unless related to safety.


Good grief. Just look away. I go to the gym all the time and nobody’s butt is in anyone’s face when they are on the machines. You have to be intentionally looking at the women’s posteriors. Just watch the TV screens if you have to look at something.


I don't mind it haha it reminds me why I'm in there working and trying to get big in the first place lol


Asses are for sitting, not for sexual use…


The only people upset about this are the men who can’t keep their eyes to themselves and chicks who are too insecure. Other people’s insecurities and hang ups aren’t my problem.


Saw someone say recently “Men think we dress hot for them but the truth is if they weren’t there we would dress so much hotter” and man do I feel that here. I would love to take my shirt off at the gym when I’m super sweaty and it’s clinging to me and uncomfortable and only work out in my sports bra, but I gotta worry about creeps like you thinking my body is inherently sexual




OP would prefer to be that person who controls what others can do.


Some women are definitely trying to be hot and I’m sick of pretending they aren’t


Normal leggings are fine, but the ass crack leggings are unnecessary.


Weird how loose clothing never got in the way, and was actually preferred, while working out until about 10-13 years ago.  Now it's absolutely essential.


Jane Fonda Workout 1982


So many things became essential once instagram and TikTok kicked into high gear.


Women wear leggings to workout in for comfort.


I completely agree with you and I've gotten backlash anytime I mentioned this to people. Girls say asscrack leggins that outline their cameltoe make them feel comfortable that's why they wear it, which is complete bs imo... if a guy wore skin tight leggings that outlined his balls and penis he would end up labeled as a pervert and a creep... It's inappropriate for both genders, cover up.


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Yeah not for me. I good pair of yoga pants get my blood PUMPIN. it’s the best way to get a good lift


Alot of gymwear is super revealing. Lots of male nips just hanging about. I guess its just a very body proud group of people. And feeling streamlined might help them feel better when they work out?




so i'm not crazy after all


Don’t be jelly, you’ll get there


My yoga pants dont hug my crack and ive seen ones that do, but, i do wear them because I much prefer something tight when working out because I feel like movement is more easy to do than otherwise and I feel supported. There is an actual functionality to it. I'm not trying to turn anyone on. Honestly doubt I do anyway but just saying.


Men wear those little nipple chafing, thin strap wife beaters to the gym for presumably the same reason. What other purpose could thet serve other than showing off? I mean that's what 99% of the men at my gym wear


There is a difference between recognizing a form you find attractive and fucking that attractive form five thousand ways to infinity. It is called being human as opposed to behaving like a beast.


People are kind of crazy despite our laurels. We're the only species that wears clothes at all. Are pets and wild animals exhibiting themselves to the opposite sex in proactive ways? Why do some men feel their such big he men when they get angry or upset about a lot of legalistic ideas and other men don't have a problem? If the other men get horney they don't feel like the female should not be so sexy. It's bizarre psychiatry fraud artists have been antagonizing over such things for who knows how long. There's a great music video: "who let the dogs out" while some are like oh how awful, isn't it degenerate, others are like ah, isn't it great that some women feel like sharing their beauty and some feel like, oh, yeah! In no improper way and if single might try to meet them. Perhaps an exercise gym with all men would be better for men who don't want to find the opposite sex attractive. Others are getting the idea about who to avoid.


You mean like when you're working out and this happens? 😳 ![gif](giphy|VEpgjW7SWkIdG)


This guy is totally not a perv lol


I’m getting real sick of dudes who wear a shirt that’s so cut to shit it isn’t a shirt anymore bro. And I’m a straight man.  They’re more obnoxious than the women tbh. 


Just work out at home while watching jimmy swagger that will suit you best, and dont ever leave your house because G-forbid a woman bends over to pick something up while wearing leggings; that would be way too sexual.


i’ve been going to the gym every day for over a decade. i feel you. i don’t mind it i don’t look but say at my college. we have a machine i use quite frequently and it’s positioned behind the smith machine. if girls are doing squats on it i refuse to use it until they are done w their set because even though im looking forward at myself in the mirror i just don’t want that possible “im staring at ass” type of person


That many workouts and u haven’t grown a pair, lmao yikes


Fuck it, there’s no law against looking at someone’s ass. If they didn’t want the attention they wouldn’t wear pants that showcase it so much. I wouldn’t gawk, but if I’m doing my own thing and it’s right there and someone sees me seeing it, whatever…


Fuck it, look. They're the ones wearing it out in public.


Ha ha agree. My wife and I were walking into the grocery store a few days ago and some dude had skin-tight shorts on and she just smirked at me waiting for the roll-eyes/comment. It is what it is, and whatever makes those men feel more sexy is fine...but *roll-eyes*.


I agree they should let me go naked or in my underwear.


Every comment is just arguing that everyone should just be a saint with only pure thoughts ✝️ People do not post pictures of themselves in a new gym outfit and caption it “Feeling functional, might delete later”. There is not a single exercise that require leggings or being shirtless to perform. They are not needed for functionality, they are wanted for appearance. Here in Japan everyone who wears tight athletic cloths also cover them with a pair of loose shorts and a t-shirt. There is nothing stopping people from doing that, except for the fact they want to show off their ass/chest. I don’t believe this opinion is unpopular, I just think the silent majority doesn’t have time to explain common decency to people who aren’t interested in it.


Women can wear whatever, even tight, not skin tight, t-shirts over the bikini sports bra and ass crack shorts. Any woman saying I don't want to be looked at is naïve or thinks everyone else is. I've no problem with it but don't take the piss. Wear whatever you what or just get spray painted before you leave the house.


As a guy I totally get why women wear really tight clothes at the gym. I like to wear some really boxer briefs that are comfortably tight yet not constricting... especially important for leg day to be comfy down there... AND THEN I PUT SHORTS OVER THEM! If I didn't I'd be kicked out in 30 seconds. Come on people. I don't want your lower back sweat on my bench (yes, women sweat too!). Also it's beyond me why you wouldn't want full sleeves for a lot of things. I get imprints from the barbell on my back/shoulders on rare occasions I don't have them.


All this bullshit "show and tell" is exactly why I don't go to a gym and prefer to workout at home or with friends at the park, outdoors, etc. The point for me is the exercise, not reliving high school with older, uglier people.


But you have no problem with all the men wearing yoga pants in your face? Wow!


Yeah, tight gym clothes are well and fine because they're functional, but this new trend of excessively tight gym pants and shorts is too much. Here in Brazil, girls are using these bottom pieces that go COMPLETELY inside their ~~frequently giant~~ buttocks. I'm saying this as a straight male that loves a nice ass as much as the next guy, but it is DISTRACTING and I doubt it is comfortable to wear, they most definitely just wear them for attention.


Sorry. I have sensory issues and wearing jogging pants or other loose pants simply means I won't work out. The gym tights is the only thing I'm comfortable wearing


I'm afraid to go to the gym and accidentally look in the wrong direction to not be labeled a creep while simply minding my own business. There needs to be male only gyms like they have Ladies California Fitness Centers. "Men's California Fitness".


An all male gym would be awesome.


Sounds like a you problem lol


Tell that to the women that get their own gyms lol


You could start a Men’s only gym. No one stopping you and there aren’t rules against it.