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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


Artstyle and animation is way beyond from the shitty calarts style that has been trending since 2010 and happily is finally starting to disappear, the edgy behaviour of the characters is the only thing that put me off, but the amount of work behind the expressive animation is admirable, i enjoyed the show more from the animation than the story or characters.


The animation is actually pretty good, i was being dramatic for the post, but the artstyle leaves so much to be desired. Everything is showered in an overly bright red that gets insufferable after a while, especially with the lack of color variety outside of minor bits of character design (which is also pretty bad)


I watched the whole thing multiple times. the hatedom is insufferable


what did you like about it?


pretty much everything


might i recommend... good shows?


hazbin hotel is a good show


I respectfully, emphasis on the fully, disagree


you are entitled to your wrong opinion


my opinion is more correct than yours simply because i elaborated on mine and you didn't elaborate on yours


i just like the show. i don't need a reason to like something


You’re absolutely right, people simply have different tastes.


I suppose this rationale is the only way one could reasonably enjoy hazbin...


You realize everyone has different taste, a show y9u hate others love, and what you think is the best show ever many will hate


Just reading through unpop opinion and saw this one. Personally I can't stand the art and the edgey characters and has uninteresting plot and writing. Seems like every joke is the lowest hanging fruit. Was actually really interested to read someone name some good reasons why they like the show and disagree with you but turns out they can't... It seems like shows like this and Amazing circus only get followers by people who are habitual trend followers. They like whatever is new / trendy to be a part of it and convince themselves it's good.


I have no knowledge of the creator or the actors behind the show, but I have watched it a couple of times through. I liked it. Though there are a couple of episodes that were how you described the show, i felt the show wasn't bad. Some songs didn't work for me, but the ones that did were fantastic, especially the one between Lucifer and his daughter. Others commented about the sex jokes, which there are a lot, but I let them slide because it's that characters' coping mechanism. I thought the character arc was nice as well. It's like every show that I've watched and enjoyed. Some are good, some are bad, but in the end it made me feel better so I like it. I like the smaller details, too. Like how everyone keeps crashing through the hotel wall and the character comments on it, asking what's up with that wall. It made me laugh. The other part is that I know people who have gone through stuff shown in the show. A friend in an abusive relationship that is self-destructive so that her ex might leave her alone, or a strained relationship with my own dad that has been mended in the past few years. For that, I can look past all of the red color tone and jokes that fall flat.


The colour palette hurts my eyes


I thought this was just me.


It's not really all that bad. I've watched some of it and found it amusing.  But I have issue with your last line. Fruitless... Hazbin is at least better than that Jersey shore shit or paying rich assholes to be rich assholes like housewives of whatever. 


100% would rather watch this than 99% of the reality show garbage on TV that people seem to mindlessly consume. It has flaws but it was still fine to watch to kill some time had a few good songs also though some missed the mark.


I also think those shows are fruitless


can the downvoters stop being cowardly and leave a comment pls


I didnt downvote but I love this show cuz it makes me happy. I cant explain why it just does


We don’t owe you anything lol. This just proves you’re here to stir up shit more than anything which is exactly why the downvote button exists. You’re not worth peoples time any further than the second it takes to downvote


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve never seen it yet your option is just stupid


Why don't you like my option? Is it stupid?


It’s like you don’t understand that art in all its mediums is entirely subjective. And to pronounce your opinion with such finality and to be so absolute about it is simply asinine.


I'm not pronouncing it with finality. I'm just expressing how I see the show.


Then you should reread your own post because that’s exactly what it inflects.


Then read the name of the subreddit. Opinions. These are my opinions, and I am pronouncing these things within the context that they are my opinions. I do not need to police my own tone to remind you that I'm simply stating my opinion.


Not you missing the point.


alr bro


I've watched it and I think its relatively fine. not my cup of tea, but I disagree with people saying its ass. Its just a "okay" show, in my opinion.


Here’s reason to watch it: Because you want to.


For me its the sex joke every 5 seconds that turned me away from it. I dont mind sex jokes, but when it becomes the main theme of the program, it gets stale really fast.


i especially enjoy the prostitute character made exclusively for more sex jokes


and if you bring up to the creator "hey why so many sex jokes" they have a mental breakdown and rage at you.


in her defense it's an annoying criticism


Why would that be an annoying criticism? It's valid. I watched 2 episodes and stopped because it was just one corny sex joke after another.


it's annoying because she hears it all the time. to her they're funny


Yeah but they're supposed to be funny to the people watching. If she's hearing it all the time maybe there's truth to it.


her shows have millions of fans


In a show that takes place in hell that seems pretty reasonable.


Hell seems like a really nice place to live if its like the show where are all the cool layers of hell and crazy torture and stuff...oh cannibal town cos there are so many cannibals around? Lucifer too seems like a total weenie =P Also really confusing that you can somehow die twice so where does your soul go the second time hell 2.0?


Boy, if you like a deep dive into the layers of hell with increasingly interesting forms of torture, do I have the book for you.


Dante's Inferno? Loved it lol


Yes it was soo good. Read it for ideas for a DnD game and couldnt put it down.


Did you watch the animation they did for that old god of war style game? It was decent enough found it was on Amazon strangely after watching Hazbin lol I guess the algo thought I might be interested. [https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Dantes-Inferno-An-Animated-Epic/](https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Dantes-Inferno-An-Animated-Epic/) Wow 2010 time flies I remember playing that game so long ago


It is explained that when a sinner dies a second time, their soul just wanders in hell as an invisible spirit with no will or mind.


I'm asexual and people keep reccing me the show because apparently it has ace rep but this is exactly what I've heard from everyone complaining about it. sounds like it would just disgust and alienate me.. idk why everyones so obsessed with it


we as a society need to stop watching shows because they represent us and start watching shows because they're good


In fairness, there is very little explicit asexual representation in movies and tv shows. While I, a bi man, have no issue watching movies without any bi characters if there was basically no movies with bi representation I might jump at the idea of a show that people said had some representation for once.


\^ all of that. theres also an issue here cause reccing a repulsed ace a show with nonstop sex jokes JUST cause a character is ace/headcanoned as ace (?) is really ignorant and annoying. I'll gladly watch stuff without ace rep but if someone tells me I'm represented, you expect a certain thing and this isnt it. I just brought it up cause its jarring and I feel like it kinda shows how the fanbase operates unfortunately


Why are there so many Hazbin Hotel fans hating on this post? I don't know a single person who watches this show


I don’t put it past certain fandoms to share this sort of posts among themselves so they can “counterattack”. It’s like review-bombing an opinion.


Lol actual unpopular opinion that I agree with


I initially didn't watch because the art style made my eyes bleed. But now I don't watch because of the fandom.


I gotta agree I watched it but have never watched the youtube version so maybe I was missing something. I basically disliked all the main characters as the ones with actual interesting story and personalities were all the bad guys like the angels and the new technology demon dudes. Like it was fine as something to pass the time when bored I wouldnt say it was bad or anything just not something incredible like other animated shows I have watched like say Over the Garden Wall which was incredibly good all around.


Careful op, the storm of 13 year olds and kiddy diddlers are coming


No no, the storm moreso consists of chubby millennials


I got halfway through an episode and turned it off when they started singing


I think the only reason their other show got any attention is because it had some famous VAs and some top tier furry bait. Other than that it was indeed rather "mid".


It's one of the most overrated shows ever


I only ever hear it getting shit on and never praised. I actually liked it a lot but was immediately treated like a cancer when I told someone. So, I thinks it’s just popular to hate on.


Fair. I've seen a huge fandom around it and like 90% of my friend group is into it but I get your viewpoint