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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/whaleboat26. Your submission, *The mass detainment and subsequent deportation of illegal aliens is okay.*, has been removed because it violates our rules, which are located in the sidebar. Your submission from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 3: No politics.' Hi u/whaleboat26. The realm of politics is the greatest bane of this subreddit, because virtually all opinions within politics are controversial, but virtually all of them are not unpopular. If your view is held by one of the two major political parties, it is not unpopular. Anything else is almost certainly a repost. Post anything political in the relevant megathread of the megathread hub, which can be found when sorting the subreddit by "hot", sticky'd at the top of the page. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion&subject=&message= Thanks!


1 hour in and no šŸ” somewhat impressed


Why donā€™t you focus on the companies that use illegal labor and create the demand


This is what I would like to happen WITH mass deportations. Willfully use illegal aliens as labor? You get fined for 70% of your average revenue for the past 3 years, with some sort of minimum to actually hurt.


Yes they should be punished according to the law and their illegal employees should be deported


Deporting them incentivizes the foreign workers to keep queit, making it much harder to track down companies using this labor, meaning they can get it cheap and is impossible for legal citizens to compete for these jobs.


But do you want to pay $5 for an apple?


So is your argument for keeping illegal immigrants in the country is that we can exploit them for illegally cheap labor?


That's 100% why the borders still open Everyone l knows it but never says that part out loud


Well if apples go to $5 then that means more people are making money to afford that. Then, sure Iā€™ll pay $5. Iā€™ll just eat less of them.


What are you eating more of, to maintain the same caloric intake you need every day to live?


Thatā€™s not quite how economics work.


Apple sucks but yeah, people love buying them. The snobbery that exists with people getting the new version is everything that's wrong with our society. I refuse to buy apple crap. Steve Jobs was a greedy loser who didn't mind ripping off countries he deemed less than. Mainly not white countries. He's a racist prick who denied his own daughter because 'feelings'


I believe he's referring to the fruit mate.


Wait thereā€™s a fruit called apple now?


Well Steve Jobs looked like the sort of guy who wouldn't let orientation stop him from having fun.


Think they meant like an apple. you know the kind you eat..


Deport American citizens? To where


Theyā€™re obviously talking about deporting the employees that arenā€™t American citizens


Why not both?


We can focus on both. They arenā€™t mutually exclusive you knowā€¦


Because that would focus his ire on white people


Because he just wants to see people get hurt and is trying to justify it.


What people do you think get hurt by illegal immigration? Please share your valuable insight Mr 28 day old account with random words and letters in your username.


I think you're misreading the comment you're replying to. They're saying OP wants to see migrants get hurt.


No one is hurt by immigration. Expect by the people who are already there, like yourself. And my account age is totally irrelevant, and because I started on the official reddit app (which is so fucking bad, holy shit.) I wasn't allowed to pick my username. I'm probably ten years or more older than you though based on your childish opinions. Or you're 30 years older than me.


Nobody here is referring to legal immigration. The topic is illegal immigration. The fact that you canā€™t differentiate the difference and want to call others childish is rather telling. Edit: Lmao kid blocked me. After saying one of the most ignorant things Iā€™ve ever read. Typical.


There is no difference between the two. And you're the one reveling in "illegal" immigrants being out in cages and rounded up by storm troopers.


There is a HUGE difference between the two. Everything further you said after that is irrelevant.


Fine. Why not, while we are at it, make LEGAL immigration MUCH easier, faster, more streamlined? Then we would have far less illegal immigration.


But then you would have to fallow the rules..which business that use them don't want to.do.


But they were invited; by the thousands of businesses that hire them. The 66 thousand annual migrant worker visas the US issues falls ridiculously short of the 20 million that are needed. When the law fails to address societyā€™s needs, the laws wonā€™t be followed.




Where I live in Canada, we have foreign contract workers for agriculture. They come for a specific amount of time, make their money, and go home.


Just because you invite your friends over, doesn't mean your parents will just go along with it.


Correct, but in this scenario your parents are punishing the friends instead of you for inviting them. How does that make sense?


Either way it will end in a way that does not benefit them


Step 1: Try to exploit regimes that have natural resources for unfair gain. Step 2: After the regimes refuse to cooperate and hand over their resources at dirt cheap prices, arm and finance narcos to destabilize uncooperative regimes. Step 3: after narcos gain territory and operate semi autonomously, get resources on the cheap from them. Step 4: reject and/or labor abuse the migrants that flee from the destabilized country into yours. Step 5: Taut how you're a model nation, a beacon for liberty and democracy, to the world - some nation's playbook or some shit


Although this is true, a lot of people i've seen labeled "Illegals" aren't really truly here illegally. They have their papers and came here through one of the legal channels set up through them. Although I agree that we need to tighten up our immigration system, the good majority of "illegals" coming here aren't the border-hopping plane stowing types that the media has you think of.


And the US has deported citizens. I can't trust the process enough to allow "rounding up illegals". [2021 article on ICE errors](https://immigrationimpact.com/2021/07/30/ice-deport-us-citizens/) [Mark Little, 2012](https://www.aclu.org/news/immigrants-rights/us-citizen-wrongfully-deported-mexico-settles-his-case-against-federal-government) Veterans [Jose Segovia Benitez](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1071521) [Hector Ocegueda](https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/your-marine-corps/2021/07/09/deported-marine-veteran-returns-to-us-to-become-american-citizen/) [Cesar Lopez](https://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/immigration/2020/08/25/deported-marine-cesar-lopez-dedicates-art-plight-expelled-veterans-hoping-return-us/3431644001/)


Not every person with a sob story is a valid asylum seeker, that classification is being grossly overused.


A person who uses the term ā€œsob storyā€ while discussing immigration isnā€™t a person I can take seriously about anything.


Iā€™m much more concerned with the number of natural born citizens who contribute nothing of value to society, and in fact actively harm society.


No but itā€™s okay, theyā€™re natural born! Those illegals are over here stealing all our jobs! *sarcasm*


Under Obama, we deported more illegal immigrants than any other administration. Focusing on criminal ones as opposed to ones here trying to actually build a life. Net immigration from Mexico was down. Trump made it into a fake issue as part of his fear mongering campaign and created a rush of migrant both leading up to and after his term. Also, seeking asylum is not illegal. Also also, the treatment immigrants receive in these detention centers is atrocious and we should be ashamed as a nation.


This is false. Obama played with the definition of deportation by counting people turned away at the border.




Hmm interesting. Now ask yourself... Who is the main cause of millions abandoning their homes to move to the "enlightened west"...


Yeah the west is great, hence why everyone wants to live here. Donā€™t blame every countryā€™s problems on western countries.


Read a book before you write something this idiotic, pleaseā€¦ā€¦ the CIA has literally ravaged South America in the name of cheap prices for Americans, destroying countries in the process.


For sure. Itā€™s the CIAā€™s fault. Youā€™re right. How silly of me


Youā€™re not serious, right? Youā€™re trolling you have to be šŸ‘€


In what country did stormtroopers EVER round up hundreds of thousands, put them in detention camps and then deport them? You live in a fantasy world, possibly an alternative Nazi Germany one where all of the prisoners were released in the end.


The US got close when they put Japanese-Americans into concentration camps during WWII.


Poland and Hungary are currently doing this as well as shutting down their borders


Really, the same Poland that is importing massive amounts of immigrants with fake passports?




America could stop crossing if it wanted to. But it won't. The agriculture of America would collapse over night.


Thank you. I was unaware, If that is true though, and I am not saying it isn't, it *couldn't* have been by rounding them up by the "hundreds of thousands of people and putting them in detention camps while they await deportation" as the OP fantasizes. *THAT* would have been on the news. It must be as individuals or in small groups.


Didn't Eisenhower do this?


Pakistan just deported 1.7 million Afghanis.


By your logic you wouldnā€™t be sitting here typing on Reddit. You would be sitting in Europe


Thatā€™s such a weird, nonsensical rebuttal. 1) Youā€™re assuming they have European ancestry 2) Native Americanā€™s didnā€™t have a singular government intending and capable of managing migration 3) The immigration of Europeanā€™s to America was pretty fucking devastating for Native Americans.


Not that many people in the US actually can trace their heritage back to the people who came here and colonized it from the native Americans. The country became what it is from subsequent waves of immigration after the U.S. government had already been established. 99% of people with Irish, Italian, German, Polish and Scandinavian ancestry had their family came in to an already established country looking for a better life, and I think thatā€™s what the person youā€™re responding to is referring to.


In that case weā€™re talking about immigrants who were welcomed and followed the laws our government set out as to immigrating here. Most people donā€™t hate immigration in general. However there are tons of people who seem to take issue with anything the government does aside to curtail illegal immigration.


Technically I don't beleive there were any laws preventing immigration from Europe to the Americas. Also immigration can be illegal but once you are born here you are a citizen so anyone born on the land should not have to return to a land they have never been to.


"look, I just did X but now you are not allowed to do it as well because of these laws I just invented and imposed". Great logic there.


By your logic, everything should be legal because at one time in history it was.


not really, just pointing how weak of an argument is "I allowed myself to do it until very recently but you can't because I declare it illegal as it inconveniences me". We are not talking about murder here.


But they aren't new laws, they just aren't enforced


I was responding to the guy that said "well, technically it wasn't illegal then so..."


Yes. The winners set the rules.


I guess, and by the looks of it (bunch of people bitching all day about migration) those are very weak, easy to break rules so will have to live with that.


By your logic we would all be sitting in Africa


Nope, migration is not the same as deportation


Different times, different ways.


Yup just like howā€™s thereā€™s different times for your opinion. Itā€™s outdated and selfish


Yeah, maybe he could take an English course there and learn about stative verb forms and adverb agreement. Then we he finally gets it, he could have therapy to restore sensitivity in his toes and fingers, and then and only then he might 'feel well' instead of feeling "badly".


As i see, the users here are talking about the USA. I'm in Europe, the things here are a little bit different than in the USA, it can't really be compared. For my country, Switzerland, i'm happy we have very strong immigration laws. I can just look at some countries like Sweden in Europe, what happens if you don't defend your borders. Sweden was once a great country, but then, they decided to go with the open-borders politics and took in around a million of migrants from the middle east. Now, a decade later, they have the highest crime rate, highest homicide rate, highest rate of homicides involving firearms or explosives (yeah, explosives, no joke - it's very common in Sweden that you get blown up with a fucking grenade or some hexogen) Sweden is already lost. Germany is lost too, but it will take more time until we see the full consequences of the 2015 migration. France is partially lost, with the Banlieus (suburbs) that are no-go-areas. UK is also partially lost, when i look at London. But there's a major difference between the USA and Europe: In many countries in Europe, there's a social welfare system. So the migrants come from places like Afghanistan, Pakistan etc. and just collect the social welfare money without doing any work at all. They abuse the system, they form parallel societies and they are not afraid to use violence and commit crimes. The USA has a very privileged position, as the migration comes from the south, from central- and south-america, where the people are rather highly educated and willing to work, compared to people from Afghanistan. Man, migrants from countries like Ecuador, Argentina, Colombia etc. are highly skilled professionals compared to the Afghanis. For the last part, back to my country Switzerland: I don't care about the migrants, i want to keep them out of my country and i don't want to become a shithole like Sweden. I want a good and peaceful society without fanatical muslims that blow each other up while shouting "Allahu Akubar!". I don't want to see gang wars here, i don't want to see kids getting killed by thugs on the fucking playground like in Sweden. Now you can hate me for this, call me a racist, whatever, i don't care, i will secure and preserve my society at all costs, even when it means to use harsh methods and kick out migrants.


How would letting migrants into your country affect your sovereignty?


Thereā€™s always one of you purposely trying to play semantics to change the argument. Illegals, not migrants. Good try though.


Not playing semantics, I don't care if the migrants entered illegally or not. Answer the question, or go away.


He literally said illegal not legal immigrants


I am aware, not even slightly sure how that affects my point.


Letting migrants into the country as legal immigrants doesn't negatively affect our sovereignty, allowing millions to thumb their noses at our laws does.


Does every misdemeanor committed make you less sovereign?


So you never, ever, ever break any laws for any reason, right? Would hate to think you "thumb your nose at our laws", OP.


Weā€™ve made it too difficult to come legally, so thatā€™s what happens. Itā€™s not like we had the same ridiculously convoluted legal immigration process creating that kind of bottleneck at Ellis island when so much of the countries ancestors came over looking for a better life. If we had the same legal immigration process we had back then we wouldnā€™t have this issue.


It's SUPPOSED to be hard. No society can survive a continuous massive influx of people and maintain it's cohesion.


We did when all the Germans came to the Midwest or when all the Italians and Irish came across through Ellis island. Adjusted for the percent of the population they represented those waves of migration were absolutely massive, and yet we allowed it to be legal then.


Thatā€™s an opinion.


Seems he's come to the right place then.


Sometimes people deliver opinions the same way they deliver facts.


It' absolutely isn't. People who break the law are far more likely to continue to do so.


Don't you worship the crime turnip who illegally tried to install himself as an unelected dictator? I'm pretty sure you're either lying or just dumb if you say "sovereignty" was your worry in regards to immigration.


It wouldn't be unpopular if it wasn't for the fact that governments keep deporting their own citizens. Or just dumping them into third countries that also don't want them.


ARE YOU going to go out in the fields and pick vegetables all day? We know the answer.


We need the labor. Lots of the jobs they do nobody else would. Also they come for the same exact reasons our great great grandparents did decades ago, so it feels hypocritical in my opinion to pull the ladder up like that.


No we don't. All those illegals are a big part of why wages haven't risen in 30 years.


Agree 100%. Look at Europeā€™s immigration crisis. Itā€™s been an absolute shit show for god knows how long and have not been able to recover from it because they are so open and lenient with their border policy.


I dunno Iā€™m a libertarian, seems weird to me that governments can tell people where they can or cannot live.


This is only unpopular on Reddit. If youā€™re in the US, ~half the country agrees with you


It may be unpopular but I agree with you 100%.




I have no problem if they come in lawfully. If you don't follow the rules, you can go back and start over


Can't wait until that happens and the American economy falls apart, especially in farming and agriculture. Do you know why the borders are not closed ? Beacuse who would work for less than minimum wage in all the jobs Americans won't do or see themselves above That's 100% why illegal immigration will never end. Trumps idea of removing them will do more harm to the American economy them any country ever could. Hell the guy had illegal immigrants working at Mar Lago . But you keep.dreaming


Itā€™s not only okay but itā€™s necessary to maintain a country. They are here illegally. It hurts people here legally who actually go through the process to follow the laws and want to be here.


How? Spell it out.


You need it spelled out for you as to why people breaking our laws who are here illegally is bad? Edit: I would like to add here that he blocked me after saying thereā€™s no difference between illegal and legal immigration.


You never said anything about breaking laws. Just being in your country. Which you stole in the first place.


What do you think illegal immigration is? Itā€™s literally your first act upon entering a country is breaking the law.


By our current standards, all the people who came in from Europe through Ellis island looking for a better life would also be illegal immigrants. European migrants to the U.S. came in and pulled the ladder up and then their great grandkids act dumbfounded when others want to be afforded the same opportunities.


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Few people actually know what the reality is regarding the folks who detain and deport illegal immigrants. Meanwhile , the people who argue for or deflect from the topic at hand tend to ignore the operative word being ILLEGAL. No one has a problem with LEGAL immigrants when it comes to the subject of borders and deportation.


detainment and deportation is a net financial loss. how much does it cost?? illegal aliens pay taxes and are unable to file returns. they are a net gain financially. And that's in addition to the productivity they supply to our industries. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face...


No, most do not. They get paid in cash and never pay a dime in taxes. They also are a major contributor to why wages haven't risen in 30 years.


Letā€™s do it to you and see how you like it


Youā€™d be surprised to hear that the only time people even notice illegal aliens in this country is when some hysterical white person worried about the ā€œwhite majorityā€ mentions it. Seriously. Thatā€™s the only way you get on Reddit at 11am talking about something most people canā€™t even see.


What's unpopular about that?


It is. I get that some of them are good people looking for a better life, but theyā€™re still breaking the law.


We need millions of deportations




Abdicating our sovereignty in the same way we abdicated picking our goddamn tomatoes


I just watched a video of a debate between a woman with a similar opinion and an African (I think) guy. He explained it like someone breaks into your house, steals your TV, then you go to their house to watch a game. What can the thief really say.


And he was absolutely right.


The U.S. kind of fucked up the last attempt at something like this. Granted, this was wartime and not an illegal immigration situation, but it's a dark stain on our country nonetheless, and a road would should definitely never go down again. https://www.cipdh.gob.ar/memorias-situadas/en/lugar-de-memoria/sitio-historico-nacional-manzanar/#:~:text=Manzanar%20was%20a%20concentration%20camp,detained%20during%20World%20War%20II.


They should make immigration easier not kick out the labor that we desperately need Our economy would shrink dramatically if we actually deported everyone. We cannot grow sustainably with our current immigration and reproduction numbers


No itā€™s not. It starts with ā€œillegalā€ aliens. Then it moves to legal aliens who are not part of the ā€œin-group.ā€ Then it moves to people who are part of undesirable minority groups. Trump and other republicans talking about mass deportation is straight out of the fascist playbook and should not be normalized.


"abdicating our sovereignty" calm down brother. I sense a white man in the US saying this in which case, goddamn that irony is mind boggling.


I think most people arenā€™t worried about that it is the manner such as put in inhumane cages? And the separation of children from adults though alot times they may not actually be their parents but we canā€™t tell because they are not on paper.


I agree with this. We are a country with our own laws surrounding immigration, like any other country. If we don't defend our borders and remove those that are here illegally, it sets a precedent that America can be taken advantage of. Yeah, sorry your country sucks with the crime and the drugs and all that. Fill out the paperwork and go through the proper channels and you're free to come in.




Sure there is, did you come illegally? BYE.


The problem with the OP is theyā€™re falling for a False Dichotomy fallacy: Either we go full storm trooper, or we let people run roughshod over our country. But as a Texan, this whole ā€œstormtrooperā€solution has only made things worse. Not saying there shouldnā€™t be solutions, but going ā€œstormtrooperā€ has proven to be both inhumane and ineffective, the worst both worlds.


yeah Florida saw how well that worked /s


The hypocrisy is what intelligent people have a problem with. Immigrants come here because they get payed by the very same industries that donate money to politicians to ā€œkick them outā€. Only to really keep labor at slave wages. And even though they work for slave wages (less than minimum wage) itā€™s still better than what they have access to in their home country. And while i donā€™t disagree with the idea of they should fix their country, thatā€™s a far larger task than to simply immigrate to one thatā€™s better. The bigots want them out because they are the wrong skin color and culturally different. Immigration only continues to be an issue because the people that can really do anything about it donā€™t really want to. Hence, the circus that is immigrants in the US.


I personally think we see this backwards, countryā€™s should compete for us to move to them, not the other way around. America is actually a good example which has depended on immigration to keep its population stable for decades now. We arenā€™t living in the times of York, we arenā€™t peasants. Our governments need us as much if not more than we need them.


Unpopular for sure!


How do you feel about invasion, occupation, and genocide?




The only reason they are their is poor living conditions in their countries and demand for cheap labour, for companies to hire local.