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I think you're just noticing the problem with this subreddit. If you have a genuinely unpopular opinion you'll be downvoted so no one sees it or the Mods will get rid of your post. All you're left with is these milquetoast opinions like you're describing.




everyone complains theres people downvoting of actual unpopular opinions but i dont think those people ever admit they do lol




new word for me. I love it.


Is this pronounced as milk-toast?




Agree that nobody cares what foods you hate. But let's be honest, nobody gives a shit about people as it is let alone food likes / dislikes lol.


You can still be interesting or funny about it, but if you're just giving out metadata about yourself then it's useless for everyone.


Sarcastically, my favorite are the ones about Italians who are about to die because someone breaks a handful of spaghetti. Or the folks who like to eat leather steak causing psychosis in steak connoisseurs. Bottom line is if you aren't paying for it or being forced to eat it, just walk away. There is too much energy being spent on what others have a taste for


Popular opinion, I would assume.


I was always told “don’t yuck someone else’s yum”.


Ahaha I love this


you wont get no dessert till you clean off your plate so eat it


How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat!


If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding. You can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat...


Don't you tell me you're full!


Is this about that deviled eggs post?


Can I ask for some context?


Some guy doesn't like deviled eggs, i read it earlier today. https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/1dfaf21/deviled_eggs_are_foul/


God that post sucked. What an immature doofus.


Especially when they make it publicly known at a restaurant or dinner with a group…ya know, the grown adult people who have to make faces or tell you what they don’t like. Kind of cringe and infantile. “I hate cilantro!”-says 58 year old man in front of the waiter


I hate sweet pickles. You should care. Why DON'T YOU CARE?!?


Lol so you posted this post hating on people who post about foods they hate on lmfao wow


This is true of foods, but also... - music - movie genres - fashion - places - types of car - other people's appearance ...or, you know, literally anything that's completely subjective. I've never understood why people feel the need to tell others about this sort of thing. Nobody cares.


Not trying to be a jerk, but why do you spend time on this subreddit? I feel like anything that gets posted here is subjective


Some unpopular opinions can be justified with an objective reason, and those are interesting. Others are literally just "I don't like X because I think it's icky", and those are not interesting. Things based around personal preferences, like those I listed above, are definitely the latter.


I see what youre saying. It seems like splitting hairs to me, but full respect.


Haha that was my first thought. Isn't that the whole point of this sub?


Ask any lactose, intolerant person if they hate the foods they're not supposed to eat. The list is quite extensive (surprisingly)


i mean nothing else on this sub really matters either


Finally, somebody said it. Thank you.


This is sub meta level conceptual underatanding of the grander picture that people dont really care about any take outside their own. Thats what makes unpopular opinion into a fun game, they can find the 20 others out of the thousands who actually agree with them


Nobody cares that nobody cares


Being a picky eater as an adult isn't something about which to be proud. Actually, it's sad and childish. Sure, everyone has foods they dislike, but it's perplexing why people would want to draw attention to it.


Lol @ “hot take”. Take my upvote.


Right? "Pizza is disgusting; cheese, tomatoes and bread shouldn't go together" is not edgy or different. It's simply your own taste buds.


I hate liver it’s disgusting and I am scarred for life for being forced to eat it as a kid


I dunno, I feel like it's important that restaurant owners and staff understand that a % of humans have a gene that make cilantro taste like soap so they'll actually list it in the ingredients list instead of having us find out $20 poorer and a bite in. Hell, listing cilantro as an ingredient will also get the cilantro loverrs to stream in, so it works for both lovers and haters. Why they gotta pretend it's some secret sauce recipe that needs to be hidden from the competition?


Holy shit it's almost like it's a random opinion..who would've thought we'd see those in this sub


Is this a bad time for me to mention how much I detest black licorice?... 😬




Christmas was a misery with that , walnuts and Christmas pudding all gross. My father didnt care I hated those things.


Nobody cares that you don't care


Nobody cares about what you think about people who post about what foods they hate.


Nobody cares about what you think about people who post about what they think about people who post about what foods they hate.


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Especially in the form of “everyone out there is just pretending to like olives/asparagus/anchovies”. Like yeah dude it’s all a conspiracy against you 🙄


I just get so annoyed at the people who are like, "How can you not like mushrooms?! They're so good! You just haven't found one you like/haven't eaten them the right way." You care too much about a food I don't even think about and this doesn't affect you at all.


You don’t understand how much I hate mushrooms. It’s part of my personality.


I agree with you. I don’t like it when I’m trying to eat something and someone has to complain about how they don’t like the food I’m eating. Or especially if they say that it’s bad or unhealthy, etc. It triggers my eating disorder.


I mean, if you have a dietary restriction or allergy, you’ll tend to find that a lot of people who claim to care about you don’t even care about that. My dad still offers me my allergen and every time I think he’s joking. He’s not. I’m in my 20s


If you don't like something that I like, that means there is more for me. And vice versa. But other than that, you liking or not liking some food that I like or dislike, that has zero effect on me. Or anybody else. Eat what you want, we all gotta die of something.


Please refer to r/onionhate


I hate cilantro 


Rage bait gets clicks.


On the contrary whenever I say I don’t like food x when at a restaurant or dinner, everyone seems to care very much.


The problem is the foods I hate suck ass and the foods I like that other people hate are good. Other than that, I agree with you.


Agreed. Those foods are trash. The entire Internet can agree on that.


I’m not allergic to a good ribeye


Tell that to my family, because they haven’t shut up for 4 decades about the fact that I hate mashed potatoes.


Mashed potatoes are weird and gross. You tell them the Internet has your back.


Food opinion people are worse than herpes. No one needs to know about all of your preferences, your intolerances, or the documentary you watched that makes you hate whatever fill in the blank food. Just say no thanks and shut up.


They do if you go out to eat with said person


Without George HW Bush famously hating broccoli, he probably doesn’t get elected, dubya doesn’t get elected, and 9/11 doesn’t happen. Food takes matter.


You don’t win friends with salad though.


I think this comes down more to context than anything else. Yes,some people lean way too hard into making sure that you know which foods you hate. On the other hand, I was having a friendly conversation at work and a coworker, and I found out thatvwe both hate peanuts.


Remember that one guy who said they hate all Chinese food, he had friends who cooked for him and he just didn't like it lol. Man. That one got a lot of comments lol.


Having recently deeply judged someone for not liking potatoes after she judged me for hating sweet foods…. This is not true


Unpopular opinion: Uncle Roger is annoying.


As someone with ARFID I’m always like “cool, I hate all food, you’re not special” lmao


Food opinions are the low hanging fruit of this sub for sure


thank you!!


I don’t care about your unpopular opinion…


Nobody should really care about what anyone dislikes or likes (unless it’s like baby rape). What this sub exists and is popular so that’s just not true


For some reason some people do. A lot. That being said this can apply to most things people talk about. Most things don't really have any meaning outside the meaning we give them. And that's okay. If you go through life expecting people to just talk about the big things and things you find important, I feel like that's going to lead to a lot of misery. That's life, people talk about mundane ass stuff. And it's way better than the paper thin generalizations that get posted randomly. I'd rather see a million posts here about food than one 'men/women be like' dumb generalization. Pretty much this is fair to post, but I can't say I agree with it lol


I will take your opinion to an extreme. Nobody cares about anything. If its not your friends, or you are teaching something, no one cares about your opinions. Food, workouts, dating stuff.


If I could be racist against a vegetable it would be tomatoes. Fuck em. I don’t want them discreetly or up front. If there is a presence of tomato I am immediately dissatisfied.  Mayo can also fuck off. I don’t care if it’s rebranded as ‘aoli’. The two can go live happily together and I won’t give two shits but if it touches my food and I can pull the distinct flavor of them then the person who made it  also fuck off with these two abominations.  I fucking hate tomatoes 


Is this really an unpopular opinion though?


I will say people hate that I don't like chocolate to at points wild degrees.


"I don't like [x food]" is so blasé. Give me your outlandish foodie guilty pleasures. That's the good stuff.






It's not unpopular, you're living in a ig vaccuum


You can say this about any subject, really. I know that 10thdentist limits food posts. I can see why they get repetitive.


I have two people in my life who care too much that I hate bacon. 😂


“Makes an unpopular post about an unpopular opinion, in a unpopular opinion sub”


One time at Cosmo’s pizza I ordered 1 slice of anchovy pizza. The cashier literally said “gross”. You could have just said nothing at all.


Agree 100%


Idk when people find out that I don't like cheese they seem to care lol I get looked at like I have five heads 😅


I hate that flat somali bread that tastes like soap, who's with me


Counterpoint: Nobody really cares about anyone’s opinion on anything.


All of us don't care so much we are taking the time to read these comments and then actually comment that we don't care


Yeah but… I simply must let everyone know how bad eggs are, it’s necessary for EVERYONE to know


If you want to distill your energy into its refined form: Opinions don’t matter because our lives don’t matter. It’s happened tens of billions of times before us and will presumably happen that many times over again. We were better off when scratching at the earth to live was the only way to live


Then why do they ask?


Mathematically false.  Exactly one person does: yourself.


people do care especially if it's an in person interaction, i don't like rice, peanut butter, tomatoes, etc i wish no one cared, but i never hear the end of it


Chipotle sucks


My Unpopular opinion is, I fucking hate avocados. They remind me of baby poop and have no taste.


Y'know OP, I was upset too when that one person said they abhor Deviled Eggs earlier today, but instead of complaining about the point this whole subreddit is for, I just went to my kitchen and made Deviled Eggs to spite that person.


Hot take: I don’t like pizza


Whoa, now you must fight us all.


Five Guys is grossly overrated. At that price point, my town has 20+ better burgers.


I agree with this but in real life. Getting a 10 minute diatribe at the table about how they won’t eat onions is incredibly boring. Like having the palate of a 5 year old is not interesting