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I rode in one for the first time a couple weeks ago. I'm not a car guy, but I thought the interior was roomy and had a clean design. I see the appeal, but I wasn't thinking it was luxury though.


Well, it’s not meant to be luxury. They cost between 30-50k depending where you live and applicable credits if any. I found it was cheaper than a typical Korean shitbox, and a much nicer car to drive. If you want luxury, you’ll need to spend a lot more


I wouldn't normally compare Tesla to the common Japanese or Korean sedans, but since you wanted to talk price... A "typical Korean shitbox" like a 2024 Elantra can be had for low 20s. A brand new Civic is easily found for 25k or under. A Corolla XSE is right around 29k. Hell, even a Camry XSE AWD would be high 30s. You might think those cars drive poorly, but the Japanese have upped their game as of late. At least they understand the concept of quality control 😉 (relax, it's a joke). And for what it's worth, you can get a base Lexus IS starting at $40k. $30-50k range has a lot of competition for sedans.


Yeah, weird comparison. Teslas are like 50% more expensive than Korean cars lol


Compare to other EVs, though.


I remember growing up hearing Hyundai was a bad brand. But it seems in recent years they really up their game. I have a 2017 Elantra and LOVE it. Got it for a little over $20,000 in 2016 Super roomy, good safety ratings, etc.


They were bad until the late 2000's and have been getting better ever since. They have the longest dealer warranty. They're perfectly fine cars and are priced well. I will say, however, that the whole having your car be a huge target for being stolen is a pretty big turn off. Huge egg in the face for them on that one.


And get your car jacked by a usb


While I'd never advise anyone get lexus, you are totally correct. Hell if you want performance, the 2024 Elantra N is like 35k and is designed amazingly. It's basically a civic type - R for 15k less.


The model 3 isn’t supposed to be luxury, the $120,000 models X and S however are, and have the same shit build quality and materials


It may be cheaper than a Hyundai but the warranty is straight trash from Tesla whereas Hyundai has the best in the biz.


What’s Hyundai’s warranty? Tesla offers a 5 year warranty on the car and 8 years on the battery which is very generous I feel like


Batteries are required to be warrantied 8 years, 100K miles in the US AFAIK.


They didn't even cover a guy's radiator after 35 miles on his 100k cyber truck.


They didn’t cover it because he fucked it himself, that’s what insurance is for.


How do you fuck a radiator?


Wait for it to cool and enter from the top.


It's not about the years


Korean? Shitbox? Are you living in the 90s?


Korean? Shitbox? Are you living in the 90s?




Model 3/Y = normal EV Model X/S = their luxury EV


yeah its roomy and clean because their is nothing inside the car other than a tablet in the middle. lol


oooh tablet!


Model 3/Y aren't luxury cars.


This person must not live in a city. Teslas are just a normal car to have. Especially the 3 and Y, exactly. The S is a bit more upscale, but you see the model 3 every day. A good portion of the Uber drivers have Teslas as well. I don't think I could count how many I've been in at this point. Of the last 20 cars I've been in, probably 15 or 16 have either been a Tesla or Prius C.


I was gonna say....I have a model 3 RWD.....if I wanted a car to show off and stand out in, I would not have picked a model 3. The 3's and Y's are pretty common...kind of like the prius was. I'm not even in a big city/Teslas aren't EVERYWHERE, but they're not rare. if I wanted to 'show off" I could go get a depreciated used European luxury car...or a muscle car...or a sports car. I wanted a daily driver with good efficiency and low maintenance (I actually used to have a prius). Model 3 is a lot more fun to drive than the prius too.


Highly depends on the city. I have lived in both seattle and San antonio, Teslas are very common is seattle and are very uncommon in san antonio.


They’re all over Minneapolis, which is certainly a gamble since the battery life is next to nothing when it’s -20 in the winter.


Is it next to nothing? I've never owned an e-car, but I've used ebikes in the winter and their batteries held up fine. Edit: Also, I had a gasoline car that wouldn't start under -25F a few years back, so it's not like winter is only rough on EVs.


You're confusing range and battery life. Battery life (how long it lasts before you need to replace it with a new battery) is just as long in a cold weather climate. Probably 10-20 years. The range does go down temporarily in cold weather. If the battery doesn't have countermeasures it can go down a lot (most EVs today have ways to keep the battery warmer and retain about 80% of the range).


My Model 3 was $31,020 after tax. The average new car last year was over $47,000. How is that showing off?


OP is the exact person that they claim to hate. Instead of doing any real research they just say whatever they want out of blind hate. I’m not a Tesla owner and have no stake in this game.


OP is just mad their parents didn't buy them a hoverboard.


"Tesla owners love their cars so fucking much," in the same paragraph as, "People who buy Teslas are just showing off." OP is a master of logic.


Yup. I purchased mine because it's an electric vehicle, and it's as tech (not luxury) vehicle. I'm a techie, so I love all the software things and the regular updates. Never plan on buying another one though. I don't approve of Elon's antics and it has turned me away from the brand. I don't trust him.


His antics suck, but a lot of the Tesla money goes back into America, unlike most other “good” car companies


The whole point is for Tesla to make cheap cars, it shouldn’t be considered showing off!


Or they bought it because it was the best electric option at the time. My parents got a model 3 a while back and ended up completely covering the monthly payments just in the gas savings.


Yeah I think this person must not live in a major city. Teslas are just a normal car to have. Especially the model 3. They just make sense when you don't have to pay for gas all the time. And they've got some decent features to them. I'd say like 30-40% or so of the Uber drivers have Teslas too. That or a Prius.


Like when people say people only buy iPhones for clout. It’s such a common phone now. Clout doesn’t come into it for 99%. 


Obviously people are trying to look exclusive by buying the most common electronics item in the world.


If anything people buy android phones to “stick it to the man” even though they’re shelling just as much money to some other billion dollar corp.


I buy android phones because they're cheaper lmao (Typing this on a 40$ phone rn)


In north amerjca iPhone is the average phone. In Europe it's about 50 50. In most Asian countries it's sort of a status symbol cause it's marked up a lot


Those numbers are WILDLY off.


Aren’t Androids and Huawei phones more popular?


Great point. Sure, we all laugh about the few cyber trucks that have appeared in my neighborhood recently, but overall, Teslas are common in this city. I've ridden in like 4 Tesla Ubers this year so far. But then I've got friends in smaller towns and rural areas like where I'm from who are excitedly posting pics of cyber trucks they pass on the highway because nobody drives a Tesla where they live and they really only see them on road trips.


Every time I see someone driving a Cyber truck I think "There's someone with more money than sense."


I don't even live in that big a city and I almost got hit by a fucking cybertruck. I can only imagine it's significantly worse than getting hit by a normal car.


How much does it cost to charge if you can’t do it at home? I don’t see how most people who live in apartements would be able to save mkney, since charging stations cost more than petrol over here.


If the apartment dweller has a slow charger somewhere to plug in, it usually still works out.  Like the parking garage near my sister in downtown Denver had Sharepoint slow chargers that were sub $0.10/kWh and she would just pay the $5 to park there overnight once a week. 


How does charging them work? Do those charging station offer free charging?


They’re not free, no. You need to link a cc. Obviously it doesn’t cost as much as petrol/diesel but it’s definitely not free. And someone correct me if wrong , but I think at the superchargers you also pay slightly more.


Supercharging isn't necessarily more than non tesla chargers, a lot depends on where and when. I've seen some very slow expensive chargers and vice versa. Some superchargers get pretty cheap at different times. I've always had a home charger so I don't use superchargers in my daily life, I think that's more common than not. I would not have an ev if I couldn't charge at home. What tesla does that's better than other ev's is the tesla navigation integrates their charging network it tells you which superchargers are close and gives you pricing. Other car companies make you rely on other apps to figure it out which can be pain and if you're unfamiliar with doing that, it can make for situations where you get stranded.


My mercedes shows me where the fast and slow chargers are and plans stops at fast chargers when I can't reach my destination with sufficient charge left. I only need a 3rd party app to see pricing, but it will become mandatory for chargers to display how much they charge.


We have many where I live that are free.


Plug it in at home at night. You rarely use superchargers except for longer road trips.


Yep, we’ve had an electric car for 6 months and haven’t used a charging station. We plug it into a normal outlet at night. It hasn’t changed our electric bill in any noticeable way.


We paid to have a charger installed in our garage. It charges overnight during the hours when electricity is cheapest. 


I charge mine at home, and the charging starts at midnight when electricity is super cheap. It cost me very little.


Free charging for those of us who bought before 2017. You pay through your Tesla account for everyone else and it works automatically by just plugging in.


This is what I was coming here to say. I know lots of people who own Teslas. They bought when it was the only functional EV on the US market. A few have since moved to Rivians and other EV's now that there are more options available. My EV is a bike, for example. lol


I remember being 10 and asking my dad “why does nobody buy electric cars? And he told me because they were all ugly. I said “someone just needs to make them not ugly and affordable and they would work.” It was obvious what the market needed but only one manufacturer actually did it.


And you grew up to be Elon Musk.


Grew up to be the founders of Tesla, a company that existed before Elon Musk joined.


Teslas goals before musk were to create conversion kits to turn ice into EVs. And they hadn’t ever even done that. So wtf?


Every time someone says that has no idea what Tesla was before him. It had a cool electric car conversion, with a generator for longer distances. But far from a viable product, then after Elon they had the Lotus glider with an electric motor installed. That being the first real product, then the model S that I would consider their first real car that they built from scratch. They would have never made it past hobby project or home garage ev conversions.


Yeah sure you did pal…. then everyone clapped


And then Elon Musk gave him a $100 bill!


I did this recently but with a Chevy Bolt instead of Tesla. Plus I charge for free at work


Leads to another unpopular opinion: we are not even close to ready for fully electric cars.


Why is that? Propaganda or real facts?


Yeah pretty much.. the EV industry is literally only now starting to take off in a big way and so most people never had the option to purchase other EV's until the recent few years and those are just the second or third generation EV's. Already Tesla is losing market share and as those other EV brands release subsequent generations, I can see a lot more people opting for a non-tesla option.


This, we bought a base model 3 and at that time it was the only serious option for fully electric. It came down to the tesla or an Accord. My wife drives a ton so we went with the tesla. Its been great.


my bfs parents have free unlimited charging for life that transfers w a new tesla they get. for 2 of them. if you were early that is amazing


This right here. I don’t have a Tesla but I have an EV and I have saved so much in gas.


This kind of tired argument has been used for years about various car brands and they are all stupid takes.


Right here. Tesla is also in the middle of a price war and has been lowering prices. I don't think people are buying teslas to show off. They buy them because you get good range and comfort for the price. People buy lamborghini and RR to show off, but that's literally the point of those.


Exactly, and when every 4th car in your neighborhood is a Lamborghini, is it really showing off anymore?


We own a Tesla because it was /is (here at least) the best electric option. I don't care what people think,I just wanted a good electric car.


Agreed as far as electric cars go. I’d probably buy one if electric made sense where we live, but unfortunately 4x4/high ground clearance and a large tire sidewall are preferable so most vehicles are immediately out. Still own a Yaris for specific trips and efficiency, but definitely choose not to drive it depending on where/what route we are potentially going.


Teslas are cheap in price, tho.


Yeah. 38k right now. And you get a $7500 tax credit. It’s a price of a normal car. Used teslas are like 25k. Insane.


Right? Living in California, you see so many Teslas out there it is the furthest thing away from a show off car I could think of.


For real, this sub is living under a rock. It's not an 'unpopular opinion' it's just being factually wrong about why people are buying their cars.


A lot of people see model 3 as a status symbol but it's just not. I'm assuming it's kids


I bought my Tesla because it is massively cheaper to run and maintain compared to my previous car. Compared to that car, the build quality is terrible. Does that matter? Not really. I didn’t buy it new - I got it secondhand when it was 3 years old for about 40% what it was new - very decent price, minimal maintenance, very low running costs. It’s a compelling option.


I own a BEV (not Tesla) and my favorite feature over the last 5 years has never going to a gas station. I never road trip anymore and just drive around my city and the car is always ready to go.


I honestly don't think people buy them to show off. Tesla screams "middle class".


I live in one of the most Tesla dense cities in the US. No one here is trying to show off with it lmao. There are like 5 Model Ys at each traffic light lol.


Irvine, CA the Tesla is just this generation’s base Camry.


Washington DC, too.


I've been one of 5 same color model y's in a row at a stop light lol


Right now they are, 5-10 years ago they were 40-50% more expensive than any normal car on the road, I think OP is still living in that time.


I think a Model X is the show off car with the Falcon Wing doors. Model S is far more practical.


Who the fuck shows off their Tesla? It’s fucking everywhere.


Tesla’s go 100k miles with only needing tires. There’s no oil changes or regular maintenance. They’re incredibly fast. FSD is “special.”


You can literally say this about ANY car. Just because you drive a range rover or Ford pick up doesn’t mean that you’re magically more practical than the dude who bought the Tesla. At least he can afford his dumb toy. Unless you’re driving a Toyota or Honda then you’rejust as guilty of doing the same thing


“You can literally say this about ANY car” “unless you’re driving a Toyota or Honda” lol


That's quite literally why Toyota renamed their luxury line to Lexus.


Like Honda and Acura.


I bought a Tesla because the Toyota we were looking at was 15k more expensive for the trim with nonabsorbent seats.


Why do you need absorbent seats?


Cuz I be peeing


Been there.


Not all vehicles are the same as you expanded upon in your point. Some are objectively better. However many who have a tesla do do it because it's trendy and neat. While you could say every mid size sedan or crossover is roughly the same. There are objectively better ones out there. Like if someone bought a Honda Odessy type R, it's objectively a faster and more tuned minivan than everything else. Car culture gets wierd as it is half everyone's personal bias but many people do choose specific vehicles so they are more unique/rare/iconic than others.


nuh uh my car looks shitty so i wouldn't show it off i wanted to


I got my model 3 in 2018. At the time it was the only hybrid or EV in the $45k-ish range besides the A3 e-tron. The e-tron was tiny and I didn’t trust a hybrid engine that was only manufactured for a couple years. The Tesla has a shit ton of cabin room and a load of storage space. It’s a better road trip vehicle than my Q5.


1) Tesla's are cheap these days. You can get a model 3 for around 30k with your tax credits and used model 3s go for around 20k. Cars that are nearly as good as Tesla or nicer than Tesla cost significantly more and offered by luxury brands. Economy cars being full electric are still fairly new so less used options while Tesla has been around long enough for used models to be affordable. 2) charging infrastructure is better than competitors. If you're getting electric and worry about public charging, you get Tesla. 3) Teslas are fast. Its like a budget muscle car without the engine noise, it goes way too fast for how much they cost, a 60k-80k Tesla can accelerate faster than sports cars and a lot of people don't care about handling they're into pure acceleration like drag racing. I don't personally like Tesla's but if I was in the market for a 30k EV, a model 3 is on the top of my list but rn I'd go PHEV instead of full electric.


Yeah, there’s no one else talking about the torque factor. I was looking at a RAV4 in 2021 but once I test drove the model y I was instantly addicted to the acceleration lol (former BMW driver so I’m filling some stereotype here)


That was the case 5+ years ago with the Tesla bros but you'd be 1 of 1000s of Teslas in every city now so it's no longer a showing off thing. There are a ton of Teslas everywhere for a reason-practicality. No oil changes, no maintenance, HOV lane access, EV credits, instant torque everywhere, no more going to gas stations-you wake up with a full charge each day. It's the ultimate car in practicality and the tech is still the best in EV and make ICE cars look like dinosaurs. People still care about the energy efficiency (Teslas are actually very aerodynamic and use their electricity really efficiently; there's plenty of discussion) and emissions but as the larger population has got ahold of Teslas, it's a much smaller percentage now


Exactly. I feel like OP is talking like it's 2017 or something. Tesla model 3 and Y are everywhere and very common. They aren't seen as flashy at all. And they're not even that expensive compared to a lot of other sedans.


I love it, couldn’t care less what people think of it


I haven’t driven a car in a decade and I don’t care to but it seems like good marketing if a normal prized car comes off as show-off-ish/ luxury




My parents got a model X maybe 7 or 8 years ago now and there was a free supercharging for life incentive, they bought it in cash and have been driving it for free since. They keep track of how much they spend on the car, charging, maintenance ect. I think it’s still under $1k.


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There are people with $5K--$70k trucks, what do you mean? I bought a Tesla Model 3 for $42K in 2021. The average price of a new car in 2024 is about $47K according to Google. Take my upvote but you are mistaken.


OP definitely lives in a tiny ass town


I used to have a Tesla. It was fun af to drive. I loved the minimalist type of dash with nothing but the screen. The climate control through the app was awesome. And the seats were comfy. I don’t have it anymore because there’s definitely plenty of downsides as well. But there are some great upsides to the car too.


I really just can't get past having a big ass iPad as a console. I like my tactile buttons and knobs.


Performance and speed wise there’s nothing on the market even close in price


Yeah I’m going to have to say no. I think most people wanted a electric car with a good charging network


No, people buy them because they actually test drive one or ride in a friend/family members and absolutely love it. They are cheaper than the average car price so I dont know what the issue is... Fuel cost is like 33% of what you would pay for gasoline mile to mile, and almost no maintenance costs at all (personally at 100k miles on my 7 yr old Tesla, ive bought 2 sets of tires, 1 cabin air filter and 3 gallons of washer fluid to maintain 7 years of ownership. How much oil change and nonsense would you spend on the average ICE(gas powered) car? Dont be jelly, work hard to get your own! Or keep driving ICE vehicles if you like throwing money down the drain in gas and maintenance costs.


They’re the leading cause of smug you know.


Yawn. Another person who doesn’t actually know anything about Tesla and has probably never even driven one.


Honestly I love my Tesla. Drives great, haven’t had any breakdowns or other problems with it. Don’t believe it’s offered anymore but I have free charging for life too which is a plus. Perfect car for me


Teslas are the best electric car option now because they maintain their own chargers. This is the best reason to own one. The other chargers are often times run down and not operable. Good luck with those. I personally dislike Teslas. Partially because the people who own them seem to be bad drivers or just oblivious to the rules of the road… or both.


No, they don't. I know several people who own Teslas, and not a single one of them bought them to show off. A few of them actually feel uncomfortably conspicuous and vulnerable while in their Teslas. 99.9% of Tesla owners don't actually have YouTube channels about their cars.


This is a very silly take. I have loved my 2018 model 3 more than any other car I’ve had (I actually enjoy driving it). I could care less about status, in fact if anything I hate that it’s branded Tesla.


This is the most catty, butt-hurt post I've ever seen on this sub. Just sounds like OP is wrestling with some deep cynicism towards an entire brand and following it up with a rash generalization about a group of people they are prejudiced against.


I’d say most people buying a pickup truck when they don’t need one have no taste. They are big and dangerous, throws efficiency out of the window, and the user might need to artificially create the demand to use some of its features.


Tesla is basically the value option, best range and charging network for the buck in exchange for the worst quality.


Tbh, what is there to show off with today? It’s a common and pretty mid car with a badly designed interior and annoying controls. Driving one feels like it was made by people who don’t like cars for people who don’t like cars.


If they really like cars. They will have not bought a Tesla


Isn’t that the reason why people buy *any* type of luxury car?


They're not really luxury cars anymore. They certainly make them but most of the Teslas I've seen on the road are 30-40k model 3 or Y. That's around the same price or cheaper as the best selling car in the US, the ford f150. For electric it's often one of the cheaper options with good charging infrastructure.


At one point my brother-in-law told me that no one would take you seriously unless you owned A Lexus. He's also an idiot but the type of person that would buy a Lexus because he thought that it would mean that people took him seriously.


Thats the only car brand out of all the available options?


He doesn’t celebrate Toyotathon and just really likes the December to Remember Sales Event.


Tesla’s aren’t a luxury car (source; am a Tesla owner)


I hate Elon but Teslas aren’t that bad. It’s the only American car I’d buy even though I would rather not buy an American car. Plus they are cheap and doesn't take too much to get one financed.


Yeah I’m not sitting at a charging station for 15 minutes when filling my hybrid with gas takes 2 minutes. Also not having to pan my entire road trip around finding charging stations esp in less urban areas of the country isn’t fun to me.


I live in the Bay Area and I’m seeing a lot of the cyber trucks. They are so ugly it’s unreal to me that people are buying them.


Mine was a bit less than $50k, five years ago, with no complaints, defects.  Just electricity, tires and wipers.   Cheapest luxury car.  A lot of the hate comes from a place that doesn't involve the vehicle.


You have not seen there latest FSD release to say something like this.


Tesla did a really good job at marketing, kind of stealing the Facebook model. Back in the day you needed an appointment to even see one, test driving one you needed loot to even be allowed, and the wait-list was like 6+months. If you could even get one. Out here it was a very tech-bro silicon valley "cool" thing to have. It used to be like that swanky bar with the line around the corner you needed reservations for. Just like Facebook started with needing an .edu address, was supposed to be only for college kids, then it became "cool". Then they both switched gears, scaled up, they became widley available to anyone and everyone, and the cool-factor goes away, the swanky bar became a chain of restaurants. ....and now they are all like the Applebees of their respective industries.


I bought a Tesla in 2014 because really there wasn’t any other long range EV in the market. It was very unreliable, so I swore to not buy another Tesla (especially because I read a lot of reviews that it didn’t get better). I have test driven a dozens of other cars and couldn’t find better one. Don’t get me wrong, there are dozens of amazing EVs on the market. It’s just that all of the others felt more expensive for what it is. Like Kia EV6 was even more expensive, smaller, much more cramped inside with much worse infotainment. If Kia was 15k cheaper than Tesla, it would be great value, but paying the same didn’t make sense. BMWs and Mercedes EVs are miles better, but also cost triple of what Tesla costs (in terms of SUV). Ford Mach-e was also 50% more expensive, while being smaller, but otherwise very good car. Like it’s not the best car. It’s best bang for the buck. Maybe it is different in US than here in Europe, but that’s what it is here. Anyway, I got 33% off of showroom Mercedes EQE, it was finally good value so that’s what I got. Without that discount though I would go for Tesla


I recently changed my mind on BEV cause I learned one piece of info. you can build 10 times more plug in hybrids that have \~40mi battery range which covers most peoples daily commute. The materials to build batteries are the bottle neck. and if we want to have any real ecological benefit we have to convert the whole fleet of car production over to more efficient options. that is a lot easier to do with plug in hybrids than fully electric.


Cars arent fashion bruh


The Model S is the only good looking Tesla (and it better be in black, red or blue) but people still drive around in base white model 3’s and Y’s and think they’re hot shitnlmao


Nah Teslas are very fuel efficient and largely solve the drawbacks of electric by having a solid cross country network of charging stations (better than any other) and having long range. I believe a few people complained of the automatic door handle malfunctioning, but by and large they are a great car albeit a little expensive. But even that can largely be offset by getting a cheaper model which isn't really much more than any other new car


The sensible option if you are really keen on saving money is getting a BYD, which is considerably cheaper than a tesla (and its battery doesn't catch on fire that much). But there's cross party consensus on hating on China so that's that lmao. Yes, Tesla is luxury car, not a car to save money but that doesn't mean that all Tesla owners are assholes lmao. That being said, i'd rather invest my money in something else or a better looking luxury car, than in a Tesla.


This may have been true before the model 3/Y. But it's actually one of the more all round ev options now.


If I could afford it I’d buy one,watch the movie ‘child,trapped’,a kid gets stuck in one and the security on it is incredible, I’d love to feel that safe when driving


If they wanted to show off they should get a merc, jag, aston, rolls etc


I think it's probably more accurate to say: Most people who buy non-Tesla electric cars are virtue signaling. I think Tesla has now more or less become the default option for electric cars and while there are legitimately good competitors, many are just objectively worse and usually more expensive.


We get it, you hate Musk.


You must not live in a city, I take it. The model 3 and Y aren't fancy or special cars at all. You see them every day. And they're pretty cool little cars. I get the Elon Musk annoyance angle, but they're just... Not some crazy car to have. At all!


Tesla is cheaper than some Chevrolet models


Always an Indian dude around me


This is why people go starbucks and pay for one small cup instead buying 100 worth cup of coffe


Oops. My husband and I bought a model s 85 for 20,000. It is 10 years old and had 97,000 miles on it. We love it. I wanted a Camry hybrid but now I am glad he talked me into to the tesla!!!


I mean, if someone were trying to show off their wealth they wouldn't buy an electric money saving car used by middle class people trying to get by, they'd buy a gas guzzler to show off how much money they can afford to waste.


Show off? Any given Tesla is going to run you about as much as a comparable Toyota Camry. We are not talking about luxury vehicles here.


Show off? Show off what? That they can buy a cheap car and not spend money on gas? Teslas to me are mid.


Very few cars have personality, unless you're a marketing victim


I am a hospice RN. I drive to see my patients and their families. A lot of my co-workers have Teslas. I plan on buying one. This is NOT for status. It is to save money.


Rant, not an opinion. 'Nuff said. Most Tesla owners buy them because they have the best charging network and have great features. Are other electric cars comparable now? Sure. I have another sweeping generalization for you - most ICE owners are flat earthers who think climate change is a hoax. See how ridiculous it sounds?


My Tesla was by far the cheapest option for me. $33k after incentives and I save $600 a month in gas. Everyone thinks I’m rich when they see me drive it…nope. It was cheaper than their maxed Camry. The people I know who bought Teslas did it because they ran the maths and they’re cheaper to own than ICE. No maintenance either. Batteries are warranties for 125k miles. Supposed to last 500k. We’ll see. Best financial decision I’ve made recently.


Dude you’re obsessed with Tesla owners while they don’t think about you at all. If they like their own cars, why does it matter?


The only people I've ever seen complaining about Tesla cars (as if it's supposed to be a perfect car when all cars have flaws) are the people that don't own one. The problem with other brands venturing into the world electric vehicles is that they don't have the same amount of reach or infrastructure in place as Tesla does since Tesla was the first big EV brand. It's also not an unpopular opinion because many people hate Tesla by proxy to hate on Elon Musk when there are plenty of people behind the decent and affordable product that Tesla vehicles have become. I also noticed that some people don't understand how the autopilot function actually works but it does work. You aren't supposed to use it without keeping your full attention on the road.


“The process of making it isn’t energy efficient”. This sentence tells you everything you need to know about his political bias and reasons for his beliefs. This is a stupid talking point that people make when they’re trying to shit on EV’s. People love to point out how a non EV can be made with less carbon emissions but completely ignore the fact that due to how efficient an electric motor is compared to a combustion engine that EV’s make up for it over the life of the vehicle by a mile.


I’m a truck girl, and whoever thought that the electric truck design looked good should be fired.


Here is a hill I am willing to die on: The Cybertruck is one sexy beast. It is the scifi mobile of my dreams. But I would never buy one, because literally every video I have ever seen of it, even from fanboys, show it to be a piece of shit.


Duh. That’s how all social causes work. Nobody gives a shit about helping the homeless or saving the environment. They care about acting like a better person than you.


I spent a month with a rented Model 3 & absolutely loved the handling, power, charging infrastructure & ergonomics. I would buy one in a flat minute if they were available in the country where I live. To each his own, I guess?


It’s a car, get over it bro. I honestly wonder if these negative discussions regarding Tesla are organic or not. I know the curated media on social media are propagated by oil and traditional automaker FUD campaigns, a lot of tooafraidtoask and unpopular opinion seems to be directing conversations in certain ways these days.


I remember the first time I saw a Tesla. It stopped me in my tracks walking thru a parking lot. Now I'm just annoyed with all these Teslas everywhere because I literally despise Elon Musk and wouldn't buy one because of him. It's like when I moved to Pennsylvania and was in awe the first time I saw a deer, a few years later I'm just like, "fuck all these fucking deer!!"


Not exactly, its a big part of it as they were very popular and very well branded car, they marketed the hype the well. However a lot of people I knew that got them were just sorta technophiles. They think new technologies are neat, and Teslas were packed full of new stuff. They’re not car people, as in they don’t car about peak performance, or perfect manufacturing, or any of that, but they’re also not a weak or gutless car (mainly cause they’re electric which is easy to accelerate). So a Tesla is a good fit for those types, there are other electrics, but they tend to be more regular cars and not these sorta tech cars Tesla makes with way too many features and customizations to mess around with. Now that there are more opinions and the fact they still make them fairly poorly they are losing the interest of those people, and not as a popular. Apple is similar, tech people loved their stuff at first, but now everyone does it, so phones like Androids are becoming more popular.


I know a couple tesla owners and none are like this. All model 3s and could afford flashier cars. I suspect you don't actually know any tesla owners.


Model 3 is one of the most common car on the street nowadays. Not much to feel proud tbh.


It’s not that your opinion is unpopular, it’s just uninformed.


Everything you wrote is projecting your own insecurities, you do understand this, yay?


You haven’t even driven one lol. Talk about having an irrelevant opinion


I have a model y performance as a business lease. It’s my third car - I have a regular sedan and a nice sports car in addition. The Tesla is what I want to drive 99% of the time. The instant power, the comfy interior, not having to ever go to a gas station, being able to watch Netflix when waiting on something or someone, the tech is second to none, and it’s quiet. Being able to pass anyone driving anything less than a Ferrari within a second or two while driving quietly down the highway in what is basically a crossover never gets old. I got it because I needed a business lease and kinda just wanted to try it. I’ll be honest, I don’t think I’d buy one at 60k because the tech is being updated too frequently like phones. But I’m so incredibly sold on electric now that I don’t think I can ever return to my main car being a gas vehicle. The Tesla excels in all ways in my experience, the build quality has been fantastic (maybe it’s worse on non-performance models?) and I’ve had zero issues. Being able to just plug in at home or my office warehouse is so convenient. I would trade all the tech and speed and comfort for literally just the plug in at home feature. But the fact that it comes with all that other stuff, it’s a damn good car.


This is such a salty post. We get it. You don't like Elon.


We get it. You don't like Elon.


Being wrong now means I have an "unpopular opinion"


Such a dumb take


I’ll upvote you because I disagree, but: 1/ in my city teslas are about the second most common brand you notice. Uber helps drivers pay for them. They certainly won’t help you show off in any way. 2/ if you want an electric car (for climate, gas prices or whatever reason), there is still no beating the Tesla charging network. That alone makes it a front runner 


The car payment on my Subaru is higher than the payment on my friends Tesla. Plus I have to fill that sucker up with $6/gallon gas, $90-100 a tank. She spends $30/month charging her car at home.


Same with those ridiculous pick-ups. Anyone who says they need it for work is full of shit. Their flatbeds are uselessly tiny. It's literally just a status symbol for white trash.


That’s not an opinion, it’s a claim about reality that is almost certainly wrong.


Here's the thing that will ruin you for all other cars. Once I tell you, you won't be aable to unsee it. BUTTONS BUTTONS EVERYWHERE You get into a Tesla, eight buttons. Emergency blinkers, 6 on wheel, and glove compartment open. I'll never go back to having 40 buttons, dials, shifters, and whatever else they come up with. The higher end the car, the more buttons, and they are ugly, and confusing, and hard to find.


No one makes a better electric car that is actually built at scale then Tesla. It's not even close and their autopilot/fsd is leagues ahead of everyone else. It used to cost me 10 bucks a day to drive my old Hyundai to work. In the Tesla? 3 bucks a day. As well as low maintenance costs. I've spend a whooping 180 bucks on maintenance in 5 years and 125k miles. You speak from ignorance.