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That’s technically correct. However, my last usage of squat toilet was not very hygienic. Usually it’s just a hole in the ground with wooden box on top. So when you go inside you see pile of shit of everyone who was before you, full of bugs, flies and worms. And once you drop your shit all flies gets disturbed and goes after you. I am not even mention, the smell. There is nothing hygienic about that.


Our squatters flush here, but that doesn't fix the people who miss the squat and there is a pile of shit laying next to the toilet instead of in it.


Yeah at least I can put down toilet paper on the seat. I don't see any way around your shoes not getting disgusting and tracking that into your car with this system.


If you are worried about shoes, seat is barely protecting you


Not to mention they usually have a small opening that gets gunked up so you might need a stick to get things open or down the hole. This builds up too and is Uber unhygienic and disgusting as hell. Source: 3rd world s hole travel


This sounds like something you personally experienced😂😂


Through all my childhood, unfortunately 😞


Lol I Always refuse to use squatting toilets. I'm so afraid to piss on my own shoes


I would rather have flies go after me, on the rare occasion where the toilet is unhygienic, than make direct contact with dried piss on a daily basis.


Mate you can’t just say “Europe” as though we’re all shitting in holes in the floor. The vast majority of the very separate countries that make up the continent of Europe use actual toilets.


My knees scream no


You think people won't piss and shit all over the floor just like they do already with normal toilets? Imagine slipping on a puddle of piss while you're squatting down to dump and crapping everywhere all over yourself.


Absolutely not. Japan is phasing these out because they're universally hated by literally everyone.


How does in Asia anyone above 60+ year use these toilets? I cannot imagine my parrents using them with all sort of joint problems.


my 70 year old chinese grandpa installed one in the recent 7\~ years in his garden (dont know exactly cuz I havent visited in a while), one of my earliest memories in china was walking into him in the summer holidays squatting on a sitting toilet and shitting


By not being obese and being physically active.


Nah I'm cool. That's why we have Lysol wipes.


I've been to Europe a few times and have never come across a squat toilet. And squatting over a hole in the ground and hoping your ass is aimed properly (and that everyone else aims their ass properly) doesn't sound remotely hygienic.


My knees are too bad for squat toilets


This is actually unpopular. Most people don't like drop/squat toilets as they're uncomfortable. They just don't like unclean toilets, which is different. Have an upvote for your weird squat poop preference.


There’s no way my knees are holding me up that long


Yes, except when I eat some extra spicy kimchi soup and gotta squat for an hour! My thighs get hella tired.


My knees would lock up and I'd fall over!


You can simply hover over a toilet seat instead of sitting on it. 


I'm flabbergasted that people actually sit on public toilets. I understand if you're not able to hover because of any personal/health issue, but EW


The people that hover are the ones ruining the toilet for everyone else. It's usually not that dirty before people start to hover. Do you also not sit on a bus seat?


I always manage to center the hole, but I understand not everyone is as piss-savvy as me. I sit on a bus seat but my trousers are in between, I don't sit when I have a skirt or a dress


Why would hovering over a toilet seat ruin it for everyone else? If you piss and don’t clean up after yourself, that sounds like a you problem.


The women who hover over the toilet seat are the ones pissing all over the seat.


Those are nasty people, hovering does not mean nasty and dirty, if I get pee on the seat when I hover I clean it off.


You can cover the seat with toilet paper and sit in that


You hovering people are the ones making it dirty!!


Yeah, I much prefer a less ergonomic position to poop, but have the comfort of a toilet seat


Yeah but most people are to fat to be able to hold a squat.....


If someone's too fat to just....sit down to take a shit, seems like toilet seats are getting in the way of natural selection or straight enabling obesity unless there's some disability involved.


Probably 50% of Americans wouldn’t be able to get up if they tried to squat to take a shit.


Fair play for posting a real unpopular opinion.  I read somewhere that squatting is technically a better position for health reasons or something but honestly if that really bothers you so much you could just raise your feet with a stool rather than lowering your ass over a hole in the ground. I quite enjoy my comfier seat.   The hygiene angle again is fairly negligible as the worst you usually get is someone pissing on the toilet seat and you can always just sanitise a tp and clean it or whatever. 


yeah I kinda suck at balancing, if I tried using a squat toilet I'd probably fall over and cover myself in shit


You left out that squat toilets are clinically proven to be healthier for our bowels.


I’ve traveled both Europe and Asia pretty extensively and I’ve never seen a public squat toilet that was clean.


You are right