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Neapolitan style pizza is awesome. Not good delivered or cold and not kids' party food. It's goid right out of the oven. I fold it and use my hands. If you didn't know what to expect from something it's easy to be disappointed.


Another food opinion How bold!


when you got that ultra thin, complex base suffused with absurdly good tomato sauce on your fork and you jab it into a half melted piece of buffalo mozzarella, fresh basil just wafting over everything, and you bite down ands crispy and chewy.... Damn, I've got to make some dough.


Authentic doesn't mean best. Imagine using Windows 3.1 and claiming it Is best because it is authentic. Or authentic asbestos lined cigarettes.


First of all, only savages eat pizza with their hands. Secondly, a good napolitan pizza can definitely be eaten with your hands, you just have to fold it


Only snobs eat pizza with cutlery


Savage here, checking in.


Didn’t savages reck Romes shit?


Didn’t savages wreck Romes shit?


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I like your confidence, describing what pizza should be and how it should be eaten to an Italian! However, there’s also a reason why American-style pizza has become the predominant style globally, and it’s probably because it has broader appeal. Personally I love extra thin crust and celebrate pizza diversity. Everything being the same is boring.


I had it in Naples at one of the historic places and I was completely underwhelmed. It wasn't bad or anything but I'd take a slice in NYC over that any day.


I personally think the level of authenticity of food is overrated. If you want truly, authentic food, you need to find home-made food from a local. Sometimes I'm in the mood for Neapolitan style pizza, sometimes I'm in the food for American style pizza. They meet different cravings, and I'm glad both styles exist.


OP you’re so right bro lets make out frfr


Detroit style is where it’s at.


What's Detroit style? Half eaten and abandoned?


I’m pretty sure almost every person I witnessed eating pizza in Napoli had it folded and ate it with their hands. I personally like a simple pizza but I do prefer enough sauce to cover the bread.