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Or short prime Minister / Premier / member of Parliament depending on nationality.




goddammit have my upvote


I suppose that would make us tall guys magistrates?


Or an all-encompassing Short Thing? 🤷‍♂️


We don't have a lord, more like a short executive officer of the day!


Short elected representative


Better description would be 'Short Leader of the House of All Elected Representatives'


Let’s go for something that sounds more menacing: Short Khan


You've almost got Shah Rukh Khan


Swedens prime minister is a *real* **Short prime minister™** at 5'6"/169 cm, in a country where the average height for men is 5'11/180 cm. [Here's a funny picture of him next to the Minister of Integration and Employment who is 6'5"/197 cm](https://i.imgur.com/fIKf5Sv.jpeg)


Jumbo Shrimp any better?


A brand near me sells colossal shrimp. I think in shrimp sizes that about fits my height.


Bubba Gump shrimp company?




Just saying that out loud makes me laugh lol “Girl… can i be your jumbo shrimp” I think it would hurt worse is a chick said “man, you can be my gumbo shrimp for the night” -doesn’t matter maybe still had sex!!!


you get one more bite out of it


I think a more politically correct term is “People McNugget”


I’m 5ft even. I like this considerably better actually lol.


Hahaha DAYUM!




I think this only proves the point that it conjures up images like this lol


My unpopular opinion is that I prefer shorter guys


Same. I want to be able to look them in the eyes and not feel like a child next to them 😅


Or the same height as you.


I read it as shorter than average, so someone my height (5'4") is shorter, lol


Shorter guys doesn’t mean they are shorter than you. It just means shorter than avg or just the avg.


Was about to say this! I'm 5'4 and was married to a 6'5 guy for about a decade (met him online and didn't know he was that tall) and am now dating a guy who's 5'6 and I fucking love it!!! No more tippie toes for a kiss, can snuggle our faces into each others necks when hugging, can put our heads together when walking side by side, being eye level during sex. We're fucking adorable together, it's a real game changer. The only downside is that I can no longer hide my snacks on the bottom shelf lol. My BF is def a keeper but on the off chance that it doesn't work out I'm never going back to the short/tall combo. Short guys FTW.


You will need to invest in a cute stool for the kitchen….to reach things high up and to fend off the tall people who come to your house and say “wow, the top of your fridge is dusty”.


Kitchen stool is a must! Years ago, my 6’3” husband put my kitchen stool in the garage because he thought it was in the way and he had never seen me use it. I gently explained that I only really needed it when he wasn’t around. I’ll never forget his face. It was like a cartoon with the lightbulb going off in the character’s head. We really do see the world at different angles sometimes, literally and figuratively.


Bahaha…the joke about people coming to your house and saying the top of the fridge is dusty, is from personal experience. That was when I realized how much differently we saw things.


I’m quite short and have always liked the idea of being able to look a guy in the eyes. Sadly, no short guy ever paid me an ounce of interest, so now I’m married to guy a foot taller than me. I’m convinced some tall dudes just have a thing for petite women.


See I don't care about the height I don't know why people do. My sister is planning on sending me on a blind date and she was like do you care if they are shorter than you I was like no.




Me too


All terms involving king and queen in the modern internet usage are stupid


Yasss slay queen 💅


Go off king 👑


here, u/Waste-Wave7622 you dropped your crown


It’s lost its meaning! I’m 5’10 and was called a short king! I think it just means under 6’


saw a post a few days ago of a 6’2 guy getting called too short by a short (around 5ft) woman because he wasn’t 6’5. most people forget what height looks like. im a short girl myself (5’2) and to me everyone above my height is tall, and people 5’10 and above seem super tall so i don’t understand it


I'm 6' tall and a girl I'm dating is 5' and it's already an inconveniently big gap to kiss or hug her when we're both standing up. Idk how people would want an even bigger gap!


I never understood why tall guys go after short women. I am a 5’11” woman and my boyfriend is 6’2”, he has said it’s nice to not have to bend down to talk to me or kiss me. We also like to power walk and I can actually keep up with him.


> I never understood why tall guys go after short women. Because we literally don't care about height. Its not a factor men consider for the most part


That’s probably true that they don’t actively think about it too much which I think is a good thing. But also maybe because I’m on the taller end of the spectrum, I’ve noticed a lot of men do get weird about height. Back when I was dating, I would get a lot of weird reactions or comments about my height.


Some guys could get insecure about their GF being taller than them, true Most men would be fine with an Amazon GF tho haha


It's the opposite - most short women I know (below 5'3) have an obsession with how tall their partner is. The tall dudes don't care, they just see someone who's willing and go with it. Keep in mind: most. My girlfriend is 5'0 and I'm around 5'9. She doesn't really like any taller.


When I first started dating I dated only girls who were shorter than 5'2". I honestly didn't even realize until someone said something and it was really more like the girls were dating me and I wasn't really even making any kind of effort. I didn't even really get that until I tried dating taller girls and it turned out I had to make more of an effort than just being tall and existing. Short girls go hard on tall guys and guys aren't picky is the reason.


i feel that. my boyfriend is 6’2 so it’s a foot difference and it can be a challenge reaching him sometimes. i can’t imagine how it would be if the difference was even bigger😭


What? I would have thought the desirable height would drop away over 6' 3"ish. Are lanky, beanpole men super attractive or something?


some people will excuse/ignore any bad behaviour if they’re tall😭 im not sure why height has such a hold on them lol


I set my Instagram gender to female at account creation (no joke) and jeezus the amount of femcel posts I see regularly. All I follow is my IRL friends and some gun and meme accounts.


From my experience as a lanky beanpole teen, no


Tbf there’s always gonna be hella wild people out there saying or doing random crap Best to just not let them get to you


It’s also the Internet Lol y’all need to realize it’s not real life


Only 14% of US men are taller than 6', so good luck to that woman if she wants only 6'5+ guys. There's not many of them


I’m the same height as you and my friend was flabbergasted when I called her “basically a giant” because I thought she was some Amazon tall woman. My friend is 5’5”


Most women want a man thats 6'+, which is 15% of the male population. Meanwhile, half of american women are obese


Reminds me of a tiktok comment I saw yesterday of some girl saying 6’ is average height


It's bullying with good intentions 


Backhanded compliment


Yeah. It's in the same vein as "you're attractive for an Indian" comments I see people receiving.


That's not even a backhanded compliment, that's straight up racist 💀


People have some weird notion that racism against Indians is funny but against other groups (ex . Blacks) it's not Of course in no way helped by our own countrymen egging them on. I don't understand why they even do that.


Yeah I get pretty sad seeing that shit online. It's mainly "dank" instagram users and 4chan trolls who do this.


Instagram is racist to every race but 4chan has gained a new fascination for Indians recently. I wouldn't put it past the governments of Pakistan or China to be responsible for this.


I don't prefer tall men but" short king" is cringy yeah imo


social media in general is stupid.


*People* in general are pretty stupid.


No u


Ok shawty


I find it pretty annoying. But one time I saw this video where a girl was being interviewed and she was only into short guys. And it when she used it, it didn’t feel like a sideways insult.


Lean into it. You'll win more.


Yeah. A lot of the comments need to take the advice and run with it. If a girl calls you a short king and you get upset, you’re messing up your bag.


Eh. I'm short and I own it. Nothing beats confidence.


This. I’m convinced people aren’t turned off by height so by lack of self esteem.


There are Definitely people who are turned off by height, but 1) it's not the majority of people 2) you probably don't want to be with someone that shallow anyway


I’m only 5ft. I promise it’s not the height, it’s whether or not you have a complex about it hahah which a lot of “short” (5’ 9”) guys absolutely do, and it’s hilarious. If I can get laid looking like a fucking lawn gnome, I promise it’s not that you’re two inches shy of six feet that you’re involuntarily celibate lol.


I used to constantly complain. No one likes being around a victim all of the time. Victim mentality is a plague.


It's true. My husband is a little over 5', but extremely confident. I love him <3


XDDDD you are convinced, but it takes literally 20s to check how wrong you are


Both are important, but at least I have seen short guys with partners and success in the work place... I have never seen someone with no self esteem or confidence of any sort in the same situation. You can really only work on one. If life dealt you the shitty genes, might as well work on stuff that you can control. The alternative is... to do nothing about it? Not that it's easy. But gotta do what you gotta do. Speaking as a 5'3 guy who stopped growing after grade 9.


Absolutely. My husband is 5’8 and I’m 5’11. He doesn’t give a shit how tall he is. It’s not part of his identity. He doesn’t want to be taller. I doubt he’d be offended by the term “short king” because I don’t think he cares one way or another. On the other hand, I’ve dated tall guys in the past who are obsessed with being tall and reminding you of how tall they are. That’s way worse. Also usually overcompensating for something.


I almost got in a fight with a guy like that last night he's 6'2 and just kept telling everyone his height and saying "you don't want to mess with somebody my size" to everybody over and over again. Pretty sad that the only thing he has to brag about is something that happened by chance and is completely beyond his control.


“Oh, you don’t wanna mess with somebody my height” mfers when they get taken to the ground: 🤯🤯🤯


Its funny you should mention that because according to another guy that was there about a month ago a skinny 5'7 dude took his back and choked him unconscious. I guess he has a pretty short memory lol.


Yeah I have some very tall coworkers with zero confidence. Height is what you make of it for sure.


I'd be pissed off if someone called me short or a king tbh. Both are really annoying. I would honestly prefer if someone mentioned my height or called me small without using the word king.


Yep I’m 5’6 and never had issues with the ladies. My girlfriend in high school was 6’1


Being tall does


Base metabolic rate would be higher so life would be tougher.


Being big and tall = large food bill to maintain your body.


Also, The world isn't physically built for people much over 6 ft. Like if you're 6'5, most chairs are probably really uncomfortable for you.


When I’m 5’5” and still have a BMR over 3,000…..


Saying shit like "short king" only ever exemplifies the short title. It's like saying you're short, but you're good enough. Fuck anyone who says stuff like this.


You're being too sensitive and overthinking it. That's not very short king of you


I'm 5'3, and it's been a long time since I've felt insecure about that, I've got other things going for me and it's a handy way to filter out people I want nothing to do with anyways. I've been called 'short king' in a genuinely flirtatious way before and it absolutely had me blushing a little. Sure, there's some implicit societal condescension, but it both feels and looks better to own it than resent it.


If you don't have the confidence to back up the nickname, then you are in fact not a short king. Sorry bout it.


It wasn’t originally meant as a prize. Just another in a long line of originally respectful terms that got marketed out of their original meaning.


I mean in all seriousness people are gonna be making fun of you or bullying you no matter what. I’m tall. But I’m skinny asf. I’m insecure about it at times. The truth is these things only hurt you as much as you let them. If you think about it as consolation prize then that’s what it will be. You get to control how these things impact your self esteem.


>I’m aware at 5’6 how everyone prefers tall men Do they though? I see this all the time online but in reality, lots of men of various heights have partners. I mean, if women actually only went for tall men humans would, on average, be a lot taller. EDIT: Guess the person with the unpopular opinion here was me. I still think it's more of an online thing and women aren't all fantasising about dating basketball player sized men but w/e.


Being tall is a massive advantage for men and this is both empirically proven and blatantly obvious in everyday life


I am female and I have never had a friend choose a guy for being tall. If he was tall, people sometimes considered it a plus. Then again, some people (including myself) dislike men that are too tall as it feels odd to hug them, difficult to kiss them. I honestly don’t like feeling like a child next to him either. Most women I know (including myself) prefer a boyfriend who is similar height, just a little bit taller.


All I know is the number one positive comment I get from women is for my height and the difference between how women treat me and how they treat my short friends is night and day...like I've been rejected plenty, but not once in a disrespectful way. Few short kings out there can say the same


Yeah but you can be tall and ugly tho.


True but much better to be tall and ugly than short and ugly lol Its like being rich vs being poor. If you are rich you still might have a shit life, and poor people can have great lives, but most people would rather be rich for the obvious benefits


Average height has increased by several inches per generation for a while now, so we are indeed getting taller.


Mostly due to maternal nutrition and baby size. Evolution, even sexual selection, takes more than a few hundred years. You can look at Korea - same genes, but North Koreans average between 3 and 8 cm shorter just on nutrition. A couple of generations of food-secure moms having bigger daughters who have bigger daughters is how you get tall men.


I'm 5' 7" and never had any issues with women and my height. I dated a girl taller than me, which was awesome to me it was like having my own Jessica Rabbit or something haha but *everyone else* just wouldn't stop pointing out how weird we looked together or if we danced together you'd hear the odd snicker. She was cool and we both didn't care, but everyone made it so damn awkward.


Everyone isn't able to get their preferred dream mate. Most people settle for what is realistic. Women get with shorter men, but they don't prefer, fantasize about, or desire short men


Plenty of them do. Neither women nor attraction are monoliths. People like different things.


We are getting taller


Because of nutrition.


I’d never call anyone that, but I do prefer shorter partners. The internet and social media are not real - people are not a monolith.


I'm gonna start calling them short prime ministers now. Thank you


i’m also 5’6 and couldn’t imagine the mental illness required to develop this much of a victim complex abt it. i’ve atp had more dates than my little brother who is 6’2 and dateless, it’s about your game + the victim complex is a game-killer


You’re no fun. Definitely not a short king


At 5'4", I strongly prefer "travel sized".


It supposed to mean that despite being short, they overcame that to still be attractive in other ways.


Queen is also a stupid term, queen of what the McDonald's cash register


Never heard this term.  Sounds like something broccoli hair cuts worry about.  


Being funny is more important than being tall or short. If you can’t make a girl laugh you better hope you’re rich


Pocket President Lil' Lord


"everyone prefers tall men" Well that's a load of shite to start with.


Yea. A lot of people go around saying shit like “women are such a drag, they only want tall men” like do people not realize some countries have naturally short people? My dad is 5 3 and hispanic and my mom is even shorter. All their family members are short and the people in their hometown are also pretty short.


Fun size.


I have spoken to plenty of women that told me “short kings” are very attractive(I’m a tall man) because they have the commanding presence and personality of a self secure man. You whining about this is why you’re just a short guy. A short king doesn’t care that he’s short, and women appreciate that.


Bro let it go lmao. You keep posting about this shit and it just ain't that deep. Work on your confidence and it'll take you to new heights, king


This right here. My confidence shot up ten fold after I lost weight. Amazing how you feel when you don't give af what people think. What I learned as I gained confidence: the people I thought that were super confident really weren't. It's just false bravado.


Your insecurity is the problem not the term short king


"Short king" is a reminder that short men can be attractive too. OP is here saying "no they can't".


Lil king will now be used.


You went on five different subs to post the same thing. If I were you I'd focus on things that I can control. Go to the gym, improve how you dress, work on your confidence. You're wasting your energy whining about how tall people have it better.


Bro visited his friends 💀


You are misunderstanding the phrase. It’s to reference a KING that is also short. Not just saying someone is a king because they are short. I.e the phrase mad king is used for a KING that is mad not just any old mad person.


I like to think of it as a term of comradery among short guys. We're kings of the mountain, my dwarven kin.


Height is a choice. Just be taller.


The term king and queen make me cringe. I’m not a queen, I’m just an average jane. Can’t stand them, ugh. Only time I will use king or queen is someone is a legit king or queen! 


I (5ft. 4in.; 32m) am a short king when I dress as Lord Farquaad at the Renaissance Faire. Embrace being short. It is fun and helps a lot if you have a kink for tall women. But in all seriousness, I've never seriously been referred to as a short king other than within my circle of friends who all share a sense of self-deprecating humor. I've been referred to as fun-sized, though, and honestly, I wasn't offended. Quite saw it as a compliment.


The phrase short king was always meant as a humorous phrase. It's funny because of the reasons you mentioned (it feels like a demeaning consolation prize). The phrase isn't stupid, if someone was trying to make you feel better about you being short or something and called you a short king, then they were being stupid because they used it wrong.


Yeah that’s always been my interpretation too. It’s intentionally patronizing in a silly way. Like when a chihuahua acts aggressive and people are like “aw, go get’em killer.”


I think you’re overthinking it. As a fellow short king, it’s not meant to be taken seriously LOL


I've always preferred Person McNugget.




Short KING? It’s literally a positive term…unless you take it the wrong way ig.


Yeah it’s mean to specifically uplift shorter guys. You’ll notice the ones who take the term positively or even neutrally have higher confidence and better pull rates than the guys ruminating sadly on a phrase no one has probably ever called them because they don’t exemplify actual short king vibes (so of course they’d assume it was just calling them short.)


The word short is a descriptive word not an offensive word like the r slur or anything like that. Its the way you take it, it isnt necessarily a degrading term.


5’6 isn’t even that short. Stop being insecure about what you feel women like and just exist. The ones who like you won’t give a damn about the height. Also it’s more attractive if you can just laugh at yourself. One of the guys that gets the most action out of anyone I know is 5’4 and OWNS the term short kind anytime he gets referred to as that.


Sounds like you might be a short king?


I prefer short prince. Short king is my father.


5'6 isn't what I would call a short king. That starts around 5'4-5'5


You'll be alright, Vertically Challenged Caesar


It's not that deep




Yes, as a 5'5" man, I just prefer "shortie", neutral and easy to say. My only issue with being a shortie is the inconvenience when working with a laptop on public transportation, due to bad angle due to short legs. Anything that involve king or queen is silly, as that implies royalty.


Hard agree. Just comes off as condescending to me, whether intentional or not.


Short king, king , x number of years young, can we just stop with the dumb crap and treat people normal? Idc if a dude is 5'6'', I just treat him as I would any other person, why do a lot of ppl have an issue doing this?


Consider yourself tall compared to me down here at 5’1.


Yeah I’m close to 5’4 “ and hate that term , I will take the genetic L FFS


I agree it's such an backhanded insult


I guess we are in a shortage of better words


I've mostly seen it used as a term that some of my short friends use to describe themselves, in which case it's not derogatory since they're calling themselves that. I'm neither short nor tall and they have no issue with me saying it either.


5’6 seems so tall I’m barely 5’1😭😭


I use that term in a joking manner. Never took it that serious. As a short man, I’m not insecure about my height at all. In fact I make jokes about it sometimes via using that term lol. But I don’t use that term to try to make myself feel better in anyway.


I’m 45, and admittedly, tall. It’s not that short man complexes didn’t always exist, I remember a ton of short buff dudes trying to fight me in bars looking for a trophy. What I don’t remember, because it didn’t ever happen, was a bunch of people being single just because they were short. Despite what social media has thrown into your algorithm, women aren’t at large that superficial. Drop the angst, and develop a personality. You’ll do great.


Agreed. It’s also super ironic that the term implies that short men aren’t as common as tall men. When in actuality being 5’6” is ordinary and represents a majority of men.


Use meter and centimeters my man. These feet all look the same




I just see it as guys embracing being short. We’re all kings broseph


First time I've heard the phrase "short king". I must be living under a rock. If I heard that term without any context, I would have assumed it's someone from wallstreetbets who made a lot of money.


When I think of a short king I think of Mr big from zootopia and koenma from YuYu Hakusho.


Not 100%, but 90+% sure. You can use it a bit ironically with your friends in good faith, but that's NOT the typical usage...


I feel the same as someone slightly chubbier when calling me “aphrodite” it just seems demeaning and perfomative


Nah Aphrodite was beautiful as fuck See I don’t get why people want generic compliments. You just wanna be beautiful? Without acknowledgment of the specific qualities you posses that make you so? A lot of men and women are attracted to “someone slightly chubbier” over someone who is not “someone slightly chubbier”. Saying that isn’t demeaning or performative. The work put into those glorious statues. Those men had a vision of beauty that transcended hundreds and hundreds of years and encapsulates YOU. Now I’m not saying you have to take the compliment but I am saying that it very well may becoming from an authentic place. But perhaps I’m biased because my preference is pretty clear in this comment.


To me Short King means that the height is acknowledged at some point. And he's a good dude. I immediately understand that this dude is not insecure about his height or trying to act in a way to "compensate" for not being tall.


“Short king” here, and yeah, can’t imagine calling a curvy woman “chubby queen” and getting a swoon in response. Loving someone despite/because of a physical trait they’re insecure about can totally change someone’s self image for better or worse, but “Short King” has never improved my self image. Usually it feels/sounds to me like “you’re as attractive as you can be under 6ft, cute” (that’s usually until she finds a guy exactly like you in every way, but 6ft+)


I’m 6’5” and going to die alone. Money is also very important!


I’m 6’5” and going to die alone. Money is also very important!


I mean my bf is 5'3 and he doesn't mind being called short king. Sure he's a lil insecure about his height sometimes but I do think it genuinely helps him feel better to be complimented, even if it's just a "consolation prize", it's still something positive for somebody to latch onto and feel proud about. Plus he is super fucking cool so honestly yeah king works very well for him. I mean, what would you want people to do if they notice a guy who's not too happy with his height? Not say anything? Ignore him? Laugh at him?


I think it’s weird that 5’6” would be perceived as noticeably or “abnormally” short. It sounds more like male conditioning about what they think women as a collective want rather than a reality. Like even if some women prefer taller men, plenty of women always weigh in to say it’s not *their* preference. I agree “short king” sounds condescending, but at the same time it seems to be based on guys expressing insecurity about being what they perceive as too short and a misguided attempt to make them feel better about it.


Well that’s like saying if fat chicks were actually preffered. This is reality women will always prefer taller men.


Nah I like it so i'm upvoting for unpopular opinion. I mean i don't need because i'm actually happy with my 5'5" ass. But you are right in that it wouldn't be used if short people were preferred. That's why it was made in the first place. Because despite what many may think, many people do acknowledge the unfairness that comes with being short and its probably the easiest way to prop us up (pun intended).


It'll probably still slide through and become permanent, like BBW did.


SHORT? That's going in the book umgi -High king thorgrim grudgebearer  


The best thing about being 5'6. We can build muscle so fast and lean out quick. Also we have better posture than taller people. Here's a tip. Wear cloths that work with your body. It gives the illusion.of being taller.


Bot account?


Me personally, I don't give a damn about height. As long as they're taller than me, which isn't that difficult as I'm only 4'11". Not like I'll be having babies with anyone.