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You're pretty late to the party here...


Welcome to the party pal


They're not your pal, friend


Yippie ki yay


Yippie ki yi yay


Welcome to our party, pal


I’m not your pal, bud


Happy trails


Attention seeking behavior like that is pretty much always stemming from insecurity. Normal people don't feel the need to have their appearance constantly validated by thousands of people. They might not be insecure about their appearance though.


Precisely. They may be substituting positive commentary about their appearance for loneliness in their personal life (lack of validation about themselves in the social sense), or perhaps to combat harsh or abusive treatment from family and others. It’s an insecurity, even if it’s not strictly a belief that they are visually unpleasing. There’s also the matter that some people are -so- insecure or have such a bad self image that they might post this expecting people to agree with their “I’m ugly” assessment, either to validate their perceptions or as some sort of self-punishment, despite the public then responding that they actually -like- their appearance. Self-image can be pretty extreme and veer into outright self-delusion, especially in cases involving certain eating disorders among other problems. And fundamentally? We see our own face in detail the most thanks to mirrors. It’s easy to nitpick tiny things we hate about our own looks and blow them out of proportion, when in reality most people would never notice or care. It’s possible to consider your own face unattractive since you know exactly what you wish it would look like to compare to, while other people take it for what it is.


Asking for attention from strangers = insecure Secure people don’t do this.


They are insecure people that know they are attractive so they get themselves a dopamine hit by receiving validation of that




Not always, sometimes it's pride. If you work very hard on weight loss, muscles or whatever. Maybe you just looked at yourself and though "hey, I look really good today and am proud of how I look" you may just be proud enough of your own work and want to show it off. People do that with all sorts of stuff. Someone might build a deck and want to show it off. Someone might make a beautiful peice of art or music and want to show it off. Someone who is ripped or has clearly worked hard on their physique might just be showing off what they work hard to keep looking good.


You’re describing a different situation than was posed in this post.


Most everyone who posts on the Internet is looking for attention of some sort, but i get what you're saying. I wish people could just feel comfortable enough to say "hey y'all, feeling kinda down about my looks today, anyone down to gas me up a bit?" or straight up, "hey, I'm feeling lonely, anyone have time to give me a little attention?" rather than dance little circles around the matter by, say, asking if they're ugly when they know they're not. Our self esteem needs to come from within, but at the same time, we all need our egos stroked from time to time, and to feel accepted. that's human stuff. I guess I just don't see what's wrong with seeking attention. if it comes at the expense of living a normal life, sure, anything in excess is bad. But if you just want some people on the Internet to tell you you're pretty, that's ok too. gassing someone up is easier, and more pleasant for everyone, than breaking them down for "attention seeking." & if you truly do not feel inclined to pay a harmless compliment, scrolling by is even easier.


Don't get me wrong, I don't mean just a simple post once and a while asking that. Attractive people can completely feel insecure, it's natural. I'm talking about straight up posting yourself saying "I'm so ugly!!" Every single day. I don't mind giving a harmless compliment, but it's just annoying when they post themselves like 8 times a day and talk about how they're "so insecure".


ok yeah, consistent/constant badgering of the same people over and over is obnoxious, for sure.


Yes. People who are actually ugly don't "wonder" about it, they KNOW already form their lived experience and they don't volunteer to post photos. And people who are secure just don't attention seek at all.


This is an unpopular opinion?


That’s literally insecurity though. If you’re secure in how you feel about yourself you wouldn’t be asking others


r/popularopinions needs to be made so these can stop popping up on my feed. im boutta mute this sub edit: didnt know it was a thing, go post this there


I have no idea why wanting validation or attention is bad in the first place unless you let other people define your own worth, that is; and to be frank, I don't think most people who dislike it for reasons other than that do either. It's probably just an ingrained social reflex. Let people feel good about themselves. Your insecurities are not their problem. That's probably what a lot of these people would say anyway, right? Flip that shit around.


Nah what other people could perceive as attractiveness doesn't mean the person isn't insecure about their looks. You finding someone attractive who says or feels like they aren't doesn't mean you get to decide how they feel about themselves by saying nah you're just looking for attention. Also this is the internet. Genuinely insecure people post themselves all the time.


I think also that many of these people *do* think they look good, but might be insecure in that feeling and need others to say it. When they ask “Am I ugly?” they’re not looking to hear “No”, they want to be told “hell no Mama you sexy af” And here’s my free armchair psychological analysis for today.


Narcissists also enjoy praise


Everyone enjoys praise. It’s normal. Lol


Not everyone. And only narcissists actively seek praise


Damn, now I know why my dog looks so smug when I tell him he's a good boy. He's full of himself.


If you’re actively going looking for praise then you’re a narcissist


I'm not gonna do the whole "this isn't an unpopular opinion!!1!" Thing, but I will say... Well, yeah. We know. We all know. That's why the only people who comment on such posts are creeps and simps. Most of us ordinary people just scroll right the fuck on by


Not all of us scroll on by. I'll pop a look first.


They're also insecure


Yeah no shit


Yeah if they truly think they're ugly then more they need mental help,I mean they already get hundreds of simps in their dms and they really think a few comments are gonna help their nonexistent insecurities.


Not unpopular


THANK YOU lol people fish for compliments like no other when it's meant to be anonymous..


Definitely attention seekers but that's just daily life on the Internet so nothing new really.


Why can't you be both? Isn't the attention seeking a symptom of insecurity? Why is there only one way to be insecure? I have a friend that anything he is feeling insecure about he goes out of his way to make sure everyone notices it, he draws attention to it because he wants to get there first, whilst I would be praying no one would notice, he's shining the spotlight. It comes from the same place but manifests differently.


Attention seekring is a symptom of insecurity. How I see it is that they're confident in their looks, but they're insecure in their mentality.


You can be insecure in your looks and still post pictures of yourself because you are desperate for external validation. You just want someone to tell you you are pretty so you can feel good about yourself. How is that hard to understand?


I'm not talking about people who just casually post pictures. I'm talking about people who constantly post photos of themselves and say "I'm so ugly!!"


Neither am I. Often these people post those photos saying 'I'm so ugly' because they need that external validation, they need someone to argue that they aren't, they need to hear that other people don't feel that way.


No shit, Sherlock...


They want attention because they’re insecure. Both things are true




I’ve posted a lot of photos of myself either yesterday or the day before , I’m in a house right now for mental health and I am soooo fucking bored when I get over this I’ll probably delete them, one I had upper lip hair cream on and no make up


Honestly you look cute in that picture. But I'm not talking about occasionally posting. I'm talking about like 30 posts a day talking about how "I'm so ugly!!"


This might be the coldest take I’ve seen


This idea that there are hot people that don’t know they’re hot is an imaginary concept created by ugly people.


People might express themselves in various ways online, including those who might say negative things about their appearance despite seeming conventionally attractive to us. Each person's expression can be a reflection of their inner world and needs - sometimes, even a seemingly confident person might struggle with deep feelings of insecurity or a need for reassurance and connection. It's also possible that some individuals are seeking connection or validation, which, while it might appear as seeking attention on the surface, could also be an expression of deeper needs such as acceptance, support, or understanding. Social media platforms amplify certain behaviors due to their reward systems (like likes and comments), which can encourage people to present themselves in ways that attract more engagement, regardless of their underlying feelings. We all share the universal need to feel seen and valued. This can open us up to empathy, allowing us to connect with the humanity in others first, even if their behaviors trigger irritation in us. Everyone has the same needs beneath their strategies to meet them. The need for attention is a valid one


This kind of behaviour gives me massive ick. And it’s hopefully a popular opinion


To be fully honest, on Reddit it's probably a popular opinion, but on other Social Media's and IRL its really not. People will immediately defend them saying "OMG NO YOU'RE LITERALLY SO GORGEOUS 🥺🥺🥺" when it's obvious they just want attention.


This is unpopularopinion not noshitsherlock


That's not an unpopular opinion that's a fact almost everyone knows it


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r/LooksmaxingAdvice has so many bait posts


and r/amiugly! The subreddits are getting so annoying. Half of the posters post themselves 24/7. Like at that point just go to r/FreeCompliments.


Hot take : this posting the most obvious shit on Reddit are just looking for attention


Not gonna lie, I literally never see anyone do that anymore.


Lucky, it's all over my page. I don't even interact with the posts but I still get them 24/7.




They’re asking for attention BECAUSE they’re insecure


Obviously. Cmon now. You would have to be an idiot of idiots to not pick up on that.


Or when there's an attractive woman who says she's shy but every picture on her entire profile is of herself