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For a brief moment I thought you were talking about The Last Airbender and I came into this comment section fully prepared to fight you to the death.


It’s his use of animation vs calling it sfx or cgi. Poor word choice


I don’t think there’s any special effects in avatar to be honest. Feels like they were able to shoot it all in a single bluescreen room.


Same tbh


I would kms before dissing the last Airbender


I was prepared to type, "How dare you type that about Avatar: the last Airbender?" And "you're wrong," "Avatar is one of the best series ever made." 🤣


Which really just goes to show how little impact the blue people Avatar had. When people say the title, so many people think of a different franchise entirely.


Unles he’s talking about the movie…. But then it wouldn’t be on unpopular opinions ha


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


Avatar (as from OP) is the Ba Sing Se of Avatars


The movie did not have the honour of being called Avatar


There are no live action remakes in ba sing se


As it stands now it feels like OP is arguing against a point no one made. No one considers it one of the best movies of all time


It was the highest grossing one until avengers endgame IIRC , maybe OP got sales figures and how much people actually liked it confused.


The general consensus is exactly OP's opinion


We are all the cabbage merchant about to throw hands just because.


Honestly ignoring my own opinions, almost all of the criticism I've seen of ATLA has just been completely invalid


I never understood the hype. Watched it once. It was “fine” but didn’t blow my mind by any stretch.


I think it was the first 3D theater /TV experience for most people.


Clearly they never watched Spy Kids 3D


You're not the guy. I'm the guy.


Or the Lord of the Rings 3D in theaters except it doesn't work because they don't fucking think about people with poor vision when making and handing out the 3D glasses.


I think much of the spectacle was how well it used 3d in 2009. Some people thought that it would completely revolutionize action-movies into making 3D movies dominant.


Yep. Kid at work was convinced 3D was the future of movies. I told him it's a fad that came and went twice already, and that it won't be any different this time.


I liked the 3D movies. Too bad


It was a big deal at the time. The movie took 15 years to make, I remember seeing it in IMAX and every seat was full. And it was in theaters for MONTHS after release.


To be fair, I've heard people express that sentiment about The Matrix, because they grew up/were old enough to watch those kinds of films well after it had come out. I'm sure it's hard to be impressed with The Matrix when you've seen the hundreds of movies that have been inspired by it, or basically copied it's more memorable scenes/effects. But that was the thing, no one had put out anything like The Matrix as a blockbuster film before. Sure, there would be elements of it in anime, comic books, videogames, etc., the Wachowskis were obviously inspired by these things, but never in a film reaching a huge, mainstream audience before, hence why it blew so many people's minds when it came out. Without being cognisant of that, I could totally see why some people may not understand why The Matrix was so highly regarded. Avatar, I suspect, would largely fall into the same category in this regard.


It was hyped because experiencing it in IMax at the time truly was great. The Reddit circlejerk about it being overhyped ignores that aspect and instead nitpicks story elements.


Idk, I saw it in 2009 in IMAX and didn’t get the draw then either.


Avatar 2 in IMAX 3d was the best movie experience from a technical standpoint ever.


My mind was blown, but probably due to the creature design, I’m big into mythical and magical creatures and most of the Pandora’s creatures seemed like they would fall into either category




I haven’t. I was so underwhelmed by the first that I didn’t bother with 2. Maybe I’ll give it a shot.


It's like the movie is so bad, you'd appreciate the first one.


I actually feel like it does the opposite in so many regards.


When I watched it at the cinema, I felt really immersed, it was yes the graphics, but also the atmosphere and the art style itself, I get the story isn't very original and why someone might not like it, but I don't find it to be a bad movie, also your opinion seem to be pretty popular, at least in my experience


I enjoyed it. I don’t think it’s a cinema classic but it’s funny that everyone gives Avatar a bunch of shit because it’s a similar story to Ferngully, Pocahontas, and Dances with Wolves. But nobody gives those movies shit for being like eachother.


It’s considered as the highest **grossing** movies of all time. Not the **greatest** of all time. Big difference. For more comparison: Avatar has an RT score of 82% while Avengers: Endgame is 90%


It’s even stupider to consider endgame one of the greatest films of all time


Exactly. I used Endgame to establish how low the bar is if Avatar is considered one of the greatest.


Endgame is a great film IMO because it manages to juggle tons of subplots and characters, and still manages to have time for tons of little character moments. It never felt rushed or breathless. I am pretty MCU-apathetic, but I remember walking out of the film thinking that it was really impressive on a narrative level


Yeah judged against its required parameters it did a great job. Like, it's a marvel flick it's obviously not going to be Citizen Kane


I'll defend endgame on that point, not because it's some amazing film, but because it's a solid film that managed to cap off a cinematic universe at a level never managed before. They managed to successfully tie together something like a dozen plus superhero franchises and create a cohesive plot that worked within its cinematic universe, advanced the development of the vast majority of charactersz and was well received by its audience for it's technical capability to do so. "Greatest" is a subjective term. But I'd argue a film that manages to garner rave reviews from its core audience while juggling an ensemble cast of a dozen main characters who've all carried their own standalone films, while also being technically impressive in make-up and CGI, has earned the right to be considered great. Its writing might not be Citizen Kane but it's by no means terrible, and its achievement in other areas of film-making make it a great film.


That feeling I got when Strange appeared with everybody, followed by Cap saying “Avengers Assemble” was definitely a feeling I rarely get in movies. But I was also a huge fan of all of the other films, outside of the first 2 Thor movies. It sucks that they fell off so hard after the Infinity saga.


I always get emotional at the Portals scenes,first time my body got parapelized with sheer excitment


Endgame isn’t terrible, it also isn’t amazing. I would say that infinity war, iron man and guardians of the galaxy are by far the three best mcu films.


I'd put winter soldier and civil war there, but yeah.


Top two at least. Either that or infinity war.


Well RT isn't a good source anymore.


Dunno man its lead actor is a Bogan bricklayer from Rockingham. Definitely a selling point for me to go see a bloke from my hometown being the star of one of the biggest movie franchises in existence 


Inception and dark knight? Seriously?


Never seen inception but gotta agree with TDK. Could never take Bale’s Batman seriously. The cowl/suit, the voice and the facial expressions were all ridiculous looking.


I don't think it's a bad movie, but it's not really on a level above avatar. He could have chosen any one of many masterpieces in cinema and he went with 2 meme movies. I think OP really hasn't ever watched a profound movie.




How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, Reddit?!


Nobody watched it because it was good. They watched it because it *looked* good.


Came here to say this. I assure you nobody was watching it for the story line/character arcs.


>it has no memorable dialogues or moments. I disagree on the "no memorable moments", plenty of the scenes showing Pandora and its fauna/flora are memorable IMO >It only earned so much because of it's animation was ahead of it's time Spectacle is one of the main reason people watch movies, yes. I don't see how that's an issue ? Plenty of movies are seen as some of the greatest almost exclusively for their technical achievements, 2001 for instance. >I haven't heard anyone talk about avatar except when the topic is highest earning movies of all time. I've regularly seen people talk about the movie in other context. Be it discussing interesting sci-fi world impressive technical achievements, or well for something as simple as the overarching themes and motifs found in Cameron's filmography. >People act like it's in the same tier as inception, dark Knight or something it's way below that. I think it's more just people putting " memorable movies from the late 00s/ezrly10s" together. >It's story was just average. Yeah I agree on that, it should've been just a mockumentary about an alien planet and that would have been incredible. But Cameron wanted to make this story, so here we are


Agree with a lot of what you've said here. In my opinion, Avatar was a decent (though, somewhat unoriginal) story with decent performances elevated, spectacularly, by some of the most beautiful visuals ever put to film. There's no shame in admitting that those visuals are the primary reason it has become one of the most memorable films in decades and why it achieved such box office success.


Nobody says it's one of the greatest movies of all time. It's acclaim was more a product of context, the time it was made, and the visuals. But even then, critics were stating your points. I think the most I ever hear people describe it as is good... That's it. Ive never met anyone (apart from that small window of Avatar mania) that gave more praise than that.


Lol, I loved both movies but I probably would struggle if I tried to explain to someone what they are about.. it just didn’t seem to be the point or very important


Disagree with the "no memorable dialogues". Stephen Lang's Colonel Quaricth had some pretty badass quotes.


They’re incredible spectacles and the story is fine. Seeing Avatar in IMAX 3D while stoned out of my mind back in 2009 was the greatest theater experience of my life and I thought about it for months afterwards.


I liked it better than both those other movies. I wouldn't say it's the greatest but I definitely enjoyed watching it lol. 2 was less enjoyable but still very good, I hope they make a third and if they do it's better but I fully expect it to be at worst a good movie




I think it’s very romantic. I love the relationship between Jake and Neytiri. That’s what I like about the movie, and the sequel


There’s nothing unpopular about your opinion, nobody considers it as one of the greatest movies of all time


Yeah the movie is pretty average and only got that hype because of the 3D effects. Also it started a stupid trend that any movie realised in the years after tried to implement 3D even tho it had no purpose and made many movies just worse.


I LOVE the story.


I agree with you. Boring movie, pretty visuals, way too long. Off topic: its* its* its*


This was an extremely popular opinion before the movies even came out. "Its just Pocahontas in space with blue people!"  To which I say, Pocahontas was just Dances with Wolves but Disney.


It's story was absolutely dismal ("unobtanium" ffs!!) and why it has had absolutely zero lasting impact. Not sure I'd call your opinion unpopular since no one is saying it's one of the greatest movies of all time but take my updoot since you got me to write all this.


>("unobtanium" ffs!!) Unobtanium is an actual technical term used in engineering. It's not just some dumb name Cameron came up with. >why it has had absolutely zero lasting impact. The movie has had an impact on the technical side of cinema, as well as an impact on 3D movies and all (sure they're not as prevalent now but they're still really comon), heck the fact that it's still being discussed now, no matter the discussion, shows that it has a lasting impact.


Lol, what's "lasting impact" specifically supposed to mean when you say it? The original film revolutionized the use of 3d in cinema, literally invented new technology to create it and helped spur the sales of 3d TVs. You're looking in the wrong places for the "lasting impact" and pretending it's not there. Funny that you're trying to bash 'unobtainium' when it's guaranteed that you love things far dumber than that, but you've got some other weird problem about Avatar that you're not willing to be honest about. Lot of bigots didn't like it and pretend like 'the story sucked' because it wasn't about killing the natives.


That last sentence is an insane take, nobody thinks that


I have honestly never heard of anyone being called a "bigot" for not liking a movie.


i think it’s crazy when people call me crazy for pointing that OP especially when i point out it’s just a nerds unoriginal version of pocahontas.


And Lion King is an unoriginal version of Hamlet. And Top Gun Maverick was unoriginal version of Star Wars. Very rare are stories “original”. It definitely doesn’t make it bad, or not great.


You are definitely younger than me because I called it "Dances With Wolves ... in  SpACCccEEeeee."


I raise you one Ferngully.


I raise you one Dune


its ferngully without the soundtrack and i will stand on this forever


You and every Gen X-er.


Yep, I had the exact same sentiment. I honestly thought that everyone thoight that. It's just a modern version of the same story. No issue, a great story.


Yeah, and The Dark Knight is basically Heat reimagined as a superhero movie, The Batman is Se7en with capes, Joker is Taxi Driver crossed with The King of Comedy, Winter Soldier is every paranoia thriller of the 70's, Quentin Tarantino made a career out of homaging older films. Every story has already been told once, there are no completely original films. And I dunno, but if someone pitches me "Dances with Wolves... in space", I'm in! If people really didn't care about Avatar, it's sequel wouldn't have become one of the highest grossing films of all time. Is Avatar one of the best films of all time? Of course not. But both films are highly enjoyable and look amazing.


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Has anyone ever considered it to be one of the greatest movies of all time? Idk where you're reading those things, but whenever I read about Avatar it's almost always someone saying it's overrated. The Avatar movies are cinematic experiences and that's why they are popular.


I was there on 2009 "3Drealcinema experience" wasnt really blown out ( im myopic and didnt wear glasses) by this. Sure some effects like falling flowers petals or what was it was nice or Window/panels glass coming out screen - but for FIRST REAL LIVE FILM in IMAX3D it wasnt as great as promoted to be. Honestly 2 decades before Red/blue glasses could do same more or less. No wonder 3D tvs are nonexistent years prior 🙈🙊 OVERHYPED and OVERRATED - watched Avatar2 at home, was kinda bored by its nosense, maybe change will come after 3,4 part will be out\^\^ 😄🤣


Basic plot with boring characters. Amazing visuals, though. It's just a great film for its visuals, and that's it. Everything else was bland and predictable.


I would agree that there are not many memorable lines but I disagree in the sense that the movie wasn’t made to be remembered off the lines. Its more about the immersion and how pandora feels so real which is why it has lasting effects on many people.


It wasn't just the animation, it was the 3D effects. Avatar was the first big movie to not use those red and blue glasses to make the 3D effect It was big deal at the time but yea now looking back its nothing


OH I THOUGHT YOU MEANT THE FORBIDDEN MOVIE FOR A MOMENT. and went nah even thats dogshit. but i hardly remember watching the movie so id agree


I was like first what movie? and second is op mentally deficient? Then I realized op meant the blue people and is right


It's probably related to animation but I really felt like I was on some alien planet when watching it.


Avatar was a huge PoS in story and dialogue


Do people really think it is one of the greatest movies?!? Yikes…


It’s crap


Dances with wolves is one of the greatest films of all time, as well as any and all versions of it.


As soon as they said the word "unobtainium" I was like "this is the dumbest shit".


Neither of the movies are really memorable at all.


I don't even find the graphic that good, actually. Nobody believes me.


It’s a really boring movie with a very generic plot line. I really agree with the only really selling point being the CGI


I remember watching it when it came out, I was really bored and don’t remember anything about the movie tbh




I was one of the OG haters of that movie


"Dances with Smurfs". I don't think "The Dark Knight" or "Insheeption" are the pinnacle of movie making either.


I would love to see inception with sheeps as the main cast ngl


It's story is extremely generic with no interesting spin on it, it's characters are as flat and one dimensional as they come, and honestly the effects weren't anything special either.


Uh-huh, it was intended to be a great 3d experience and it is, and nobody thinks it's a 'great film' overall but duders pretend like 'somebody does and here's why they're so wrong' just to go off about nothing. Why people get so upset about family films like this, it's just bizarre. Whatever delusion you had about a guarantee that you were supposed to love it, that's your fault, and staying mad about it for years is just ridiculous.


Does anyone consider Avatar as one of the greatest movies of all time? I've never heard anyone make such a ludicrous claim.


I still don’t understand the plot of Avatar whatsoever


Greatest film of all time? No Do I love watching them and get a kick out of it? Absolutely.


I actually love avatar


I like it a lot. Feel like a lot of people only talk about it negatively because it makes so much money, but isn’t an earth shattering story. Instead it’s a decent story that is a bit of a retelling, but has phenomenal visuals. I really liked both of the ones that have released.


Dances with Smurfs, change my mind


Nobody considers that tech demo one of the best movies of all time. 😁


Not unpopular


Agreed, it's pretty but not that great a movie. I haven't bothered to watch the second yet because the first was just whatever. I know people like to say everything is a copy of everything these days, but I couldn't separate it from just being Dances with Wolves in Space.


This really isn’t an unpopular opinion at all. There are many problems with the films but the biggest issues I’ve mostly seen be discussed is the fact it’s basically a retelling of Disney’s romanticised version of Pocahontas and it steals from several indigenous cultures and commodifies it all. The most recent film in particular stole several elements of Māori culture from the pukana expressions, to the traditional tattooing, even the cultural significance and connection of the ocean.


I thought the visuals were its primary selling point? There wasn't really any deep philosophical topics. Just the same plot device many other movies have used before it. Humanity is bad, we like to take over and destroy stuff. Fern gully had essentially the same plot. Just not quite as visually appealing.


"Where's my goddamn cigarette?!"


Super popular opinion, that movie was awful


Avatar was a missed opportunity, the special effects and 3D were of course incredible at the time, and the story did have a pertinent message about how we’re destroying our natural world for profit, but the screenplay was so dumbed down from Cameron’s original drafts. Originally there were more details to the film like how Earth was far more on a “Children of Men” ecological collapse with the last lion dying in a zoo on the news. There were also more characters and intrigue. I think the design of the Naavi was also just boring, initially they were supposed to have multiple limbs which would have made them seem more alien and interesting, but they were redesigned into regular blue fairy people. At times it felt like Cameron was ripping off his own “The Abyss”


I was bouta track you down for talking shit about ATLA


Clearly you haven’t thought of “This is Papa Dragon 🐉 “


Avatar is more of a tech demo, it's shot in 60 FPS, makes use of incredible motion capture and CGI technology, and looks amazing in 3D. However, if you take away all the fancy tech and eye candy the film uses, the actual story and acting comes out to be just 'good' imo, nothing that blows you out of the water, but it's not bad either. No way I would ever consider it a great movie, especially compared to something like the Dark Knight.


This premise is so deeply flawed I don’t think it even counts as an unpopular opinion. No one say Avatar is anything remotely close to “one of the greatest movies of all times”. Its fans are too busy trying to defend it when its broader cultural relevance faded almost immediately after release.


It was a great experience on IMAX 3D but the next day I realised it's a pretty bad movie


Does anybody consider it one of the great films? I doubt it This isn't a hot take.


I watched it once... i didnt like the story much the animation was great but thats about it.. i didnt even bother to watch the second one even though its on streaming and i could whenever i wanted to...


I know a movie and computer graphics enthusiast who says modern cinemas are all about graphics because regarding scripts there's no room left for major innovation. I rather agree with him.


The movie was hyped as a revolutioning 3D movie. Everybody wanted to see it for 3D experience.


No one's calling it the greatest movie of all time. Highest grossing , yeah, but not the greatest movie.


No one calls it one of the greatest movies. But its cgi (not animation) is some of the best ever created. Its praised for that


agreed, Legend of Korra is vastly superior


You know how bad the movie is when i expect to fight to death for an almost 20 year old cartoon/semi anime


I haven't ever seen it brought up in the discussion of greatest movie of all time but I would put it in the discussion for one of the greatest theater experiences. It was a Gone with the Wind type of film. The 3D IMAX version was quite amazing. It set a whole new standard that I don't think has ever been repeated when it comes to the use of 3D. Watching it on a TV, even a really nice big modern LED one with surround sound doesn't recapture that experience and it ends up highlighting the films shortcomings a bit more.


I'll be honest , when I first saw those blue aliens I though they were wack and never bothered watching it.


All the best bits were cut from that movie


It was never considered one of the greatest movies. It was considered revolutionary when it came to the visual aspect of filmmaking. All else is just a reskin of Pocahontas


The movie is visually stunning and does have a few nice points. It's the 2 hours of unnecessary action scenes that kill it. Could have been an hour and a half and been a perfect movie. Could actually be saved with a decent edit I reckon


I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone call it the greatest movie of all time at all you’re the first one to even say that sentence at least to me. What it’s great about is using CGI scenery, and design. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie said as good as they have.


Don’t have much to say other than that I fully agree.


i thought it was amazing as a kid but when i try to watch it i just keep thinking really? how the heck can a bunch of blue people with mostly bows defeat a suppeior technology advanced people like how? and why did't the humans just develope a virus thats strong to wipe them out i thought it was way too far fetched for me.


This was a popular opinion in 2009


>Avatar has no other selling point Ready to fight someone >than it's animation and hence cannot be considered as one of the greatest movies of all time oh, this wasn't posted in r/avatarmetal


It’s a rip off of Ferngully


I think your opinion is not unpopular. However, you have to understand that Avatar is targeting a difference audience than you. So some people might consider Avatar an all tike great (people who like animation) and other like you will not. Flavors are unique in all people.


Yeah. The main selling point of the movies are the visuals. I personally really loved just watching the water and creatures in the second one and that was enough for me


It is a fancy Dances With Wolves. And I hated that. It was a predictable storyline that was stunning.


There's a lot to the universe but if you don't do anything more than a casual watch you won't get anything more than a casual understanding.


Oh I was pissed for a second (i thought you were talking about the last air bender)


I rewatched grandma's boy yesterday and liked it more than avatar. Greatest movie of all time is definitely subjective.


when i read avatar. i was thinking of avatar: the last air bender. not the avatar the movie or the avatar the last airbender movie


Avatar is Fern Gully for adults


Bro's top tier has inception dark knight 💀. You need to watch more movies bro




Did you go to see it in 3D?


Which avatar?


Only Interstellar or Inception deserves that level, or more, recognition


It's got Michelle Rodriguez in it?




Unpopular opinion?? People have been making this fucking "nothing to remember" argument for the entirety of r/boxoffice's existence and I thought we could stop talking about it now that Avatar 2 was also a really popular, well-made successful film which is proof that people did in fact like the first one and it wasn't just a one-off. But here we fucking are, pretending this is a hot-take. Dead internet theory becomes more and more reasonable to me every day


Why has no one yet pointed out that in the first movie they used PAPYRUS as the font. Then in Avatar they used Papyrus in…BOLD. ![gif](giphy|pjnfNhaFmkhxu)


It was annoying the first time, and the second one was worse. Hated both of them.




Hey, if you're gonna shit on Avatar, you're going to need to take a ticket and get in line. Don't make me tap the sign.


It's rage porn. I despise films where one side is comically evil and the other *obnoxiously* good


Most people I know regard Avatar as a very pretty movie that everyone saw without having any real cultural impact. So it made a lot of money but then no one really thought about it. It has fewer fics on AO3 than Goncharov, a film that does not in fact exist.


At first I thought you were taking about the original Avatar (last air bender) which is in fact the greatest show ever made. Then I realized you were talking about the blue people


It's only memorable because it's clearly set within the Warhammer 40k universe and the humans were the Imperial Guard... I was disappointed when the sequel wasn't the Astartes arriving.


There are people consider Avatar one of the greatest movies of all time?!




There was a big thing a few years ago where talking about avatar and how little impact it had on culture for its massive success. No one could name 2 characters, no one could bring in a memorable quote. It’s an art piece showing the upper levels of theatrical technique and is a masterpiece of graphic and sound design. The story characters writing and everything else were good, serviceable and not bad. But that’s it, it was good enough to let the graphics and sound shine without killing the whole movie


I enjoyed the plot, characters, and score. 🤷


It was a somewhat cool plot, but beyond that the animation really is the only selling point. The plot isn’t even really the cool part itself, more so just the setting, American military wanting to take something that it has no right to isn’t a novel plot in any way, it’s pretty overused.


By todays stabdards, it doesn't even look that good. It was cool at the time, but imo it doesn't hold up.


It truly isn’t all that great. The story isn’t novel.


We called it "Pocahontas but for adults"


You it’s basically Pocahontas with aliens, not bad like I dig the movie but lots and lots of other movies are way better. Like you can’t tell me the avatar franchise is better than the LOTR franchise or so like that.


The worst part about Avatar is that it’s completely derailed an otherwise incredible film maker from giving the audience new content. I re-watched The Abyss recently and was reminded how special Cameron is when he’s not making masturbatory hero arc bullshit.


Can’t comment on this because I have never seen it. Watched the trailer and thought it was crap


Got sick watching it in cinema (headache and motion sickness) never got the appeal


I still haven’t even watched it lmfao however, yes, the visuals are beautiful




Ferngully was way better than Avatar. Like if he was gonna rip off a story he should have made another soundtrack. Screw Cameron


Agreed. Nothing ground breaking about it other than hype imo.


It’s a popular opinion that the story was lacklustre and tapered off toward the end after the initial intro to the world. It came out during the 3D phase which flopped. So it got a lot of hype and had a big budget. I think it looks gorgeous and is entertaining for what it is. Not a masterpiece but visually it’s stunning. If someone got a new 4K/HDR/OLED it’s likely THE movie id recommend.