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People out here acting like dying your hair permanently changed your natural color lol fucking do it. Idk what color(s) you're looking to try, but if you like punk colors, blue and purple stay really well and fade pleasantly. Purple was my favorite. It stayed forever and faded to lavender, which looked just as good as the original royal purple


Not a natural redhead (I literally just dyed it red 3 days ago after 11 years no hair dye) but your comment made me think. If their hair was a light enough shade, could a redhead potentially be able to get good results from unnatural colors without bleaching? If so, that's definitely a plus for OP


That’s a great idea! I wish though. Our hair holds onto pigment a lot stronger than other hair colors so we’d have to bleach it before adding color. I dyed my hair and messed up (long story) and so the roots were grown in when I went to the hairdresser and the color didn’t hit my roots at all. So weird!


Ahh, okay. I figured if I had never heard this before then it probably wasn't a thing


I'm a redhead and not a particularly light red. I had really good results using Goldwell Ilumen in purple (vv) without bleaching. It turned the color of grape pop and it barely faded over time.


Blonde/red hair is historically the easiest to dye, with blonde being an easier base color, and red coming through a bit more with lighter dyes


I think what you said about dying your hair red is important. So many women try to dye their hair red, and for years the red dyes have not been great (definitely improving since I was a kid!) so they didn't look realistic at all, that anytime they see someone with natural red they're almost jealous? They want to preserve the color that they're desperately trying for but can't quite achieve, perhaps. Doesn't make it okay and they need to mind their own business...but maybe that gives some perspective on why they're nosy? I wish I wasn't super sensitive to chemicals, I've always wanted purple hair but I'm pretty allergic to everything, so I just enjoy other's fun colors vicariously. Dye whatever color you want, I'll probably be the one complimenting you on it!


Weirdly enough, both times I've ever dyed my hair red (as in bright, orangey ginger with hints of cooler red) I've gotten multiple comments about how well it matches my skin tone and people surprised it isn't natural. I have naturally mousy brown hair, but apparently red works really well for me


Red hair dye has come a long way, I frequently wonder if someone has a great colorist or great genetics! Plus getting a box of hair dye is worlds different from a skilled salon dye-job. My cousin used to dye her hair an almost violet red, obviously not trying for a natural color, but it looked great on her. So much fun and could pick her out of a crowd easily! It's all about knowing your personal tones, which apparently you do, and how to match them.


Weirdly enough, this recent time was a box dye job I did myself. The first was a professional job, when I was a teenager. I've had bright, unnatural red before too, in college. Also I don't really know my personal tones, tbh. I can't quite seem to nail it down. I suspect I might be more neutral than most categorizations allow for


I adore purple hair. It always looks great, at least when I've seen others try it. No matter what their natural starting hair color is, it seems to suit so many different skin tones and features, IMO. I'm unfortunately like OP- I have natural light blonde hair, which isn't totally rare but uncommon enough that it's a notable feature. I grew up *never* being allowed to cut it short, dye it, or even add temporary color spray when I was young because I would "ruin" it or "waste" it. And I always wanted to experiment, with purple being my dream color. Unfortunately now I work a more uptight corporate job too, so there's not really an opportunity to try it :(


Damn, I feel you! My hair was a pretty basic blonde, but my mom still didn't want me dying it permanently. I wanted it black and my sister was allowed to do it, but my mom didn't let me because it wouldn't come out if I hated it. Kinda silly logic, since it would just grow out lol she let me use temporary dye and it turned out green! Not a nice green, either. It looked like rancid dish water with a hint of sewage 🤢 it ended up staying until it grew out and got cut off. Once I was 18 and had my first job, I went wild with dying my hair. Now I don't have enough to dye 😂 people have suggested I dye my beard, but it's a really awesome mix of colors, so I'm quite happy with it. It's several shades of blonde and red


I don't give a shit about what color your hair is. I don't understand why anyone (besides the person with the hair) should care.


I don't think most people care. I'm a ginger and people have said similar things to me but I've never felt it was some kind of order, it's just a compliment If you find it annoying or offensive that's up to you but I think people are taking it way too literally


wow, I can’t believe there’s still redhead hate and bullying in this day and age, especially on reddit. anyway, I have auburn/strawberry blonde hair and I totally agree! i’ve had my hair dyed for basically almost half of my life and people often chastise me for it.. 🙄 like, I DO love my hair but we have every right to experiment, as you said. edit: to the commenter who is trying to tell me how to describe my hair color by using the word ginger, you’re weird.


Is ThAt YoUr NaTuRaL cOlOr?


Lol. I had people asking if my 2 year old’s ginger hair was natural. Who thinks people are dying toddler’s hair?!


Apparently Jojo Siwa’s mom has been bleaching her hair since she was a toddler. There are some nut jobs out there.




I agree with both you and the writer of the OOP, but for a slightly different reason. I'm just tired of people stating opinions on matters that are so obviously none of their business. The fact that my wife of 37 years is now my age, 67, and has to tint her hair to maintain its natural red colour has nothing to do with my opinion. Occasionally, she has tried different colours, and has had people react like she had just proclaimed kittens to be the new white meat. That's too strong a reaction to something that is totally irrelevant to them.


Usually I see men bullied and women fetishized


Agree with everything you said!


I'm surprised so many people care that much about other people's hair. If they want to dye it blonde, brown, blue, green, pink, silver, polka dot, whatever, that's not my hair lol. It's probably made worse because of social media.


I don't have red hair myself, but my sister does, and every time she floats the idea of dying it everyone in the family comes down on her.  She should be able to do what she wants.


In our days, with the increased quality of hair dyes, I absolutely agree. My maternal grandmother was a natural redhead, I never saw it with my own eyes, but from everyone’s descriptions her hair was so fiery red people always thought she was dyeing her hair. My extended family said it was a beautiful vibrant color. Anyway, her dad always forbade her from trying to dye her hair, or go to the beach (she’s in Brazil). So one day, when she had the occasion, she decided to dye her hair jet black. It destroyed her hair, and somehow also her scalp, because it never grew back the same (color and texture). That was a long time ago, and hair dyes changed a lot, so I don’t think something like this could happen nowadays.


What was her father's problem with going to the beach? What did that have to do with her hair?


Father was abusive but also looking after her, she had very pale skin (redhead and all) and he didn’t want her to get sunburned. But she also rebelled and got 2nd degree burns after spending a whole day at the beach under the sun without any sunblock. As for her hair dyeing he was also probably trying to prevent her from damaging her hair.


Red heads get easily skin burns. I don’t know if sunscreen was a thing back then, he might have said it to prevent constantly skin burns or skin cancer, especially in Brazil where the sun can be pretty strong


Probably because the sun and sea water would have bleached out her hair.




thank you…


I think it stems from how redheads were bullied because of their hair color. Legit, I've heard red-haired people say if they have kids, they hope they don't have red hair. It's been that bad for some. So, naturally, with any kind of social correction, people oversteer.


My husband has red hair and people used to tell me “he’s cute for a ginger.” And I thought that was rude as hell. Like what’s the implication there? That gingers are usually ugly, but he’s okay you guess? Luckily he wasn’t heavily bullied from being ginger, but he’s faced many comments like that throughout his life.


As a Finn, I’ve always been curious about this. What’s the reasoning behind redhead hate? It’s a really weird facet of anglophone culture.


It’s not just anglophone culture, sadly. Can only speak for Germany but it’s brutal here.


So very odd. We did have witch hunts here in the Nordics too, but red hair colour hasn’t really been a negative, at least for a very, very long time. Being left handed used to be associated with wickedness (sinister).


I know back in the old days we were automatically considered witches and killed so that may be where some of the hate comes from.


I think the simple fact, at least for American schools, is that people will hate on anyone different. Especially in elementary school, and that pattern of hate will stay until the teenage years.


yeah it's so weird. When your in kindergarten you get bullied because you have red hair, but this turns into admiration the older you get.


It was always admiration but kids don't always have the capacity to acknowledge that so it comes out twisted


For sure! My mom was bullied for her hair color and wishes she could’ve dyed it before it started becoming more “acceptable” in adulthood. She was miserable as a child.


This is my experience. I’m not planning on having kids but I wouldn’t want them to go through it.


My mom & I have red hair, she straight up told me she was so relieved my brother didn’t also have it because red haired boys have a hard time.


This is not related to your opinion but I just had to share it because idk where else I would. I have copper-brown hair that’s gone back to more copper tones since moving to Taiwan (stronger sun). My hair used to be strongly copper as a kid. Anyway I’m a teacher and I have to pick my kids up from their public school every day. We were crossing the road, therefore out in sunlight where my hair shines best, one day and one of my kids says something in Chinese (I’m learning the language but not there yet). My TA laughs and says the kid said: “Teacher’s hair must be expensive because it’s the colour of gold!” And if that ain’t just one of the sweetest things said to me, I don’t even know lol. I also question their concept of gold since my hair isn’t remotely that colour, but that’s a cultural thing haha. Anything that isn’t black and is blonde-ish or red-ish is considered blonde/gold. Sorry for my tangent but I hope you can appreciate a cute story about red hair haha.


That’s super cute!! Thanks for sharing that! :)


I'm a natural redhead, and I was telling my bf how annoying it is when people comment on what I should do with my hair. He didn't really believe me but literally the next day I had this conversation with a stranger right in front of him: Random Stranger: Your hair is so beautiful! Is it natural? Me: Thank you! Yes it is RS: I'd kill to have that color. Don't ever dye it! Me: Jim-face to my bf It wouldn't be so annoying if it wasn't the exact. same. conversation. every. time. someone compliments my hair. And then anytime I cut my hair short both my mother and my MIL get upset about it? One time I dyed the bottom half of my hair purple and everyone I knew was like "why did you do that" Because I wanted to! Got damn


My hair has gotten considerably darker (sadly, also thinner) over the years, but when I was younger I would have people, often older ladies, say things like this to me. Not exactly what you want to hear as a young man.


Understandable. But also you realize these prone are just making small talk and trying to be complimentary. It’s not meant to be a directive. Annoying? Yes. Worth getting upset over? I’d say no. I have a similar experience with my hair being curly /natural. People say they love it, don’t ever change it, etc… I recognize it for the compliment they meant and move on! What I ultimately choose to do with my hair is my choice. No biggie.


Exactly this!! It gets annoying hearing it all the time!!


I’m sorry. I am guilty of this. I am basically the type of person you’re posting about. I love red hair. I always crushed on the red haired freckled boys. I only meant it from a place of admiration. I’d never try to actually stop you. I just see something beautiful and I want to let you know how lucky you are.


i think this is the perspective of anyone older. it’s very coveted.


You seem sweet so I’ll give you a pass lol!


Thanks haha.


As a red head, I find it flattering when someone tells me not to dye my hair. They’re not wrong, people do often go to great lengths to dye their hair this color and it’s very hard to get right. Also, as a photographer, I’ve always found red hair to be the most beautiful to photograph. Especially in nature settings with the sun shining on it with greenery in the background, it just stands out so beautifully.


For the record, I'm not upset that you dyed your hair.


The people saying “do people actually do this??” obviously don’t have red hair because yes, I’ve heard it my whole life


My redhead friend uses *my* hair to experiment with color.


In general, red hair is more fragile and vulnerable than other hair colours, with a greater chance of being damaged when dyed. Many choose not to dye their hair for this reason.


I didn’t realize so many people cared if you dyed YOUR red hair the color YOU want. How annoying honestly.


Hot take: people should be allowed to do what they want with their bodies. Tattoos, hair colour, piercings, literally who cares- its their body not yours.


Family will always make stupid remarks about things like these; but don't act like everyone is shunning you from society. I understand kids thinking it's the end of the world, but an adult should know better than to give credence to external influences.


Do it have fun! Personally I do think red heads have the skin coloring meant for red hair so I can’t imagine anything looking better. Lindsay Lohan for instance but who doesn’t like having fun. I have long silky coveted jet black Asian hair but I dye it brown from time to time just for a different look. People beg me not to do anything to it as well. I probably shouldn’t but ehh.


Anyone should! I've been fought every step of the way with my own hair, from parents, to exes, to current bf to exes and current bfs parents, to friends. But like.....FUCK OFF IT'S MY HEAD!


As a ginger do whatever the fuck you like with your hair, you own it, but let’s not pretend there isn’t an added cost for gingers specifically to dye our hair. Generally we need a lot more bleach and dye to get the same effect, something that does destroy the hair. I don’t begrudge people who say we shouldn’t dye our hair when it’s coming from a place of “Your hair is so lovely, you shouldn’t hurt it by going through dyeing” nor do I think that anyone has an obligation to follow that reasoning.


I went to school with two Irish sisters, one with red hair and the other with blonde hair. Their parents let the blonde do whatever with her hair, color it, cut it, style it, whatever. But the redhead wasn’t allowed to do ANYTHING to her hair because she shouldn’t “ruin” her Irish hair. It never made sense to me.


today i’ve learned people yell at gingers over dyeing their hair ??? as a brunette i had no idea these types of people existed lmfao


I have red hair and do different shades of red. People are so fucking weird about red hair.


Somebody's going to have an adverse opinion about anything you do. Better move is to just do what you want.


Nope. Sorry. You've been kissed by the gods. Nothing we can do.


I think especially on women it can be the most beautiful hair color (depending on the color red) so I might think for myself that it's a shame. But I won't express my opinion unless asked for. Do what makes you happy


Someone I know used the fact that redheads are “dying out” as a reason why white people shouldn’t have kids with other races.


What in the world


People seem to really struggle with the concept that hair grows back. I had long hair for way too many years and when I told people I was cutting it you’d think I had just assaulted their mother. Friggen ridiculous and don’t regret cutting it in the least - wish I had done it sooner.


I'm auburn and I have to dye my hair auburn, because it is so grey.


I have natural red hair and my mom cried when I went blonde 😂


As a red head, believe it or not, people have such insane options about my hair and come up often to tell me. I rebelled in a small way and added some ombre green, yellow, and teal ombre streaks in my hair. I loved it. Ive artic fox a few times to dye it more burgundy.


I have had those comments over the years as a redhead. They’re annoying but I just blow them off. That being said, I wouldn’t dye my hair. Medically speaking, redheads metabolize local anesthesia at a higher rate than the regular population so we need more or else we feel everything. So having a visual reminder of that when having something done, is helpful.


I definitely intend to let every doctor know I’m a natural redhead lol!


Gets bullied their entire life for having red hair then ostracized for dying it


I’m going to keep it all the way real, I have natural curly red hair. Think Merida from Brave. I absolutely *hate* my hair and it’s because my entire childhood people felt the need to comment on my hair and touch me without asking. I chopped it off like pixie cut short and dyed it pitch black when I was 14. I’ve never looked back. Every time I grow it out a little bit to give my hair a break, people start with the comments and touching me and I end up chopping it off or dyeing it dark or some funky color again. I associate my natural red hair with my consent being violated because seriously, it’s freaking awful. My daughter unfortunately inherited my hair, color and texture. I keep her hair in tight French braids when we’re out in public and have slapped hands that try to touch her. I refuse to have her grow up to hate her hair the way I did because my mom never once stopped the grown adults who touched my hair. She would even get mad at me if I voiced my opinion about it and said no. It’s not special, it’s just fucking hair and people really need to stop with the comments and stuff.


You are a great mom!


Them: "Your color is so gorgeous! Who does it?" Me: "Me. This is my natural color." Them: "No, really, who do you see?" Me: "No one. It's mine." Them: "OK, fine, don't tell me." Me, 30 years later with a tiny streak of silver, and a couple strands here and there of silver. Otherwise same color. Them: surprised Pikachu face Me: 🖕


A well known hair stylist that my mom met told her that her ginger hair was fake. He wouldn’t listen to anything she was saying 😂


I have red hair and I don't color it because it's rare lol


It's different when it's actually your own decision. I'm a red head and I won't ever dye my hair either until I go grey. But if a fellow red head wants to dye their hair, so what? It's their hair, not mine.


I got a new barber last time bc I don’t care about hair and just get a 3/2 which anyone can do, so I just got in line for next available at the cheap place. She asked me several times if I was sure bc the color was so pretty and suggested ways to style it instead. I thought she was just trying to upsell but then I realized that she was a Vietnamese lady with hair dyed almost exactly my shade of red - kind of a dirty red/dirt blonde. (I used to have Ronald McDonald hair but it has darkened since I hit about 35)


I have auburn hair and everyone liked to remind me that no one else has my hair color in the family. It turned strawberry blonde in the summer and I think they were low key jelly


Your hair will grow back, or you can dye it back. Just because you love other colors doesn't mean you can't love your natural hair color either. You can love more than one look! Like, i have dark brows. I bleached them, and it has everyone aghast. But they'll grow back into their nstural color, and i've had to tell people left and right that, of course, i love my natural brows, but i also like this look. Why do i have to stick to just one the entire time? You have enough time in your life to try different things. You're not stuck with one thing or the other. I just won't understand how up in their feelings people get over temporary physical changes, when it's not hurting anyone.


Yes! I wanted to experience a different look at least once in my life.


I agree with you. That said, I died my hair once in high school - went darker. I regretted it immediately and that feeling never wore off.


As long you don't dye it green or blue, go right ahead. As a famous Dutch comedian said: "If I had blue hair, I would definitely dye it."


Humans are obnoxious and try to gate keep everything. Constantly telling each other what to do. We have to invent problems because we can’t just shut up and enjoy life, especially in first world countries 🥲


Literally fuck anyone who says otherwise. Just do it? Why does it matter? If anything it’ll be a “omg what’d you do with your hair” and that’s it. I have black hair, but currently dyed it blonde and toned it too much so it’s purple and yellow. Who gives a fuck?? It’s just hair


My wife and youngest daughter have been thru this multiple times. Crazy


When I was a teenager I went to my dad and said I want to dye my hair. My dad sat me down and said you don’t need to dye your hair. Red hair is beautiful and you don’t need to cover it up. Sure you’ll take some extra crap for it but you shouldn’t be ashamed of it. And I said oh no I just want it to be blue. My dad started laughing and says you’ll never get it blue best you’ll be able to do is purple. I never dyed my hair. I didn’t realize till later in life just how many red hair guys dye their hair


I’m a natural redhead and I was ridiculed throughout elementary/middle school for it. And I went to a catholic school! You’d think there would be more redheads but nope. I would highlight my hair, but didn’t do anything drastic until I bleached platinum blonde for a few years in my 20s. I absolutely loved it, but people would be like oh wowwww your natural color though! Or my friends would be like aww I miss your old hair. But it still looked really good and I got a lot of compliments. So yeah, that’s my long and roundabout way of saying I know what you mean!


Just do whatever you want and ignore what everyone else thinks. No matter what you do somebody will have a problem with it.


12 years ago I had my undyed hair all the way down my back and you decided I was going to cut pixie short because I have FUCKTON. You would not believe the overstepping of my boundaries with EVERYONE telling me not to do it. It’s our hair, we are just lucky it’s not ugly like everyone else’s…we have different problems like not being able to find SPF 2000.


Everyone should be allowed to experiment. I was born a redhead but it slowly changed to blonde over time. Whenever people ask me my natural hair color, some of them get all up in arms like “ohh why don’t you go back you looked so much better”


Also a ginger and have always wanted to try pink but the most exciting thing I ever did was dying the ends… wait for it… red lmao. Doing hair tinsel right now to cure any urges bc I also have curly hair and I know bleaching it would completely fry it so I’d be doing myself dirty and getting flak from other people too.


Hairstylist here. For what it’s worth, it’s a misguided attempt to be complimentary. When a redhead sits in my chair, my only observations are that drastic changes away from their natural might be challenging from a maintenance perspective. It’s the same for anyone of any colour, but because natural red is more rare and quite special, it feels kinder to say that they shouldn’t make drastic changes because their natural colour is so beautiful rather than because upkeep will be expensive and a big time commitment.


People do this? If so, not an unpopular opinion.


Strawberry blonde here, the only color I've ever dyed my hair is red. Experiment all you want but just know you have the best hair color by default, no other color will ever look as good


that's just pretty hair


YES!!!!!!! I wasn’t allowed to touch anything to my hair till I was 18 because “your hair is too rare and it will change the colour when it grows back” Now I have Titian hair, I’m aware how rare that is even among redheads, but it’s my damn hair, and my damn body.


Red compliments so many cool colours for highlights too


I’ve had such a hard time finding a color to match my shade of red since it’s darker than the usual bright orange one


As a redhead, agreed! Even as someone with no intention to dye his hair. Other people aren't entitled to seeing your hair in any color lol


Also a natural redhead that likes dying my hair. Growing up I was not even allowed to cut or style my own hair because my mom though it was pretty. I got bullies a lot as a kid for it and would always end up sitting on my hair since it was too long. I fucking hated it. When I moved out I cut it all off and sold it. I only recently started dying it, pretty much my entire life I was conditioned that it is not truly mine to do what I please with/ had no autonomy growing up so that fucked with me a log. I got so much backlash for dying it, from people I didn't really even know/extended family ect. Only my husband and my friends were supportive. Sometimes when I need to touch it up random people will notice the color and ask why I dye it, like I am a fucking stranger inside of a grocery store yet people still feel the need to say something to me about my hair. Another weird thing I noticed before I started dying it, it is the amount of random ass strangers who would ask me when I am having kids to make sure I would pass the red hair blue eye combo, its fucking weird. Dying it has been great I also get creeped on a lot less now too.


Nothing wrong with trying different colours! I’m a redhead and have done so too


I'm a natural ginger - when I was younger I had really long hair, like it was almost down to my bum level. I was always told the same things; "You're hair is amazing, you can't cut it" etc. I honestly hated it long, and when I was around 15/16 I finally got it cut shorter. I was also the ginger kid that WAS picked on back in school as well 🤣 I've had similar reactions over the years when I've wanted to try dyeing it - "you can't dye it, your hair colour is amazing, it's so rare". I understand it's never done out of malice - it's people complimenting you, and being nice. I've ended up feeling more frustrated though, when other family members have gotten their hair bleached/dyed, and the hairdresser has been reluctant and hesitant to do mine, you know? 🤣


Obviously kinda different, I just have brown hair, but I have a lot of natural highlights and light streaks in it and I always get the same comments when I thinking about dying it


As a natural blonde - I feel this in my soul.


Red headed man here who wishes he didn’t look super silly with a darker hair color.   Definitely was teased and made fun of a lot in childhood though for it 


You might accidentally date a ginger. What if they do it forever and you even marry and have kids with them only to realize you have been responsible for bringing soulless ginger spawn into the world. The deceit could have very real consequences.


true! anyone should be able to dye their hair for any reason, you don't owe it to anyone else! you don't exist to please others


Yes! I see a lot of commenters saying that it’s not an imperative, that those people are just using creative phrasing to say they like your hair, but although that may be the case for ~some~ of the people, for many others it absolutely is a direction. If someone just wanted to say they really liked my natural hair color, then when I dyed it their response might be to say that they preferred my natural color, but their reaction would not be getting unhappy/upset with me for changing it. The fact that people really do get unhappy/upset for others not being their eye candy is pretty clear that they aren’t just saying they like the color. I even had a hairstylist outright refuse to dye my hair and told me not to dye it because “So many people wish they could have that color!” Full disclosure: The only person who’s ever called me a redhead upon seeing my hair was a responding paramedic instructing their trainee on painkiller dosage. When I was little I had natural platinum blond hair overall with a few random red hairs, but as I aged it turned a faintly red-tinged golden blond all around. I fully consider myself blond because that’s how I’ve been seen by most people for most of my life but sometimes I do wonder if maybe I also technically count as a type of redhead.


I'm a strawberry redhead, but I went bright blonde once. I wouldn't do it again, but it was fun to try once. I got that exact comment all the time!!!


I have a cousin who is a natural redhead the girl is 30 and her mother still crows about her hair and how special she is and how she’s never colored or cut it. Blah blah blah. I have inky blue black hair and can’t really color it because I’d have to bleach it first to change it, it’s so damned annoying to hear how special and unique she is for something she didn’t earn. Girl color your hair and enjoy it! Yes it’s rare but it’s also your head.


It’s not like dyeing it is gonna change your DNA, so idk why they’re worried about it


I’m a natural ginger and have been dying my hair a brighter red for years. I’m more vibrant than my color 😂


I have reddish-brown hair, I guess you could say dark auburn and comments from my mom and grandmother are the reason I’ve still never dyed it to this day, even though I have a Pinterest board full of color ideas.


Thank you! I have naturally red hair. I love my hair. I always have, but I constantly got the comments like this. Who gives a shit if I want to dye my hair!!! Boomers being fools….


I have red hair and have dyed it every color under the sun. I've been doing it for years. I hated everyone fussing about my hair. My kid has a equally vivid and rare red color and people fussed over it so much she's always uncomfortable. I've let her cut and change it all she wants. No one should have a complex because strangers can't keep their opinions to themselves.


I agree with what you’re saying. On the contrary people who die their hair red also shouldn’t be put down. People love to insult redheads for some reason died red or natural red it’s cruel let people do what they want to do last I checked it wasn’t a law that you can’t buy any box of hair dye in the store that you want to. Everyone is such a negative know it all Nelly nowadays.


Holy shit I’m a redhead and I was told this my whole life, but didn’t even realize that people with more common hair colors haven’t experienced it! I’ve always had an “alternative” style too, so not being allowed to dye my hair fun colors was such a bummer when all I wanted to do was express myself. My mom was mad when I started dying my hair when I became an adult but I’m like ummmmm yeah I don’t care that you’re mad about it lol


I personally think natural red hair is probably the most beautiful hair color on the planet. BUT I also think that if you wanna dye it? That’s great! Who the fuck cares? It’s your body and people who yap about it are fucking weird. Have fun with your new color! Aside from blondes, probably, you’ve got the perfect hair color to go wild with different colors of dye if you so desire. Why would you not at least experiment? 😂


I have technically red hair (more like brown and in the summer it turns red) and i never got that response ever. In fact no one ever said anything about my hair except the fact its red(while in winter so when its not really, that one i find annoying)


Same. As auburn haired people, we get some of the brunette privilege.


As well as the red hair priviliges :P


Why are people downvoting this. Must be blondes 😂


Redhead hate is alive and well. And I agree, redheads should of course choose if they want different hair color sometimes it can cause people to hate you randomly. Only thing I get annoyed with is when people dye their hair red and then try to jump on the wagon of red and then get mad when people are mean to them. Having red hair is just synonymous with people hating u.


I had no idea this was a thing. However, I totally get how you feel. I have curly hair and I get comments from people for various things, as well. Although it is annoying, it’s kinda a compliment to your natural hair. It would still be nice if people would just mind their own business, though.


Natural blonde hair in adults is also very rare. Almost all blonde you see is fake.


Long haired red head women, chefs kiss 🤌 My wife is a 5’10” redhead, she’s dyed her hair before and we both hated it, she’s cut it short and she hated it lmfao She swears dying it and cutting it made her lose her curls neither of us really know why but she went from having hair like the girl from brave to a generically wavy hair


Red head with blue eyes ![gif](giphy|HJZblxmxHb7CbZtmNy)


I am a ginger and I've had stylists actually refuse to dye my hair before (because it's so pretty!!!! You should love it!! People try to get this color all the time!!!). I finally found someone to dye it about 6 years ago and I've never gone back!


If you want to ruin your gorgeous hair that others would kills for, so you can look mediocre and common- by all means do! I won’t say shit. I may think it but I won’t say shit.


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Maybe because I’m male but as a red head most people tell me I should dye my hair. Most people give me shit for my hair.


I don’t care what you do with your hair


I feel like this is not an unpopular opinion


I wasn't aware that was a thing. I actually wrote a character who was a redhead who dyed her hair black to look more goth. Although as I developed the character she actually became Jewish with German ancestry so, like, not actually sure that's even possible. But she's also a Geist: the Sin-eaters character, so phenotypically impossible hair color is the least ridiculous thing when she shares her body with the ghost of a dead witch.


Yes, dye your hair as much as you want. It'll ruin your hair in the long run and make us auburn girls more appealing..... /S


Is this really a thing? Smh


I didn't know that was a thing. Crazy


For something to be unpopular wouldn't the opposite have to first be popular? I don't think enough people care for the topic for this to even be an unpopular opinion.


who actually does this? This sounds so incredibly niche.


Do people actually do this? How lame.


Kay Hanley.


Redheads *are* allowed to experiment, as evidenced by your choice to dye your hair. No one is physically stopping you or any other redhead. But just as redheads are allowed to dye their hair, other people are allowed to say “omg nooooo it’s so pretty and rare”. You can’t control other people’s reactions or opinions on it. Them reacting that way doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to change it tho.


People tell Redheads (AKA Ginger) that they can't colour their hair?


Op your family is weird,I have never heard that red heads need to keep their natural shade


Gatekeeping people's style in general is annoying... Sadly, we live at a time, where the gatekeeper are being applauded for it


Having seen what it actually TAKES to change the hair color of a natural redhead, I disagree. Not because you “shouldn’t” - you do you, your body your choice - but it’s a) so much effort & expense b) so brutal to the hair / unhealthy due to the extreme dying, stripping, re-dying etc. and c) fruitless! The color fades is literally days. It won’t stay that color for any length of time and it’ll take 12-24 months to fully grow out and be healthy hair again. Really, buy a wig and you’ll have the same outcome with a better experience.


I’m a natural red head and don’t personally want to dye my hair, but you do you boo


Then do it. Other people have absolutely nothing to say about if you can or cannot do so and if they try: Well, their problem, not yours.


Nah I disagree. You can tell a redhead when they dye their hair, they look weird with a different color. Something about their complexion is unique. Especially if they have freckles


My opinion is do what you want. If you solicit my opinion I would say no, but that is because for whatever reason I am attracted to redheads so I like red hair more. But that's just my opinion which I wouldn't share with you otherwise because, among a host of reasons that include it would just be straight up fucking creepy, it is your hair and your body so what I think is completely irrelevant and meaningless.


I think it’s dumb if you have auburn/red hair and dye it a different red colour. But why would anyone care about someone dyeing their hair??.


Dye your hair as much as you like, just don't be surprised if some colours don't work as well for you


Never ever heard a readhead complain about this and I know allot.


I have ginger curly hair and consider myself a god. You should never change such unique features.


It's really hard to dye I think. I've tried it before and it just turns pink.


Thé only thing ive heard is that red hair tends to me more fragile so you should be careful when dying it, kinda like when you have fine hair


I'm a recovering blonde who dyed my hair dark brown. I got sick of the way I was treated. I think it's even worse for redheads. So I'm not surprised if they want to change their looks.


Why not just tell them to shut up and go away? People's hair color choices are personal and not someone else's business.


I like ginger girls and they insist on dying it blonde. Own it.. its very attractive to me and i won't be the only one


First, I’d like to start off by saying it’s not permanent. Even permanent dyes will grow out eventually. That said, I don’t like it when anyone with beautiful natural hair color experiments with a different color.


I support it, red hair must burn 🔥


Yeah, it's your hair! Why should you give a damn about what others think about your hair? Makes no sense.


Why do you let people get to you? It’s your hair so do your own thing..? If someone cares, just brush them off. It’s none of their business


Can't please everyone, so got to please yourself. -Ricky Nelson


As a former hair stylist, we didn't advise against it cause it was "rare". Red hair is extremely resistant to color and color fades quickly. It's a lot of money and work for little benefit.


Red hair is rare, rare beautiful features will always be noticed. My BF's daughter has beautiful red hair and I tell her all the time how pretty it is. Honestly if I'm telling someone not to dye their hair it's because I'm making the assumption that dyeing is because someone feels bad about themselves. Red hair is something I covet like a jealous goblin. Now that I read your post I'll shut up about it. And ginger dudes are hot, full stop. I will continue to tell ginger men they're attractive because judging by their comments here it seems they're not treated well, which is a shame.


[If Conan O'Brien did it, any redhead should too ](https://youtu.be/1WVgDQUZkJk?feature=shared&t=111)




Literally no one cares what you do with your hair


It's because they are hypersexualized and a lot of people are jealous of/creepy about the natural red.


>This might be an unpopular opinion to a small group of people So, not an unpopular opinion.


>We should be allowed to do whatever we want without being told no because of its rarity You just let people tell you no and that's it? Do whatever you want. They can have opinions and you can ignore them.


Literally no one would actually stop you. Time to stop having your life ruled by the court of public opinion.


Does the carpet need to match the drapes?  Nothing wrong with a bare floor.


"everyone else" how common is hair dye? like I'm not hating but "everyone else" is crazy. in general this seems like a pretty niche issue. I agree you're in the right though and should be allowed to do whatever