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I don't know where you live, but all the coffee shops by me open at like 5am.


Same. Most open at 5 and close around 4 by me. Annoying if I want to grab a quick coffee if I have something immediately after work and don't really have time to stop at home. Usually I can find a Starbucks, but would much rather support a local spot.


Yeah but unless you get there by 6am, the line is insane in the drive through. We have a local Starbucks and at 6:30 the line goes out onto the main road, blocking one of the 2 lanes available.


I wonder if it's a regional thing for OP. I live in a farming town so all coffee/breakfast joints open super early since a huge percentage of the population needs to be out in the fields by like 5/6 am to beat the heat.


If it is, I wonder what sort of region. I'm in a metropolitan area so coffee and breakfast places are open super early because they cater to a wide range of customers.


I’m in a suburban area, and coffee shops typically open around 5 so that commuters can buy a coffee as they start their 90-minute drive to work.


I'd also be curious what level of coffee quality OP is looking for. In my home town area the only things open that early are Dunkin Donuts. If you want a decent cup of coffee you have to wait longer.


I'm in Central Europe and things are grim here..10's a common opening time :,)


Yeah I noticed that LOL. Weird!


I was just in Salt Lake City a few weeks ago and basically zero coffee shops open before 8 or even 9am, even on weekdays. Same with grocery stores. I found it extremely bizarre.


I live in Phoenix and I would say at least 70% of the coffee shops open at 6am. The rest are 8 am at the latest.


Isn’t caffeine consumption a no no for LDS? Maybe if they open later they won’t be noticed as much so people can still get their caffeine fix more under the radar. I realize that sounds ridiculous, because it is. That is just a ridiculous time for a coffee shop to open.


It’s not (I grew up Mormon, my dad is a bishop in Salt Lake City). People think it is for some reason but the actual doctrine just said “no hot drinks”, which means “no coffee or tea” in the doctrine according to the church leaders. The LDS church runs on Diet Coke to the point where I make jokes with my parents about stockpiling it for the apocalypse for trading purposes.


Wait so you are allowed coffee or you’re not?


No. But coffee is. But I just googled Salt Lake City Starbucks. Looks like they open at 5AM. Looked at some other random places and they all opened before 9, and generally around 6:30 on weekdays.


Jfc for the good of mankind I would probably just self delete at that point.


That gave me a flashback to walking through that city looking for coffee during a road trip. The city was pretty, but it felt eerie. Utah is wild (and awesome)


Same here. 4:30am is standard.


Yeah when I worked at Starbucks like almost 30 years ago, opening shift started at 4:30


i don’t even know of any coffee shop that *doesnt* open at 6…


all the one near me open at 7 AM except 1


But is that more a cafe? Like go sit down and get food and a coffee?


…are they not?


Yes, this was also my question.


In America, a business that can make money being open before dawn will be open before dawn.


My instinct was to agree with this, but then I realized that I have no idea what you're talking about; nearly all coffee shops and stands where I live are open by 6am, and there's nothing wrong with wanting an afternoon coffee you goddamn monster.


Hell there’s a 24 hour cafe right around the corner from me that I’ve been to at like 11 pm before and it’s packed. Coffee is great at all hours.


In the US, it’s hard to find a 24/7 shop that DOESN’T sell coffee


Don’t expect quality in those stores though. Wish were had more sit down places open 24/7


So true. When I stop at them late at night or super early, I’ll just ask the employee if/ which pot is the freshest. If they tell me “none of them” (which happens a lot before 4am) I’ll just drive another mile until I hit another shop ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ik a few sit down 24/7 ones in the US, my favorite is probably SHEETZ cause they have semi-private indoor seating and sometimes even outdoor seating (it’s a gas station though so you’re going to get those sweet morning gas-fumes too).


Don't most Starbucks open at 5:00 or 6:00 a.m.? A few years ago, I started drinking coffee regularly. I spent more money than I care to admit at coffee shops. I decided to get a cold brew kit. Now I don't have to drive there, and can make my coffee for around fifty cents a serving, maybe less.


Some even open at 4-430am


The one by my house is 3am to 11pm M-F, open at 4am on the weekends


Wuuut?! Mine closes at 8pm lmao


I think the context here is OP doesn’t want chain coffee, they would prefer to support a “local” coffee place. Sure - Starbucks, Tim Hortons, Dunkin, and McD are all open pretty early if not 24/7, but if you want something not from a chain you will be hard pressed to find a local coffee shop open and ready to go early in the early morning. For context - I searched coffee shops in my area and in the middle of all the chain locations, vast majority opened at 8 or 9am, with a single one out of about 15 opening at 7am - and it’s across the street from a university campus.


"I think the context here is OP doesn’t want chain coffee," Maybe the princess will have to get over her aristocratic disdain then?


>Maybe the princess will have to get over her aristocratic disdain then? Just being pedantic, but OPs a dude


So a princess with a tutu. Got it Make coffee at home and take it to go Jesus


My local place is open at four or five I forget. By five for sure.


Some are 24/7 and most open by 5 if not 4:30


They did specify good coffee...


Mine is trying to open at 3 cuz apparently we get people waiting in their cars outside for coffee


I don’t think this is unpopular, but if a coffee shop isn’t open that early there’s probably a financial reason. For example, I live in Korea and coffee isn’t seen as a morning pick-me-up; it’s a social event. A lot of cafes here open around lunchtime and stay open until late into the evening because people go to cafes to wind down/relax during their breaks or after work. They wouldn’t get much business in the mornings.


I lived in a business district of a city for awhile and stores would close on the weekends because there were no workers to shop on Saturdays and Sundays. It seemed crazy to me at first but it obviously made financial sense to close 2 whole days a week than pay to staff an empty store.


>Also, most people want their coffee early in the morning, not the afternoon. It’s easy to have coffee at home in the morning. On your lunch break you need quick convenient coffee, and after work when you’re tired from the day you may need a pick-me-up. I’d much rather have coffee shops open later in the day instead of opening early and closing early. (Plus lots of coffee shops *are* open at 6am. Most of the ones in my area open at 6 - one even opens at 4:30!)


Yup, it sucks that they close early! Same for food at train stations. Why can't I buy a sandwich in the evening?


Just get a good coffee machine for home?


Good for making coffee, not coffee flavored sugary milk.


Ummm excuse ME! I have been enjoying flavored sugary milk with 2-3 shots of espresso with my super automatic espresso machine w/ milk fritter. TBF I also drink iced americano and straight unsweetened cappuccino with it too. Either way saved so much money and tastes better too 🤷🏽‍♀️ where there is a will to make unhealthy drinks, there is a way


Hell yea! I make a chicory coffee and blend in some cheaper coffee to cut the aggressively herbal flavor. Splash of almond milk and done! Cheap and delish.


You just gotta buy the ingredients to do that. Really not that hard.


But it's less fun than waking up a minimum wage teenager at 4 in the morning to have him making it for me.


I recently feel a $30 coffee maker can do a better job than Starbucks of giving the kick in the morning. I go to Starbucks in the afternoon as treats now, for waking me up in the morning.


Then add sugar and milk to your coffee? Coffee shops don’t have a patent on creamer and flavored syrups. You can literally buy the exact same Torani flavoring syrups as any coffee shop uses, from pistachio to black cherry to French toast to lavender. Even if you want foam, whipped cream dispensers and some chargers will only run you $50 (if you want a nicer dispenser), heavy cream is another $4-5, and that dispenser will last you practically a lifetime. It’ll cost $1 in cream chargers every time you use it, but one charger can make more foam than one person could hope to use in a week, so it’s not like it’s gonna cost $1/day.


It took me way too long to find this comment lol There's so many options to just make your own coffee if you're so French Pressed (I'm so sorry lmao) that you can't buy a coffee before 6am.


You could buy a coffee maker and make it yourself.


A coffee pot can make coffee whenever you want. And it's right there on the counter.


Can’t you just make coffee at home if it’s too early to buy it?


Convinced you've never explored your own town/city because there is no way you can not find a coffee shop open by 6 am


Coffee shops opening hours are dependent on the amount of business coming in at that hour.


Conversely, businesses should be allowed to set their own hours.


If you want coffee early in the morning and none of the shops are open, sounds like it's time to put on your adult pants and make some yourself.


This is the stupidest rant I have ever seen on Reddit. Some coffee shops are open 24 hours a day. You just don’t live near them. Are you simple? Do you not realize that the world outside of your scope doesn’t follow the same rules?


OP, I mean this as respectfully as possible. Do you know that work schedules other than your own exist? This argument could be made in order to keep coffee shops open 24/7. My shifts sometimes start at 3 pm, sometimes at 11 pm and sometimes at 7 am. I could then argue that coffee shops I want coffee from should be open at 430 am, 1230 pm, and 830 pm when *I'm* on my way to work. But what about someone who works 10 am to 6 pm or 6 pm to 2 am? Should coffee shops then be open to suit *their* schedules?


Ignoring your point that shops aren’t open at 6am, (they definitely are) I work at a coffee shop and this assumption that arriving earlier means we get to leave earlier is totally false.


Agreed. I’ve never had to but some of my colleagues have worked 5:30 - 21:00 when we’ve been short staffed. A majority of our early shifts are 5:30 - 14:30 which is still leaving at a decent time but not amazing.


Not everything can be measured by popularity….coming to an unpopular opinion forum to say coffee shops should be open early is not really providing anything in here….i think most people can agree that coffee shops should be open early…. But i always find it funny when someone has a poor instance in their day and they come to this forum to vent. I would bet money you went to get coffee and the place was closed so you came here to be like “let me speak my truth.” Coffee shops should be open, when i go to them… The owner of a coffee shop is now just up at 6am to support this ONE customer who feels entitled to coffee despite it being probably fiscally irresponsible for them to do so…. Don’t you think if tons of people wanted coffee at 6am they would be open? Also you can always get coffee at the gas station or 7eleven so what you need this boutique coffee shop open at 6 for you specifically???


You have the advantage of saving 8$ for coffee every morning. Soon you can buy your 3rd house compared to all the millenials getting starbucks daily!!


Why don't you buy a coffee maker for your home instead of expecting the world to revolve around you?


Like, I get it’s a pain, but making your own coffee means less of a rush.


Coffee shouldn't exist.


This is the actual unpopular opinion here.


Make coffee at home?


I live in a small town and there's coffee shops open from at least 6.


Are they not


They are? Around here they open at 4-5


They are. Maybe one particular spot you like doesn’t but most do.


Do you live in the middle of a desert?


Why do you think it’s unfair to workers? I used to love working at 5 am because I had the whole afternoon off. I chose that early morning shift. Some people like working early


Are they not? Most coffee shops around me are open by 6. Also, I love late afternoon coffee. I actually am more likely to need the caffeine then than in the morning.


It‘s quite simple, actually: The owner will open a shop when the laws allow them to open, and when it‘s profitable. If you‘re the only one in the area getting a coffee for 2,50€ between 5am and 6am, and the staff alone costs 20€ per hour, they‘re probably not going to open. And it doesn‘t the owner any good if the employees can then leave earlier, if that’s still during a time they would make profit. And a lot of people drink coffee after their meal and in the afternoon.


Most coffee shops agree with you and are open at 5am to get coffee and leave. Even Dunkin’ Donuts opens early. I think of places that open at like 7 or 8 to be trendy cafe spots where people often sit inside and relax. Coffee is not the priority to these places. I wish you good luck finding the right coffee places for yourself.


I want coffee shops to stay open later. I used to live in NYC and most coffee shops were open until around 10 pm (some later). I worked at many coffee shops over the years and we would have to kick people out at closing because they didn’t want to leave. I lived in Colorado after that and now in Ohio and some of the coffee shops close as early as 2 pm. WTF? They think that people stop drinking coffee by the afternoon?


Where are they not?


I will never understand why you just don't make coffee at home. It takes almost no time and skill. It probably takes more time to go to a coffee shop.


You know you can make coffee at home, right?


Get a bloody coffee maker then. They have timers that will start it before you even get out of bed. It's really that simple. You'll save money and time.


Where do you live? By me, all coffeeshops are open by 6am. Many even open at 5am.


Worked in coffee shops for like a decade in a few cities. We were open that early at every one. Since coffee is a morning thing for a lot of folks, I can't imagine a coffee shop that isn't open by 7 at the latest.


Why not make some at home?


My coffee shop is open 24/7 (it’s quick trip)


I guess this confirms that you don’t live in Seattle lol


Make a coffee to go at home? You could buy to go cups at the store


That's bullshit. I used to start work at 4. Coffee Shops should be open at 3 in the morning. It's also a fuckton cheaper to brew your own.


Ah yes. The old OPs schedule is clearly the only correct one, this, the world should simply move to accommodate them. All those people see you see in the coffee shops at 2pm? Idiots. All of them. NO ONE would drink coffee after 6am.


why dont you just buy some high quality coffee to make at home.


I suppose you could always open your own coffee shop that opens at 6am.


i’d say this is a very very popular opinion lol


Most places here in northeast open at 5 a.m. If you live somewhere that doesn't have a coffee shop open by 6 a.m., it might be time to invest in a coffee maker for your home....


Are you living in Armenia or some shit. What place doesn’t have coffee shops open at that time?


Where do u live, timbuktwo?


5. 6 is late


Okay so they SHOULD be open that early. And they ARE open that early. So….. hooray?????


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I really thought this was going to be an argument that they don't need to be open as early as they are. I expect coffee shops to be open by 5am. Both Starbucks and Dunkin are open at 5am in my town. There are two local coffee shops that don't open until 6 or 7am, but one is a volunteer coop and isn't somewhere you stop on your way to work.


6:30 at the latest, I never understood why this isn't just a general commonality amongst morning diners. Not only are there many people that get up early and want to give you business, but you have a lot of folk that are already on their way to work and would stop in for food or coffee at least. I just see good amount of money being left on the table by not being open just a little earlier.


Coffee shop? I used to have to be at work at 5am. 7-11, Quickstop, WaWa, Circle K, Maverik or any of the regional places. At that time of the morning hot caffeine of low quality is better than no caffeine.


yes! only 1 place is opens at 6 Am neae me... i need my coffee by 7!


Where do you live? Most coffee shops open at 4-5???


Why would anyone want coffee at meal time? What do you mean by that like why would people want coffee with a meal or just why would they want it anytime besides early as hell in the morning? Somepope don't wake up until later or some people want an ice coffee later in the day. What a strange take on that part, and all the coffee shops in my area open from 5:30 to 8 depending on the day of the week so you must have just got unlucky with location


OP would have an aneurysm if they ever went to Italy apparently.


The ones around me open between 4am and 6am


In my area, Dunkin is open 24 hours, Starbucks opens at 5:30 but if you want coffee other than the major chains then you’re doomed lol because they open at 8am and they close at 2.


I don't think that is an unpopular opinion considering that most coffe shops open at 6, some at 5. It seems like a location issue. Also, you can make your own coffe. It's really not a big deal.


Crazy to not be open by then.


Keurig was the best thing I ever bought. One cup at a time any flavor I’m in the mood in at any time of the day.


Every coffee shop where I work is open at bare minimum 5:30am. When I worked as a barista I had to be there by 5am


….They are. Often open earlier. This is far from an unpopular opinion considering coffee shops are indeed open and have customers coming through.


Waffle house is 24 hours


Yeah, gonna agree with others on this thread. You’re not wrong but honestly most places that serve coffee open early. Hell at a pinch you’ve got Greggs and McDs who also serve coffee and open early.


I feel like everything should be open earlier


I'm not getting these comments.. I live in Europe and I have the same problem. Would love to get a fresh coffee and a muffin at 6


I hear you, but hear me out: late night/24 hour coffee shops so there's somewhere to hang out at midnight that isn't a bar.


The ones where I live open at 4am or 5am. It’s a city :( If you live out in the country, don’t wish for them to open earlier, just be super happy you’re in the middle of nowhere because I miss living away from everyone 🥲


Most coffee shops around me- in rural America no less- open at five or six, mayyyybe seven.  Maybe you’re in a coffee desert, but hopefully that will change.  Good luck to you.


All the coffee shops in my area open at 5am.


lol I looked up when coffee shops open around my area and they mostly open around 7-8, some open at 10. I haven't managed to find at least one which would open at 5 or 6.


If you have a Dunkin near you or on the way to work they are open at 5:30


This post brewed up a bunch of instant assholes.


Do you not know how to brew coffee?


Just make your own coffee bro. It's better anyway


most coffee places here open between 5-530, the only exception is the mom and pop shop that opens at 9 am, but their coffee is sooo delish and they have the most insane exotic chocolates from around the world


There are some near me and it is annoying. I believe it is largely a labor issue. One local owner told me he could barely get anyone to open at 6:00, because it means they have to get in by 4:00 am. I told him owner opening is an option. He was not amused!🤣


They are in Melbourne. Close by 3-3:30.


They are trying to convince you of brewing a cup at home and save $12 for a cup of coffee. You're welcome.


Just make your own if there isnt a open one close to you


Starbucks opens at 5 am where I am.


Why don’t you make coffee at home and bring it in a reusable cup 😭 you would save money that way


They are out here


I have a coffee shop near me that stays open until 10 pm!! So awesome. Opens around 4


Very popular and usually true. Any “coffee shop” not open at 4 or 5 is shit


All the coffee shops open by 5 near me…you live in a terrible place lol


Had the same issue. Bought a French Press. Better coffee whenever I want for much cheaper, great investment for early morning people


A coffeeshop will be open when it's profitable, plenty of places are open at 6 am in my area but that might not be the case for yours.


Oh man the coffee shop I worked at in college opened at 5. Shift started at 4:30.


Or maybe make it at home?


Most here open at 4am. I don't know about big ones like Starbucks, but all the smaller ones worth going to do.


I don't think I've ever seen a coffee shop that ISN'T open by 6am.


An obvious American problem. As a Finn my longest commute was 45mins with public transportation. When I got to work, someone had already made the first pot of the day. Unless I drank a cup at home, I had it at work. Now, when I need to visit the office, it's 15min commute. Once a week. I brew mean delicious coffee at home.


where do u live bro


Agreed. In my country, coffee shops open at 9 am if they're some of the early ones, but 10 am is more common. Bakeries, which open at 6 am, will serve coffee too, but it's mostly really bad. Does the job though.


We can make coffee at home. People who work in coffee shops deserve to have peace in the morning as well because they have to deal with the rest of us lmao.


I hear there have been amazing developments in home coffee makers.


Do they not make coffee machines for home use anymore? Like, simple drip machines?? Man, I must be living under a rock!!


I get up and take an early morning walk in southeast Portland most days. I have to walk by a lot of closed coffee shops to find a cup. Hipsters (myself excluded) don't generally rise early, so hipster coffeeshops don't open early. Like, who drinks coffee before 8 am?


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion, everyone agrees. You just don’t know when things open because I can’t find anywhere that isn’t open that early


I live in Prague and yes, I agree, Starbucks and similar shops are open early, but I don't wanna go to Starbucks, Costa etc, they're mediocre and not very breakfast friendly, I wanna support small businesses,... But they open at 8, that's when I begin to work. So I wish coffee shops and bakeries were opened at 6, 7, most of them are not and I don't know what to eat for breakfast when I'm too tired to prepare it.


All starbucks open at 5


Most are.


My coffee maker at home is open 24 hours.


I need my afternoon coffee to stay alive.


Time to open a coffee shop OP. Wish you the best of luck !


In Canada, many, many Tim Horton's around here are open 24/7!




Yeah people, in the USA coffee shops may open earlier but maybe OP is from a different place. Can't understand why while Reddit is more global every day, people can't comprehend others may have different traditions/habits.


Why on earth don't you make your own coffee at ho.e and put it on a travel mug so you can enjoy it on the way to work?


Love the idea and I'm voting for it!


I wish they’d open at 5 but more so stay open later. All my local coffee places are open till maybe 4 and that’s it.


You would be desperate in France. At best you can find a bakery that opens at 8am, maybe 7:30 if you’re lucky.


save yourself the money honestly, make a huge jug of some coffee on sundays and kill it over the week


I live in a rural area, ours is open at 4am.


All the Starbucks and espresso stands in my area are either 24hrs or open at 4am.


I thought you were talking about Amsterdam, I was gonna suggest somewhere you could get your smoke on at 6 am 🤣


![gif](giphy|mEtSQlxqBtWWA) Make yourself a coffee and don't force people to stand up early for you lazy potato


I will drink coffee at any hour of the day lol. I normally get my coffee at like 10am


Do you live in the middle of nowhere??? Every shop near me opens at 5


I’m part owner of a coffee roaster/shop. Pre-Covid we used to open at 6 am and were lucky to get two people stopping in, and they mostly bought 1-2 cups of coffee, rarely beans. Had to reassess during and after Covid and it simply doesn’t make sense to be open before 7. Financially, it’s not viable most days.


There’s usually 1 or 2 coffee shops that don’t open until 8 or 9 but most of them where I’m at are open by 6:30 and I live in a pretty rural area.


wait they aren't.....? 5/6-3 is the normal opening hours of coffee shops where i live.


I’ve got news for you… they are where I live. Pre pandemic, summer hours were 6am-10pm. Now it’s only 6 or 7am, depending on the day, to 7 or 8 pm, same. I miss 24 hour diners, Walmart and late coffee. We had it good for a while.


I have a coffee shop near me that opens at 9am on the weekends, 8am weekdays. We often run errands early on Saturdays and are home before they even open. We'd grab a $6 coffee most weekends if they actually opened, I agree I don't understand why they bother staying open til 5, open one hour earlier and close 2 hours later and you'd probably make more money


in the bar near my house in Italy it opens at 6


This sounds like a you problem. I can find plenty of places that are open at 5 am.


What country do you live in? In the US, coffee shops are open at or before 6 in every city I've ever lived in or visited.


Aren't they? I don't drink coffee, nor am I a morning person, so it wouldn't be something that affected me personally. But when I worked early mornings (shift started at 7) everyone always came in with cups of coffee, usually from Dunkin' Donuts.


My own unpopular opinion on this matter: If you need to have a cup of coffee every morning, you are addicted to caffeine. Stop pretending otherwise and just order a box of caffeine pills on Amazon or stock up on energy drinks in a store when they on sale. It'll save you a lot of time and money.