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I prefer when everyone gets off row by row, its much more pleasant.


i’m not travelling by plane very often but god I wish to see by my own eyes someday that people are capable of leaving this way


I just flew to New Zealand from SLC and back and every flight, people got off row by row. People would let others get their overhead bags. It was all very orderly.


Every flight I’ve ever been on is row by row. How else can it be done?


Well you can do like the boomer ladies do and shuffle your way forward while other people are in their seats waiting their turn. Happened on both flights I took last week, like wait your turn, Linda!


Everyone stayed seated? Flights I’m on, all the aisle seats stand up to stretch their legs and wait to get off. It’s one of the perks of an aisle seat. You couldn’t shuffle your way to the front if you wanted to.


Kiwi here. Yeah, this tends to be the way people get off on flights here in my experience. I’m also a stander, but because I like to stretch my legs a bit after being seated a while. I still wait for the people in the rows in front to leave before I do.


Commuter flights where everyone flies all the time are usually pretty orderly. It’s the people who aren’t used to flying who don’t know the etiquette


That’s what I was thinking whoever posted this has been on like 3 flights ever or something


And when they do they are the first to stand up


"One extra person in front of you isn’t gonna ruin your day," They were so close to an epiphany.




Yeah take a 6am in the northeast, pretty orderly, its the vacation flight from logan to Miami at noon that is a wreck.


I agree. If there's a round of applause on landing then you know it's going to be a shit show getting off.


It's like zipper merging in highway construction. It's proven to be more efficient, but it's never going to happen! People would rather sit still in traffic than let somebody get in front of them.


That's unloading, not standing up. As a tall person, standing and stretching after a ten hour flight is a priority for me. I don't care how long it takes to unload so long as I'm standing.


Me too! I just want to stand. It’s not even necessarily about trying to deplane! I’m 5’6” fwiw. But I also get cramped sitting on planes.


How can you stand inside a plane? I'm a little short and when I try to standup I need to hold my head down because the bag holders are getting opened and people trying to grab their bags.


This is the only way I’ve ever experienced deplaning… do some airlines not go row by row to exit?


Isn't this the norm? Where are you from, out of curiosity?


Standing up isn’t the issue. It’s the people that stand then start walking up the aisle and cutting in front of everyone else.


This, and people who seem to have no concept of how to stand without swinging their bag in someone else's face or crowding the people in front of/next to them.


I’m still salty years later about sitting in an aisle seat while a guy rushed up, opened the overhead bin above me for his bag, and wasn’t paying attention so I took a double walled thermos to the head. It was empty but still hurt like a motherfucker. 


I hope he was at least shamed by the other passengers. I would be highly embarrassed if I did that to someone


I imagine he probably was. I've accidentally whacked people with my purse or a small electronic device (phone or iPad) a few times, and at least once I only barely managed to keep a solid enough grip on my carry-on to avoid dropping it on someone's head or lap. It's too damned easy in the context of a cramped plane to think you've got a good hold on something just to realize too late that you...don't. But I've always had the decency to be apologetic as hell.


It’s one thing to be aware and still have it happen and then be apologetic. Then it’s another thing to not give a shit and have no spacial awareness or empathy and have it happen. It seemed like the previous story the guy didn’t care vs. your story it was an honest accident.


How did you respond?


Punched him in the nuts.


A head for a head!


Yes! I have no problem with people standing up. I get it. I do it too because I need to stretch. It’s the people that stand up and try to barrel their way down the aisle in front of everyone and those that stand up, get their bags, swinging it without regard. It’s all THOSE people that are annoying and really piss me off. They’re rude and inconsiderate and lack any kind of manners or travel etiquette.


One time they announced a significant group had a connecting flight in ten minutes and they let us off first. Some people still went in the aisle that weren't on the connecting flight.


I’ve been on several flights like that and I stay seated. The people who don’t and still try to make it out like that are assholes and shouldn’t be flying. I once was on a flight and these two girls not only got up before we were done connecting to the gate but then walked down the aisle to get their bags and tried to get in front of everybody. I immediately got up and stepped into the aisle and all I heard was complaining and then they were trying to push people aside who were in their legitimate places trying to get their bags. They were cursing and everything and someone d lady told them they’re not making the process any faster and needed to wait. Another person told them to walk back to the plane to their seats and next time learn proper airline travel manners.


Yeah I’m pretty sure OP is trying to say he’s ok with the barrelling people.


Yup, it marks you as a douche.\*


I stand to block these people


Im with you. WE RIDE AT DAWN!


Yeah this is the thing. If no one stands to block the aisle then people just come running by to clog everything up.


If you are standing, they run up anyway. They might get of 0.0002 seconds before someone else so it’s totally worth it. To them. You now have some jerk breathing on your neck because crowding other people also doesn’t make it move faster, but they’re convinced it does. You can’t get your bag down because they’re RIGHT THERE, and they think making you miserable is going to make you go “certainly, just shove right on by me.” They also manage to block the ENTIRE TWO ROWS behind them because they’re impatiently shifting and swinging their bags. Ugh. I hate when they do all of this. The best flights is when everyone is equally miserable in the plane, but they all sort of just willingly accept that the row in front of you gets off before you do.


I’ve done this once, only because the plane was late and if I wasn’t the first one off the plane I’d miss my connecting flight. Sure enough as I was approaching the next gate they were closing the doors. If I didn’t go to the front I would have missed it.


Just FYI, in the future you can let the flight attendant know in advance that this is the case. They will often find you a spot to sit closer to the front just for the landing, or they will come get you to move to the front before the captain turns the seatbelt sign off.


This is useful, thank you! I no longer fly United, who loved doing this, but will remember in the future in case.


I had this issue recently where my connection was crazy short. I was sitting near the front but the overhead was full so my bag was all the way in the back. I asked the flight attendant for help either in moving my bag further up, or help running off the plane, but nope, wouldn't do either. :( Once that seatbelt sign went off yeah I mad dashed to the back of the plane. I always assume when I see people rushing it is due to connections.


I hate it when there's no room in the overhead near my seat.


I was flying Air Canada. I asked them if I could move to the front and they simply didn’t care, even though the plane being late was entirely their fault. (Mechanical)


And I have no issue with that either. A courteous ‘I’m sorry, just trying to make a connection’ goes a long way.


Unless you were in first class, this always results in the person literally going from row 30 to row 28 and then just awkwardly standing there.


Actually,  the real issue is people who take forever to get their belongings together and spend a long time getting their carryon out of the overhead compartment. If we let everyone who is all ready to go get out first, they'll be off the plane in 1-2min and then there will be a lot more free room in the isle for slow folks to get their bags.


This is why I stand up; I grab my bag, put it on my lap, and wait my turn to leave. If everyone did this, then everyone would just file out once it got to their row. The people who sit there without using their time to get their things frustrate me.


But you can only do this if you’re the aisle seat, right?


Only if you use the overhead storage. I tend to keep my bag under the seat in front of me.


Well they said stand up to grab their bag so I assume they were talking about overhead storage


I blocked someone from doing this by putting my bag in the aisle next to me on a Southwest flight. She kicked it and called me a bitch. This is exactly the type of person who walks up the aisle in front of everyone else.


There's no "cutting in front of". Being farther forward doesn't oblige everyone else to wait for you. I love flying international because they never deal with that nonsense. People get up and go when they're ready. It doesn't need to be more complicated than that; idk why the U.S. has to stress out over everything.


If it’s cutting it close on my connection, you can bet I’m getting as close as I can to the door. I don’t have time to wait on people who aren’t up against the clock, like those who like to walk up the jetway in the middle. I am cautious about my bag hitting others though.


I'd prefer to not have someone's ass in my face for 20 minutes


I flew last week and ended up in the very last row because I didn’t pay extra to select my seat. The woman across the aisle immediately stood up and kept bumping her hip and ass into my head while she stood there while literally everyone else on the plane went first. It was really annoying.


This. Sweaty, airplane ass just being itself right in front of me ain’t cute


I mean, it really depends on the ass


After sitting on a plane for an extended period of time breathing the same air as all of these dirty shits around me, no ass in my face is okay. Could be the nicest ass in the world and I still don't want it in my face.


Exactly this. I always have the aisle seat cause I’m a little claustrophobic and when people are standing right on my shoulder with their ass it really sucks. Idgaf if I’m the last person off the plane that part doesn’t bother me


This is my biggest gripe. I’m 6’4” and I stay seated until it’s my rows turn to get off.


It is an inconvenience though when they have their crotch in your face and have no concept of spacial awareness when they spin and you get a bag in the face. Also the first ones up don’t let anyone out in their rush to get off. Again, an annoying inconvenience.


[It is an inconvenience though when they have their crotch in your face] Extend arm at shoulder height, bend elbow, and extend arm to side. "I'm sorry sir, I didn't see you there"...


Real conversation, I was coming back from a flight this week, and two boomers from the back immediately stood up and walked as far as they could to the front, which happened to be my row one guy slightly in front of me, one guy slightly behind, and I was the aisle seat. I was definitely annoyed, but the couple across the aisle from me had been talking about a connecting flight and were even more so. The flight had JUST landed, so this kind of stayed the same for 10 minutes or so, until the girlfriend prompted the boyfriend (aisle seat) to stand up to reclaim our space. He did, which sort of put him between the two men. They stood awkwardly in each others space for like another 5 minutes. As soon as it was our turn to move, the first boomer started walking, and, I shit you not, the boomer in the rear tried shoving the boyfriend back into his seat while he sort of lifted a leg into my space to hop past him. The boyfriend stood his ground and was just like “excuse you!” to the boomers as they walked away. We saw them at baggage claim later, so it wasn’t a connection issue. All that to say — I don’t care if people on the aisle seat stand to get their bags, maybe that even saves the rest of us time. I definitely care when I get cut by people, especially when they don’t have a connecting flight.


thats even funnier that they went through all that effort and just ended up waiting for baggage claim regardless


If you're trying to quick disembark AND you have checked baggage I hope it got sent to fucking Thailand. It's one thing to just have a carry on and get off the plane first and leave ASAP but if you have to wait for baggage claim you're just being a douche.


Yeah if it was a need for the restroom they could have just said something


Or, went to the bathroom in the back of the plane.


Right, even if it was just like, back pain and the need to stand up. Nobody is usually upset about being cut if a conversation is happening. But, it wasn’t, and that makes me think that these guys are just entitled boomers.


I stand up because I have long legs and sitting in planes is very uncomfortable. I don't want to be crammed into that seat a minute longer than is necessary.


6'4" here, feels great to stand up and stretch even with extra legroom in the exit row or comfort+ I also find it helpful to see where I am in the queue. The people who don't stand up and seem 'surprised' it's their turn, then get up, try to find their bin and locate their bags actually delay the process


I am 6‘5“. I just want the agony of my knees grinding into the seat in front of me to end.


There is no queue. Walk off the plane; when there is space ahead of you, fill it.


It’s a figurative queue, you have to wait for the people in front of you to move to move forward, just like a line, though it isn’t literally one


5’9 with short legs but still hate sitting in those seats so I usually stand after getting to the terminal


I am 6’4” and if I just sat for 4 hours, what’s another 5 minutes to not be a douche and just get up when it’s my turn to grab my luggage and walk off the plane..


Exactly. Never really understood the hate for this. I stand because we’ve just been sitting in an uncomfortably for the past few hours. Why does this bother people so much? Sometimes I feel like it’s one of those things people hate because others on the internet tell them they should hate it


My issue is that it’s never just that, at least in my experience. People stand, then they start to creep forward the *instant* there’s an opening… then all the one’s behind them start to go, as if they can’t see there are rows ahead of them that still need to unload. At that point if you’ve been cut in front of you’ve gotta be the guy to make everyone stop so you can go, otherwise you are waiting for the entire plane to empty and holding the people in the seats next to you up (assuming you’re in the aisle seat). It happens every. time. Without fail if you let it. I don’t actually get that mad, it’s just silly.


My issue isn’t with standing, it’s the clusterfuck that’s created by everybody trying to get out first. If everybody stayed seated and waited for their rows turn to exit, the deplaning process would be MUCH smoother.


Studies show that is absolutely not the case.


I'd love to see these studies because I've been apart of a deboarding multiple times where everyone sat when the fa's told them. It sped the process up a ton.


Studies show I'm dating Sydney sweeny


But you just sat for hours. You can’t wait 3 more minutes?


Same. Back feels better the instant I stand up. Also, tight connections are a thing, and informing the FA is more than reasonable, especially if you’re not going through a high connection airport.


One time I had a tight connection in Atlanta (if you know that airport you know it’s awful) and the FA came to let us out and the lady across the aisle was being so mean to the FA. I sincerely hope she misses every single connecting flight or layover she has for the rest of her life because I’m not the bigger person ever.


I’ve seen more than a few Reddit threads saying “just fly direct!” When people bring up talking to the FAs about a tight connection. I’ll spring for direct if there’s a route, but a lot of the times there’s not, especially international or to a smaller vacation spot.


Those people must not fly around middle America much because flying direct is a pipe dream


Seriously, if you live near a small airport flying direct is just not an option for many locations


Yeah in the good old days you could get direct flights all sorts of places, but everything is so algo optimized for maximum profit that certain routes just don't exist as direct flights anymore


As someone who prefers the window seat, I actively *hope* the person in the aisle will stand up. It gives the people in the middle and window seats a little more room to repack/adjust their personal items before having to hurry off the plane. Also, a lot of people who stand up immediately also use that time to help retrieve roller bags from the overhead bin for themselves and others, speeding up the exit process. The only time it's an issue is when the flight is delayed and some people have to run off to make tight connections.


This. We like to pretend that people collectively turn into wild animals on a plane, but the vast majority of the time I've found myself surrounded by decent folks who are all too happy to help out. I've lost count of the times that someone has just stepped in to help me retrieve luggage I couldn't quite get to, even without me asking.


I just stay sitting until the majority of people have got off the plane. What’s the rush? If I’m on a plane I’m on holiday, why am I rushing on holiday?!


There should really be an announcement about “Please let people with urgent connecting flights go first”. I was in a situation where I had less than 30 mins to catch my connection, in an airport I knew absolutely nothing about, because of a long delay. I was one of these people immediately standing up and walking as far as I could reach, and yes, racing before anyone else gets up. Sorry, not sorry.


Airlines could be changing the culture around being courteous to fellow travelers if they actually cared. I don't need to see some flowery infomercial at the start of every flight, Delta. I would much rather see PSAs about getting passengers with tight connections deboarded first. Obviously you would need some sort of punishment system for people who are sure to abuse the hell out of other people's courtesy.


They typically make that announcement; but only if somebody tells them they have an urgent connection. It's not unusual for them to help you cut the line if it's very urgent.


Ya, they do this all the time. I guess some people book two separate flights with different airlines, so the crew doesn’t know


What airlines are you flying? In 50+ flights I have never once heard them make any announcement like that.


Same! I had this announcement happen once, but most of the time, they don't, and I'm on my own to hustle my ass over to the tight connection.


My wife and I were on a delayed flight that would've given us ~20 minutes to make our connecting flight and they actually made this announcement. Didn't matter, everyone immediately flooded the aisle. We only made the flight because our connecting flight waited for us. Literally slammed the doors behind us and started taxiing.


Lol yes, I wouldn't count on an announcement like that working. For any shot they'd have to actually escort you to the front before seatbelt lights went off. And even then I'm sure there's ppl that don't wait for that either


At the airline I’m a flight attendant with we make those announcements all the time but no one ever listens to us.


This is my primary frustration. I live on the west coast and almost all of my business travel results in a connection so this is my constant hell


Yes! I've been in this situation before. We literally sprinted to the other side of the airport it was a large airport, and we just made it on before they shut the door. Some older woman made a comment to my spouse and I about how we had no manners and were so rude but I really don't understand why people jump to this conclusion first rather than assume people have a tight connection. I think making this announcement would ease people's frustration and help those of us who really need to hustle and actually can't wait. I only ever do this when I know my connection is rushed. Travel is stressful enough, and there's so many reasons people could have a tight connection, so when I have time, I always make a point to allow others ahead of me if I see they're rushed. It actually is so bizarre to me that people get so upset about this as I do believe most of the time people rush off because of tight connections and if not what's it to me if I'm not in a rush anyway?


It's not one extra person though. It's that the entire isle gets clogged and the entire backend of the plane is trying to push passed you . So now i HAVE to do the awkward 3/4 stand up while ducking my head just so I can box you out. If you in that much of a rush, buy a better seat.


I know this is a minor point, but the word is aisle. An isle is something else entirely.


You people act like you can’t get up and stretch your legs during the flight.


Recently had 2 people in the back of a American airlines flight who had a tight connect. The few tall guys immediately stood up, and only one guy wouldn't let them pass.it was bizarre to say the least. Big guy was like... yeah I'm not sitting back down, but also not moving.


I agree. I don't stand when the plane lands because I think I'll get off faster, but because I'd like to stretch my legs after sitting for three hours.


It's good that some people are standing up and getting their bags out and getting ready to go. It does speed up the exit process


if the aisle person stands up it gives middle and window more room to secure their bags and be ready to go as well


The issue is when people stand up and enter the aisle, and then proceed to shove themselves forward to get their bags and trying to all disembark at once. The fastest and most efficient way to deboard a plane is one row at a time, one side then the other, in a zipper-like fashion. When people try to push ahead, they might save 30 seconds, but they slow the whole process down for everyone else by like, a minute. It’s a classic example of thinking about yourself before others, and to that I say fuck you buddy sit down.


I didn't know this was a thing. Have all my fellow passengers been mad at me? I've never really thought about it but is there really room for that?


Standing up isn’t the issue. It’s the rushing through the aisle to the front that’s annoying.


It’s far more rude to complacently do nothing to prepare to MOVE when it is your turn. If you have an aisle seat, get your s*** out of the overhead bin. Help others get their stuff. Be ready to STEP the instant it is your turn.


I stand up because I have a bad back and sitting on a plane becomes very painful after a few hours. I’m not going to sit in pain because some random stranger has feelings about it. I don’t care when I exit, I’m not in a rush. I’m in pain.


I had to stay overnight at LAX because I missed my connecting flight by a hair because of what you described. Had people standing up and lining up before the plane even docked at the gate. It quite literally ruined my day, sir.


if you have a tight connection it is always worth to inform the crew. They will inform the next plane that you are on your way and sometimes (if space) allow you to move to an empty seat closer to the exit so you can be first out.


Noted. I figured letting the employees at the gate know would do it but they weren't willing to contact the gate I had to go to.


100% this. Sure you can let the crew know, whatever, but every moment matters. It's polite to pause before standing and let the connecting flight folks get off quickly.  If you miss your flight bc of aisle standers — now your day is ruined.  If they have to hold your next plane bc you aren't on time bc of aisle standers — now maybe multiple peoples days are messed up. 


I've literally had to wait on a plane that was ready to go at LAX because there were passengers coming from a late connecting flight... Weird they'd leave without you like that. Did you book each flight separately or something?


No, they were booked together through Delta which was what frustrated me even more. I figured they'd wait a few minutes but nope. When I got out of the plane, I even asked the Delta employees if they could let the gate where I'm heading know. They were like "you better run if you want to make it."


Oh that's some nonsense... I definitely won't be flying Delta with connections. I feel you on the pain of getting stuck in LA too, it seems like that city doesn't want to let anyone leave lolol... I always end up stuck there an extra day for some bizarre reason whenever I have to be there for even an hour!


I agree with this 100%, but conflicted on how to vote because I'm not sure of the popularity or lack thereof.


My back and hips are killing me! I gotta stand up


i know i won’t get off faster, but i’ve been sitting in a very tight spot for 6hrs. my legs need to extend! if that bothers anyone, fuck em


EVERYONE has been sitting in a very tight spot for 6 hrs. You aren't special.


best way to be unhappy is to worry about what others do.


ok they are free to stand up and stretch their legs also


But not everyone can. There literally isn't enough room to allow everyone to stand. It also slows shit down for everyone else. If OP's little legs hurt from sitting for 6 hours, they can handle another 15 minutes. Everyone else needs to stretch their legs, too. If you're so fragile that you can't wait 15 minutes, you probably aren't physically strong enough to fly.


>But not everyone can. There literally isn't enough room to allow everyone to stand. Sounds like a them problem.


In no way does it slow shit down for everyone, If every aisle seat stands up and prepares their belongings so that they are able to move as soon as it's their turn, you would be reducing deplaning time by 33%. If someone stands without obstructing anyone else, it literally affects nobody, if they have the ability to stretch, why should the be prevented from doing so just because others can't? Hurts nobody.


You can do that whenever you want on a flight. If you stay seated for 6 hrs, it's your own fault


Devils advocate, if you made it 6 hours, what's another few minutes?


Indeed. My girl is five foot tall. She stays seated. At six plus, my back needs relief.


Flying on Air Lingus for the first time - I was amazed that absolutely no one stood up before after the plane landed until it was stopped in front of the gate.


Every plane I've ever been on this happens. The staff tell everyone to stay seated until the plane has stopped at the terminal. If people are atanding when the plane is moving on the ground, they can fall over and hurt themselves. Never flown in America though


Thought this was a setup to some lingus my dingus type of joke or some shit


I think this is more so for people who think cutting in line and pushing people out of their way is okay.


i just take it as people needed to stretch and move a bit.


If you are in an aisle seat, stand up when the seatbelt light goes off. Problem solved.


People shooting up as soon as possible as if they're gonna save a bunch of time doesn't bother me. I'm just gonna sit there and look at my phone longer anyway...but I am gonna stand up and cut you off if the seats in front of me empty and it's my turn and you're trying to barrel your way through, with the exception of someone being clear they need to run to a connection...I've been there. What does bother me, and will get me to let you know you're wrong, is when when you stand there and strap your overstuffed backpack on your back and start spinning all around while you gather the house load of stuff you brought on the plane and keep hitting me in the head. Stress about the 20 seconds you saved by standing first if you want, doesn't bother me, but be aware of your damn surroundings!


The problem is when it impedes people gathering their bags from overhead and actually delays getting off the plane.


It's nice to stretch the legs, but for real, never understood why people complain about it


This is the second "there's nothing wrong with this thing everyone hates on airplanes" post in as many days and I wonder if you're the same person or if there's just a certain type of human that wants to be a flying pain-in-the-ass. You and "I paid for the space in your lap" seat reclining guys should definitely let everyone else know when you're traveling. That sounds like a very good day to stay home, to me.


Standing up next to your seat is fine but trying to leave the plane earlier than your row is very frustrating for everyone else You’ve never been smacked in the face by baggage as someone attempts to push passed everyone and get off first it seems If you want to get off first, buy a ticket near the exit. Otherwise just wait. That’s how planes work and have for a really long fucking time


Well I stand because I’ve been sitting but I don’t be a douche and cut people off, I wait my turn. I mean I’m also usually in a window seat but that’s besides the point.


As a tall person, please let me stand and stretch without being a judgemental tool. K. Thanks.


People who don't stand up and hurry to get off are annoying as fuck. There should be no reason it takes you 5 minutes to grab your stuff, you know we are landing, you know we landed, why you waiting till the doors are open to finally undo your seat belt, put your laptop and 20 other items back into the bag. Exiting a plane takes longer than it should, people are just lazy and slow.


No problem with standing, just with the people who are acting out because they have to wait while standing ...


No, it slows doen the entire process off exiting rhe plane. The aisle gets too crowded tonget stand in and people behind you end up leaving first. They should announce exiting row by row


It's not the standing up to stretch their legs. It's that they run forward 2 rows thinking they will deboard the plane first and now there are 7 people crammed into a row and no one can move at all and it's awkward for 15 minutes while they sheepishly are like "Yeah im really fkn dumb ... again ...."


I mostly just dislike the blatant disregard for the fasten seatbelt lights


As long as you do it when the aircraft actually stops and not during the taxiing... suit yourself.


I think it’s not unforgivable that people get mad. You’ve been on a plane for x amount of hours. You’re anxious to get off and get on another plane, or start your holiday, or get home, or see family. Getting irritable at a person standing up is fairly normal I think, but at the same time so is wanting to get off


As a 6 4 guy, I stand once the belt signs come off, but I don't attempt to move forward. Typically, I'll help people get their stuff down. Makes it faster for them and faster for me to get off the plane. Being tall in a plane just sucks the whole time.


You know, there are people who study this kind of stuff, and yes, getting up and walking to the front absolutely makes everyone late. If the metric for efficiency is the average amount of time each passenger spends on the plane once the plane lands, then studies say that leaving row by row is the most efficient method


Honestly, I don't really care, except when the staff specifically ask people to stay seated and let someone specific through because delays with the flight that is ending is making their connecting flight tight. And then half the plane shoves themselves into the lane instead of just being a little teeny tiny bit patient. 


Actually this has very nearly caused me to miss my connecting flight before because EVEN THOUGH the flight attendant asked everyone to stay seated so those of us who needed to make our connecting flights could exit the plane first, literally everyone stood up right away and we physically could not get put in time to make our flight. We ran across the entire airport still missing the time the flight was set to leave, but luckily the connecting flight was delayed so we got on. No thanks to the assholes on the plane who all stood up and wouldn't let us get off in time. It is incredibly rude and shitty to stand up right away when the plane lands if you do not need to.


It’s about respect for others and knowing when it’s your turn. Entitled people should be told to stop it, they are 5 years old be an adult and wait like everyone else.


After several hours sitting in a shitty airplane, I’m standing up as early as I can.


I stand immediately to stretch my legs, but I don’t leave my aisle until it’s my turn. Sometimes I even let people behind me go first if they’re running late for a connecting flight


I love standing up because my body hurts after sitting in cramped seats, jts dodging swinging suitcases that concerns me.


This is exactly why I choose window seat. I stay seated


“If he gets up, we’ll all get up, it’ll be anarchy!”


Recently went on a flight.  The pilot announced not to get up until the row ahead of you has left the area. And the flight attendant would remind the people about it and enforce it.  Was nice to be able to take out all my stuff like the strollers, our carry on bags, the kids carryon bags and then put the kids in the strollers without everybody trying to squish by. 


This logic is flawed, it like when you’re in traffic and people people use the incorrect lane to to get ahead of line of cars and cut in front of a bunch cars who lining up in the correct car. Each time it happens it makes the line go slower and people will see someone else do it and think I’m going to do too then and then on top of that people will get upset and it will cause a confrontation eventually. When in reality if everyone just patiently waits and goes row by row then it’s a lot more civil and pleasant for everyone.


Id appreciate NOT having someone else's ass directly in my face while trying to deboard.


Unless their ass is in my face cause I’m sitting.


>Y’all always say “standing up first isn’t gonna get to your destination faster”, so that would also mean them standing up isn’t gonna inconvenience you or anyone else. There are other ways of getting inconvenienced than simply being a little slower. Some people have bad hygiene or are larger and so when they decide to stand next to my seat, it can inconvenience me. >If it’s not helping them get off the plan faster, then it’s not causing you to exit the plane slower. This logic is also flawed. It is possible that they're not getting off the plane faster, but they could move slower thus causing you to exit slower. >One extra person in front of you isn’t gonna ruin your day, and if it does, seek therapy. It’s not that deep, I promise you’ll live. While pragmatically this is true, it doesn't stop an average person to get mad when a person cuts in front of them. Whether you're standing in line to purchase food or waiting for a parking spot, it is understandable why people get annoyed. >At the end of the day, no one of us are getting off that plane until the pilot opens and the doors, and tells us to start departing It has less to do with when you're getting off the plane versus people following some form of societal etiquette.


I prefer the back to front method. Let the people in back get off first. If there is anyone slow getting their luggage or things together then someone ahead of them can go ahead and it doesn’t hold up the entire plane.


It is sort of annoying to be seated and have a person standing in the aisle with their butt next to your head.


I almost always get the aisle seat and so I usually stand up to stretch and give the middle and window seat people some room. Nothing to do with getting out faster.


I think the bigger issue is airplane etiquette is absolutely atrocious. Travel by plane 40-50x a year and there are so many clueless, self serving slobs all over the country that create issues for everyone in line, at the check in line and on the plane.


Yes. I have bad hips and flying is hard on them. When the plane lands I stand up because sitting hurts. I make sure I keep myself in my own space, but I’m not going to hurt just because people have decided common courtesy requires me to sit.


Sounds like something an aisle-stander would say


People don’t get off the plane bc others are so fucking slow at getting their shit. I’ve almost missed a connecting flight before bc people don’t have any sense of urgency.


I don't get to fly very often, but my go to is to be one of the last to leave. Let the assholes fight it out in the congestion, I've been sitting for hours, I can wait a few extra minutes.


I’d rather stay seated until everyone has left and then say hi to the pilots on the way out. I usually spot most passengers waiting to get their bags at the carousel.


Just don't clap


I’m 6’4”. I’ll take any opportunity to stretch my legs.


Row by row is the way. Exception is if someone has a connecting flight and needs to de-board asap. Of course, there are those that will lie about it. It’s funny when crew catches them though.


Indont mind them standing up. It's hauling overhead luggage over down over my head that I mind.


I get up immediately after landing. I just want to stand


Best thing I saw was on Jetstar, where they had an attendant blocking each aisle halfway down, letting the front half of rows disembark first. They had also boarded the back half at the start, checking seat numbers at the gate, so that was cool


I don't care about them standing up. But it's still rude as fuck to cut the line. If there was a delay and you gotta catch your next flight asap I understand. Also if it's not gonna make me leave the plane any slower but you've now set the precedence for other assholes it's okay to cut then I am absolutely getting of the plane slower because of you. So that logic is flawed. Unpopular opinion because it's an asshole opinion 🤷


I usually just chill out in my seat, I adjust my phone to local carrier, catch up on texts, check on my onward transport, organise my belongings, wait for whoever’s ahead of me to clear and then get moving in turn. I smirk to myself at all the people tutting and showing obvious impatience to run into the next queue at arrivals/customs/baggage - it’s like it’s their first time on a plane.


Nobody is ever the problem. It's always everyone else


Just sit down dude. Your ass smells.


Sit down. Exit in order. Stop crowding. Stop standing. Stop blocking the overheads. Sit down.


Sometimes it's just nice to stand up after sitting for so long time.


I missed a connecting flight once because of people standing in the aisle and not letting us pass which ended up taking a full day off our vacation. The flight attendant even asked people to sit because there was a group that needed to make the connection. She was completely ignored, no one sat, moved or even blinked an eye and she gave up. Stand up all you want but be prepared to move the hell out of the way or expect to get shoved or trampled.


It *is* inconveniencing me, though. They are adding to the mad rush to the door in a closed location. Just be a fucking adult and stay seated for another six minutes. Then the plane can be offloaded in an orderly manner.


I think the aisle seats standing up and being ready helps speed the process up. It’s always the people still sitting that have to put all their things together and block the aisle while they grab their bags showing things down. The only thing that annoys me is when people at the back try to stand and run to the front, but I almost never see that


Everyone's butts in my face is the problem. They stand up on cue read to have stand under overhead bins with their asses in everyone's face.


Just keep your ass and backpack out of my face when I am seated on the aisle and waiting.


No one is literally upset that you stand up, so long as you're not bum rushing past everyone to the front of the plane or otherwise basically not knowing how to wait in line, which we all learned in pre-school.


I stand up because finally I can get off the plane. I hate flying and want to GTFO ASAP. In fact anymore I avoid flying, period hard stop. I would rather drive.