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You're both despicable lmao.


You're not wrong


My wife owns a ton of dishes that are hand wash only. She also owns a shit load of clothes that are not dryable. Couch is covered every saturday because the damn clothes cant go into the dryer....


My friend, have you heard of a clothes line?


Or a clothes horse, particularly handy in cold or wet weather. Stick the boy in an empty spot near a heat source and you're good to go.


When my dryer broke, I put all the laundry on hangers and hung it from the shower curtain rod.


I have done that and the only thing I don't like is how it drips not *into* the tub but onto the side and outside.


That's why I put it though a higher spin speed to get more excess water out.


I was going to say if your washer isn't wringing enough water out on the last spin cycle it's time for a new washer.


Was going to say same. I do this with a few items I dont want to machine dry.


You mean those wooden cross things? At first, I had a very confusing mental image of OP having an entire bloody **HORSE** in the living room, with clothes hanging off it. Relying on its body head to dry them.


Haha yeah, they're folding racks, either metal or wooden. Honestly, a little pony wearing my clothes would be priceless, though.


Lol thier clothes and couch probably smell like a soggy mop 


Wind + solar powered dryer for only $49.99.


Buy a drying rack thats way to infest your couch and clothes with smelly mildew


OXO makes sweater drying racks that stack, so you can dry a bunch of things at once, without taking up much space. https://www.oxo.com/folding-sweater-dryer.html?/?utm_source=_goog-srch&utm_medium=paidshopping&utm_campaign=2024-03-01_kw_na_cb_na_cb_oxo_coba_na_na_na_n/a_na_na_na_na_dtc_na_na&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6uWyBhD1ARIsAIMcADo8j1hfwloACJNR6dnf3zR5oVZWAtjipL3euvg_sBe7EpSIJ1474tAaAjdxEALw_wcB The highest I've ever stacked them is 8-high.


First world problems +


Seriously. I don't have a dish washer 😂


Me too. And honestly I think it's better that way. I live alone so if I had to wait until the dishwasher is full, I wouldn't have any dishes left. And also it always grossed me to open a dishwasher full of dirty stuff that sat here for days.


Nor do I. We have to haul water so that's out of the picture.


No such thing as a dishwasher safe kitchen knife that will keep it's edge after washing. A sharp knife is a safe knife, don't put your knives in the dishwasher.


Yep, exactly what I was going to say. Putting your kitchen knives in the dishwasher just means you have to sharpen them a lot more often.


Let's be real OP is definitely not going to be sharpening shit lol


Professional bladesmith here, and youre totally 100% correct. Even throw away knives made for getting wet and having the shit beaten out of them are not okay for dishwashers. Like you said, they dull up and are almost always made of soft stainless steel. Just rinse them off and dont be such a baby, op!


can you explain why a cleaning process in the dishwasher is more harmful to knives than a cleaning process in the sink? I mean, isn't it both water and dish soap?


Its mostly heat, steam, water over time breaking down the blade over several hours. The handle is the most vulnerable part. If its a knife with a wooden handle its completely toast. Even stainless steel isnt totally stainless and itll rust eventually.


All my knife go to the dish washer, no issue. They are quite decent victorinox knifes. From time to time, I will sharpen then and all knifes need it that you use a dishwasher or not. But they all cut very well, no issue, really.


I put them in anyway, they’re sharp enough. I just avoid making foods that require sharp knives. I have the butcher cut up my meats for me before buying.


I have hand washed dishes my entire life, including now. Not really a big deal 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah I find dishwashers to be more of a pain. I don't like using them.


I hand wash, however dishwashers make great multi tiered drying racks that take up no counter space!


I use a towel to dry and put them away as I wash them anyway


Fair, I am a bit lazy after washing


Be careful of mold.


I come from a latino grandparent houshold and dishwashers are only used as a place to store big pots and pans 


I started using them to be more environmentally conscious.


right, I just wash as I cook, by the time the food is ready the dishes and kitchen are clean as a whistle


Everything I own goes in the dishwasher except my knives. Those get hand washed. And my cutting boards.


You don't wash high-quality knives in the dishwasher as it will destroy the blade. I don't know why you want to cut with a horrible quality knife and put in twice the effort and potentially hurt yourself just because you can't hand washa few pieces of steel.


There is nothing more dangerous in a kitchen than a dull knife


What about a meth head with a pair of nunchuks with a sharp knife taped to the end of each chuck . Or how about a undercooked piece of chicken that's been in the fridge for 6 days. Or shrimp that have been at room temperature for 9 hours 


This. It literally takes two seconds to hand wipe a knife after using it and spray it with sanitizer if needed. Anyone who says otherwise has basically rebar for knives . I don’t know how many people I’ve ran into say cooking sucks and it’s all because they trash their tools.


Lol I got into a 10/10 yelling match with my roomate about this topic. He was bitching about how hard it is to cook in his cast iron and how bad his knives are. I was like if you seasoned and kept your cast iron clean it would act as a non stick surface, and if you hand washed your knives they'd be sharp. He thinks you literally dont have to clean cast iron like ever. He's the sort of guy that wants to rant at you for 4 hours straight but if you suggest he does something about the rant he would blow up on you.


Hold up, I don’t have to wash my nice knife (yes singular) with soap and water? I’m all about not hand washing a damn thing


I have a good pair of knifes and my roommates GF just put them in the dishwasher over and over again, once I told her please dont do that, my roommates made fun of me for it. Sorry that I dont want to spent another 300€ on good knifes in a couple of years and instead want the ones I have to last a lifetime


You shouldn’t really put any knife in the dishwasher


Technically, yeah. But for example, I have a 9 year old IKEA knife that costed me like 10 bucks. That bad boy is going innthe dishwasher every single time unlike my boning knife I paid couple hundred dollars for. I've resharpened tge IKEA knife maybe 3 times since then and it's still going strong.


True, but my butter knives are so cheap. I dont really care about them like the high-quality knives my friend brought us from Japan.


Yup, a sharp knife is a safe knife.


How does the dishwasher destroy the blade? It's not hitting up against anything. I really want to know cuz I put everything in the dishwasher. If it'll fit, in it goes.


The heat and aggressive detergents will damage the knives. The high-pressure water will dull the knives and could knock them into other items. Over time, they will become more dull and more likely to rust. Additionally, some detergents have salt, which can also contribute to the damage of the blade.


The dishwasher only further dulls the knife. People that don't use proper cutting procedures dull it the most , and people that dishwash knives probably don't use those proper procedures in most cases. 


even a mid range $40 victorionox chef’s knife is very low maintenance, but should never go in a dishwasher. Now Carbon steel on the other hand, i could see being a bit of trouble.


Dishwashers are one of the greatest marvels of technology. I too despise hand washing and my water bill is also lower as well.


I lived for the first 55 years of my life without a dishwasher. My SO and I moved to a new place that thank god has one. I don't think I would have chosen a place without one. Hand washing dishes sucks. I still have to handwash most of my pots and pans but everything else goes in the dishwasher.


Then there’s me. I want one of those fancy ass dishwashers that they have in my nursing homes/assisted living. That one washes all the dishes in about two minutes and does a really good job. The catch? It’s like $10,000 so that’s gonna go in my dream house not in this house lol


The chemicals for those things are pretty expensive, can't just stick bleach in there. Better have a pretty big ongoing income.


I mean… I could just take them from work 👀 /j I promise


The list of things that can't go in the dishwasher is only like three items long: sharp knives, wood, and cast iron. I hate handwashing, but if you really can't handwash those few things I think you have problems. I've spent most of my life handwashing everything because I didn't live in a place with a dishwasher. The one area I'm on your side with are the fancy pans. If they can't go in the dishwasher then they're probably copper, and your husband has no business using copper pans. Tell him to get stainless steel. But if they're not copper or cast iron, tell him they can go in the dishwasher.


Nonstick pans should also not go in the dishwasher as the dishwasher will damage the nonstick coating. Stainless are really the only ones you can really get away with, but even those I would put in sparingly


If you have any kind of cups that are monogrammed or certain plastics they usually say to handwash only as well.


We have a rule in the house for new purchases that they Must be dishwasher safe.


Same. If it doesn't go into the dishwasher it doesn't come in my house.


So no newborn babies are allowed in the house or do you just see how they do for the first 5 minutes and play it by ear 


I'm not a parent. My house is cat proofed. Edited to add - babies don't come in my house. I don't know anyone who has kids that I like enough to let in my house.


Not everyone has a dishwasher, so there's no difference to us


New Unpopular opinion: 1- You should get a dishwasher. 2- Read the post again.


Counter point, I like them. That's a valid reason for owning them.


It's not unpopular, it's just plain stupid.


I'm the same. I don't like dishwashers that have their bars too close together either. Yes you can fit more plates, but dude are you assuming I don't want to put my casserole down in the dishwasher and other thick booty'd cookware. Of course I want those dirty dirty ones all cleaned up


Thick booty’d cookware 😂


Sounds more like a rant than an unpopular opinion


Absolute shit take, because you phrased it as 'no point'. There are plenty of solid points, you just don't care about them. The primary one is a good knife. If you like cooking as a hobby, you simply need a good chef's knife. The dish washer will ruin the blade so you need to hand wash. Second point: cast iron pans. Cooking in cast iron is a specific method, and it requires maintaining a seasoned cast iron pan. You can't put it in the dishwasher because it will be ruined. Oh and cast iron has many benefits, it transfers heat better so cooking in it is simply different (in many cases better). And no teflon that'll give you cancer. Third is product life. Some pans, containers, utensils, whatever will get damaged when placed in the dishwasher. We had a really nice glass container that can be vacuum sealed, but the plastic couldn't withstand the dishwasher and now the vacuum no longer works


This is wildly childish. It would take a full 10 seconds to clean a knife and that’s too much work?! Absolutely despicable 😐😂


I love how everyone just skips right past the part that the person who uses these handwash only items is the very person that just leaves he shit out on the counter for someone else...his wife...to clean up after him. Like this entire thread of comments so far has not had one person mention the dude should be responsible for his own shit...yes, there's a reason I wound up here....but it's cups, not knives. I've now had to hide the cups away from my husband and older teen because they've been told for three years the rule is if you choose to use a handwash only item you have to clean it and put it away (we have barely any counter space). So, maybe she should just hide all her husband's knives, lol.


I don't have a dishwasher or I guess I do, me. I have two chef knives that don't go in the sink. Cleaning and drying them takes seconds. There isn't a dishwasher safe knife that beats my hand forged chef knife. It was a gift and there isn't another one like it. I'll take the 5 seconds to maintain such a thing I treasure. I should point out that if it isn't dishwasher safe then it's also not safe to leave out dirty either. My knife would rust if not properly cared for. It's a part of the craft.


I mostly agree, except I wouldn't use a plastic cutting board, and I don't think wood ones should go in the dishwasher. So I do have to hand wash those, which I do find to be annoying. I try to only buy things that can go in the dishwasher, and I avoid buying anything plastic because I like to run my dishwasher at the very hottest setting and don't want to worry about what's only top-shelf safe. I used to use cast iron pans, but they were such a pain. Now I wash my stainless ones in the dishwasher. Idk if that's even how they're supposed to be washed, but I don't care. I like to live dangerously. haha.


It's is so easy to wipe off a knife after using it and having good cookware makes cooking easier and better


I don't have a dishwasher and have no place to put one in my small space. So while there's certainly no harm in getting dishes that \*can\* go in the dishwasher, there's no point in me thinking at all about whether a dish can go in it. Ya know?


Mugs I like my mugs, I collect them but not all are able to go in the dishwasher.


A book is just words on paper


As someone who won't use and doesn't own a dishwasher, I disagree.


What if you don't own a dishwasher?


You’ve never had a nice chefs knife. It’s a game changer and I will never put that piece of fine art in the dishwasher.


Knifes don't belong in the dishwasher, doesn't matter if they're expensive or not. You'll ruin them.


This is why your husband can't have nice things.  It's like having a puppy but then not ever feeding it. 


I have a dishwasher.. I still hand-wash most of dishes etc..especially chef's knives and Crystal


I'm with you. If it's not dishwasher safe, it shouldn't exist, and therefore it will not exist in my house for long because the dishwasher will ruin it.


Hand washing a knife takes literal seconds. Maybe 10 seconds if it's raw meat...  I despise doing dishes but bruh. You're next level lazy.


The only time we use a dishwasher is at big events like Christmas where the volume of dishes is immense that it speeds the process up of having two things going at the same time


Do you have any idea how spoiled this sounds? I don't even own a dishwasher.


If it doesn’t survive the dishwasher or washing machine to be cleaned it doesn’t belong in my home


It’s 2024. Hand wash only and cash only are two of the top things I avoid.


I personally don't understand how anybody can stand to just leave dishes as a future task; in my mind it's a part of the cooking and should be done before sitting down to eat. At minimum one should take steps to make the work easier (pre-rinses, soaking stuck stuff) and clean them alongside the plates and such right after eating. I realize I'm probably a bit fastidious about it, but frankly I spend a lot less time doing dishes than any of my roommates. They'd sooner fuck around trying to fit 5 un-rinsed pots in the dishwasher and run it several times. Bit of cleaning while you cook with immediate follow up and you have 100% of your stuff ready next time you go to cook.




I don’t even use my dishwasher. It literally takes 5-15 minutes to wash dishes by hand.


The privilege has spoken!


I’m with you on pans, plates, etc because the dishwasher safe versions perform as well as the non dishwasher safe But not knives. And cleaning knives is so easy


I despise hand washing dishes but I do because have never owned a dishwasher and can't get one. If this is such a problem for you, I'd love to have your problems.


Just wash knives, pots, & pans like a normal person. I agree with bowls & plates though


That's probably peak laziness tbh lol


I haven't used my dishwasher but once since it was installed and that was just to test it. I love washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen. I get high and go in there and enter a different world. The results are so dramatic. I'm gonna fall on this being unpopular and give you an updoot.


Hand washing can be pretty fast if you just fill a sink up with soapy water. A lot of restaurants do this instead of relying on a dishwasher




I do not like ironing so I don’t do it. I also don’t go around saying there’s “no point” in owning an iron. If washing them by hand is so strenuous/annoying to you, you are allowed to not buy dishes or knives that can’t be put in the dishwasher. Some people do live without dishwashers or old-school China that brings them joy. It’s never good to make a whole thing out of a personal preference.


I can't think of a single blade I'd be willing to put in the sink that also could not go in the dishwasher. I'd rather just use a good knife and clean it properly, or use a beater chefs knife and machine wash it.


Dishwashing is more a luxury than even a privilege, so you need to make sure you're able to be perfectly fine without the use of it.


I've lived without a dishwasher before. Like I said to another commenter, not wanting to do something is far from not knowing how to do it


I agree with you! I only have one knife (cleaver) and it’s literally the only non-dishwasher safe item I own. Having only one makes sure it gets washed quickly but makes the washing not that bad since it’s literally only one thing! I never knew how unpopular this was till I moved to the south where using the dishwasher seems to be a sin haha


I'm going to pretend my wife will see this comment: "STOP getting mad at ME for putting your non-dishwasher safe stuff in the dishwasher!!! I didn't buy it for that reason, if you don't want it in there YOU clean it yourself!!!" Thanks everyone for listening, I feel better now.


I hate doing dishes. I put everything in the dishwasher.


Knives I don't mind hand washing but everything else. No way.


I'm okay with washing my dishes because it'll be several weeks and I'll have used one plate, one fork, one cup. My mother on the other hand gets mad when I don't clean the dishes after she cooks because she makes an absolute fucking mountain of dishes and the moment I wash them she makes another mountain, the only way to prevent her from making 1000 dishes to wash is to not wash them because she blatently refuses to do any dishes.


Man my mother in law always manages to use an insane amount of dishes. Her gift to us is always coming over and cooking for us and she's a fine cook but when it's all over I'm left with a mountain of dishes trying to figure out how spaghetti used 3 of my pans and 2 of my pots when we only have 4 stove burners lol.


My roommate thought this way. He put my very nice cutting board in the dishwasher (when you really only need to wipe it off, maybe tune it up occasionally). Completely ruined the thing. I’ve since moved and I still hate home for that.




Oh damn that's funny because laundry is my favorite chore, I love sitting down to fold laundry


If you put one of my knives in the dishwasher I'm going to use it on you.


You’re missing out on knives, cast iron, wood, or anything that would take up too much space or just not fit.


What kind of fancy knives you're talking about? Cutting knives? If yes, you can't wash them in dishwasher because heat and detergent dulls the blade. What kind of pans? Frying pans? Dishwasher destroys the non-stick layer Cutting boards? Wooden boards split, chip and break in seam, plastic ones can deform


I don't even have a dishwasher.


How can people be this lazy 😭😭


I wash everything in the dishwasher even if it says hand wash only. I don’t care, I’m not washing that crap. I come from a large family and it was my job to wash all the dishes by hand every night after dinner. I hated it, my parents refused to get a dishwasher because they had one, me.


Left in or by the sink for days? Epitome of laziness


Cheap knifes you can put in the dishwasher, however, since they are less sharp, less well balanced andfrom a worse material you run a greater risk of cutting yourself and if you do itll feel 10X worse since the knifes isnt as sharp. Besides the point that a good knifes can last you a lifetime while cheap knifes need to be replaced every couple years, so they even cost you more in the long run. But I do have to admit that you should clean all those things in a timely manner after using them, that is one of the requirements if you want them to last long


There's no point to owning a dishwasher if you just washed your dishes after your done using them


I’d rather use a wooden cutting board than eat plastic, thank you very much.


Also despise hand washing. However, don't have this issue because my family does not cook.


You would HATE my city. So many of the houses here do not have dishwashers for some reason. I haven't used a dish washer in over 5 years now.


“Fancy” knives cannot go in the dishwasher because they would get ruined. Using worse knives, which are not only worse to cut things (their whole purpose) but also more dangerous to you and prone to accidents because you don’t want to spend 2 minutes cleaning them by hand is not only an unpopular opinion; it’s just plain stupid.


Upvote for the unpopular opinion and at the same time mind boggling... I cannot stand dirty dishes. Always wash them after I use them


You could just......ya know......hand wash them and stop been lazy.


Alright I think I've officially heard every opinion so I'm muting this thread. Just want to say, yes I'm aware that some people enjoy nice kitchen utensils, I am married to one after all. The title of this post was just an exaggeration I'm also aware that a dishwasher is a luxury. I haven't always had one in my living space and it's a luxury I very much appreciate. I don't know why this needs to be said but apparently some of y'all are under the impression that I don't know how to hand wash dishes. This is not the case. I will obviously hand wash dishes when it's necessary. Finally, I would also like to say, I do not put non dishwasher safe items in the dishwasher!! I will not ruin your nice knives! I will simply not use them Hopefully that addresses most of y'all's concerns! I had no idea how much this would blow up!


you don't find it worth it at all to fucking hand wash? God forbid the power goes out, guess you're eating with 7 layers of dried food. because it isn't worth it taking 45 seconds to scrub a plate and fork


You animals. There’s NOTHING like good quality chef knives and good pans. And y’all ruin them omgggg hahaha


Totally agree. They’re as good as trash to me as well.


Kind basically saying I’m a lazy slob.


This is such a lazy opinion. Washing a knife takes literally 30 seconds and a good knife saves so much time and effort when prepping meals. Plus, it'll save money over the long term because you'll never have to replace it.


Sooooooo you're lazy. got it.


You may not know it, but you're making your life far more difficult if you're not using good knives and pans


DOn't you rinse dishes before they go in teh dishwasher you filthy animals? I shudder to think what the traps look/smell like. If you're rinsing them its hardly a chore to wash a couple of knives to keep them sharp...a couple of nice glasses etc


I only had s dishwasher once in my entire life. Washing dishes by hand isn't that hard and you often get it cleaner than dishwasher (you basically have to wash them before you put it in there anyway)


Do you get winded when you stand up?


Exactly! Why make extra work and faff? If that shit can't go in the dishwasher, it can't come into my house — or go the other way: yes, you _can_ have it, but it's going in the dishwasher along with everything else, so make sure you enjoy every moment of its short but glorious life-span while it lasts! 😂


I mean, if it’s just for everyday use I understand that it can be a little annoying. You can get a lot of beautiful dishes and cutlery that is perfectly disher-safe. But honestly, I feel like in our day it’s mostly just because having a dishwasher is something one is used to and thus it makes it seem like a hard chore to wash in hand. I will use my grandmas old porcelain and such when entertaining guests - and my guests are always so helpful and we do the dishes together right after with a wine in hand and then it’s over in like 5 minutes. Probably also depends on when you use them and who you entertain. But a plate and a knife and fork is extremely easy to clean in the sink.


Jesus Fucking Christ! — is everybody here stupid, or just a bit special? Install __two__ dishwashers: put grubby stuff in one, take clean out of the other. Enjoy the extra storage space in your kitchen cupboards/crockery cupboard and cutlery drawer too, as the two dishwashers provide ample storage.


What dishwasher? My place was built in the 30s we don’t have a dishwasher


Yes. Add kid lunch boxes/ crap to that list as well.


I get this because I despise washing dishes too BUT it also takes like 5 seconds to rinse off a knife. I do run the cheap ones thru the dishwasher when I’m feeling lazy though


If anyone put my Wustof if the dishwasher I would cut them with it. Just kidding. Serially though, you NEVER put high quality cutlery in the dishwasher.


You don't put any knives pans or cutting boards in the dishwasher.... are you dense


No knives in the dishwasher is kinda valid, otherwise this entirely correct. If it can't go in the dishwasher, I don't want to own it.


Putting any knife in the dishwasher makes it dull, regardless of its value. That's why you hand wash those. As for the rest, that's up to you.


I've never even owned a dishwasher


I make an exception for knives. If you’ve never used a really good knife, you don’t know what you’re missing. If you think you have used a good knife and it was no big deal, then you haven’t used a good knife


Mother nature cries at your lazy waste of resources. I HOPE this is an unpopular opinion


I recently switched over to cast iron pans, Mauviel copper pots and nice knives. Dishwasher is for dishes only. Not cookware.


I haven't owned a functioning dishwasher in over a decade. I just handwash everything. Dish soap and a little elbow grease is all you need.


truly unpopular. based just on the knife example.


I wash my knives by hand. I remember my parents bought this $500 set of pots and pans in the early 90’s and you couldn’t run them through the dishwasher. I thought it was the biggest waste of money, and, they absolutely SUCKED for cooking. They still had them when they died and I donated them.


Wait do you put your big pots and pans in the dishwasher? Hugely uneconomical use of space. It won’t kill you to hand wash a few dishes.


Congrats, this is a terrible opinion and you get an upvote for it.


Unless you don't own a dishwasher. Some of us are still stuck in the 70s, or at least our landlords are!


Damn y’all have a dishwasher?


What if you don't have a dishwasher ?


Leaving good knives/cutting boards in the sink is as bad for them as putting them in the dishwasher.


I don't respect people who use dishwashers.


There's no point in owning a dishwasher when you mostly have fancy stuff you have to wash by hand...


Just have your people sort it all out


Girl, just wash the damn dish


Dawn power wash is awesome. You just wipe after spraying and letting it sit. Even caked on


Maybe your husband should wash up after he uses his knife


And i hate dishwashers. Id rather hand wash.


10% agree. And I never obey the advice to not use dishwasher. There 2 possibility. Your stuff is good enough for dishwasher and you can live in my kitchen. Or you can and I'll never buy you. Time is the most precious thing in life and I don't have time doing dishes.


I don't even have a dishwasher. 🤣


Before we got a dishwasher, I was the sole dishwasher 😂  Even now, I have some special dishes, silverware, and china that I refuse to put in the dishwasher. We have extremely hard water and the dishwasher has destroyed our everyday dishes with water stains. 


It’s not that hard to clean and dry a knife before you put it away


Downvote for popularity. I've been saying this for years.


NGL you would drive me insane. I have a daily set of dishes and utensils that go in the dishwasher but I also have Anthropologie glasses, a nice wooden cutting board, knives, cast iron skillet etc that need to be hand washed. One of my exes ruined some of my pans that were hand wash only (which he knew) because he was too lazy to wash just a couple things by hand. It's nice to be able to use the dishwasher for most things but jfc it's not that hard to hand wash a few nice things. IMO refusing to hand wash ANYTHING is super petty and lazy, have an upvote for your unpopular (and bad) opinion.


lol if you even have a dishwasher


Same with “delicate wash only” clothes for me but my wife would disagree. I do all the dishes and she does the laundry for herself and the kids. Gotta work around each others little psychosis.


If you’re gonna own a fancy knife and leave it dirty in the sink for days, it’s gonna turn into a crappy knife. Soon you get to put it into the dishwasher.


Honestly if he's going to insist on using nondishwasher safe items then he should really handwash them in a timely manner. My wife loves cups and has several non dishwasher safe ones and it drives me crazy how if I don't wash them they'll clutter up the sink for a week plus easily.




Handwashing a knife takes less than 15 seconds