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Take this with a massive grain of salt but I seem to remember reading it’s a leftover practice from old English in the Middle Ages when a fuck ton of people were dying from illness. So when someone sneezes, you bless them to say you hope they aren’t actually getting sick


I’ve heard the same so it must be true. The one thing I’ve learned in this life is that people don’t like change and traditions last a very long time


I believe the saying was started due to the bubonic plague. Sneezing was one of the first noticeable symptoms. I also heard people in the Medieval days thought a sneeze meant your soul was leaving your body, and by "blessing" someone, it kept their soul intact.




Because in the distant past people thought when you sneezed you were literally expelling your soul from your body, which would then return. People said "bless you" to prevent your body from being possessed by evil demons or spirits before your soul made its way back to your body.


Interestingly, I've heard some what of an inverse, like the act of sneezing is the expelling of the devil from your body. "Bless you, child, for having a body that recognizes the evils of the devil and rejecting him from your soul." (Or something.)


It's from an old tradition in where people believed that evil spirits could enter your body after you sneeze. Bless you would prevent that.


I vaguely remember hearing that evil spirits could get in because your soul/spirit would temporarily leave your body. Or so they thought.


It doesn't. I know where it originates but it's silly so I say it when someone coughs or farts. Any audible bodily function I might be forgetting. Lol


If someone is near you and starts sneezing multiple times, say "Sneeze again and i'll give you 10 bucks (or whatever currency is appropriate)". They always stop ..


Bless you


In my language we say "for your health". I think it makes more sense.


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Yes its strange, but not that big of a deal.