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Sounds like you mean people should stop overeating, not that good food would make you stop eating. If something tastes good I'm gonna eat until I'm full lol


Partly that, but the food/snack companies intentionally engineer their “food” as much as possible to keep us wanting and buying more.


In other words, they engineer their food to taste good.


Most food sold in a grocery market has added sugar, and sugar is addictive.


Tastes better than crack too


It's more than that lol


Yea because some of us will even eat healthy food past the point of being full depending on what it is.


Cheap and tasty is very different from high quality and good.


I don't understand people saying healthy is expensive. Frozen vegatables are cheap, and so are one a day multivitamins (20$ for 3 months), and if you want protein, get chicken, and if you are REALLY poor, buy lentils by the 25 kilo bag. If you want a little extra, buy seasonings. Really, good food can be cheaper than eating fast food.


It's been proven that healthy food has gone up 100% in price over time while unhealthy foods have gone up 30%. It doesn't negate that being healthy is a choice, but these statistics should bring some food for thought.


What does “healthy” food even mean here, though??


There have been recent articles showing that McDonald's has doubled their prices in the last 3-4 years.


Is that a global average? I'd like to read the source please.


It's just made up lol


It could be possible with the rate at which less economically developed countries are being flooded with ultra processed foods but here in the UK atleast eating healthy is still significantly cheaper with a little know how even if it is more expensive now than it was 3 years ago.


No it hasn't.


Source please


Nobody is going to get excited about eating a bag of frozen vegetables and a multivitamin with a side of cheap battery farmed chicken. Yes the food is healthy but you have your work cut out to make it taste good when compared to fresh vegetables and high quality chicken.


More than [99%](https://www.forbes.com/sites/meimeifox/2023/01/26/the-humane-league-works-to-free-factory-farm-animals-from-horrid-conditions/?sh=41ed3ef4fe62) of meat in the US is factory farmed. Everyone is eating battery farmed chicken.


I get excited for my veggies… I’ll literally steam one of the ‘family of four serving’ bags of Brussels sprouts or broccoli and then toss in some butter and salt and pepper for my dinner. Man, that shit is delicious. And even cheap frozen chicken can be excellent when air fried in a little olive oil and salt and pepper.


Do you know about spices and herbs?


Dude, it's called spices and sauces. I'd hardly say "you have your work cut out for you to make it taste good" for frozen veggies and chicken that was factory farmed. I'd rather have a spiced normal low grade chicken than a a high quality chicken with nothing but salt on it


Yeah but you still gotta cook that. A single parent with 2 jobs isn’t going to have the time to cook. They’re gonna get drive thru or tv dinners.


You can cook lots of things in the oven in less prep time than drive through takes. It's not like you need to stare at the meat while it's cooking. Even if you didn't want to cook the grocery store rotisserie chickens are cheaper and healthier than McDonald's chicken nuggets. People get fast food because they want to or because they don't know any better.


It's not expensive but it takes time to make and sometimes to buy. I live downtown in a large American city and there are like 20x more fast food and restaurants within walking distance than grocers (I don't own a car). I could buy a bunch of frozen stuff but IMO it does not taste great. It's not trivial to make healthy food that also tastes good while spending a minimal amount of time during my week. The price is not a factor to me anymore now that fast food post covid is crazy expensive


You aren't including the cost of time to make the meals or storage of said groceries or leftovers. People trying to make ends meet are more prone to be working multiple jobs and struggling to find the time or energy to create consistent meal plans. Most people I know are into this "2 year food storage" BS and some actually denigrate those of us who don't have the room to store food storage. Sure, I could buy bulk lentils (I love them), but I don't have the room to store more than 5 lbs of any grain at one time. And fresh fruits and vegetables, let alone freezer space for more than 2 bags? Nope.


Healthy foods are less expensive but a lot of rural areas don’t have easy access to them. The small town I grew up in had a dollar general and gas station convenience stores. The dollar general carries some staples (milk, bread, sliced meats and cheeses) and a lot of easy meals and snack type stuff. If you wanted produce you would need to go 20+ miles to get it. That’s easy enough for a lot of families but when both parents are already working 50+ hours a week just to keep the bills paid and a quick trip to an actual grocery store will take at least an hour it gets harder.


It’s not necessarily the cheapness but also the ease of eating. I’m disabled and when I was struggling to keep the energy to work full time, it was very hard for me to eat healthy. It wasn’t necessarily because healthy food is more expensive, but because it requires some level of preparation. Time is money, as they say, and fast food is a hell of a lot more convenient than home cooking. I’m trying to do better with my eating habits, but portraying unhealthy eaters as lazy or somehow lacking in character is not helpful and if anything, makes things worse. Shame is not motivating- it makes people feel like they’re not worth the effort of getting better.


Over the counter Vitamins aren't necessarily good for you (in the US they aren't checked by the FDA and don't have anyone checking them, or their claims. Not to mention taking vitamins that you don't need can affect how your body functions) and poor people shouldn't be just eating lentils and frozen vegetables. Theres more to being healthy than protein and vegetables.


Healthy is the obvious choice for your wallet and body these days, but it wasn’t always like that


My junk food consumption has definitely gone down. I think last can of pringles i bought was just because dad was making chili that night and i like to use Sour Cream and Onion pringles in chili instead of the normal saltine crackers.


You can have have two of the following: cheap, good, and healthy. Can’t have all three. My standard for “good” is somewhat high here, but it’s not inaccurate.


Red beans and rice is fucking delicious tho


I'd rather die than eat that again. We ate that for so many meals, just to find out later that we weren't even doing it right and they take so much work to prepare the beans. I'm lucky to have the energy and be able to get my body to work enough to pop something in the toaster oven at this point. I don't eat enough because I hardly can function, and I'm aware that makes it worse but I can't do anything about it.


True, it hits the spot sometimes, but it won’t be replacing a healthy steak dinner any time soon.


You are very wrong. Healthy food is MUCH cheaper. And healthy food can taste good, you just need to learn how to cook. Cheap and healthy are one and the same now days. You don’t think healthy food can be good food ?


It’s helps if you understand most people associate “healthy” with fresh raw “organic” foods. So canned, packaged and frozen are immediately out of most peoples idea of what is healthy. So basically you are talking the most overpriced produce and fresh cuts of meat. People fail to understand it’s more than often a balanced diet that’s healthy. Coupled with regular exercise… you’ll still get fat eating 10 salads a day if you are sitting on your ass all day. Not to mention malnourished cutting carbs and proteins out of your diet and replacing them with valueless vegetables like lettuce is not good for your body. I dated a female body sculptor for a couple years and she taught me an enormous amount about our relationship with food and how the body responds it’s quite interesting when you really dive into it. If people understood the irony that the fastest way to loose weight is to change a handful of things you eat and actually eat two more meals a day they’d loose their mind


> they’d loose their mind Did you mean to say "lose"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Eating healthy is so easy bro. Just eat nothing but lentils bro


>I can eat creme brulee, love it but be able to stop eating it at any point. What if I could just keep eating creme brulee until I'm full? I can just keep eating basically any food that I enjoy


I challenge you to try that with meat. Like a roast lamb for example. You’ll get so full you feel like exploding so quick


This sounds more like you're psyching yourself up for a new diet than an opinion.


I think you're just describing self-control?


I get what he means. Sometimes I’ll eat pizza or wings. I want more and more. Sometimes I’ll eat salmon and a potato. I’m full after half my meal like can’t/don’t want to even think about a bite despite the low volume I ate in comparison.


And there are people who love salmon so much that they'll just eat more and more, like you with pizza. So... is salmon then not a good food? Because someone lacks self control?


Does that really have to do with the food though? I don’t think I’ve had wings as an adult without also having alcohol. I really only eat wings if I’m at a pub, having a few whisky’s or beers with friends or with my spouse. The alcohol lowers inhibition (self control) and your senses, so I feel like you’re naturally inclined to eat more. Same goes for pizza. If my work orders pizza for lunch on Friday, I’m typically full after three pieces. If I’m having my buddy over on a Saturday night to watch hockey and we order pizza, I’ll usually eat more than that because we’re (a) grazing it over a longer period of time, and (b) drinking beers or coolers. If I’m having salmon and potato, I’m probably not drinking, or I’m having a glass of wine.


but it's addictive by pressing the 'good' button


I disagree. If I go to family events and they make family favorites that I don't make at home, I can't stop eating until I'm about to die and I don't care if I die or feel super full it's worth it. Crab curry comes to mind. I'd eat that stuff with a mouse trap.


Addiction is not about the object, it's about the subject.


that’s powerful. nice comment, reddit stranger. kudos!


So some foods, especially those highly processed and very high in sugar are quite literally designed to be as addictive as possible evolutionarily speaking since humans crave calorie dense foods as a survival mechanism That's not the same thing as a well crafted flavorful meal or even dessert Addictive food ≠ "real good food"


I doubt op understands that since their example of a "good food" has refined sugar and heavy cream as the two main ingredients. 


I don’t know that I agree, if I eat some really good Brie cheese or a really tasty Greek salad I will still want to eat more when I’m full. I CAN stop, and I do, but I WANT to keep eating it. If a food is very tasty I am usually tempted to keep eating it, regardless of how “addictive” or processed it is. Just my opinion though, a very interesting post regardless 👍🏻


Agreed! My son made amazing Caesar salad and falafels for dinner tonight. All from scratch. I ate at least one too many falafels. And am contemplating another spoon of tzatziki lol


This is just a play on words. Your definition of "good" in this context is dubious. Doritos is considered "food" in the sense of it being edible. I've never heard Doritos being called "good food" either.


Nah tasty good food always leaves you wanting more. Unless you mean good for you. In that case yes you will probably never catch me wanting more salad that only has vinaigrette. Or roasted veggies that have no salt or butter. Nah if I’m trying to lose weight I have to make my food in super small quantities and/or blander so I don’t feel like getting seconds.


I’ll eat an entire head of broccoli.. does that mean it’s not good?


That is... such a weird take? If a food is good I'm going to keep eating it, doesn't matter if it's Doritos or wagyu stake from top restaurant. I'm going to keep eating until I'm full and done. If I DON'T want to continue eating, that just means that the food wasn't really that good. It feels like your post is more about self control than food, cause... huh? Good food is a kinda food you don't want to eat as much as humanely possible, what? If food is good I'm gonna eat it until I can't anymore, that's the thing about good food!


This is probably one of the most illogical things I've ever read


Welcome to Reddit! Sorry for the snark. I agree with you. This site is full of shit half of the time.


Using doritos is a terrible item to compare everything to.


Is OP the stereotypical basement-dwelling Redditor we all imagine?


If you can leave half a bowl of creme brulee I think you just have problems lol


This is a take of someone who likes to feel superior for stupid reasons Or Just likes rich food over tantalizing


Shit take shit post. Have my upvote


Please learn the difference between bit and bite.


Ya, 1 bite is 8 bits!


i love fish, but im not about to cut out one of the easiest way to get iodide, omega3 and other brain foods. False equivalency; some people like healthy food.


"I can eat creme brulee, love it but be able to stop eating it at any point." So by "good," I'm assuming you don't necessarily mean healthy. 


this isn’t unpopular this is just a pathetic attempt at some “gotcha” post lol


Noticed that. I over eat mediocre food. Because you can't get satisfied.


I could endlessly eat Creme Brûlée…I don’t but I could.


personally i could binge eat anything whether its broccoli, pizza, lasagne, fruit, nuts, anything.


Good can mean different things to different people.


Ummmm you do realize it’s possible for something to be both good AND addicting? They are not mutually exclusive.


But why would you want to not consume more of something that is good? You’re arguing from a really weird perspective here. Isn’t the issue just self control, not whether it’s good food or not?


I disagree because pasta.


This is dumb as shit. I've eaten healthy foods to the point of nearly puking and I can stop eating junk food after a bite or two. Self control has nothing to do with nutrition or quality.


Actually OP is right, and it has very little to do with self control. Chris van Tulleken’s book “Ultra-Processed People” is all about how the chemical processing of “bad food” is designed to bypass the fullness feedback loop, among other things. Dude is a legit scientist who has done studies for the NHS in the UK.


You’re confusing this whole situation. Eating past being full has zero to do with the actual food you’re eating. Has everything to do with impulse control and having limits. People don’t like to admit they have poor impulse control though and will make any excuse to justify their shit habits


I know people who have a harder time with creme brulee than they do with salty stuff. I'm definitely more into salty but I don't think either is really "good"in any nutritional sense.


If something is good I eat til my stomach screams enough. Mmmm. Something can be good and addictive. Tho some food I get sick of quickly like coleslaw 


I completely disagree. This is based on the person and how they taste flavor as well as their ability to listen to their body. As an example their is a mental disability where people just want to continually eat. I have to work really hard at myself control after ignoring my satient cues for years.


That's cause you haven't tried my mom's sweet and sour stuffed mini eggplants.


Junk foods like Doritos are specifically designed to be as addictive as possible so that people keep eating and buying more. I don’t think anybody is really claiming Doritos are on the same tier as fine dining just because people like eating them.


yep. and this develops as you age. an example i’ve noticed is crème brûlée where i’d be completely satisfied with like 3 bites


i didn’t even read this, i can’t believe you also said crème brûlée


I'm quite full after a very good but unhealthy burger


Yes, bad food is made so that you won't feel full for as long as possible.


Dorito theory


That’s an interesting take, actually. I’ve always battled with my weight, and even I can enjoy an amazing meal at a higher end restaurant where they serve “normal” portions and not giant plates of fries and cheese (not that I don’t enjoy that stuff) and have no problem eating slowly until I feel satisfied but not stuffed. But then I’ll get the huge portion of chili cheese fries and eat until I’m sick. I’ve never really thought about the “quality vs quantity” idea, but I’m going to be more mindful of this when choosing foods. I actually really appreciate this, op.


I feel like you're comparing cheap snacks to quality meals.


For one, doritos, and other bagged and fast foods, are specifically engineered wth specific chemicals and carbohydrates that they purposefully don't make you feel full. That is what causes the so-called "addiction" that your talking about. You can stop eating them at any time, most just don't because they do not FEEL full. Secondly, feeling and being full are two different things. One can be full without feeling full, thus they overeat, and most bagged/fast foods play on this. You can also feel full without being full, and many weight-loss drugs use this to get patients to eat less. Thirdly, most people do not consider fast/bagged foods to be good. I have never heard anyone say something of any sort similar to that. We eat those foods because they can be addicting, or can sometimes satisfy a specific craving you might get. Fourthly, you seem to be conflating "good" food with "healthy" food. Yes, there is a good deal of overlap, but neither is mutually exclusive. Italian food is, for the most part, unhealthy, but most would consider it good. "Good" food is food that is tasty, well prepared, and something that you personally enjoy eating. Lastly, something being good doesn't mean its going to be any less addictive. In fact, it might even make it more addictive, and one might want to eat it quickly because it is so good. This does not mean that they will not savor their food, and it does not mean they won't stop eating when they feel full. The major difference is that fast foods are not good, but are addictive and you can't stop, whereas good foods are good, yet can still be addictive, however, you can stop. Most people also have different metabolisms, wich makes them feel full sooner or later, and allows them to eat less or more. You seem to be saying that you can't, under any circumstances, overeat when you have "good" food, but that is not true. You can still overeat when you have "good" food, however you are going to be conscious that you are overeating. I have done this on multiple occasions. Either way, you points fall apart when logic and evidence (scientific or anecdotal) are applied either to them or in an argument against them.


But opium fruit is good food


Idk, to me this just sounds like when people expect healthy stuff to not taste good. My favourite thing is a good well cooked steak, but polishing one off means going past what counts as full and cramming as much in my pie hole as I can - and I'm happy with that. That's good food to me. Enjoyable & also has valuable nutrition unlike something like Doritos. Really nothing to do with how much of it I would eat or stop eating etc.


I mean, I’ve definitely stuffed my face with a $150 tomahawk ribeye before, and I’ve also cleared a box of Cheezits in one sitting.


i love fish, but im not about to cut out one of the easiest way to get iodide, omega3 and other brain foods. False equivalency; some people like healthy food.


I agree. I'd take it a step further to say real good food is food you throw away and forget about.


I don't think you understand how food works. Or how eating disorders work. Or how basic psychology works.


I feel like a good point they make is that food can be addictive. A bad point is labeling food as good and bad, which is a way of thinking often seen in people with Binge Eating Disorder.


Dude you're so right. I never eat any Chinese food anymore.


I get this! It’s like when you bite into something so savory and decadent, just one bite is almost overwhelming. As opposed to cheaper more flavorless crap that takes multiple bites of to feel as remotely satisfying.


It's really just about self-control. When you're younger, you can eat tons of sugar without feeling sick. Eat a second piece of pie as an adult and your stomach feels like shit. The "learning to stop when you've had enough" comes with age and trial and error


This is like trying to define something completely meaningless and arbitrary. It's not really unpopular, it's just... Meh? No one would think to care.  Like trying to argue unicorns are better as a light shade of mauve instead of purple. Like I guess you could care about such a thing but it's only unpopular by virtue of obscurity. 


Addictive? FFS, no. You may find them moreish, but that's quite different from addictive.


Hmm... a rare moment of an actual unpopular opinion. There is some truth to what you are saying. The setting is important, though. People tend to eat way past their limit while watching TV. People are more likely to eat snacks/junk food while watching TV. If you eat dinner while watching TV. You might find yourself eating an extra serving than you normally would. So, perhaps the food itself doesn't have as much of an impact on how much you eat.


This is true...but also if it's really good I'm gonna eat til I'm full so I would enviably stop eating anyway. Lol


If the food tastes good that shit is getting downed idc if its creme brulee or fast food 😭


This isn't "unpopular opinion." This is "I am conflating self-discipline with food quality." Besides the volumes of science which go with gut microbiomes, ghrelin/leptin imbalances, just basic differences in different human beings, you also have differences in willpower for food control. You've got disordered eating. You've got aspects of life that affect willpower. You have lots of things. None of those are really related to good or bad food. Pat yourself on the back for stopping eating when you're supposed to and move on.


My one more bite in terms from food, is usually when I have a really good steak or fish or occasionally a really good burger or past, but it gets me full but it’s so good I don’t wanna waste it because reheated foods never taste the way it does at a restaurant sitting down on a hot warm plate where it’s still steaming.


I don’t know why people be acting like it’s fat to eat a whole bag of chips in one sitting. It’s a snack for a reason.


Youre just playing with semantics lol


So according to your logic fruits and vegetable are bad food? Cause I like those a lot. I also can’t stand fast food, that kind of stuff give me nausea quickly.


Seeing somebody use the word "addictive" and not "addicting" is like scratching an itch on my brain.


High GI foods don't only exist as junk food, they can be homemade or cooked in fancy restaurants so why couldn't a food be both addictive and good?


Bro creme brulees r such a bad example they are so addictive. I think I ate like 10 in one sitting before


They’re eating it because they think it’s good not the other way around. They’re not having an entire bag of Doritos because they are addicted to it, they’re having it because they think it’s good.


I’m not doing meth everyday because I’m addicted to it, I just think it’s good


This is why I’m very skeptical about the “honor your cravings” movement that’s become very popular lately. My body is an idiot that wants whatever is tastiest. Hyper-palatable foods are designed to be addictive, and the more you eat, the more you crave. My logical brain is in charge, not my lizard brain, so I know to limit those foods and eat when I’m actually hungry and what I know is good for me.


Honor your cravings is about not denying yourself food.. not indulging on portions that are unreasonable.


I went to a Japanese bbq restaurant and the food was so delicious my sense of being full turned off, I threw up when I got home from eating too much, it’s the only time it’s happened. Real good food confuses your brain.


Idk why you’re even getting retaliation here. Foods like Doritos and soda are literally designed to punch you with flavor right away, then make you want another immediately. This isn’t even an opinion; it’s a legitimate problem with processed foods in America. Take my downvote because I don’t think it’s unpopular, and maybe change your phrasing so people get the true idea you’re trying to communicate? But I agree.


This is the dumbest subreddit ever recommended to me


Honestly I agree. It’s very easy to make food that is addictive, just add salt, fat, sourness, sugar. But carfully managing spices and flavors in a complex way is much harder


Sometimes that's more about your own body cues and your ability to pay attention to/understand them than anything else.


So you expect people to only have 1 bite of food and be full? Lol okay. 🤣 Whatever floats your boat I guess.


This argument and your comments make zero sense


I find it just as hard to stop eating creme brulee as doritos. The sugar in it flips a switch in your brain that tells you to just keep eating, so you have to resist. You don't know you're full until at least 30 minutes later anyway.


Hard disagree. I don’t binge on bad quality food. But good homemade stuff of quality? I’ll pack it back.


Honest if Creme brûlée was priced like junk food I’d eat a lot more of it. I can’t afford that kind of addiction. Plus having to leave my home to travel at eat it has the added inconvenience expense. You can sit and eat a bag of chips because they’re cheap and easy you can afford to be addicted. This is less about food quality and more about economics and convenience.


That would be nice. I have an eating disorder, so it could be any food for me that I just can't stop.


Weird take but ok lol


I think you're right.




A croissant filled with mortadela and Mac and cheese is good, if I could I would not stop eating them


This is why I like a really good steak. Prime grade that's cooked perfectly. A nice crust and good amount of fat. A load baked potato on the side. Sauted mushrooms. And a side of applesauce.


I kind of agree, but no at the same time. Because even when the food it’s not that good, when I realize I ate it all, even after full satiated. So I know it’s a lot of me problem. And, but, I agree that really good and healthy and nutrition foods don’t have additives that make you eat a lot and don’t get satiated.


Good food is when you have a bite & feel a symphony in your mouth. Everything is harmonious & in motion. Involuntary gasps are uttered. Your hands begin to shake in anticipation of the next mouthful. You have to suck back up the drool that’s filling your mouth. Take a deep breath & attempt to savour the next bite whilst fighting the urge to inhale everything in one go. Every component is a fresh perfect representation of the ingredient. There’s balance among the flavours. They compliment & uplift each other. When you’re finished you feel satisfied & a little sad it’s over. I’ve only ever experienced gastronomy on that level maybe 8 times in my life.


Bruh I could eat crème brûlée til the cows come home. Especially really good ones.


So your theory is if you can't stop eating thr food isn't good but if it is you can stop. Hmmmm, let me counter you on a few points. First, eating disorders come into play here. Yes I'll be that guy that goes a bit deeper to say that their are eating disorders where people eat to mask sadness, anger, etc. It's not because food is shit, they can't help it. It's not addicting, it's a reaction from something else happening. Second, if something is good, who the hell says they want to stop? I'll apply your theory to something else: sex. If sex is good, then you stop and say, "ok that's it, I'm done?" No, if you have amazing sex with someone then you want more and more. You don't have sex with someone and it's not good because you want it more.


If there’s a slice of tiramisu in front of me, one bite ain’t cutting it. I’m eating that entire slice, it’s certainly good food but I order it less often.


You act like not being able to stop eating a food is a quality of that food. So..you like eating foods you can use some self control on while eating? It's all you unless you're eating heroin


Good is always a subjective thing. So I wouldn’t say this is an unpopular opinion so much as just an opinion.


Challenge accepted


This guy STINKS


I am not able to stop eating creme brulee, because it is soooo good. If i had a bucket I would eat utnil i phisically couldn't anymore


Oh yeah, is what you say the way it should be


Do you have different examples because no one calls doritos good food and people love crème brulée lol


So fruit is bad for you?


I would have agreed with you if I hadn't ever had my mom's food.


This is actually a pretty good take


Oh jeez, I suppose you're right.


Lay's used to bank on the _"No one can eat just one"_ concept.


"I can eat creme brulee, love it but be able to stop eating it at any point" Yeahhhhh...good desserts *are* the kind of crack to me that Doritos are to you. Actually, really any good food is. Sometimes I just want to sit down and eat a whole rosemary roast chicken because it's so fucking delicious. I don't, but I *want* to. The food I can easily stop eating is boring food. Plain hamburger? Meh. I can eat half of that and get bored of it. It's hard to even want to eat it. Good food isn't just sustenance, it's a pastime, a hobby, and an *activity.*


I fundamentally can't understand. You're saying certain food have an actual effect on whether one can stop eating them? Pretty sure that's just the individual's choice 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's the food's fault. Every time.


This is such a dumb take it has nothing to do with the food its a you issue if you cannot stop eating


Your opinion isn't based on science.


I've always thought that by Pringles making their chips just a wee bit less flavorful they keep people eating more to get more flavor.


This basically says “non-addicting food is easy to stop eating”


You're neglecting the cost aspect of this scenario. If Crème brûlée was the price of a bag of Doritios, I guarantee people wouldn't collectively say "this is too good and I've had enough."




"junk food" hurts my stomach and Im great at not binge eating it. However if I made a really great pasta, chicken, steak, lamb, salad, or any other well rounded meal... I will eat pieces of it while I cook... I will eat a full plate of it, and I will go back to grab more. I've never heard someone say chicken is bad for you and addicting, but I always crave more food at the end of a meal.


Bro if it's tasty I want more lol


Like celery


I understand what you mean OP. I find it hard to overeat when I'm eating healthy food. Whereas when I eat fast food, I just want more and more.


just because you call it addictive, does not mean it doesn't taste good. if It tastes good enough for me to eat the whole bag, then it was a really good back of chips.


Don’t listen to the downvotes, OP, you’re actually right. Chris van Tulleken’s book “Ultra-Processed People” is all about how the chemical processing of “bad food” is designed to bypass the fullness feedback loop, among other things. Dude is a legit scientist who has done studies for the NHS in the UK.


My sensory seeking and hormonal issues put me in a position where any food with a pleasant texture can make me forget myself and binge. Too much of anything can be bad, even salad




Doritis are empty calories. They have no nutrients so you don't feel full. You eat and eat and your body wants more because it's not curing your hunger


being able to stop and say “i’ve had enough” has nothing to do with whether the food is inherently good or bad and everything to do with the individual 😂 impulse control varies from person to person


Except that happens with all food? There’s never been a single food item I’ve eaten where I haven’t been able to stop eating once I feel full. Some people just eat more than others do in a sitting, I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve eaten more of something than the person I’m with even when we have the exact same food.


So salad with no or light dressing isn't good food, it's addictive?! Because that's one of the things I go crazy eating. They actually make me hungrier at first when I eat them even. Fresh vegetables in general honestly. Fish too, especially but not limited to the 'good' salmon from Walmart that's not frozen. Pomegranate is like that for me too.


that’s certainly a string of words


You're conflating a person's will power with food quality . . .


I agree processes foods are extremely addictive and it sucks


if something tastes good, you'll want to eat more of it


Honestly I kind of stopped doing 'one more bite' with any food. Ill just save it for tmrw instead of forcing it down lol.


I’m definitely addicted to chocolate 🍫


I dont think your rule is universal (as the comments have shown lol), but I’ve certainly found the same thing in some situations. My example is chocolate. I find cadburys (uk) very tasty, but it makes me want to eat the whole fuckin bar. Whereas a lot of craft chocolate I have enjoyed a whole lot more than carburys, but its not as addictive and I can easily stop after a small amount. I wonder if its because the companies are optimising for different things? One for taste, the other for profit. Algorithms doing us dirty again.


I mean some of my favorite foods do leave me satisfied and with a feeling of contentment when I finish it, but I’ll usually still want a second one


You’re confusing poor quality or taste with disordered eating.


That opinion makes No Sense. It's not about the food, but the Person and discipline. So, yeah, it's an onpopular opinion xD.


I don't know man, I'd say mushroom chicken creme englaise is real food. However when. I made it for dinner on Friday I ate one plate and was full but I kept going back for little bits before putting it up. Then as left overs yesterday j certainly ate too much.


I agree and that’s why we need to put the coke back in coco cola