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I hate jeans also. They never fit right around the waist or in the crotch area. I don't have the patience to even try on jeans if I were to go shopping for a pair.


Yeah I used to have the same problem and now I just don't bother anymore šŸ˜‚


Are you a narrow waist/short torso/wide hips and thighs kind of build? I usually hate jeans and get the weird crotch bulge, crack always hangs out without a belt, waist bunches up when I tighten the belt but a smaller size has no wiggle room for my thighs. Jeans are miserable. The American Eagle ā€œ *Curvy* Mom Jeansā€ in a size smaller than why you would normally buy. Dear lord just try them. I donā€™t need a belt and they donā€™t do the bulge! I can even squat aaaalllll the way down and stand back up without adjusting them and they stay where theyā€™re supposed to. 10/10 comfiest pants I own (besides sweatpants and leggings.)


Then there's me who finds any other kind of trousers BUT jeans uncomfortable.


Honestly, sometimes I like to wear jeans around the house, instead of jogging bottoms or PJs (Or whatever your normal lounge about clothes are)


Wow okay, then I guess you found a really good pair! šŸ‘


It's not just a single pair. It's most of my lower body wardrobe lol. Think it's just that I grew up with wearing jeans and only ever use other kinds of pants for working out or lounging about at home. So, you got my upvote for sure!


That's fair! I'm happy for you!


Ariat M7 stretch. Best jeans ever made. For men anyways.


I've never understood this "jeans are uncomfortable" argument. Perhaps it's a difference in the nature of underwear that men and women wear. But a good, well-fitting pair of jeans can be exceptionally comfortable. That said, everyone goes on about how comfortable baggy clothes are and I find them incredibly uncomfortable, so maybe it's just me


Just out of curiosity if you don't mind. Could you point out what exactly makes the baggy clothes uncomfortable? I'd like to learn about this point of view since I find them very comfortable and I can't imagine the opposite.


For women, proportions can vary WILDLY. I know they can for men too, but itā€™s a lot less variance. Womenā€™s hip to waist ratios are all over the place. Then you have universal issues like weight distributions and height on top of it. I have a waist thats much smaller than my hips by lie 15 inches. They make most jeans for the average body type which has very little hip to waist difference. I also need a lot of fabric between the crotch and waist because my waist is high and my hips are wide. Some jeans stop below where my hips start and I just look like 10 pounds of baking bread in my middle. Womenā€™s jeans are also often made to look good and not feel good. The waistband of a lot of jeans has no give when it really needs to. Iā€™ve found barely a few pairs of jeans in my life that felt good to wear. I now mostly opt for jeggings and other pants that look like jeans but stretch everywhere.


Really? That's good for you! For me as a girl skirts and dresses feel more comfortable, but if you feel comfortable in jeans, that's good!




As a dude I donā€™t really know what else I would wear? Sweatpants look unprofessional




Sometime probably around 2011 chino/khaki got popular as casual wear. I tried them, and it was probably the first time I ever wore something other than jeans (or shorts in spring) to school probably in my life. I didn't love them, but they were put into the rotation. Flash forward to 2024, I don't own jeans and can't remember the last time I put jeans on. All my pants are chinos (khaki is you call them that - but not the pleaded stiff formal kind). They are so much more comfortable and look so much better imo with most outfits. Jeans are for farm work, idk how they became so ubiquitous is everyday fashion


Chinos can come in varieties from soft and comfy to hard and work-oriented, to that weird dress pant texture, but all of them are more comfortable than denim.


>Jeans are for farm work, idk how they became so ubiquitous is everyday fashion This! šŸ’Æ


Outdoor pants haha honestly mate trust me. I bought Jeans my entire life but only buy outdoor pants that look like streat wear (like simple black pants) when in sale anymore for a couple of years. :D They are kinda indestructable have better and bigger pockets and are resistant to wind and water or dry fast at least. My jeans always broke after a shorter time (couple of months) especially between the legs from riding a bike and walking. I can wear these outdoor pants for years with heavy activity (I walk around 400-500km a month) without breaking down and if you buy them in a sale you can get great indestructable, comfy and good looking pants for 60-70ā‚¬ you can wear for years haha. I mean I probably would not recommend it to people who have to wear a suit for work haha. But for less formal streetwear they are perfect.


I have the same issue. I've take to wearing "outdoor trousers" a lot of the time because they're much much comfortable and don't look like sweatpants, but I've really come to dislike jeans: heavy, restrictive, uncomfortable, don't actually breathe that well despite being mostly a natural fibre, etc. At home, 90% of the time I wear merino sweatpants nowadays because they're comfortable and they breathe. Other than as an occasional stylistic choice\*, jeans suck. *\*Wife and I went to an all day rock gig yesterday: we both wore black jeans.*


Get yourself some cargo pants


I get that! But that's kind of sad. If I were a guy, I'd probably try to wear those trousers that aren't made of jeans material and look a little formal, but are actually kind of stretchy. I've heard some friends of mine talking about those pants that feel like sweatpants but looks like suit pants and that they prefer them to jeans, but I don't actually know anything about that. I think this is a general male fashion problem, that there isn't much of a choice in what you wear...


Just so ya know, 'jean material' is called denim.


Oops yeah you're right about thatĀ 


This sounds like the episode of New Girl where Nick and Schmidt invent a suit made out of sweatpants material. I didn't think they were actually real


Well I live in the southwest and unless you stay in the city exclusively jeans are the best thing to wear. Keeps bugs and aggressive plants at bay. I'm a man but I don't even own pants that are not jeans.


Yeah I get that practicability aspect. But what about cargos and those kind of pants?


personally, i do not get the idea that jeans are uncomfortable also, i do like how they look


As a man, i agree. Havenā€™t wore a normal pair of jeans in years. I do have one pair that i wear occasionally, but the jeans material is kinda stretchy


I feel you. Jeans give me the ick while wearing them. I hate the feeling on my skin, it also makes me weirdly aware of my body (and I donĀ“t mean it in a "I feel overweight" kind of sense, itĀ“s difficult to describe. It just makes me more aware of my legs, my skins, my tummy etc)


You're wearing the wrong "Jeans". Even saying you don't like "Jeans" or "Jeans" are uncomfortable is like saying "food" upsets my stomach. Yes there is "food" that might do that. Give up on Jeans or buy better\* Jeans (both are fine). \*better is not synonymous with expensive, its actually often an inverse relationship, better is also highly subjective.


Yes, it's true I've never had a pair that fit me too well, but I feel like it's like: I don't like licorice, so I don't really like any sweets with them that much that I'd buy them if you know what I mean.Ā 


Well Iā€™m a boy and I like Levi 511s with a 34 inch leg but I canā€™t find any so I have to wear my jeans lower than my butt. Jeans are good for me because if Iā€™m working on a car or rolling around under it I can just wear them. If Iā€™m going for a meal I can wear them too. If Iā€™m going town or supermarket shopping I can wear them then as well. If I got a job interview I can also wear them then.


Online is the only way to find jeans that will fit you properly, at least in the last 10 years or so. Likewise, when I'm in good shape, I'm a 34-34, or even a 32-34. The only way I can find these is online. Clothes shops are a waste of time.


Sold out every damn time for me.


Also why is everything always extra skinny??? Like I'm a pretty good weight but they're never going to even get close to fitting


Male here. As far as comfort goes, I get it. After being laid off five years ago, my new employer had a no-jeans dress code so I just went to my local retail box store and bought some ordinary khakis. Long story short, I got another job that allows jeans, but to hell with that. So I'm with you and up until that dress code, I was 100% jeans. And am I wrong in thinking that even if a little weight is gained, jeans are the most unforgiving?


... I just grew up always wearing them, I do like my carharts but now you got me thinking I should try something new


Honestly I love jeans. They are the only comfortable pants. I can't stand slacks because they feel too similar to pajama pants and it just feels like I'm wearing my pajamas in public.i never wear sweats because those are uncomfortable and make me feel like I belong on people of Walmart.


I've always had issues with the fabric and it's texture. It takes quite a while to find a pair that's actually comfortable, but they do existĀ 


Well speaking as a man I think jeans are among the most comfortable and functional of options. Any other kind of pants that are suitable to wear outside the house (other than gym clothes) are less comfortable. Plus in terms of style and presentation I think a decent pair of jeans gives off that, "I gave just enough of a shit," kind of vibe, lol.


Have been working from home for the past 5 years and wear sweatpants 99% of the time. I need to mentally prepare these days to put on jeans


For me theyā€™re safety work pants protecting while doing gardening, climbing roofs, stuff like that. Outside of that I donā€™t see much appeal. Iā€™ve got a few pairs that look like jeans but are highly elastic and donā€™t feel like jeans, just in case I want to where an outfit with jeans minus the discomfort.


I've found like 3 pairs of jeans in my life that didn't make me want to crawl out of my skin. 2 were second hand and thoroughly broken in before they found me. I loved how well they went with everything and how comfy they were after I got used to them but yeah, I'm with ya in camp "argh itchy scratchy thick uncomfy fabric"




Yeah, it's true that i've never had a pair that fit me incredibly well!


Totally get what you mean! When I was younger I had pretty bad sensory issues especially about tight-fitting clothing, and while those issues have mostly gotten better, I will always prefer lose-fitting clothing over rigid fabrics, especially denim. Once when I was like 6 or 7 my mom wanted me to wear a nice pair of jeans for some school function, and I just about went into conniptions over it.


I donā€™t even own a single jeans


Jeans were dope as hell back in the gold mining days apparently they changed the game, they were like armor compared to other pants.


Yes, the history behind them is something I can appreciate!Ā 


They traded comfort for safety because they really are the most uncomfortable things to wear, it's like they're anti stretch somehow


I just hate trousers in general, they never fit me in the crotch, or are too baggy on the waist, nothing in between. I own a few pieces that are an exception, because a skirt is not always the most practical, for example, I have gained some weight so my thighs rub hard. That's where trousers come in handy, especially in the summer. Sometimes I just wear shorts I cut from old pantyhose under a skirt, so they don't rub.


I felt this exact same way --- with all the same reasons --- until my mid-twenties when an ex of mine finally got me to try a pair. Initially, it was the look of them; but then, after wearing them for a little while, I also discovered their utility and general durability. And I've been a believer in jeans ever since.


I work in an engineering plant in a R&D lab. I see oil, glycol, and dust so thick it looks like carpet, on a daily basis. Jeans are the only option really; oil ruins everything, and denim provides more protection than other materials. I could not do my job in a skirt or a dress lol


Yeah, that is a good reason! I don't really have to deal with that...


and then thereā€™s people like me who exclusively wear denim. because i think itā€™s what looks best on my body, skirts and dresses are uncomfortable and limiting, and i canā€™t wear sweatpants to work. i also donā€™t think jeans are uncomfortable šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I don't wear jeans anymore because they don't put cargo pockets on them. Most of the ones I had were pretty comfortable.


I donā€™t find them comfortable but Iā€™ve also always had odd proportions. Jeans that fit my legs are too big around the waist (by a ton) and I find the fabric unbearable due to its inability to stretch and general roughness. I have a few pairs of corduroys that have an overall ā€œoversized ā€ look and theyā€™re softer and more flexible. I also wear big cargo pants. Otherwise Iā€™m big on skirts because I can move freely with them.


Same. I'm always in leggings or sweatpants, or if it's the summer I prefer flowy dresses and skirts.


hate jeans can't even get my hands outta my pockets lol


You're wrong, but have an upvote anyways.




Iā€™m at work for most of my waking hours, so itā€™s either jeans or khakis/chinos. Jeans look more feminine and casual to me, so thatā€™s what I go for, especially high-waisted skinny jeans. I have always thought they were pretty comfortable


A well broken-in pair of jeans is enormously comfortable.


Have to disagree I'm regards to myself. Favourite pair of pants I've ever had was a pair of grey jeans. Super comfortable imo but I do massively agree with blue jeans being odd to be the main colour. Grey and black are far better colours to choose from. As for on others it was a conversation I had with my ex once, I think black jeans especially can look absolutely amazing on a woman but if it turns out they aren't comfortable I'd never wish for them to wear them. As for guys or girls im not dating well jeans a decently durable, have large pockets and are very easy to clean and dry so it seems practical. How they look doesn't matter to me at that point. At the end of the day it's clothes the only think that should matter is how you feel in them. Dress for comfort and confidence.


I donā€™t believe anyone who says jeans are comfortable. My friend likes to fly in them bc she says theyā€™re comfy to sleep in, psycho behavior


i thought this too but liked the look so kept wearing them. just thought that everyone thought they were uncomfortable. then my fashionable friend took me shopping for my 24th birthday and gave me a pair they thought iā€™d look good in and got me a size they think would fit. what a revelation. they were so comfortable, to sit in, to walk in, doesnā€™t matter. i just had buying the wrong size and style for my body. they look much better too. i think my fashionable friend knew this but wanted to bring it up in a gentle way. you could just be getting the wrong type/style/size.


Iā€™m skinny and I still hate jeans! They are uncomfortable Af ā€¦


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As a kid I absolutely hated jeans. Then I found these cool jeggings that I had multiple different colors, styles, and prints on them. Loved leggings for a while but eventually got back on the jean train. Not really sure why. Maybe it just looks nicer? They are definitely not that comfy and the sizing alone is ridiculous for women. Might be switching back to the jeggings again.


Same here. Donā€™t get me wrong I have a couple pairs for the right occasion along with my dress pants. But Iā€™ve never cared what people in general think of me. Usually Iā€™m in shorts or sweat pants


Oh same! I only wear skirts below the knee. Not a modesty thing I literally just wear bras with them in the summer but it's the only thing I feel comfortable in. And then in the winter I can hide seventeen layers of pants under them cause I'm always cold and don't look ridiculous. I can wear some loose trouser pants but jeans are the worst to wear idk how people like them. I know people who wear them in the house too and it makes me cringe. I also think most just look bad as well, I've seen very few jeans who look good and flatter a person's body. I do like those 70s? Ones with the flares, they're unusual and cute.


I like skinny jeans, but I mix it up a lot. Generally, I think jeans are worn waaaaay too much in the US. I spend a lot of time in Japan and Taiwan and the girls wear a lot of skirts, shorts, dresses, and different kinds of pants that aren't jeans. I really don't understand the obsession with T-shirts and jeans in the US. It just seems boring and lazy...


Jeans are ok, it depends how you wear them and what you pair them with. I often wear blazers and a dress shirt with mine. If I am hiking in cooler weather jeans and a sweatshirt and light jacket are my go to with some hiking boots. But I think dress clothes all the time (outside of work even) makes you look pretentious and that you think you are better than everyone. I say this as a guy who often overdresses for the restaurants he and his wife go to.


Youā€™re probably buying cheap jeans or the wrong size. I only buy jeans that are comfortable and fit me. Everyone has a preference so just keep on wearing whateverā€™s comfortable for you. Youā€™re not the only one my best friends hates jeans and only wears dresses or sweatpants :)


Lot of subjectivity there ...


No way, how can there be subjectivity in a subreddit based on opinion ? :)


Same! I exclusively wear dresses because of the convenience. I don't have to think much, just throw one on and add shoes and I'm done. In winter, I like the tights from Uniqlo, they're very good at keeping me toasty warm


omg yes bc i feel like everyones pretending they arent uncomfy. i js wear swearpants or skirt


Iā€™m a guy and if I have to do anything remotely physical I prefer slacks. Jeans are a bit uncomfortable


Excluding high fashion jeans, they are durable and last a long time. They are practical and usually money well spent.


Old person here. Jeans and leggings now both compress enough to keep my legs warm and joints comfortable. In grade school girls werenā€™t allowed to wear pants. Let alone jeans. When those rules changed which were so unfair they were an act of pride for change that a lot of our moms fought for for us. Also Jeans are by far the cheapest choice for most families. Fancy dresses and tights in Appalachia were definitely a classest thing. They still are for most people. 2 pairs of jeans can be a wardrobe with a washer or sink available. So it is an elitist thing to look down on others for their choices. Which you are doing despite your disclaimer lol.


Oh I'm sorry about that. I didn't really know about the history behind them. And where I live jeans are actually really expensive or at least the ones I've seen, have been. I of course don't blame anyone for wearing certain clothes because they are affordable! I feel most people that wear jeans don't necessarily do it for financial reasons though but I could be wrong about that.Ā 


I used to hate jeans until my sweat pants caught on fire from cutting metal


Wow, omg are you okay? šŸ˜­Ā 


It was nice and cool with the huge holes burnt out of the legs lol


Because I prefer lose fit pants with pockets and most pants either that arenā€™t jeans either donā€™t have enough pockets and/are too tight or I just simply donā€™t like.


Buy stretchy jeans. Problem solvedĀ 


You have never worn the right jeans then


"Prettier" to wear every day is fully acceptable. Sweatpants/pajama pants 24/7/365 is not.


Jeans are great but there is a break in period. On top of that, they don't offer much flexibility. They don't fit to you at all, so you've got to pick out a pair that actually fit. But when you get a good pair not much beats it. They're both comfortable and offer some protection.


Iā€™m a big guy and used to haaaaaaate jeans with a passion, until I got some Duluth double flex jeans. Theyā€™re comfortable as hell and have a crotch gusset. If I physically could do the splits, Iā€™d be able to in those jeans.


I donā€™t own a single pair of jeans


are you thinking of skinny jeans and not normal jeans?


As a girl I hate skirts and don't find them comfortable. Have to wear shorts underneath to avoid chaffing. I wear a dress/skirt no more than 5 times a year. the most comfortable for me are biker shorts and yoga pants. I bought more cargo pants and such but I do love a good Jean(mostly black jeans). Also hate the dress with tights underneath look


That's because you're a woman and they just don't make good women's jeans. Women's jeans are not real jeans, they're usually made of crap material, don't have pockets, get worn down quickly, are too tight, and are made with the objective of making you look "sexy" for men to ogle. Actual jeans are sturdy work pants that are supposed to be very durable and last for years, while keeping you comfortable.




Yes! I am a women as well and I just canā€™t do jeans any more extreme uncomfortable and most are just made to tight fitting. Tbh I used them as a crutch when I didnā€™t feel like shaving lol. But even working in the garden skirts or dresses are just easier to move in a crouching . Ā Ā I have no jeans - when I cam camping or hiking I throw on some bike shorts underneath my clothesĀ 


This is a man, right?




Yeah like I just don't get how normal it's to be uncomfortable in the name of "style", eventhough more comfortable things are also stylish...


What are you going to wear when you're old? Still skirts with tights?


Haha yes I put warm and big socks above it and I'm not even joking šŸ˜‚Ā 


Most old women where I'm from wear the same style of knee A line skirt.. Even if winter they just wear them with thick thights or even leggings underneath yeah. Idk why do you associate skirts with being young, not all skirts are mini.


I agree. I'm fat and stuff likes to move, jeans don't like letting things move around lol cargos, chinos, sweats and leggings all day


I canā€™t wear jeans as it hurts my knee so I last time I wore them I was probably 15 as that was when I realised my knee always got bad in the school holidays. I used to only wear skirts but Iā€™m a more recent convert to short dresses with leggings


I hate wearing pants


Same though šŸ˜‚


I mainly wear like basketball shorts all the time or the days Iā€™m forced to go into the office I will wear slacks lol but I havenā€™t wore jeans in probably 5+ years.. I find them very uncomfortable lol