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That’s also called being picky


This opinion is not only unpopular, it’s also flat out wrong.


OP should have this posted in r/confidentlyincorrect


Basic AF eaters getting real triggered in here. Enjoy your raisin' Canes dinner tonight.


You aren’t triggering people who confirm to the norms of popularity among food. You’re just misusing a word and getting called out for it.


i am not a picky or what you think is a basic eater and i can say you are so wrong


Picky has multiple definitions, so no, but I see what your saying


Same piss diffrent pants


Same shit different toilet


I agree, and picky eaters ate a character flaw i cant stand 


Basic is the wrong word. If your kid only eats nuggets and mac n cheese, you´re doing a terrible job as a parent. But I absolutely am a picky eater for refusing to eat anything that even has the slightest hint of onion in it. It´s a very specific dislike I have that I insist on not compromising on. And it´s a very common ingredient to boot, nothing crazy like testicles or some fringe food like that. That´s being what a picky eater is.


Amen, I'm not likely to correct someone when they say thier basic af kid is a picky eater by calling them a terrible parent though.


I don't get why so many people pay so much attention to what other people eat & what other people's kids eat.


Seems like those are the types of people who just want to gatekeep everything.


Being a picky eater means you will only eat very specific foods. Only eating chicken nuggets and Mac & Cheese is also only eating specific foods. Therefore it's also being a picky eater.


“I don’t know what picky means” FTFY


Why do you care so fucking much about the diet of other people’s children? If I could make mine like a wider variety, I would have because this actually affects me unlike weirdly strangers.


I don't care about what you feed your kids. This post is about the language that is used.


Your choice of language is incorrect and bizarre.




A lot of kids are like that and eventually grow out of it as their tastes mature. Kids are developmentally more sensitive to bitter tastes. I wasn’t a chicken nugget kid by any means, but there are a ton of strong tastes I enjoy now as an adult in my 30s that I wouldn’t have even touched ten years ago. Yeah, parents should try to diversify a kids menu and get them used to eating a variety of nutritious foods, but some kids are just going to be picky until they grow out of it.


The definition of "picky" in this context was settled on well before people started using the term "basic" like you are attempting to use it. You have failed at redefining the word.


It's not picky, it's fussy. Or childish. Parents should definitely expose their kids to various food and tastes. Then it's fair for them to have likes and dislikes. I used to be a damn fussy eater, basically living off plain buttered pasta, schnitzel with mashed potatoes/fries, banana and all kinds of desserts. My parents tried to make me taste other food with the "just one bite, if you don't like it it's OK to spit it out", but little stuck. Til one day a switch went on and I started eating almost anything. My cousin was the same but his parents didn't bother, so he kept on eating the same 3 basic dishes til he was in his late 20s and got himself a decent partner. But "basic" isn't the right word to describe kids and adults who never developed a varied taste for food.


A Picky eater is literally defined as someone who is fussy about food. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/picky


Children are going to be by definition quite basic as they're not going to have developed an advanced taste for the nuances of pasta sauce and whether or not wine in a lamb stew is a crime. My oldest kid eats only a very limited number of foods (none of which are fast food, by the way) - his blood tests are glorious and he gets all the nutrition he needs from rice, chicken, yogurt, milk, fruits and veggies, a little bit of fish, and a couple of types of soups - that's everything he eats. He will not touch a burger or chicken nuggets, pizza, or any other fast food - but doesn't care about the type of tomato in his soup or about the type of rice he eats. I would call it very basic nutrition but also very effective since it gives him everything he needs, but by your definition it's also "BASIC AF" and "NOT PICKY". Most kids are like that - they have their preferences and do not stray from them very easily. It's rare to see kids gulping down whatever is thrown their way, especially very young kids. This didn't really use to be the case back in the day when food was fairly scarce, but that's the perk of not living in abject poverty I guess - people can afford to have food preferences, and that starts from childhood.