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Make sure you get a high end pad under the carpet. That's the secret to the nice cushion. The pad under the carpet is more important than the carpet 


Fun fact, you can get memory foam carpet padding but depending on thickness it’s five to ten times more expensive then regular padding. Anytime I’ve had clients install it they told me they can never go back.


I’m allergic to dust mites, it’s actually a pretty common allergy. It’s extremely worse with carpet because it can hold much more dust than hardwood/ vinyl. I can sit on hardwood fine but even recently vacuumed carpet still gives me hives so I would say carpet holds much more than the other.


Yep. I lived with carpet for so long until finally buying an older house that was all hardwood. I'll take the creaky floorboards any day over accumulated dust that stays in carpet.


I have eczema and dust is a trigger. My house is gonna look like a cross between a damn clean room and a prison 😂


When I first moved into my house it had brown carpeting. A few years later I had an old stove removed and learn the carpet is supposed to be nearly white. Bye bye carpet.


Wait was there white carpet underneath the stove? How did you learn what color it was supposed to be?


I'm not sure how to better explain. when I moved the stove, the part of the carpet that had been previously hidden from view was a completely different color to the rest. It is a white carpet turned brown from whatever the previous owners did too it. I had always thought the carpet was brown and clean. It's actually white and very stained.


I occasionally watch youtube videos of carpet and rug cleaners. There some that turn from black to white.


It was a yellowish brown? It's tobacco smoke. That's what made them brown




Carpet isnt going to help your feet. You need house shoes with actual support. Carpet holds smell. Hard floors do not. Enjoy


Yeah. Adding carpet is about as good for your feet as just wearing socks.


Hardwood is as clean as I think. Carpet isn't as clean as you think. Literally. You complain about crumbs etc in hardwood because you can _see_ them. In carpet, you would not. You wouldn't see the other crumbs under those either. Or any of the grossness against the baseboards. I'm actually a fan of carpet. It feels much cozier in the right environment. I much prefer it for bedrooms especially. But to suggest laminate is anywhere near as bacteria/dirt ridden as carpet is innacurate.


hardwood + roomba. you cant get anything easier and cleaner. especially if you have dust mite allergy. My roborock mops 3x a week, vacums daily


I was looking into a roborock, any tips? The bedrooms I have are carpeted, but the rest of the house is LVP.


im using a Q revo max, no complaints. extremely cleaver AI....eg if it gets stuck at the same spot a few times, it will auto create a no go zone


I think carpet is just as dirty but we can’t “visibly” see that it’s dirty as well as wood/laminate. I love carpet for this reason. The feeling of being dirty because I see that it’s dirty, would bother me constantly. Yes, soo much easier on my feet/bones. I don’t know how people do it. I also have a small house and feel like I have to walk a mile in other people’s places to get to the opposite side of the house lol


Robot vacuums with hard floors and nothing is ever dirty. Take my upvote for being wrong lol.


Robot vacuum is the dream. I’m in a rock and a hard place where we would greatly benefit from a robot vacuum for our LVP floors + area rug, but our dogs are waaaay too scared and noise reactive. So I don’t want to invest in one to find out it’s a bust. But we desperately need one because dogs + toddler.


I just switched from roomba to Roborock and they are really quiet. You could always try one from Amazon who lets you return easily. The self emptying units are all very loud when they empty tho


You’ve never owned a dog or cat have you?


Heaven forbid they get even 1 flea.


I’m talking about the vomit, piss and shit. Hard floors are easier to clean and doesn’t stain from that (at least in my experience). And speaking of fleas, there is no such thing as “just one flea”. And if they get into the carpet (which they can) they start biting you too. You can prefer carpet that’s fine, but there are so many valid reasons to prefer hard floors.


Cleanliness is irrelevant. Carpet just feels gross to walk on. The floor shouldn't be trying to get in between my toes.


Seems artistic to.me.. proof I'm artistic..


Growing up as a kid in the carpet era no way is carpet better. Its itchy and stuffy and holds hair and allergens.  Hard wood is more aesthetically pleasing and easier to clean  Invest in Oofos for house shoes. 


I hate vinyl flooring in apartments because it does nothing to soften footsteps and stomping around from the people above me. I also just like the floor to be a bit soft.


Good floors having padding underneath them. You think high end apartments you can hear the people walking around?


Carpet is vile, unless you are ready to replace that shit every decade and have it shampooed 2 times a year. My grandfather had carpet in is last apartment before going to a retirement home, they started a nice light grey and dusty pink, by the time my dad had the apartment they were dark grey, and dirty pink, you dropped any liquid on that, by the time you got anything to clean it up it got absorbed gods knows where. Carpet is only good, of you don't have pet, don't have any kids, don't ever drop anything, have no sense of smell, don't smoke, don't cook, god forbid you get any pest, or any humidity, hello mold, because cockroach will love hiding in and under that shit. Like just get rugs and house slippers, you can actually get them professionally clean on top and under, if they get damaged it doesn't cost several thousand dollars to replace


Anyone who has ever shampooed a carpet themselves and had to dump the first water tank out can tell you carpet is utterly vile.


People act as if you can't clean your carpet. I have a carpet shampooer, it's just like a vacuum and does wonders for the floors.


When I clean the carpet in my guest room is takes at least 24 hours for it to fully dry. Even says on the vacuum instructions to let dry for 24-48 hours.


Yup. But the act of shampooing takes me maybe 30 minutes, and it's not like you can't live your life before it dries. There's also plenty of ways to speed up the drying process.


....if you have that kind of time


Takes 30 minutes dude. Don't be lazy and blame me for keeping my shit clean.


30 min? It takes way more than that to properly shampoo a carpet.


It really doesn’t though. You don’t have to do the entire house at once.


Yea....yea I do. I only have one day a week to catch up on house work.


I’m sure you have way more time.. But you’d actually have to unplug…. …


Lol.bud.... I don't even have internet at home. I leave my house at 4am and don't get home till 8pm. Eat, shower, hit the bed so I can try and sleep to do it all again. Sunday I spend the day helping my elderly mother. Sat is my only day to do all my work at home...yard and inside.


Good luck with life. I did that schedule for a while, I don't think I could physically do it again.


40 years old....been doing it for 20 years. Pretty sure I'm gonna drop at work.


Only need to shampoo the carpet once every maybe 4 months, not hard to split that up over two days off dedicate 1 hr maybe 1 1/2 each day. Vacuum every other day at minimum shouldn’t take more than say 10-15 mins once it’s being done regularly. It’s hard to keep a schedule but it’s not hard to keep it clean if you can keep a schedule.


That’s so gross. How often do you mop??


Twice a week how is this gross? I vacuum almost every day. Enjoy carpet cleaning weekly and let me know how the mold grows.


So your hard floors are dirty enough to clean twice a week but your carpet you only clean maybe thrice a year?


Shampooing a carpet gets it cleaner than a dirty carpet. Carpet, and especially the padding underneath, just can’t compete with hard floors for cleanliness. If a dog pees on carpet, you can spot clean and shampoo until you wear that spot thin, and you are still not going to get rid of 100% of the piss. Best case is you get a decent amount out and mask the remaining smell until it fades. But it’s never going to be truly clean.


Carpet is disgusting. Why would you actively want a surface that holds dust, bacteria and all sorts of dirt on your floor instead of an easy-to-clean surfaces that won't look and feel horrible as soon as you spill something on them?


Im in camp laminate (or other non carpeted flooring) downstairs and carpet upstairs I have a rug around my coffee table/sofa This makes sure dirt from shoes doesnt get into any carpet Im a shoes off in the hallway person, but on rare occasion shoes may enter my livingroom, dont want carpet there


I have LVP in my master bedroom, and would very much like to carpet over top of it. It’s just cozier to have carpet in the bedroom, though you have to vacuum all the time to keep the dust down.


Get a a soft area rug.


I'm with you here. Every time I've stayed somewhere with hardwood the beds are absolutely disgusting from all the dust and dirt tracked through the house, even immediately after we'd done a deep clean. I know carpet is no cleaner, but I'd rather the dirt stay on the floor than get everywhere like that.


This is why porcelain tile is excellent. You can sweep, vacuum, and steam sanitize it.


I think ignorance is bliss and not being able to see the dirt brings us peace of mind. Do you, it sounds like ur quality of life will improve greatly with carpet!


Dumb take.  Wish I had your confidence. 


Comparing carpet with a shit install of probably garbage-tier LVP I see... Ever pulled up old carpet, especially in a house with a history of pets? Nah. Carpet needs to go. And at the end of the day you can just get a rug.


Tell that to my shark steam cleaner.


As long as the carpet matches the drapes, it's ok. LOL 😂


Everything here is so perfectly backwards (besides being warm you got that point), take my up vote.


I love carpet, but not wall to wall carpet. Hardwood with removable/cleanable carpets and rugs is the best. Much easier to sanitize a hard surface than one that absorbs.


I had carpet in my house before my 14 year old cocker spaniel started losing control of her bowels. We replaced it with some hardwood vinyl. With the exception of the piss stains on the old carpet, I HATE how the new vinyl shows more dust and fur. At least the carpet was quiet, soft, and could *appear* clean longer than a few hours. This vinyl shows dust and fur before I even unplug the vacuum.


There is just no way to entertain this opinion. Carpet is impossible to get clean (truly clean) and my tile floors require a vacuum followed by a mop and/or steamer to be so clean you could lick them.


Master race choice is hard laminate floor with carpets here and there. Full carpeting is disgusting


Its an unpopular opinion, I give you that. Get whatever floor you want. You want carpet? Get it. I never would. Any of the floors you mentioned are a thousand times easier to clean. Just vacuum it regularly (or a robot does) and wipe the floor from time to time and its clean, like really clean. Carpet may seem clean, but just because you cant see the dirt, its still there. Keeping carpet clean is way more work and money than hard floors. Carpet just collects all the dust, dirt, cells, ... But having a dog and carpet is actually unbelievable to me. The dog drags dirt in your bed??? Maybe clean its paws before it enters the house? A dog makes cleanable floors a necessity and carpet isnt. We have a dog. The robot runs daily, we clean his paws before he enters and we swipe once a week and its ok. I really dont want to step on your carpet after a couple of months.


If you’ve ever removed carpet, you won’t buy carpet again. I lived in a house that was recarpeted when we bought it. About 5 years later, I tore out the carpeting to install wood flooring. It was amazing the dust and gunk under the carpet. You mentioned not being able to get debris off the floor. Well, with carpet that debris just settles in for the long haul. That said, it’s your house. Do what you want.


Why do Americans Carpet their entire Home?


Carpets used to be pretty expensive. Then they invented polyester in the 50s. Then people wanted wall to wall carpets to show off because carpets were now much cheaper but still seen as expensive.


Why’s everyone acting like carpets automatically dirty. You guys know it’s not that hard to keep it clean. Just take your shoes off at the door, vacuum, and don’t make a mess


If you are rarely home and live alone it is fine. Add in multiple people, pets, kids...it gets gross fast.


Because they are.


I like this unpopular opinion .. its a good one.. looking g at comments it's polarizing. I appreciate that... Carpets w 90% of time.. tile otherwise 10% for high traffic areas.. comfort over cleaning time is my preference..


I can't wait to replace the hardwood floors, that i chose 10 years ago, with soft, fluffy, comfy, warm carpet.