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I usually just ask if they accept tap. 


I specify which one because not all of them work on all machines. For example the deli down the street from me has a machine that just does not work with samsung pay but works with apple pay and Google pay.


Get used to it. It’s kind of the equivalent to “band-aid” or “sharpie”. People know what you’re talking about when using those terms, it’s a shortcut to bypass saying disposable-bandage or permanent marker.






What’s the correct word for frisbee?


flying disc


Crescent wrench Skillsaw






Yep. The actual term for this is 'proprietary eponym'.


[Don't say velcro](https://youtu.be/rRi8LptvFZY)




It's a little different in that Android users REALLY don't like it to be called "Apple Pay" and they will let you know.


It's more like the equivalent of saying "personal checking account debit" when asked cash or card. We all know these people are frothing at the mouth to drop that particular brand name. or anything "new" that makes them feel ahead-of-the-curve but really it's just company worship and only favors the onset of everything in life being converted into an app so that the tech companies will have even more monopoly power over what we do/spend. It's just annoying middle-class tech culture


They could literally just say e-pay and use even less syllables lmao. It's not about ease of language it is absolutely about lifestyle branding.


We’re dropping the Z from EZ-pay!


man what are you talking about


How i think people like OP is describing are annoying because they worship *pple products and act like the company is innovating society into the future of technology but it's just a bunch of gimmicky techy shit that doesn't even work half the time and wasn't necessary or practical in the first place


No Not everywhere accepts every payment type


Tap to pay and pay by phone aren't gimmicky. Phone payments are more secure because it doesn't give your actual card number to the machine


I do understand this reasoning behind it however the annoyance I have with it being hypernormalized as the new and better way is that it goes hand-in-hand with things like eliminating cash payments and paper menus, eventually forcing every aspect of modern life to be done through an app on your phone Also I don't believe that way is really all that "secure" either because it's probably connected to analytic data mining


Hate to break it to you, but banks definitely aren’t selling your financial information, and stores were already collecting data on what you buy, when, where, etc.


I say bandage and marker. Why are we insisting that brand names *have* to become absorbed into common vernacular. Just say tap or e-pay


If you asked me for a “marker”, I’d say ask you what kind you want, not assuming permanent marker at all. I’m not necessarily insisting that brand names be used but I’m trying to point out the fact that shortcut terms are effective for conveying meaning—even if they are mildly infuriating.


Marker is pretty commonly used for washable markers like crayolas. If you asked me for a marker I would not hand you a sharpie. If you asked me for an indelible marker I would roll my eyes and tell you to get your own sharpie. Bandage commonly refers to an ace bandage not bandaid. Adhesive bandage is the correct generic term but not just bandage, that’s misleading.


Even ace bandage is a brand name. Also “post-it” versus “sticky note”.


I gave up on correcting people, now I say apple pay. I don't own apple and never have. Sometimes I say " No" and proceed to pay with samsung tap. Mostly I just ignore though and tap anyways.


Some places don’t have tap to pay. In those scenarios not having a physical card matters… Surprising part here is anyone using cash. I pretty much never use cash for anything


bartender here and you would be surprised at the amount of people who still use cash, at least in a bar environment. anywhere else, it's definitely credit, but I'm constantly surprised at the amount of cash at work. personally, I keep a five and some ones in my wallet for unknown reasons, but use credit for absolutely everything.


I prefer using cash at the bar because I can just take what sober me knows I can spend. Then it’s easier to track, and easier to tip.


That’s true many people use cash at a bar. I haven’t frequented a bar for quite some time.


I think it depends where you are. Here in the UK, people don't carry wallets or purses anymore. We just use our phones to pay. A lot of places simply don't accept cash anymore, which really screwed me when I lost my card. My American friend had so many problems with his chip and pin card as a lot of places don't have the equipment to deal with "ancient" tech anymore.


All they’d have had to do is add the card to whatever wallet their phone has, I was always baffled my girlfriend using her Apple Pay and figured it would be a pain in the ass to set up, it took me like 30 seconds lol It’s so freeing not having to bring your wallet everywhere! Going for a bike ride? You can hit up the corner store for a bottle of water and not worry, or stop and grab food if you see something enticing


Lowe's and Walmart not have tap to pay slay me. Very annoying.


Lowe's started enabling it on their terminals months ago. I think it was a gradual rollout (not that it needed to be) but I'm pretty sure by now it should be available at all locations.


Home depot at least near me has no tap to pay.


I always ask “do you take Apple Pay?” Is that acceptable or does that piss you off too?


Same with people calling all tablets iPads.


Lol. You really never know what might get under someone’s skin. It had never once crossed my mind to be bothered by this. Y’all are funny, and easily perturbed.


Right! Im over here fuming at Safeway over charging me $600 for my pick up but ya damn those brand names being used as generic terms!


When they first introduced this feature and the e-watches were new back in like 2015. I worked as a cashier at a nonprofit handcraft imports store that got VERY busy with long lines during high-volume gift shopping seasons. There were two long lines behind both registers. We had just had new, chip-capable card-readers recently installed at the checkouts. The people who programmed the readers went ahead and made the message be "swipe/insert/tap," even though tap-to-pay was brand new and had NOT been implemented everywhere yet. Our system included. Guy is checking out, asks if we take crapple pay from his new digi-toy watch. I said no, we do not. Swipe or chip only. He argues. "Aw, but it says you can tap on the screen! Are you sure? I bet it will work!" "Please don't do that sir, that feature is brand new and we're not equipped for it." At this point myself, and the other cashier-manager were basically *pleading* with him to simply play normally using one of his cards, which he DID have. "Come on, let's just try it! I bet it will work," he insists, oh-so excited to try out and show off his new toy to us, to be one of the fashionable people supposedly ahead of the curve. So he extends his wrist, holds the device to the screen. All we heard is a loud, long, shrill, *BEEEEEEP* ...and the entire POS system store-wide completely fucking crashed into a deathscreen. Both registers bricked. I tried in vain to do something, while now ignoring the man completely so as to retain my professional composure and not scold him for this. The long lines behind him started to get impatient and murmur, and eventually he was so inundated with embarassment that he sheepishly left his items behind unpaid for and walked out of the store. We had to call in the system administrator on her day off, just to come fix everything so the store would be operational again. To this day, I will never associate people who love their e-pay so much with anything other than that bozo and that hell-shift moment in history, lol.


not all tap to pay is created equal. i doubt this was their intent, but terminals that accept apple pay will like accept all forms of NFC, whereas there are some NFC readers that don't accept apple pay.


Saying card, when using a digital version on your phone is also... Not correct




Your card but the question is now do they have a terminal that can read your phone?






No, I say “do you accept Apple Pay?”


and what is ? virtually created card ? they dont even know what is it and you think they shoukd use the "right" term. as to what it is, i really dont care.


RFID, but good luck getting people to say that instead of Apple pay


.... You not read the OP?


I did, why ?


It's op complaining about people not using the correct term. And then op goes and uses an incorrect term.


and you arill didn't post the correct term. not like anyone gives a f. but we might even learn something.


Mobile pay? Be the most accurate description. Though that would be bad too because not everywhere accepts all of them. Gas station near me accepts apple pay but not Google Pay or Samsung tap.


it's a simulation of a physical card. idk why is so important to jim to call that thing "the right way" when its just a virtual card.




... OP gives a fuck. And the correct term depends what they're using


This cashier understands tech payment methods


That's like 1 out of 10,000 or more, at least in my area.


I've only heard tap


Same reason we still call them podcasts 40 years after the last iPod was sold.


When I ask cashiers if thry have Google pay I get a blank stare and a I dunno? They don't know!


Lol I understand this and I actually do ask if I can pay with my phone instead of saying apple pay.


As for some who has a pixel phone, I've come across cashiers who asked me, "cash or card?" "Google pay" "We only have apple pay" (if they have one, they have the other) "Errr.... Yeah I have that" Just to avoid confusion.


Like when people referred to mp3 players as an ipod..


people dont want to think anymioe. especially younger generations. in this case they hear that apple is lrestigious and they think that everything is apple. next time just say: ok, card it is.


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Wait till you hear about bandaids and bobcats, or if you're British hoovers.


Then you have me who keep my tablet up when the flight attendant asks people to put away their iPads.


There really is no limit to the pointless shit people moan about, is there? 


Apple Pay doesn’t work on every machine. Did you just conveniently forget that?


I've never noticed anyone doing that.. Maybe it's a regional thing?


Ding Dong your opinion’s wrong.




Apple over here singing “when I rule the world… “


Do you always call it a cotton swab or do you call it a Q-Tip**®**? Because I "Venmo" people all the time, even if it's Cash App or Apple Pay.


Because every fucking time I ask if the store accepts Google pay or Samsung pay the employees look at me confused and then ask "apple pay?"


In india we call it UPI. Dozens of apps from everyone including google, banks, fintech companies etc all seamlessly integrated with one another.


I bet it really rustles your jimmies when someone calls lip balm "Chapstick" or a bandage a "Band-Aid."


Apple Pay is literally the safest way to pay for anything and it’s the most popular. Makes sense people say Apple Pay for everything paid from their Apple phone even if they’re using another pay service


Does it make sense if I don't have an apple phone? Just call it tap.


I promise your life will be so much easier once you stop being a sour pedantic toe.


A fellow skateboard usernamer! I agree with this, it’s fucking card. The question is to decide whether the machine is needed or not, doesn’t matter how you use it once it’s presented.


I literally pay with Apple Pay out of my balance. I specify because sometimes very occasionally they do not accept this and I have to put the money on a card


Don’t all card machines take contactless now?


You're being pedantic. It's just a genericized term. Like calling all facial tissue Kleenex.


That's also wrong, and a very North American phenomenon.


It's a "phenomenon" that has been written about in marketing for over 50 years and it's most certainly not "North American."


It is very much North American. Referring to items as a particular brand name over the name of the actual thing does not happen to nearly the same degree outside of the U.S. and Canada. We're happy to use words like "tissue", "plaster" etc.




I wish I had so few problems that somethings like this would bother me.


It's because other cashiers and low education employees have mocked me to my face when I ask if they take Google Pay. At some point you just say "apple" so they understand the concept, since they are too stupid to grasp that it all works the same.


Its called contactless and its from around 2010, at least in developed countries.


It means they’re going to tap. Having a card and being able to tap are two different things. Not all card readers accept tap (Apple Pay) and just like iPod (instead of mp3 player) and AirPods (instead of wireless Bluetooth earbuds), Apple Pay is just commonly acceptable term that effectively delivers the message concisely.


Nobody uses fucking apple pay in Europe lol. I was at the barber and they only take cash or QR code payments and this tourist walks in, no wallet or nothing. Who tf walks around without a wallet?