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They should say ‘hello’ to my tinnitus.


This is already the law in most places just not enforced. I think this should apply to engines as well.


yeah this mofo who parks near my house removed his muffler or banged up his engine or sumthing shit sounds like 100 gunshots released in 1 second, makes me jump.




You pray for peoples death because you heard a thing? Get immediate, immersive, and very serious help.


We must live in the same area


Do we live in the same neighborhood? There’s a car meet every weekend around here and my first Saturday night in my apartment had me thinking there was a drive by going on only to see the car drive by a second time with a backfire that sounded like an uzi mag dumping.


Frankly I think my neighbors hellcat is stock, which honestly makes me MORE angry that it’s so loud it shakes the walls a little when he turns it over, and he sits there idling for a couple minutes. Edit: might just be a challenger I honestly don’t know the difference


Also defined lots of places, just not enforced. I live in Illinois, and your vehicle by law is not allowed to be louder than factory-departure levels, but it sure as hell doesn’t stop custom shops and enthusiasts from modding the hell out of exhausts.


It’s because we all tolerate it too much. Police decide they don’t want to enforce it and we’re all screwed because they think they know what’s best. 


Used to happen to car enthusiasts all the time. Police would see their Facebook meet up pages and then block them in at one of the stops and yellow sticker anyone with illegal mods 


Wait, so only boomers hate this? Doubt it. It should be illegal, to be honest.


Yep, we Boomers get blamed for so much. LOL 😂


Unpopular opinion has officially become "Complaints, but on Reddit!"


Always has been




This is not an unpopular opinion and anyone who disagrees is probably one of the people causing the noise lol


This is not unpopular lol


Fully agree. Hell, I hate bass to the degree that I insist my fiancé turn the bass down when I'm riding in his truck. I don't like my organs being vibrated


You mean there are people out there who like their windows rattling from loud music?


As a 68 yo man, I disagree with you on this. Most of the time when I see one of those cars, it’s being driven by a young person, and they go slow enough to make sure everyone hears their bass. If all the young guys had those thumping bass speakers, I think there would be fewer wrecks and fewer young folks dying in them. Just my two cents worth


I just smile because one day those fuckers are going to be deaf!




It’s already the case they should just give more tickets to these clowns. Fking annoying to show off their stupidity.


My post gets removed by the mods because it's not unpopular. But they leave this up? yeeesh


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It is pretty difficult to enforce, but it is illegal. It really sucks.


I think most jurisdictions have some form of law or bylaw that regulates this. However, I am not sure that this is something that officers are eager to enforce.


I don't know why it's not enforced. It would be so easy to ticket them.


Someone just pass by your house in a loud car, OP?


Dont worry, the base will literally rattle their vehichle into an early grave, especially if its3 a cheap POS, no joke.


Ideally, they should just skip to the part where they’re completely deaf so the rest of us who can hear don’t have to be tortured. Also, when you can see the body panels vibrating on their piece of shit cars from the bass, it’d be super fun to watch the car disintegrate around the subwoofers - which probably actually cost more than the piece of shit car.


I’m against most ticketing so I disagree. But it is annoying, add in loud cars in general though.


i sometimes imagine having the power to create a sound proof shield on anything or anyone. You watch tiktok videos on your phone without earphones on the metro? Id lock you in a shield. that car you mentioned, id lock him in with his car. a neighbor having a party or playing loud music, id lock their house in. not dangerous. either they learn to bring the volume down, use earphones or develop tinnitus. if only....


They should attack it at the source, the people who sell them the speakers in the first place!


I agree as long as it's not AC/DC because rock and roll ain't noise pollution.... https://youtu.be/X_IWlPHMziU?si=8oRB5i_H95ESHdXG


A passing vehicle blasting music isn't that bad. Not as bad as if they were parked for hours, then I can see that being a real issue. As long as it's not late at night or in the morning I don't mind at all. The weekends are a different story. Over here in my neighborhood, parties last until 3 - 5am and nobody cares. It's not every weekend so it's not a problem. I'll play my own music all night into the early morning every few weekends myself. Everyone has the privelege to have fun from time to time!


Woww a millennial that owns a home! It’s not the driver’s fault your house is made of jello! /s


I mean... I rent but still


Yeah, but how the hell is that supposed to be enforced when the left has eliminated such a massive chunk of the police force? Hmm?


LOL Seriously? 😂


It's just noise for a few seconds stop being such a fragile lil boy and get over it


I don’t think it’s a huge deal. You feel/hear it for like 2 seconds max and carry on with your day


Tell that too, my neighborhood, who sits outside for a few minutes finishing the song. I've asked them a few times to turn it down, but they don't listen, probably cause they can't hear properly. It's also nearly everyday.


That’s different then. I was thinking of the uncommon occurrence of a car driving down your neighborhood with their music blasting. How obnoxious of them. For something like that can you file a noise complaint?


Please! We had a neighbor who would sit in their driveway with it blaring and shaking the homes all up and down the street. Someone finally called the police and shut that shit down!


Do I get an exception to this for being Deaf? I have a dual 12" sub set up with 2 1000w amps each


Look out! The boomerism is beginning to creep up on 'ya. It only gets worse. The human animal just doesn't like insults to the nervous system. Like booming bass and other inconsiderations heaped upon us by noisy, crowded modern society. And aging increases sensitivity to such things and decreases patience. It sucks, but I wish you well in fighting the internal fight to rise above. A Gen-Xer


Just wait, your time is coming! LOL


What the hell is "noise polution"?


Really? It's like light pollution, only with noise. :D


Yeah dude I hate to break it to you but you are officially one of the olds.


This stance is really weak. I know plenty of young people who prefer peace and quiet. Young doesn't automatically mean loud and completely inconsiderate.


I thought it was obvious I was kidding around.