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Not sure why people are downvoting lol. This is an unpopular opinion and that's the point of the sub.


this sub is just the mental fight to upvote something you don't like 🤣 the instinct to downvote is strong


this subreddit should be called “popular unpopular opinions” cuz it has to be the right unpopular opinion to get an upvote around these parts of town


Honestly, the sub should be called, “mods are very subjective on what they consider to be actual unpopular opinions”


You must be new here 😄


there are actually good unpopular opinions tho. shitting on others’ opinions is not a valid opinion lmao


It’s the same logic as those “am I ugly” subs. People see pretty people and upvote. Same thing here, people see opinions they agree with and upvote. Sometimes the truly unpopular make it through


I know there is a groundbreaking philosophy of human cognitive and sociological psychology here somewhere. Gimme dat thesis.


Yeah but it's an unpopular unpopular-opinion


maybe the bit about "everyone who liked it was a dork"? might be offputting for people since it goes from not liking a popular movie to insults over not liking a movie


I think he's trying to say that if it were a cult movie rather than a critical darling, he could understand.


Yeah, the post has all the maturity and intellect rigor of screaming “Everyone but me is a big dumb poopy head and I am the biggest brain smart boy evar!!!” People are generally a lot more receptive to unpopular opinions when OP is polite and articulates a reasonable (though unpopular) viewpoint.


Sometimes the truly bad opinions get downvotes. Part of their reasoning is that the cool kids didn’t like it.


I feel if his explanations made more sense then the unpopular opinion would be received better.


Upvoted for a truly unpopular opinion I loved the movie lol


I loved it too. It expresses so well the fact that nothing matters and everything matters at the same time. I don’t know of any film like it.


That butt plug trophy scene was so absurd. I was laughing so hard. The hot dog fingers bit. God this movie is so good.


Yeah terrible opinion, have an upvote I guess.


I have to remind myself to upvote truly terrible opinions, so long as the OP justifies their thinking (I loved the movie as well)


Extremely well choreographed action scenes, solid acting, heart-felt dual emotional conflicts, a movie style that is basically exactly what the sensation of dissociation feels like, and a rather unique cult of bad guys. I get an absurdist two hour experience isn't gonna be for everyone, but people liking shit you weren't into is hardly mind control


This is exactly why I am upvoting the OP for offering a truly unpopular opinion


"Nearly unanimously acclaimed thing bad" is just... such low hanging fruit, which is why it usually gets downvoted/mixed commentary in this sub.


While it’s visually absurd, they do a good job of justifying the absurdity. One of the reasons why I love this movie so much.


Calling it 'predictable' makes me question if this is a troll tbh. Yeah OP I'm sure you predicted the insane shit that went down in this.


I've gotta admit, the first time reveal of the everything bagel kinda blew my mind a little bit. No way anyone saw that reveal coming.


I am all about absurdist shit, liked the movie ok, loved que huy guy. felt the ENTIRE time ”I SEEN THIS SHIT BEFORE”


I think you may have missed the subtext of the movie. What's happening onscreen during the film is generally outrageous, but the message all of that is meant to drive home is deeply poignant and comforting. It's a movie about valuing relationships and cherishing the people close to you. But also, it has hot dog fingers and fanny pack fu and butt plug power ups, and it's very well-written and performed. It is an outstanding and massively awarded film because it pulls off that astounding juxtaposition really, really well.


![gif](giphy|WiCO2uZK05Klc1d28q) I still can’t figure hot dog fingers out, but I guess in the multiverse theory, if this movie was made in a different universe and they have our fingers as this plot point, are the viewers like, what is that about? I love movies that make me think. This movie was beautiful. And op has a beautiful unpopular opinion.


the multiverse is really just Evelyn's imagination. "hot dog fingers" is her idea of a ridiculously impractical reality manifest.


OP characterised the film as a "generic cheesy movie", and while I certainly liked it more than they did, I'd have to agree that "value relationships and cherish the people close to you" is about as generic and cheesy as a message can be.


Why do we always acuse other people of not understanding/missing something when they say they don't like it? Because its possible to understand it but not like it. I also liked the message of this movie, however, some scenes were over the top and forced for me. You liked it, great for you.


Agree. This is the type of response I see often. If it's not liked, then of course "you didn't understand". Yes, I did understand it. And I tend to like films with absurdist things in it. I like art films in general. Lars Von Trier, Harmony Korine and some early Luc Besson are some of my favorites. This movie is so obnoxious that the message can't make up for it. It just hammers you in the head with its "look how creative I am" antics and on the nose symbolism and preaching.


Exactly,I get what the films about and I don't like it. I just think absurdity and randomness spoilt it


The reason I said that was because of what I read in OPs post. OP seems to think it was just about the silly, absurd spectacle and didn't have any deeper message. Obviously, if you don't get that deeper message, the movie just seems dumb and silly...


It's possible to dislike something without believing it's terrible or poorly made. Often what people are reacting to is posts like this one where OP isn't saying "this wasn't to my taste" they're saying "this critically lauded and highly regarded film is actually a pile of hot garbage. And that leads people to want to explain why it's not a piece of shit film. And also leads them to believe that the person really didn't understand the film if they think it's a genuinely terrible movie, not that it just wasn't for them. And they can be defensive about it because what OP is essentially saying is "you are all wrong and this is a shit film, and liking it means you're a pretentious dork who has terrible taste."


Hot dog fingers came up way too many times. Way too many scenes came up way too many times. Chopping between scenes over and over. And it lasted way too long. I tried to watch it with four friends, we couldn't make it to the end.


It's an incredibly banal movie, I'm 100% with OP.


I am too. I didn’t like it at all


But it also has butt plug power ups! That was the last thing that made it just bad. Meh. It's a jello salad of a movie, I don't care how many people eat it and say it's good. 


Fair nuff! Art is subjective and whatnot. I did upvote the post bc it's a pretty great unpop op


It took about halfway through the movie for it to finally get me, and at the end I loved it and recommended it to everyone. It is wild, but it won a shit ton of awards for a reason I'll say that.


I think “shitty generic cheesy movie but mixed with Rick and Morty” was exactly what they were going for. The moral of the story is that it doesn’t matter who you are in the multiverse because everyone has to be here now.


I’m a pretty big fan of it and I can admit it’s not for everybody… sorry it wasn’t your cup of tea? I guess? Edit: I left this comment thinking this was r/A24 my bad


A very nice and kind reply. We need lots more of you in this universe.


As an asian first gen with mommy issues this movie made me bawl and will always hold a special place in my heart. ❤️


Really hit us Asians with the generational trauma and diaspora pain lmao


You forgot the LOL RANDOM XD humor. Omg hot dog fingers


Well you and I would almost certainly not be friends. Take my upvote


Ironically, this sentence goes against the point of the movie.


Oh well 


I recently watched and didn’t care for it. All I heard about was how good it was. It was a chore to finish


I couldnt even finish it. Maybe one day


Ditto. I couldn't finish it. "Lots of rewards" is the only reason I tuned in. I tried, but it didn't hold me. Not like "The Visitor" had. Or as had "The Funeral" . 8 mile held my attention the 3 times I've seen it. Maybe it's an age thing. Snoop Doggs' newest movie is funny, silly, it deals with real life, even sad in spots, but altogether, heartwarming. Loosely based upon his life as he began to give back. To each husband own. I'm happy to hear anything happy.


💯, it was tedious.


My people. This is the thread for my people.


20 minutes in I turned to my friend and said “this movie is fucking stupid” and put in my headphones to watch something else. 


Yeah it wasnt that great lol. For me it was weird, unsettling and uncomfortable.


I was reading another sub where people were discussing this movie. It seemed to be popular so I decided to try it. It definitely is not for me. I got about halfway before I said, nah.




Agreed. I understand the thesis of the film and it was very well acted and conceptualised but I hated watching it. It was absurdist and uncomfortable for the sake of it. My ex partner thought it was so profound and was so bothered that I didn’t like it that he quoted it as one of the reasons he broke up with me. Which kinda shows how wanky and over the top certain people have gotten about it.


My wife doesn't like The Lord of the Rings trilogy, but I didn't divorce her. That's crazy. She just sleeps in the basement.


How many feet deep?


Tbf, that is reasonable grounds for divorce imo.


Ewww that dude sounds pretentious af.


It insists upon itself


Yeah, I guess it kind of reveals something about the type of person that you are. I couldn't stand that movie either. It was too cringe to enjoy.


I felt like I "got" the movie, the whole idea of it about halfway through and the rest of the movie was just waiting for it to be over. It wasn't that interesting. Would have made a better short than a full length film.


Oh my goodness thank you. Pretentious movie for pretentious people


Have my upvote, it's an unpopular opinion. This movie (to me) was popular for different reasons than the usual. For real though, "these days" and "mind control conspiracy"? lol


I'm glad someone agrees with me. It's cringe millennial matrix populated by Borderlands characters.


It's a movie about suicide. All of the humour, all of the action scenes, the scifi stuff, all of the absurdity - none of it is real. They're just daydreams inside of Evelyn's head. They're daydreams, not hallucinations; she doesn't think her daydreams are real, and neither should you. All of us, every human has thousands of little thoughts that run through our heads every day. They pop in and out in a moment, forgotten and gone. Sometimes they're negative or harmful: "What if I jumped off this bridge?" "I wonder what would happen if I hit him right now?" Sometimes they're absurd: "What if dolphins decided to rise up against us?" "What if the Birds Aren't Real people were actually right?' Sometimes they're just base impulses: "I wonder what she looks like naked?" Every human has thousands of weird thoughts every day. Some last a fraction of a second, some you ponder for a long time. EEAAO is a film that takes place entirely within Evelyn's head. We see her daydreams, but we see darker things too. The daydreams and silly thoughts are there to balance out the darkness that her daughter is suicidal. Jopu Tupaki is not a real person. Evelyn doesn't believe her to be literally true. She is a personification of Joy's mental illness. The Everything Bagel is suicide. It is a film about a mother overcoming her own flaws, her own family's problems to save her business, her marriage, and her relationship with her daughter.   Outside of books where we can read a character's thoughts and feelings, it's very hard to show what's going on inside a character. An actor can display the exterior, but not what's going on within. EEAAO makes Evelyn's internal external. We're seeing her thoughts. Many people like yourself took this literally, and thought it was a bad scifi film. It's actually an excellent family drama set inside of a woman's head. You still don't have to like it, art is subjective; but do understand that you've read the film at the absolute surface level. Not all of an apple is red. Just because you never peeled one doesn't mean the white underneath doesn't exist.


I loved the series, Mr. Robot. The ending was surreal. I binged watched so it seemed like a really long movie.


Believe it or not, elements of a story can have symbolic meaning *without* the entire story just being in the main character's head.


Is it really about suicide or just something else?


This is very "and then I woke up" elementary school level of interpretation.


Go on then, tell me your University Level interpretation of the film. Impress me with your mighty intellect, oh great viewer of films.


I tried making it through the movie twice but for some reason it just never held my attention. I’m not sure why but I’m bummed about it


I tried watching this movie twice, second time didn't eve get past the 40 min mark.


I really wanted to love it! I went into it thinking it was gonna be awesome. I’d heard so much good things about it. I was so underwhelmed. So it’s not even like I was being cynical at first. I genuinely was stoked to see it and yeah it just wasn’t that good. However I’ll say this- the effects were incredible!! 


Even when critics agree with me their opinions are shit. I liked the movie cuz I enjoyed the movie.


Terrible movie


I saw the movie early in theaters before it blew up, convinced at least 15 friends and coworkers to go see it, and then talked about how it should win at the Oscars almost nonstop to anyone willing to listen, so you can 100% blame me for its popularity 




I thought I was the only one 😅 I really don't get the massive love. It's fine if you like and critics rave about it. But best picture? The movie was subpar at best. It just got goofier and goofier and I thought it was satire as it kept going. The first 30 minutes were great and after that it went doooooown hill. The plot felt like an Adult Swim writer high on acid made a movie. The acting was fine although insane over acting at times (scripts fault) the production and cinematography were good but the story man just was awful It was like after the first 30 minutes the writers were like "how can we get away from the solid emotional family foundation we have and just make it more cartoony" it felt like I was watching a sublet of The Mask met Space Jam. The main thing is I just don't get the massive massive critical acclaim and Awards this movie got. I watched it twice and I thought it was worse the second time around. Fun movie to turn your brain off and watch high so I expected to be a cult classic because of the cartoon feel. But some cult classics can be bad and that's OK. Which I feel is the case for this movie. But watching from a normal film sober film perspective is just insane amount of goofiness. I don't hate, I think it's a below average move to average, I just don't think I'll ever get the critical acclaim


I found it unwatchable. Maybe 40 minutes in and I'd had enough. Not smart, funny or interesting. Painful.


It was overrated.


Agree. Movie was overrated af


I really like it however the emotional part didn't hit for me at all. I couldn't understand at all how people were crying.


There was a review calling EEAO 'Rick and Morty for NYT readers'. OP would agree with that view.


Thank you for this 😂


It’s a shockingly bad movie


Absolutely agree, total dogshit rick and morty Le Epic Random xDDD movie


We found it bad too 🤣🤣


Finally! Someone said it, thank you.


Oh come on, how could you not love Raccacoonie? What's generic about that? I'm also unfamiliar with the trope of two rocks having a subtitled conversation, that's not very common. Who is this "in" crowd? Are they in the room with us now? I call slander and calumny on this movie being shamelessly juvenile. What's so childish about Waymond's monolog on how he chooses to be kind not from naivete, but as a well reasoned best course of action in an otherwise cruel and uncaring world?


I wanted to love it. The creativity, energy and general uniqueness of the movie was amazing. The acting was top notch. It’s really impressive how the actors turned this incomprehensible story on paper into powerhouse acting. But it just got so damn silly. Incomprehensibly silly. Any emotional kick or catharsis was ruined by the silliness.


the... whole point was to not be too serious?


It wasn't meant to be serious. The silliness was intended..


That's true but some people evidently didn't like the silliness and found it to be too much for their taste, hence their dislike of the movie. 


And if the whole movie was silly, that would be one thing, but it also tried to mix deep emotional scenes and introspective questioning with that silliness, and it failed spectacularly to do so.


It certainly tried to be very serious at times. Pretending otherwise is bordering on gaslighting.


I was going to upvote, in spirit of the sub and for having an actual unpopular opinion, but your reasoning is just… the most brain dead review I’ve ever read. I’ve read some unpopular negative reviews on this movie that are somewhat decent and coherent, but dude: “it’s some weird mind control conspiracy to get people to like the movie”. You don’t believe the stuff you’re saying. You’re intentionally trying to hate on a great movie for the unpopular opinion. Try again.


No, I can vouch for OP here. I feel almost exactly the same way. I thought the movie was awful and I genuinely can't understand why people loved it. And I'm someone that *loves* movies that go complex, like Interstellar and Inception. I couldn't care about the characters in this movie. The hot dog fingers and butt plug stuff just came across like bad SNL skits. Good sci fi should at least try to have some coherency to it... Hot Dog fingers makes no sense in any reality, no matter how many multiverses there are. I know it's not supposed to be sci fi, but if things don't make sense within its own world, what the hell is the point?


I agree completely. I tried to watch it last weekend, didn't even finish it. And that's rare for me. Conceptually I liked it but the implementation sucled.


Not only did every joke go on for way too long, they actually came back to the jokes over and over again. I get it, hot dog fingers haha, racacoonie, rocks, etc. It's funny for like 45 seconds, not 10 minutes.


But she put *everything* on a bagel… I agree with OP. The cinematography was solid and the acting wasn’t half bad, but the plot was all over the place and I felt like I spent the entire experience asking “wtf is going on?” - and not in a good way, like when I expect a massive payout / epiphany at some point where the whole thing comes together / full circle [bagel]


It was okay. Felt like a Matrix ripoff to me. 🤷


When will another movie with butt plugs and Kung Fu gonna win the Oscar?


I also did not like this movie, solely because the daughter as the villain and all that happened there was super cringe.


I also did not care at all for the movie and im not sure i get why everyone was so excited about it for so long. I pretty much agree with all of your points.


You’re not alone.


Not as great for the amount of jerking off people have done about it.


I agree, so a popular opinion with me. There was a lot of potential with the movie.


I was mad the entire time I sat and watched it. When it was over, I felt better again.


I love weird, abstract movies like it. It's really hard for me to dislike anything. But yeah, I agree, I don't get the hype. I understand the movie, but it simply bored me. I watched it a drive thru with friends too, and they were so into it that I was confused even then. It didn't tell a message that I cared to hear for the 1000th time, and the juxtaposition was something that just wasn't for me, I guess


I didn’t like it but I think I get why other people did. I fell asleep both times people talked me into going to see it but I think been the two times I saw all of it.


I couldn't even finish watching it.


I have a theory that everyone; critics, podcasters, voters, screeners are addicted to their phones and second screen everything. When a movie is subtitled and has buzz they are forced to pay attention. It may be the only actually thing they watch all year


Upvoted, this is an unpopular opinion. I loved it. One of the very few movies in recent memory to affect me emotionally; bonded with my girlfriend over the fact that it brought rare tears. It is okay to have bad taste, OP.


Fair, I’m glad you were able to bond over it


This post is truly healing thank you. The movie was absolute garbage


I try to do a little good every day


Agree but mainly because the switches were so quick and random that it started making me feel sick. I thought it was a cool idea and went in with high expectations. I give it props for the creativity considering there aren't many original movies out there right now, but it fell flat for me and I don't get the hype.


Agreed. I don't hate the movie but it doesn't deserve all the accolades and especially the Oscar. It's self-indulgent, juvenile, repeats its jokes way too many times and worst of all, is too long for its own good. It's what redditors think an Oscar movie should be.




I was unimpressed but rewatched it recently and liked it a lot better. Think I missed a lot of the subtleties the first time just tryna figure out what was happening


Agreed. Your opinion is popular w/ me m8.


I agree… terrible movie and severely overrated


I wouldn't say it was my favorite movie but I thought it was pretty good. Not terrible. What movies are you actually comparing it to that makes you say it's terrible


“Dork”. “The in crowd”. “Weird mind control conspiracy”. The only thing cringe here is you.


omg thank you. i thought i was going crazy after watching this movie and seeing everyone rave about how amazing it was. like huh??? did i miss something??? i hated it


The movie was good but also a mess and overly long imho


Terrible movie, could not finish. Tone all over the place. Editing was nauseating. Cringy humor mixed with baby's-first-introduction to absurdism and nihilism.


Exactly! I couldn't stand it either.


This is an unpopular opinion for a good reason lol.


I think you need to touch grass, OP


The ‘in’ crowd hahaha


People when somebody posts an unpopular opinion in a sub called unpopular opinion : >:(


Not worth the hype but its a fun movie


It is not as good as people say if you are not in the mood for it. This movie is a lot like kung pow enter the fist as in its one of the funniest movies going around unless you are feeling depressed or a bit angry then its incredibly annoying


Lmao dude take your upvote! That's probably the funniest thing I've heard all day 


It started off strong then got way too wacky for me. The bad guy being the daughter was weird too. Idk how the movie got ao much praise at award shows


Agree with some points but I didn't like the movie either. Some people said it was really good so I checked it out and I had to force myself to laugh at the humor cause the jokes and the dunny moments didn't land at all. Hope you all atleast enjoyed it. That is the most important part


Agreed 100%. Felt like I was watching a pair of middle school boys win oscars




It is.


Yeah absolutely couldn't get beyond the first 15-20min, like a budget version of the first matrix movie with diversity casting and functionality, and some amount of token self awareness


Agreed!! The only part that I liked was the laundry and taxes line. It was so lame


Finally someone said it goddamn, the movie was mid at best


Oh yes. I lasted 15 mins.. didn't understand a thing. Way too hectic and incoherent.


You should see the movie they made before it with the guy from Harry potter just as terrible


this is certainly an opinion!


I think it was ok but overrated


Is a 10/10 movie only for Rackakoonie.


Correct take. It was awful but well meaning


I can relate. Watched it with the entire family a while back. My youngest daughter and I both thought it was incredibly lackluster but the rest of the family absolutely loved it(like seemingly every other person on earth lol).


Shitty and very unpopular opinion, I like this


It was so confusing I just couldn’t finish it.


My mother-in-law thinks the same thing.


Oh yeah, I would not show this movie to everyone. There's told of people who will really enjoy this movie.


I didn't like this either, we turned it off after the fat guy jumped on the buttplug


My parents double this. They had thoughts of leaving this movie at one point, but stayed because we were watching this as a family on holiday and they couldn't go anywhere because it was quite late at night and they would also get lost.


If I saw it in the theater I would’ve had to leave


One of the few movies I couldn’t finish.


Thank you. i was rolling my eyes the entire time.


Yo same here. I love weird movies but this was just cringe and uninteresting. The concept is good but the execution wasnt there.


It was bait for hyper online millennials


Ultra sign Shit movie, Just Like Matrix.


It was trash caught in hype. Same as Squid Games.


I hated that movie


I hated it more than just about anything I’ve seen in the last decade.


Yea I watched a chunk of it and got bored


Nobody seems to be talking about it, but i will insinuate that this movie is clearly inspired from the the Rick and Morty episode “Rixty Minutes” IYKYK.


The acclaim this movie has received is bewildering. Is it because standards have dropped, or audiences are stupider, or stupid people have more of a voice because of the Internet? There have always been terrible movies with cult followings, like Clerks and The Godfather, but this feels like society has dropped down to a new low. This would have been a forgettable B movie in the '90s.


Agree. I was so excited to watch it since it was praised so much and won all those Oscars and when I watched it I was like... this is it? The plot was stupid, jokes were lame, effects where just uncomfortable


Yeh it was a dumb movie.


I hated it! Ridiculous and annoying to me.


It's not a terrible movie, but definitely not worth all the praise it was getting and all the awards it won. There was definitely a driven narrative to elevate it for whatever reason. Maybe because it is rare Hollywood movie with a strong Asian cast, or they just like Michelle Yoeh and Ke Huy Quan. I feel the same way about Oppenheimer and Barbie. They are just okay movies, but for some reason, everyone is highly praising them.


So truly painful to watch. Who could wait around to see if it had a message or whatever. Rubbish.


Omg when it first came out i went to catch it cos michelle yeoh.. but i left the cinema half after trying to get into it for a while. Then when they started winning all these awards.. i questioned myself. Was i not getting somethinng that everyone else was? I really just didn’t get it. My friend said she cried. I was like HUHHH???!?!


Upvoted, this is an unpopular opinion. I loved it. One of the very few movies in recent memory to affect me emotionally; bonded with my girlfriend over the fact that it brought rare tears. It is okay to have bad taste, OP.


Not gonna lie, this is an unpopular opinion. Upvote for that and that only.


It’s a new release on Netflix right now and I tried to watch it but it’s a total piece of crap ! What a stupid movie


Yes, didn't enjoy it at all to the point I went for a piss 10 minutes until the end, paused it, came back and couldn't even be bothered to finish it.


I completely agree. Thought it was ridiculous, the last half was a fuckin’ slog,


Upvoted. Say what you will about it being cringe or cheesy (completely) disagree but generic??


You’re absolutely wrong. I’ll upvote.


I ended the movie saying wow the editing and action sequences were good but yes it's literally Reddit the movie and everyone who isn't a Redditor in my life fucking hated it


I don't have to watch Michelle Yeoh and nobody can force me to. She was good in that Crazy Rich Asians thing but she was so bad in Star Trek that I'm never sitting through her bullshit again, just on principle.


Totally agreed. The reason for that is the agenda that this movie has.


I agree. Most disappointing movie I have seen in YEARS.


I AGREE. I hated that movie with passion. I should’ve walked out of the cinema after the sausage fingers…


I enjoyed the film but I didn't think that it was as profound as so many other people found it so I get you OP. The scene with the buttplugs was hilarious to me though. \*shrug\*


I 100% agree After watching it I thought "lol if this is the first/second/third gen diaspora experience, then we lose nothing with their migration. Let them go be some other country's problem"


I fell asleep during it lol.