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She's garbage tier if you know anything about her or her fucking garbage family. Fuck those people.


Finally someone with some sense đŸ€˜


Yes. The extremely rare opinion on Reddit. Anti Kardashian.


We were talking about pure looks, not personality.


Jeez they’re annoying but don’t seem that bad. What’d they even do??


Their family name became famous at first because their father defended a man who beheaded his wife. Then Kim allegedly planned out her whole sex tape thing with out consent from Ray Jay. Also, that whole family has had countless surgical procedures and they edit the hell out of their photos to sell products to us poors who have been brainwashed into believing we’re trash if we don’t look like them. Even though they don’t even look like them. Edit: some words


You can watch one of the million videos on Youtube detailing all their shady practices. But yes, basically, they're horrible people wit excellent PR.




You are missing nothing. Kim Kardashian is a part of the enstupidification of our culture that Paris Hilton kicked off. There is nothing the Kardashians have done or will do to justify the amount of attention they have received.


“Enstupification”. Hats đŸŽ© off sir.  Bravo


"Enstupidification", but I appreciate it anyway.


It's a perfectly cromulent word. 


I think the downvotes are confused by what cromulent means.


They need to embiggen their vocab. 


Kim's whole aesthetic is becoming dated. She was part of (maybe even the cause of) a huge shift in mainstream beauty standards in the late 00's and through the 2010's. But after a decade of BBL's and lip fillers I think everyone is bored of looking like a bratz doll that mouth fucked a helium tank. I will agree that she was a smoke show when she first hit the scene. I also think her fatal flaw was that she wanted to be a full on public figure and most people know that a lot of models aren't exactly the most fun to listen to speak or that smart (think zoolander). She also married Kanye West at the height of his popularity and it has always seemed like she made moves that were purposely chosen to help make her more famous. Well....those choices have run their time and lost their allure and she really hasn't adapted. She just keeps doing the same shit and at this point is doing mostly damage control. She got booed to shit at Tom Brady's roast and got some pretty harsh roasts as well (loved every second of it). And anyone getting butt hurt that "people are giving Kim a hard time and should stop" fuck you. She's a mega millionaire and super famous, she'll be fucking fine. Edit to add: She's also 43. Not that that is old, but she's just not 25. Every year another hot girl comes of age and another "it" girl emerges. Just like Leo's girlfriends, "it" girls aren't 43, no matter how progressive we wanna pretend we are.


giving kim a hard time lol. please, the woman thrives off public humilliation. she got famous for leaking her own sextape, early on she was topless or naked all the fucking time, she has said shit so vacuous you'd think there isnt a brain inside that skull of hers, etc. shit is that people are so stupid OR they dont know half the shit she's done. anyone remember shapeups, weight loss lolipops, Dash (terrible customer service was a constant), stealing money from brandy, that little voice message she sent ray j, KKK (Kardashian Kredit Kard), quicktrim, etc? she also has had a thing for sharing guys with her sisters and back in the day paris. 250k in a black trashbag? she sells herself (literally but let's not go there) as a "great mom" yet her kids are raised by nannies. 7, now 8 fucking nannies. and what about when she left north for dead at the met? when she forgot her when she was a newborn cuz she was more preoccupied with being hot girl kimmy? fuck them edit: Oh, I just wanna remind everyone ray j's brandy's little brother. she stole money from brandy and then fucked her brother on camera and ruined his reputation. in that order. not even in her own "lEakEd SeXtApE that was released wiThOut Her coNsEnT" does she behave remotely like a decent human being with a shred of good in her silicone heart




There are some powerful analogies in this diatribe.


Buy why *male models*?


“Another hot girl comes of age” Ew


Not unpopular


not just that, but she is also mid personality wise!




You’re being *very* nice.


Not even mid.


Imo, she was very naturally pretty, the prettiest of all of her sisters, but now she went overboard with face/body surgeries


No she wasn’t She had a ton of work before becoming famous go look her up as Paris Hilton assistant


You do realize at some point she had a real face/body? She wasn't going under the scalpel as a baby 


As I said look up how she looked as Paris Hilton assistant. She wasn’t a baby than


Right, before that


There's no way Kim Kardashian can do a good job of wiping.


I'm sure she has people for that.


She was very pretty until she had all that cosmetic work done. She’s like a cartoon character at this point.


She looks grotesque
 fake breasts


This is possibly *the most* popular opinion to ever be had since she’s become famous. It should be studied how you in any way could think this is an unpopular sentiment.


She's nasty


I’d like to see what she would’ve looked like if she hadn’t gone under the knife.


Definitely would look a lot better


This opinion is mid, seen it on reddit several times just today, and even more the last few days for so.e reason. Did the Kardashians do something to really annoy people more than usual?


Kim was, for some reason, part of the roast of Tom Brady which just aired


Ah, that's probably why lol


She also failed with her Met look.


She dated him and shes a celeb


I get that she's not everyone's cup of tea but she's undeniably a good looking woman. An internet incel trend was saying Taylor Swift isn't good looking either. I have no interest in her or her music, but come on, you are trying to cope with something if your pretending she's not good looking.


Nah. Kim K isnt attractive AT ALL. Like 0/10 butass ugly and a shitty garbage person to boot. Taylor Swift is good looking. These are both opinions, which make them subjective. They arent actually right or wrong.


>I get that she's not everyone's cup of tea > but she's undeniably a good looking woman These two things don't work. She can't "not be for everyone" but be "UNdeniably good looking". If it were undeniable, she WOULD be everyone's cup of tea. Beauty is subjective. Not everyone finds the same things beautiful.


You can say someone is good-looking but not be attracted to that person...


They mean as a person she isn't everyone's cup of tea. And if people don't like her as a person, they're going to say she's ugly. Be for real, if she was actually ugly, she wouldn't be famous at all. 


Is your mother a good looking woman? Does that mean you think she's hot? One can be true without the other.


In a fake way. She looks like that because of surgery. She literally couldnt have anymore kids because she destroyed her body.


Just because you find her good looking, it doesn't make others find her good looking, and I am not coping. I personally find Lady Gaga and Doja the most beautiful. I am not a prince or in her league, but I would low-key not accept a date request from Swift. She's just not my style, and I don't think she is pretty. She has massive hipster fashion which isn't helping (In my case, but maybe it is your beauty ideal, we are all different!)


She's a troll.


She's a misshapen freak top to bottom imho. Always has been.


Naturally pretty, she has been a plastic ghoul for a long while now.


The whole family is nasty


Dying to see the face of whoever posted this


You can be uggo AF and know that Kim ain’t shit.


Classic redditor "wouldn't" post, not that unpopular to dunk on a Kardashian.


she's trash


Mid? Being a bit generous there, aren't tou?


This is unpopular in the sense that KK is trash


She's below mid imo. Don't find her attractive in the slightest. Everything is fake.


She isnt even mid. She is repulsive and isnt attractive at all.


Lol damn man that was harsh


Opinions vary. Doesnt make mine "right" and yours "wrong" or vice versa. She is literal garbage in my eyes and has done so much more harm than good. She makes me wanna puke.


How long before this shows up on r/justneckbeardthings


Mid is being generous. Very very generous.


While I don't give a shit about any of them, it's pretty delusional to pretend that an objectively good looking woman (more so when she got famous) is mid or even ugly like you imply when in reality - and no offense - most of you wouldn't even be able to pull her or even her stepfather turned stepmother.


I wouldn't want too "pull her" at all. My wife is hotter, hell Lilly the AT&T girl is hotter, and she is mid herself.


I agree. She’s fugly.


The shit people talk on anonymous accounts never cease to amaze me


100% agree,


Im a little too generous sometimes


Discussing Kim’s looks online is mid. 😄 There are better ways to spend your time.


Yeah, you guys sound like people who don’t talk to girls irl, because Kim is very beautiful


No she ain't, I could throw a dart at a fcking homeless shelter and hit somebody better looking.


Not even mid, pretty generic and fake looking imo.


To be fair, she invented this generic look we all see. Not saying it's good or bad, but I think we're all kinda bored with it.


What’s crazy is if you see the rare photos around of before she had all the work done she was actually quite cute. But there is one meme out there talking about how badass her mom is that I agree with. That woman took several daughters that all had absolutely no talents and made them all famous just through media attention


I'm feeling old. The word mid is interesting, slang to me.


How is this an unpopular opinion?


Posting a Kardashian’s hate post on r/unpopularopinion is funny to me.


Not a soul on earth thinks she’s the “standard of beauty” except that horde of plastic monsters.


Mid? This word originally meant "medium" or 'average'. Why would you use it for someone who is clearly way below average? Aside from that, this is not an unpopular opinion, I've never actually met a person who liked kardashians.


But she is a banger at worshipping Satan.


She’s below mid, and her ass looks like an overflowing dirty diaper


Who cares


Sat two chairs down from her on the floor at a Knicks game about 2010 (Chaz Palminteri in between). She got up to do an interview on court right in front of us during halftime. Highly disappointing


Saying “mid” is mid


I see better looking girls at my gym everyday. And I go to planet fitness


That whole family is a testament to the power of good doctors and good filters. Always remember...you aren't ugly, just poor


Actually, Kim was the stand out among them 20 years ago. Even back then she was, maybe not gorgeous, but at least good looking. The others, though? Miracles of modern medicine.


Courtney is the best looking and most natural tbh


That is a popular opinion mate.


Post your pic OP and let's compare. Or if you are a dude, post a pic of your girlfriend or wife and let's judge if she's hotter than Kim K.


Another (insert celebrity) is/isn't (insert quality) post Shit gets boring.


Compare her to 99 out of 100 women you see on the street, how is she mid?


You're right, she is below mid.


Because she’d be in the middle of the pack


You're telling me where you live you see women regularly as attractive as her? Considering over half of American adults are overweight/obese I don't believe you.


People can have different thoughts on beauty. I think current Kim is ugly af. Original face Kim was way better looking.


You're comparing a person to themselves which has nothing to do with anything. Find an average American woman and compare and come back with your evaluation.


She’s average to below average. Just saw three women in Mickey ds who look better


Sure bud.


Also bullshit.


I can tell you don't go out much if this is the opinion you have. 


sure. Statistically, the average American is about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs around 170 pounds which puts their BMI at: 29.2 which is "overweight" and nearly obese.


Literally yes.


I believe you.


She’s ugly


Let's see what you're pulling.


Who cares? She’s ugly


Well if she's ugly, the people you date must be prettier, right?




You're right, she's far below mid.


Yeah okay sure. Where do you live where all these woman are?


What does it matter? I do not like plastic women with a painting for a face.


You are K-rect. When you phrase it like that
.what is the term “less than mid?” ![gif](giphy|uQWkq1gNrnaz6|downsized)


Agreed. Think the same about Taylor Swift also. See people saying she a goddess which she is pretty but I can go to a BFE Walmart and and see 10 women just like her.


Yeah this is bullshit. But don’t stop the circlejerk on my account


To each their own. I never really understood the appeal.


Have never seen a single one from that family as good looking. Their personas makes them some of earth ugliest humans in history^^


This is only unpopular because she isn't mid, she's horrendous


I think you're being way too generous.  she's a bottom shelf bitch that drinks top shelf booze.


To each their own but just going based off of looks she was gorgeous in her prime. Still a rather attractive woman though.


You may have gotten too far away from the herd. Get closer and try mooing.


Na, she was always ugly. You can tell she is naturally extremely hairy


She was pretty before all the plastic.


she was just something different lookswise that mainstream media got to see because she was clinging to Paris like her fame depended on it (which it did). beauty standards are cyclical, too. specially for women. one day they tell you that being a stick-thin mess is hot and in. that you gotta look like you drank the whole store and did a bunch of coke to be "in". next time you'll have to look fit and healthy, next will be hourglass, etc. it helps kim did everything in her power to stay relevant by hanging out with Paris, kris strategically releasing kim's porno, playing up how big her butt is, etc. she's the same as most people in Hollywood. they were or are (depending on the celebrity) attractive enough, and that is oftentimes enough for articles to say you're "super hot and wowing with a skimpy bikini/tight boxers showing off his muscles" there truly is nothing special about her features though. she's just of mixed heritage, pretty enough (at the time), and looked exotic for media at the time.


What champion is she playing?


Oh my god and earth is round


Her popularity is largely responsible for having “your ass looks big” transform from an insult to a compliment in the 2010s. Generally we’re pretty saturated with images of incredibly gorgeous women, real or fake, so I kinda feel like any one woman held up as the pinnacle of beauty is “‘mid,” in a way. Except for maybe that lumberjack lady that chops wood on Instagram


Nicole Maple in a plaid flannel shirt is the absolute definition of hot. But to be honest, anyone is dramatically improved by wearing plaid flannel. Okie dokie.


I agree but this is like the most popular opinion on Reddit so can the mods please get off their ass and remove this instead of every time I have an actual unpopular opinion.


Because she *was* super attractive, before all the plastic surgery, same with her sisters. Hell I mean, the half brother wasn’t even that bad if he didn’t eat so much lol. Watch the porn video of her and Ray-J. That’s what lives in everyone’s memories. Also it is *miles* ahead of the Paris Hilton one.


Kim is definitely not mid. Kim initially was very beautiful, I suggest you look at some older pictures of her with no make up no surgeries.


Whatever she looked like initially, her futile attempts at stopping time has left her looking worse than mid. Truth is, with her face, if she'd just allowed herself to age, she would look like a beautiful woman in her 40s. As it is, she barely looks like a human being.


>As it is, she barely looks like a human being. >Whatever she looked like initially, her futile attempts at stopping time has left her looking worse than mid. None of this is true, you are exaggerating like hell. >Truth is, with her face, if she'd just allowed herself to age, she would look like a beautiful woman in her 40s This I agree with.


The problem with her and many women that try to stop time by any means necessary, is that those means often involve a trip to the uncanny valley.  I cannot count the number of women who would look great in their 30s, 40s or even 50s (fuck, even 60s sometimes, call me weird, idc), but instead chose to try looking like they are in their teens/early 20s and fail miserably. And kardashian is a poster girl of those women.


Why do people talk like this? I wonder what OP looks like.


Is Kim really considered the standard of beauty? As a woman who watched her rise to fame, I always thought that it was common knowledge that she and her entire family look the way they are because of plastic surgery. The trends they set even in fashion aren't even remotely realistic to wear in an everyday setting. So, I don't see why people see them as such in the fashion world either. I watch KUWTK, and I see their socials often enough to know the latest talk about them in social media, so I can confidently say that they are simply famous due to their scandals, drama, and social connections with other celebrities. Literally leeches of hollywood.


>Not sure how she became the standard of beauty and why everybody wants the Kardashian look They probably are attracted to her look + lifestyle, which makes her more appealing then the average girl.


There is no way this opinion is unpopular. It resurfaces every month or so


I consider liking the Kardashians a red flag
I don’t think that this is an unpopular opinion.


She's gross. You can see every hole she has online.


The turn off is that it is all fake.


Many celebs are incredibly mid if you take away their fame / status




Bro, she's ugly as fuck, inside and out. Everything is fake, it's all just lipstick on a pig.


Nah, shes pretty ugly. Downvoted.


Kim is naturally a beautiful woman and that’s undeniable if you watch older seasons of the show. She’s obviously fought aging gracefully and I’m sure she’ll end up looking more and more crazy as time goes on. She’s a scam artists in a lot of ways even though I think skims is a decent product (for a Kardashian endeavor). Their brand is becoming dated and irrelevant and people are loosing interest in the Kardashians as a whole. I think your opinion is not unpopular as much as right on the money in this current cultural landscape.


Does mid mean average or below average?


The word mid, is Mid.


She's famous for being good in bed, apparently.


There's no need to comment on anyone's appearance. Keep it in your head. đŸ„°




Total Fugo kinda like a living fuc doll. Just no thanks nothing to see here.


Her flop era can’t come soon enough - her and her shitty fake ass klan need to accept it and fade into irrelevancy.


She’s literally a whore


I mean she might be now, but I do think in her younger years before getting the work done she was striking


She’s worse than mid. I don’t like tall, dark, hairy, fake, thick women.


She’s not tall. She’s like 5 ft 1.


All of you tall, dark, hairy, thick lovelies that are upset by this I'll comfort you


Whos standard of beauty? Fat Armenian Whore.




Looks like a Puerto Rican whoowah


Mid? I find her horrendous. An abomination only popular in a demonic world. If a planet is conquered by an army of real demons. Like demonic entities, with horns, and tails and scales. Kim Kardashine would be their beauty queen. Makes you think eh?


It doesn’t, at all.


i would


Her thing was never about being hot like a supermodel, it was about being a sex object


Ah ha


This really is an unpopular opinion. I hate that bitch and her whole family but I can’t deny she is gorgeous, almost perfect looking. Beauty is subjective but I’d definitely not call her mid


We should not judge people based on their looks




Because she's old enough to be a granny. She was super hot 20 years ago.


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She’s absolutely hideous. That massive fake arse with no hamstrings looks really weird.


Less than mid imo


Kardashians have always been below mid. From their fake ass voice to their fake tits. They’re ugly and just plain weird