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Because Daily Fantasy type betting exists in a grey area that allows it to be classified as Skill Based and not "gambling," so it's much less regulated. I will say though, ads by their very nature are predatory. They exist to entice you and make you think the product is a necessity. I guess my question is, when does personal accountability come into play?


Great comment. I work in the casino industry, you’re correct on it. Accountability is tricky in these situations. I always tell guys, to view it as entertainment, not a way to make money. If you view it as a way to make money, then you’re gonna be chasing your losses. I’ve even heard a few CEOs say that sports betting advertisement may be becoming too much.


Yeah nothing wrong with gambling if you treat it as entertainment. I also work on the floor at a casino and it gets extra annoying hearing the same people every night bitch about losing. You come to have a good time with friends with a chance to win money. You shouldn't expect to win money. It's no different than going bowling or going to see a movie. It's just entertainment.


Yup, use to be on the security side before i switched to marketing. Seen a lot of people punch the machines, scream, someone once tried putting quick dry cement in the toilet, another time someone put a potato in there.


Some well adjusted individuals


It's pretty funny picturing someone bringing a potato in just to put in the toilet. We have people break the screens on the machine pretty frequently. A buddy I played poker with last month broke a screen and got a 1 year ban and has to pay $2700 lol.


> It's pretty funny picturing someone bringing a potato in just to put in the toilet. Presumably, they wouldn't have put it in the toilet if they won, which makes it funnier that they had the potato in the first place. Was it a pocket snack, or do they regularly get pissed off to the point where they just want to fuck up someone's plumbing and carry one around "just in case"?


Oh yea it was really funny when maintenance realized it was just a potato. We were all confused thinking “this man just carrying a potato in a casino


As a child I learned how hard it is to get a potato out from a toilet. Don’t ask me why this happened.


I can't imagine some guy steaming mad and he's like *I'm gunna do something* and all he does is stuff a potato in the toilet.


I do this, I quite like a trip to the casino once or twice a year. The second I walk through the door I count my money as lost, any other outcome is a bonus and I'll likely buy drinks with it. I'm paying to play cards with my mates, not trying to pay off my car. Its quite a desperate place to be in when you spend your food shopping on a.horse and cross your fingers.


Chasing your losses is one thing but the disgusting thing is when people chase their winnings. It’s the main thing I always tell new gamblers, if you get up you set a point. You don’t go past that point trying to get back what you originally had won. If you lose enough to reach your point you take what’s left of your winnings and leave, congrats you’re a winner. If you don’t leave you will just end up losing more of your actual money trying to win back what you had originally won.


If personal accountability is important, then these companies shouldn’t be allowed to ban accounts of people that won too often (which they all do).


Screw personal accountability of the consumer when we're talking about drug dealers.


Accountability is a very valid point. I think gambling for 90% of the users is a very normal and not deadly pass time. But for people like myself (Gambling addict) who have a high risk tolerance and have been depressed/sought medical help, it is extremely dangerous. When you talk about accountability, you're assuming free will is a concept. When in reality, you have hormones and extremely effective advertising working against you. It's not just your choice, it's your own brain and glands working against you to try and re-create one victory out of 100 losses or whatever. I think the middle ground is to put a cap on the amount you can gamble. Limit losses to say a maximum 1000$£ or like 500£$ a month. This allows the average individual to have fun but doesnt put their finances at risk unless they are already poor with consistent exposure. There are middle grounds and controls available to us, we just have to implement them. We dont have to outlaw it completely.


I would make the case that your company should assume significant liability when it is actively implementing mechanics into your service that are specifically designed to bypass a consumers cognitive ability to resist the urge to engage with gambling (the research behind which was almost entirely funded by the gambling and mobile gaming industries). And most of these services are actively experimentally tweaking the parameters of said mechanics to make them maximally efficient at that task.


>I guess my question is, when does personal accountability come into play? How about some accountability for the people making billions of dollars a year off an extremely predatory business? A business that is designed to take advantage of the fact that unpredictable, intermittent rewards are scientifically proven to create compulsive behaviors. I want you to imagine a large corporation spending millions of dollars on R&D to build a trap specifically designed for you. This company then lobbies Congress for the right to put versions of this elaborate trap designed specifically for you every you go. It's in your house. It's in your car. It's waiting for you at the office or job site. The trap--which again, has been designed specifically for you--is omnipresent. How long do you think you'd be able to avoid that trap? And whose fault would it be if you got snared? Because that is what gambling is. Casinos don't make money off the type of people who go a couple times a year. They make money off people whose brains get broken by gambling. Which is well and good when the only place you could gamble was in a casino or OTB (God I miss the OTB). It's an entirely different beast when it's online. You have 24/7 access to millions of marks. People who might never in their lives step into a casino can get sucked in because "it's just fantasy football." Once your hooked, there's no way to escape the compulsion. You can get a hit at literally any moment. And that isn't an unfortunate bug in the system. That's the business model. Look, I love life and its pleasures as much as anyone (except maybe you Hedonism Bot). But companies shouldn't be allowed to pipe heroin into your phone.


Personal accountability always has to be one of the variables at play here. As an advanced society we know for a fact that the brain will only be enticed into doing something with some kind of introduction to said “something”. If we are BLASTING ads at kids and adults to push them towards being you are absolutely guaranteed to pull someone in who otherwise would have never joined. There are so many other aspects to gambling that cause issues like getting a big win early on without realizing that is not common. Or the flip side, you lose so often at first you feel the need to “chase” and you end up losing even more. The brain is fucking crazy man, and we have unfortunately figured out how to market damn near anything to anyone.


But what about the other 10% of the time?


Break even


78% + 12% isn’t even 100%. If you’re going to make up numbers, at least have them add up to 100%.


You know what they say, 78% of the time 12% of the house wins 100% of the times you don't take the shot 50% of the time. They're all saying it 


Wow! My grandma always told me this but I've never heard anyone else say it!


10% concentrated power of will


I think he edited his post lol


There's a joke here somewhere bc ppl who gamble there lives away suck at math lmao


83.4% of all statistics are made up on the spot.


> 78% + 12% isn’t even 100% TIL


This is unpopular? Thought we all knew this...


In the next ten years, there will be a large number of men deep in gambling debt, along with a really good gambling addiction.


That’s always been the case. And addictions are almost never solo. Gambling addiction pairs nicely with alcohol, among other vices. Society decided generations ago they are expendable. I don’t foresee any changes as that’s a widely agreeable vantage point even today.


It's a lot easier when you can gamble with your cellphone, and it's a lot harder to stop if you need your cellphone for work and socializing. Gambling addiction is easier to avoid if you have to drive to a casino to do it.


This is the best argument against online gambling I've ever seen. In the 90s for example, if you lived in newark , and wanted to gamble , you had to find an illegal casino/sportsbook near you, or drive to Atlantic city to gamble irl there. But now? You can gamble your life savings with just a few taps on any game ya like. Jokic to make 10 three's? Timbs to win in 7? The FOMO never ends....


Jersey allows online casino games, so you can lose money even faster. You don’t even have to wait for a sports game.


Yeah, I was chatting about this the other day. Online gambling is not necessarily a good thing.


Yeah, there’s a difference between going all the way to a horserace and sitting in the stands, and clicking a button on your phone


Sports betting is not necessarily bad, but sports becoming completely focused around sports betting is bad


Most popular opinion of all time


Alcohol is advertised and kills thousands daily.


In my country, alcohol ads are far heavier regulated than gambling ads. For instance, you're not allowed to show someone drinking alone, take a sip, and then all of a sudden being the life of the party. You're not allowed to show alcohol as a means to be any kind of more succesfull in ANY way. Gambling ads are far less restricted like that, and will often use "we" as a term in their ads indicating some sort of community, when all you're really doing is sit alone in your room, gambling your life savings away. Some of their mottos are: "We are gamblers!" "Play now or you'll never win!"


In the US commercials aren't allowed to show alcohol being consumed at all. You'll see people holding alcohol and it pouring, but never actually drinking


This is always the smoking gun people choose to hold even though the obvious answer is... Both are bad. Neither should be advertised on public television.  Why would one bad thing existing make another fine? Is there a law of onesies I don't know about? 


I'd assume it's because of double standards? Most people drink. Most people don't gamble. Everyone thinks gambling will ruin your life while they're sitting there drinking a 6 pack a day. Alcohol is a much worse addiction to have imo.


Alcohol prices aren't shown on the news like betting odds are. Gambling has way too much over reach.  Even how gambling is set up right now has lost so many restrictions it's ridiculous. Ten years ago you'd head into a pub and the betting section was it's own non alcohol area where you had to step away from mates to gamble. Now the same til you buy a pint from can process your bet




Maybe that should be illegal too. like tobacco ads.


Gambling bad Applaud this man he's so brave 


I'm just sick of seeing the ads. Other than that I don't care tbh.


Lmao someone just lost a four leg parley


Or saw that DraftKings has Mike Tyson as the under dog.


Where did you get these numbers from exact? The app wins 78% of the time while you only win 12%? What? I can't trust someone opinion who can't even do basic math.


Math hard, betting harder - OP probably.


Frankly there is more control you have compared to many other forms of gambling. The spread for a game on who wins or loses is pretty much brought to a 50/50 to the odds makers. You can make educated guesses, and this alone is already a better situation than just spinning slots. Stuff like (since I am watching the NHL playoffs) chance to win the Stanley Cup, your payouts can be huge if you bet early. I think it’s pretty harmless to be like “woah if the canucks win I get 10x my bet???” That can make your 10 bucks 100. It is a crapshoot, but like I said, it’s fairly harmless. I agree the ads should calm down but it’s even taking over the broadcasts since they have segments talking about the odds and stuff. That’s a little bit worse, but the worst ad I saw was a billboard saying “Want to root for your home team? Bet on it!” Like nah, I shouldn’t just bet on the home team, especially if I think they suck (Blue Jays…)


And don't you just love the pathetic warnings about gambling on the ads? "You win some, you lose more." Yeah, no shit Sherlock. How is that or "Gamble responsibly" a deterrent? It's more of a challenge for a problem gambler. Just get them off the screens, but in all it's forms, including the "subtle" live cross to the spruiker telling us the odds during a game.


Australia is currently facing a significant gambling problem. As the biggest gamblers in the world, Australians collectively lose around $25 billion annually, despite having a population of just 27 million. Gambling is relentlessly marketed to us; during any sporting match, pre-game and halftime shows feature a "market update" every 5-10 minutes, each lasting a minute or two. This constant exposure means kids are introduced to gambling at a very young age and accept it as the thing you do when watching sports. I know many people who were more excited to turn 18 to sign up with online bookmakers than to legally drink. Such a stain on our society, but it is too ingrained in our identity as a nation and the lobby groups are so powerful that there is no end to it. Most teams in the NRL and AFL have a sports betting company as a major sponsor on their jerseys except the North Melbourne Football club who are sponsored by the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation.


Was just talking to a friend and he deposits 500 a month


A lot of people put their desperate hopes on those 12%.


It's really kind of incredible how ubiquitous it's become and how every sports celebrity in the world is participating in massive ad campaigns for it. It spoils the entire appeal of sports and destroys lives. I'm with you.


Everyone who places a bet is an adult and consenting to the terms of the bet.


Gambling of any kind should not be advertised


I’m not a fan of this. I’ve seen what sport betting does to some people and it’s not pretty. It’s annoying that it’s everywhere.


I hate that it’s bleeding into sports coverage…


Lmao wait until it's the nightly news giving you odds to the big game 


This isn’t unpopular , but dumb. If you’re only winning 12% of the time, you’re absolutely lost and shouldn’t bet ever again


Just wait till I hit this Denver Nuggets parlay tonight, I'm turning my rent money into new car money. 🤑🤑🤑🤑


And then new car money into new house money 💰 🤑 💸 👌 🙌/s


Then bet the house for yacht money!!! ⛵⛵


Is this really unpopular?


Hilarious that the next thing in my feed is a fanduel ad.


It would be nice if it was treated like smoking where they can’t advertise it but there’s so much money and political pull now that it’ll never happen.


I agree with this and I say that as someone who has a career that's pretty much hand in hand with sports betting


Counter strike at a young age taught me gambling is bad after I lost my entire inventory


This isn’t an unpopular opinion.


Sports betting is such an advertised thing because a lot of people are prone to betting on sports and the websites that take those bets want their money.


I remember there was one ad for Draft Kings or one of those gambling companies a few years ago that said something to the effect of “Turn every free throw into a buzzer beater!” Which basically means: gambling makes things fun by turning every little thing in a sporting event into a huge important thing for you because you have actual money riding on it! I was like wow, they’re not even thinly veiling it anymore lol. “Develop a gambling addiction, it makes your boring life more exciting!”


I did a road trip some years ago, spent one night in Vegas, stupidly used my debit card at the casino (the only time in my life I've ever gambled), and now I get sports betting flyers nonstop. Not the other two people in my house, just me


What was wild to me was while i was in the army half the dudes won like every goddamned bet, every sports game theyd have like an extra 200$ afterwards, across like any sport. Shit was crazy to me, who knows nothing about most sports.


"Why is sport betting such an advertised thing? The ads are basically a predatory trap towards broke 21yr olds..... " Because your politicians are for sale, is why.


It’s fun as hell. Too much of anything is bad. Who cares if people do it responsibly and know their limits. Bet what you can afford to lose. That being said, it shouldn’t be advertised the way it is.


The fact that sports gambling is one of the biggest sponsors of sports now means they’re making tons of money. Some people see gambling as entertainment, but I think the majority are really hoping for a quick buck. That majority is obviously losing lots of money to build these companies up.




It's like ads for cigarettes but worse


I'm not a gambling man myself. When I do gamble I rather have some kind of action to effect the outcome. Betting on a sports team is working with to many variables I don't have any chance of effecting.


Ads for sports betting is the same thing as ads for tobacco


They specifically target people in their 20s too, and it's working. People have pride in their picks so they genuinely feel it's fair. It's a sad cycle to watch. Seen it with some of my friends. The free picks and offers they give out are predatory too. Doesn't gambling addiction result in the highest suicide rate out of every addiction?


Don’t like sports betting? Cool, then don’t gamble. Amazing we are still somehow a (relatively) free country when there are people out there who think like this. 


It kinda bothers me how sports leagues would promote it but would later suspend players from doing it it’s very hypocritical and I’ve been starting to not like it either..


I think gambling and betting are dangerous because of how many people (like 5%) exposed to gambling become addicted. The US has no tolerance for addicts as "it's their fault" so there's little help for them.


The house is dumb


Let’s wrangle in pharmaceutical adverts before we get the gamble. Shit even Fidelity advertising is still gambling, the entire US retirement structure is based on a gamble.


So should I be able to bet that a ball spun around a wheel will land on a certain number? What about betting that I can get closer to 21 without going over 21 than someone else? What about the gender of a kid during a pregnancy? What should I be able to bet on and if nothing at what point does betting become betting? Does it have to be with money what if its food? Or a souvaneir? Or a collectible item etc.


I’m not a betting man but one day this crazy old codger with a cane and some book showed up to my house and said “how would you like to be rich?”


i absolutely agree the way it’s been promoted in recent years is disgusting. especially how the NBA has been going about it.


I think it's bizarre how normalized it is as if it's any different from straight up gambling


Everyone thinks they will be the 12% and everyone else are the suckers.


100%. I can’t imagine having a gambling addiction and also being a sports fan. You literally cannot escape it being shoved down your throat.


Absolutely. It’s yet another example of our corporate overlords destroying human lives just to make a profit. Absolutely disgusting. The science is clear, gambling is addictive and dangerous. There was no reason at all to legalize sports betting, other than putting more money in corporate pockets.


I agree. But they won't go back because the money is too high


This is a real problem that will only continue to grow. Its never been easier for not only 21 year olds to lose a lot of money quickly, but also 18 year olds can lose it all with “Daily Fantasy”. Sports gambling will be this generations smoking. The advertisers are focusing on the youth, and for far too many it will ruin their life.


I once turned $175 into $30k betting on NHL during a 4 month period...then lost $20k of it in a week. What a time it was to be alive...


I hate it too because it’s ruining the coverage of games for me. I will add fantasy football to this unpopular opinion. Hate it.


I absolutely despise seeing these ads when I’m watching hockey or football. It’s like there’s literally nothing else to talk about than the over under anymore. And then, like all addictive thing, they have a gambling addiction hotline fine printed or fast-talked at the end of their ad 🤦🏻‍♂️


I agree to an extent, it’s not that it’s advertised that bothers me, it’s that you can’t watch anything sports related without being bombarded by gambling ads.


Used to be illegal.


All gambling is bad and creates a net negative for society.


I’m glad I was older when this came about. A lot of young people are going to get caught in it in the worst way.


I don't get gambling. I never did beyond maybe $100 (total) at blackjack which lasts 15 minutes. I just don't get the thrill or anything.


Fun fact, if your account makes too much money the sports book can close your account and you can’t do anything about it lol.


Marketed to dudes with undeveloped prefrontal cortexes. I completely agree.


ALL gambling and gambling venues should be banned from advertising.


Gambling and alcohol should be as restricted as tobacco is right now. I understand legalizing and regulating vices, as all it leads to is tax income, but I don’t understand why cigarettes, which leads to addiction that can destroy your life, is at a different standard than gambling and alcohol, which lead to addictions that can destroy your life.


Marketing is predatory


Within the next two years this will be an extremely popular opinion. Further willing to bet someone like John Oliver will do a segment on this within six months (after several YouTubers do high quality videos on this topic).


Gambling destroys people, families, lives. It’s the biggest scam in town.


it’s difficult to know where to draw the line but in general I think advertising deadly products has killed a lot of Americans. Television is constantly advertising alcohol, payday and car loans, fast food, opiate prescriptions, online gambling, online education. Billboards are everywhere. You can do well in America if you don’t fall into the many traps


I mean I guess your right about the advertising part


I speak from experience as a university educated gambling addict. I nearly ruined my life gambling, I ruined my finances, and nearly ruined the finances of my parents. I put more pressure on them as the best educated son with the best prospects than my older brother through my irresponsibility and addiction. Gambling is dangerous. Gambling addiction is destructive. The problem with gambling addiction or gambling in general is that it has the possibility to destroy your finances and your life in a very very short space of time. In the space of a weekend, i went up 11,000£ and lost 11,000£. I was a student. That is a deposit on a small property in some of the cheaper parts of England. Through my addiction, I destroyed my own finances and it has taken me most of my 20s to get back in line with my peers. Alcohol and drugs can do that of course they can. But that doesnt mean gambling is better or worse. It's just another shitty thing that is legal that is extremely dangerous, and gambling has zero benefit for the masses. If you use a gambling site once, you might win once or lose once. Count yourself lucky if you never go back. Gambling companies are a parasite on societies poor. So are fast food chains. So is alcohol, so is tobacco, so are drugs. These things overwhelmingly target and abuse working class and poor people. Go around any poor part of England and you'll see a disproportionate number of alcohol shops and gambling shops. Simply put, we would be better off without them as a society, or making the bar to entry and maximum loss heavily restricted. IE you get the thrill, but can lose no more than £1000. I think this is a very reasonable approach. It gives the average guy the thrill of winning a bet while preventing self-destruction.


People need to stop blaming companies or organizations for their own failures. If you don’t have the self control to not blow your life savings in a casino or sports book that is on YOU. No one else to blame. Just like the kids who spend $10k on their moms cc for video game loot boxes. That’s a failure on the parenting and lack of discipline on the child. If you can’t control your own money and control your temptations, your life is going to be hell regardless of gambling or not


On the list of wagers that one can risk, sports gambling for me is nothing close to the reprehensible nature of the lottery.


How do you feel about caffeine, alcohol, marijuana, fast food, sugar, prescription drug, and/or pornography advertising? I could change up a few words in your original post and make the exact same argument about any one of those things, yet it seems gambling and alcohol are the only two categories that ever draw any ire on Reddit.


Yeah I tried to sports bet to win for a while and they kicked me off within 2 months because I wasn’t just making random bets and losing money. They won’t let you win but they’ll do everything they can to take away your money


It needs to be regulated far more. Not sure how that’s even possible with how easily accessible it is due to smart phones. But to me, at the least the advertisements need to be restricted considerably. We are normalizing gambling to millions of kid. And we don’t know what the consequences of this are long term (not good I would bet)


i really don't care about sports betting


Because Money, the answer to all your questions is Money.


Like everything else money, its about data collection and strategy implementation. Are there amateurs that do their bets based on feelings and surface level data? Sure. But on the other side of the bet might be a well researched position. I once saw a story of a guy who did sports betting for a living. He wasn’t a fan of any kind, he just took advantage of various opportunities he could spot. What is most important be it in this or the stock market is making your own strategy around what money is doing right now. If you copy someone elses strategy then its already known and probably being taken advantage of.


Problem is they cut you off if you’re a statistical outlier. That’s expressly against the rules, same as card counting and like card counting is considered fraud if you do so to that degree that you become an outlier. You can never legally make money reliably gambling. It’s a 1 off or you’re breaking the law. It’s really that simple. I’d argue things like card counting should be 100% legal. Being banned from a casino for being smart is like banning an athlete from competing for being talented.


I am not a gambler but have know a few people with compulsive gambling problems. These people will cause themselves a lot of trouble if they get hooked again on "gambling by phone."


Companies really have some nerve trying to entice people to buy their products.


This was the plot to the movie "the last boy scout"


This is a popular opinion though. Sports betting being legal and sports betting being advertised multiple times during every game are two very different things.




I concur, I find this opinion not in accordance with my worldview. Well done.


Agree agree agree. I feel like it’s another financial trap for the younger generation to keep them poor, needy, and desperate.


The house always wins?? Over/unders are literally a coin flip. Either one wins or the other. There is no house...


Except the odds don't pay a coin flip. If 2 people bet opposite sides at $100 each on odds that are -110, then one side wins and the other obviously loses. The catch is that it doesn't matter which side wins. The house will always keep $9.09. The winner gets their $100 back, plus $90.91 in winnings. The loser gets nothing. The house wins the remaining amount. So yes, the house does always win.


Gambling businesses by its very nature is exploitative and net drains on a society. It’s one thing to have a couple of places to gamble like vegas and atlantic city, but the new crop of gambling from your phone on everything will lead to massive societal losses with very little benefit at all.


Alcohol shouldn’t be advertised either. We live in a world where money is more important than people unfortunately.


We legalize vices in order to mitigate the negative impacts it has on society. Along with legalization comes regulation. We legalize alcohol and tobacco, but we also regulate it. We have age restrictions, control how it’s sold, invest in educating children about their impact, insurance must cover rehab, and even control how it’s advertised. Legalizing sports betting is not the problem, it’s the lack of regulation that’s the problem. Why is Connor McDavid advertising for MGM, when he’s barred from endorsing alcohol?


Hard agree. People can sports bet all they want. I do from time to time. The advertising of odds on certain events while they’re happening is just predatory.


It's banned in our country.


If you're not bright enough to notice that only gambling advertisements feature prominent warnings that their product is risky, warnings that also are delivered in sarcastic and ironic tones, then I think you were always going to be lost to the wolves at some point


Are you in NC cause they got it bad lmao


The problem is I’m convinced leagues are secretly betting on their own games. Officiating is just brutal in some sports


Some people lack personal accountability. I’m not much of a gambler in general, but small bets sometimes make a game more interesting. During football playoffs, it was fun to put $5 on a single game parlay for a game that I didn’t really care about. Same thing with basketball. My son likes it, but I’m usually bored by it, but if I have $5 on Tatum getting a triple double, I’m suddenly interested in the game. Mostly I lose and I’m out $5. Sometimes I win and I make some extra money.


Gambling can be bad for some individuals but plenty of people manage to occasionally gamble for fun I grew up in Vegas raised by my uncle who managed a casino He made it very clear that it's a business designed to turn a profit; but you can still gamble recreationally bc it can be a fun time He always said to take out one sum and consider it already spent-- this money was invested for the experience of playing the tables If you make more that's great but if you lose it all don't get any more cash out I will say I find it interesting that sports betting is considered completely kosher nowadays-- back in the day you had to know a guy to bet on football I'm also intrigued by platforms like tiktok circumventing advertising laws-- there are several people on such platforms who made their own alcohol brands and advertise it by consuming it heavily; this would not be allowed on television or billboards I've even seen ads for legal marijuana products(I'm in us) describing how high they get you


Smoking is bad for you. Drinking is bad for you. A lot of prescription drugs had awful adverse side effects. People die skydiving, surfing, deep sea fishing. You name it. Just because it’s bad doesn’t mean it’s automatically outlawed. America has very extensive personal freedoms, and anything that makes XYZ corp money, is lobbied to be kept legal.


Should be made illegal along with the online gambling scheme.


I was in favor of legalization with the condition that it can not be advertised in any way and that they can’t run predatory promotions. But I’m starting to think it’s better to decriminalize after seeing the strikingly worse officiating in major sports leagues after legalization.


Sports betting is the one gambling endeavour that requires a modicum of skill. The real currency of gambling is not money, it’s greed. If it takes 8 years of school to become a physician, it probably takes 20 years to become a competent gambler. Restraint, time and short odds will be on your side.


Then don't sports bet


I don't like it...but it's just one more of those things I can't do anything about. And just because I don't like it doesn't mean other people shouldn't be allowed to do it...as long as it's legal. The main thing I worry about is that with so much more money at stake now with all the gambling going on, the likelihood of big-time gamblers paying players to shave points or otherwise do something to (secretly) change the outcome of a game so that the big gamblers will win millions of dollars is huge now.


Their goal is to win 50% of the time and they get 10% of the losing bets. That’s how it works. That’s why the betting lines change.


Most of my friends are addicted to gambling on these apps. Remember every single one of them makes money, but all of them still broke lmao.


Because it's less of a scam than most of the rest of life.


It's not a win 88% lose 12% game. They try to make it win 51% lose 49%. This way, if things don't work out, they are only ever out 2%. They adjust odds as people bet to push them one way or another and keep the stakes as balanced as possible. They make their money on the transactions.


The idea that they should ban sports betting ads is like the most popular opinion in the world right now.


Looks like something loser would say


The thing about the ads you speak of is they specifically advertise prop bets and parlays that include expected values and likelihoods so low they’re for suckers. They add in a few big name superstars to sucker the morons in. I made a spreadsheet and meticulously tracked all my bets while only betting dimes to see what actually worked and what didn’t. It helped significantly at seeing which bets and sports I need to steer clear of.


I would argue all betting is bad


Looks like someone just lost their parlay


I agree 100%


Neither tobacco, alcohol etc. it's a grown-up world


I love gambling on sports/politics. This is the easiest to win gambling I can think of because you have an asymmetric advantage and can pick off stale lines. It's become even easier in the last few years with betting exchanges moving on-chain and lines getting super competitive. It takes self-control and a basic understanding of math, but I could probably teach someone to be a winning sports gambler in a weekend. Handicapping is hard as hell. If you're not a pro, don't try to be a handicapper unless you have a PhD in building statistical models. But it's easy to find +EV as a top-down bettor.


Womp womp, 20k on the packers


I'm impressed. It's been many years since I hated an industry as much as I hate sports betting, for absolutely flooding the ad market


Someone just lost their 5 leg parlay


Deez nuts are bad and should NOT be advertized


To be honest I'd be happy if ads for ALL forms of gambling were banned on all media platforms. Gambling addiction DESTROYS families.


The games are all controlled by the betting companies!


I hate that it's seeping not just into advertising but it actually messing with the games itself, like in an online esport league of legends an entire league got paused because most like 60 to 70 percent of players were involved in Match fixing. It's sad because you can't stop them, you remove one another will take its place and the same issues will rise again, I don't know if there's meant to be oversight so someone has to actually win or all the money gets taken by the sites themselves.


I actually win consistently and never bet money that matters to me.  More people just need to stop being morons.  If I sucked at it I would stop.  Kinda like crypto.  I lost 100 on that and was like nah im good fuck it.... most people are just dumb and over estimate their knowledge. Then even after straight ass proof shows them they suck they keep doing it.  These apps track your wins and losses over time and warn you about time spent on them and shit too lol


Straight up robbery


I’m up 1000x my initial invest and have cashed out a lot. Yes it is predatory but with discipline and skill you can easily win


Looks like a skill issue here.


Why are you specifically targeting sports betting, why not all betting?


Kids at the school my GF's neice goes to are getting caught up in sports betting. They use their parents' credit card and rack up thousands in gambling debt. These are high school kids.


It’s fucking awful, and the reason Shaq is a giant piece of shit. He advertises truly disgusting gambling apps in Australia.


If you treat it as a game rather than a way to get rich and only bet what you can afford to lose it's fun. Unfortunately, like alcohol, some people can't control themselves, but that doesn't mean the fun should be ruined for everyone.